Pop Culture and Poetry

Nah, I think like all curmudgeons, Eliot and Graves were stewing in their credentials and TSE decided that Graves' poem best get read so that the public could decide.


Don't think so, after all Eliot was the publisher at Fabers and had the yea or nay as to whether "The White Goddess" should be published at all ... three other publishers had already rejected it. I prefer to think that Eliot whilst he had good reason to be peeved with Graves was independent enough to recognise how remarkable it was.

Perhaps accidentally Eliot ensured that Graves is remembered best not for writing poetry but for writing (this )book about poetry.:)
I'm glad you (and Chip!) like the poem. When I was thinking about what I wanted to say, the Simon song kept running through my head--even though I was not strictly writing about how to leave your lover. I decided to go with it, but just that one reference, which I hoped would add to the tone I was trying to establish: its gentle insistence and soft surety if that makes sense. I do think to use more would have been too much and made the poem about the song instead of about saying goodbye.
Electronic Cigarette
E Cigarette