Post Your Breasts With Size - Ver 5

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Have a great Valentines Day!! :heart:

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!

I always enjoy seeing your 34Ds Tali!!!!:heart::kiss:

The bra I'm wearing is 38D but is a bit too big so maybe 38C.


  • phpedxuMCAM.jpg
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want to read a a great book.. has it all.

emotion.... love.. love lost.. betrayal.... love found... war... and perhaps murder... I loved it. In fact I am going to read it again.
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Omg. Seriously. Seriously. 7am on a Sunday is just too early for this and the thread just got back on track. I do hope some people find this terribly amusing though. I am caught been death stare and laughing at the absurdity myself.

And no Lindsey Pelas, Beth Lily, and Tosh still have not sent me my new screensaver. Those bastards.
Omg. Seriously. Seriously. 7am on a Sunday is just too early for this and the thread just got back on track. I do hope some people find this terribly amusing though. I am caught been death stare and laughing at the absurdity myself.

And no Lindsey Pelas, Beth Lily, and Tosh still have not sent me my new screensaver. Those bastards.

:rolleyes: Certainly amused me. Lol
the full fontal of my avatar

Oh dear me... Some fake accounts at least give us a few minutes of work before discovering the truth. Thank you for making us see it in 2 seconds, with your horribly botched Photoshopped avatar. Among other things. A 10 y/o kid would have done better... :rolleyes:
Oh dear me... Some fake accounts at least give us a few minutes of work before discovering the truth. Thank you for making us see it in 2 seconds, with your horribly botched Photoshopped avatar. Among other things. A 10 y/o kid would have done better... :rolleyes:

I think it was done in Paint because it looks like crap. :D
Omg. Seriously. Seriously. 7am on a Sunday is just too early for this and the thread just got back on track. I do hope some people find this terribly amusing though. I am caught been death stare and laughing at the absurdity myself.

And no Lindsey Pelas, Beth Lily, and Tosh still have not sent me my new screensaver. Those bastards.

Aaaah, I just saw that those are the Models our Photo editing artist has used as bases for his master pieces! Sorry, I did not understand at first!
the full fontal of my avatar

well, first kudos to you for changing your avatar picture from pretending to be a random non consenting woman who just happened to be standing on a beach, holding a wallet, and offering a hand up to some, to at least a woman who is posing is a step up. Ms blue bikini did not ask for that, and by doing that, you are a giant douchewaddle

one thing you will find in Ampics is that everyone is big on consent. A man posts pictures of his girlfriend or wife, he will be asked if she provided consent to be posted here. That is what I love about ampics users and what I find most offensive about you. It isn't the lying or fraud, though that is a douche move too, it is that you have often posted groups of dressed girls or singular dressed girls who did not provide consent to being the face of the most fucked up dude in america's pervy porn game.

I could fly off the handle again, but I have to make breakfast for my family, so please just sit back and read page 21 again, starting from the first post. I linked it for you in case your literacy and counting skills are equivalent to your photoshop skills and opinions on the intelligence of the members of lit.

this also goes for the dudes that still haven't figured out he is a dude posting other peoples pictures.

next kudos for then realizing you didn't photoshop the picture and avi you just posted enough, so you butchered another one better, changed your avi, and deleted the picture.

and fuck did you really butcher this avi. You are most likely correct in thinking I can't match that. I will edit page 21 with others I have matched at some point, as well as these today if I succeed, because obviously some people still just don't get it.

but I reiterate, every time you show on ampics, I will call you out.

I am a reasonable woman, if you are a woman, call my gif with your own gif. I know justadesperatewifeandmom is really long, justa is fine. Or if you are going to get together with Lindsey Pelas, Tosh, Beth Lily and all the pros whose pictures you have stolen, please address Titty hate mail to Rachel. I would so love that, seriously screen saver everywhere.

If you continue to post stolen material here or pros, I will call you out every single time. If you are a douche that has issues with consent and amateurs, just go back to the GB. Maybe make an introduction post on the GB, include some of your pictures and videos. I will make popcorn.

Again, if you are really actually a woman, and not a man with a dick, just duplicate the gif anyone (because everything you say is lies, and no one will believe you without, including myself) own up to the truth, stop using non consenting females, just use yourself, and I will change my tune. people are sometimes assholes, everyone is. Just own up and correct it, and move forward.

Otherwise, continuing to be here, you are just a joke.

Plus side, I did learn there are people with titty writing fetishes. Just like sucking ones on nipples, I never knew. And you are giving me material for my next comedy skit, I can always use that. And you have given me dreams of my future screen saver. We all need dreams.

Wow! Incredible breasts😃😃

Jays, are you high? come on, please tell me you are high. or are you angling for titty hate mail, you can just ask.

:rolleyes: Certainly amused me. Lol

As it should, as it should. not sure which is funnier, him or me giving a fuck. I know, I should just laugh. but the ass cheerio just really pisses me off. He is totally my lit bitch eating crackers.

I put him on ignore long ago.

it is the smart thing to do, in most cases. I have a rule of never ignoring anyone though. seems crazy, but I am paranoid. Ignoring is a slippery slope, starting the habit, and using lit the way I do, well I could block someone who is worse than I expected. like I highly doubt someone would dox you, or report you to your boss, or spouse. I am more likely to earn that kind of treatment. Thus I keep my eyes wide open and block no one ever, that way I can see something coming and adjust as needed, not have to adjust on the fly
Oh dear me... Some fake accounts at least give us a few minutes of work before discovering the truth. Thank you for making us see it in 2 seconds, with your horribly botched Photoshopped avatar. Among other things. A 10 y/o kid would have done better... :rolleyes:

haha, he has actually been playing this game on lit for 2 years. started as a teen virgin touched for the very first time, and people still believe his shit. He doesn't normally enter ampics though, but the other places have some people getting too tired of his shit too.

I think it was done in Paint because it looks like crap. :D

this is almost as bad as the grass "oil" painting one.

Aaaah, I just saw that those are the Models our Photo editing artist has used as bases for his master pieces! Sorry, I did not understand at first!

there are many, I just picked on the two obvious ones that I recognized immediately. well and because I think Tosh is fucking adorable.

oh and I don't think I have spoken to you yet, and I see you are newer Hi. I am justanother boring cliche hanging out on lit looking for something to do. I swear that I am not this crazy ass bitch that goes around screaming and throwing cats at random women. I am a crazy ass bitch, but usually the fun kind. This cunt falafel is just my BEC, and I am trying to make him to uncomfortable to stay and pollute ampics threads like he does others. I swear I can be a nice person. I swear.
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