Post Your Breasts With Size - Ver 5

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First, a rant isn't a bad thing if it serves the public good. The dude's a twatwaffle.

Second, writing a "fuck you" on your own boobs shows remarkable talent and dedication. It certainly reinforces your argument! Besides, tits!

Finally, thanks. I had no intention of wanking to that blurry image, but the next one might have been as clear as his av. Thankfully the spank bank is full thanks to the Ladies of Lit.

Have a great day J.

twatwaffle, I need to use that more. I don't like to cause drama in other people's threads, but dude does not stop once in and I want to like it here, not be angry or cautious until he moves back to some other hole. especially since more people defend his theft than call him out, so that will take forever. It is really bizarre.

and well I am still hoping Lindsey and Tosh cuss me out on Lindsey's tits. though yes I do have a strong dedication to the ampics section of lit

I used washable marker this time, so waning in dedication. I have used dry erase, eyeliner, and lipstick for my hate mail, but all were really hard to get off.
Fred, let me first apologize for the drama I am about to cause on your thread, I tried to bite my tongue, I really did, but I can’t. I will take this down if you ask me (though I will give you some shit about it lol)

Cuppers, take your thievery, lies, and little dick out of the ampics section please, thanks. If you stay is this section, I will call you out each and every time.

Now for those who obviously are a little clueless, Cuppers is a dude, who steals pictures from other sites, tries to photoshop them to the point where reverse image search fails, and then pretends to be them.

IE big natural tits
big breast lovers

I could keep going and going, one just has to look at his history. This has been proven many many times over the past 2 years. He has stolen the images of no less than 8 women. Many are pros, so I don’t care, but some are not, and who he is stealing from still remains unidentified.
For example, Douchebag Cuppers posted a series of these (I am only sharing the clean one)

that was stolen from someone’s pinterest page. Don’t know whether it is a pro, or just a chick.

Then we have this, I will include screen shots as it is a pro, and he will delete it, as he always does when called out. He posts this video as himself all the time
the link in the post.

screenshots of the video

and guess who that is. Lindsey fucking Pelas and her dog Tosh.

Cuppers also routinely claims to own the tumblr page that is posted on. Jb0nez is a white man in his 30s in California who really likes big titties and plays video games. So not only are you stealing pictures from women and claiming to be them, you are stealing tumblr pages from dudes and claiming to be them.

Now really, I don’t care if the men here like wanking to a dude, I don’t care that you are a pathetic little liar who probably has a small dick. My problem is that you steal from not only other adult sites but social media as well, then reproduce those images pretending to be them. The problem with being next to a thief is they might take from you too. Are you stealing images from this thread and pretending to be these ladies on other forums out there? I know if I put things on this thread or others, they might be stolen, and I can’t control that, but flaunting our face in it is such a douche move. It is a big world, and you can have anything you want from it, but don’t take it from me. Maybe the other women who posted on this thread don’t mind a guy pretending to be them elsewhere. I don’t think I’d like it though.

You see, here, if someone doxes me, I will see it, and can react. But what if you steal our pictures, don’t photoshop them to hell enough, and someone thinks they are doxing you somewhere because they saw something in the background, and doxes me instead. Now, I don’t know it is happening and can’t get it removed. What if some unknown creeper tries to use that information? He knows what you post and not me, so he may not know that that will result in a bullet in his head. Then, I either have to dig a hole, which I hate digging, or dismember him and take his body parts across the street to the pig farm. I have done the math and they will consume a body in under an hour (there are 100s), but here is the problem. The pigs are owned and fed as vegans (fucked up, I know). What happens when a vegan eats meat? Don’t make me give the poor pigs tummy aches. Won’t you think about the pigs’ tummies?

Ok, yeah maybe I can’t prove you are a dude, but since you photoshop an ass ton of other women to shit, why not just photoshop yourself to shit rather than stealing from women? Why, because you don’t have anything womanly enough to even start with seems to be the only logical answer. No one with an IQ over 85 believes your shit. No, I can’t say who the person you just posted is, nor who your avi is, as you photoshopped them to hell so even if they were public, it will fail a reverse search, but I know they are stolen from someone, as that is all you do. Plus, the one you just posted, come on it is a spiral perm with a half up half down crown barrette. The 90s called, they want there hair back. That woman is probably 50 now.

But, open invitation to prove me wrong. I will be the first to admit I am wrong if you turn out to actually be Lindsey Pelas, or a chick at all. It is very easy.

See, only a minute in a busy office. Though writing on my tits was tougher than expected, the message is “fuck you Cuppers and your little dick”

Now if you can’t prove me wrong and show you are indeed 8 different women, every time you post in AM Pics, I will call you a liar and thief, and prove it. I don’t care about the liar, but I don’t stand to close to thieves. Are you even making sure you are stealing from adults? Please please prove me wrong, I'd love to be wrong, or just Fuck Off.

