poll: strangest requests?

okay.....strangest request granted......ex-g/f tie her up and lick her ENTIRE body and tickle her feet. while dressed in her lingerie..

Request denied......same ex wanted to fuck while high on X...... I dont do that.
Hmmm... can't think of any requests made OF me that I granted or refused. I've always been, how shall I say it, the aggressive type when it comes to sex. I could never stand to wait around for the guys to get the balls to ask me to dance/date/etc so I asked them.

I did ask a guy to cum on my tits once, and he was MORTIFIED! :eek:

I couldn't believe he was refusing, thought it was the funniest thing ever. Boys. Sometimes you just can't figure them out. :cool:
ah now i remember one. not sure if that is really so strange i found it a bit weird though - one guy wanted me to bite his dick during oral sex. i mean, really bite into it strongly. i did it but it felt creepy somehow, i was worried i might bite too strong and really hurt him.
taolanes said:
He wanted you to actually chomp on it? Now that's....interesting

I've known several men who didn't mind it, although they didn't have a chance to ask since I like to do it anyway. I like the way it makes hubby gasp and squirm. He has never once asked me to stop.

Oh, now I guess I should answer the original question!

Granted: request to bring over a girlfriend to share with a male friend.
But that was in payback for a request of mine he fulfilled previously...

Denied: Hmm, only thing I can really think of was the time a boyfriend wanted to piss on me, I think for him it was more of power thing than sexual but I let him know I wasn't into that with him.
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i'm all for ferocity and passion, but that isn't something i would think i'd like.