And for fucks sake's, would you people stop encouraging him by wanking off to him while telling him it is ok to spend the last 2 years lying and stealing because you don’t care he has a little dick. Maybe miss blue bikini didn’t want her picture stolen from her friends facebook page and her identity assumed on a porn site. That is not ok. Fuck Cuppers and fuck all the douches who come to defend this shit.

And again sorry Fred, but I just can’t stand next to a thief without at least saying so. Maybe the other women in the now chosen thread until he is run off don’t want to become the next Cuppers on some other forum elsewhere. But I will shut up if you want me to, it is your thread, if you have no issue with a lying thief, it is your decision.

any new ladies reading this, please don't let my rant discourage your posting, I do not go around attacking women, nor do most people here. I have never said anything bad about a women here, besides maybe slight friendly teasing of women I interact with who know I only do it because I love them. Just trust me, this douche deserves this message.

Oh, and back to the purpose of this thread, and bra size I am thinking is a 36M, wearing a 38L but clearly the cup is too small.

well that felt good. nothing to see here, please continue to your regularly scheduled viewing of people who actually wear bras.

👏👏👏👏 kudos to you!

Thank you! Way too much white knighting over the years on this fake.

Hopefully everyone will recognize this, move along and enjoy the true beautiful women here.
👏👏👏👏 kudos to you!

Thank you! Way too much white knighting over the years on this fake.

Hopefully everyone will recognize this, move along and enjoy the true beautiful women here.

well thank you. but does that mean you don't think Lindsey, Tosh, and Beth Lily April aren't going to get together and send me video hate mail on their tits? My dreams are crushed (come on who wouldn't want those chicks, together, writing anything to you on their tits, would totally be my screen saver on everything)

The defending him is weird, I mean ok, maybe by the newbies, but come on, he started here posing as a 19 year old virgin touched for the very first time or some shit, and posted group shots of teen girls just hanging out not trying to look sexy. any sexy shit was the shit the taint burger photoshopped in. Even if he did ask his 18 year old niece for the pictures, you can't tell me every teen girl in those were over 18. I once was actually a teen girl once, and trust me, the teen entourage contains a wide range of ages, it is very unlikely all were legal. Also, you can't tell me that every teenie bopper in those pictures gave their consent to have their perfectly normal picture from a friends birthday party or whatever posted on a porn site. Please, if you are going to wank to teenie boppers, at least make it consenting teenie boppers. Why do people support his right to do that. That is not OK. The pleasure should not be defending that creeper, kicking his ass would be the pleasure. Defend the teenie boppers instead of the dude.

I don't want him near me, he is way worse that the standard trolls. I don't want the stolen photoshopped teenie boppers instagram pics of them in sweaters appearing on the cleavage thread or teenie boppers in bathing suits in whatever summer thread, tank night gowns in chicks without bras, etc etc. While the photoshopping of the pros is weird, it is the fact he doesn't stick to pros, he steals from many places, lord only knows how many, and lord only knows where all he is running this same con. Yeah, y'all can keep that creepy perv over there on the GB, I will stick with the good kind of pervs over here. and I am not backing down until I get my Lindsey, Beth, and Tosh writing hate mail on their tits video and screen shots of consent of the teenie boppers in the group shots.

stop wanking to non consenting teen girls, stop saying it is ok. that is not ok. maybe they are legal, maybe not, but they are not consenting either way.

Also thank you Fred for giving me your blessing to stand on my soapbox in your thread. Again, sorry, this ass biscuit just really really pisses me off. (and yeah I am just irrational combining words to form insults at this point)
I'm thinking of starting a new fetish (Great Gifs Writing on Big Boobs).. But I wanted to ask your permission if I could start the thread with that awesome pic, which hopefully would serve as a great example for future pics.

haha, you want to lead with titty hate mail. are you sure you don't want my rendition of bad shark sci fi movies I did on my tits. stick figure drawings and sharknado and everything (yeah, you think I am joking don't ya, but I am oh so very serious). or I could write something deep and meaningful, like suck here with an arrow. there are many options, it is a pretty large canvas.
haha, you want to lead with titty hate mail. are you sure you don't want my rendition of bad shark sci fi movies I did on my tits. stick figure drawings and sharknado and everything (yeah, you think I am joking don't ya, but I am oh so very serious). or I could write something deep and meaningful, like suck here with an arrow. there are many options, it is a pretty large canvas.

haha, I'm serious, too.. I'm sure many would like to see it, and I'm serious about starting a new thread with boob-writing manifestos.
well thank you. but does that mean you don't think Lindsey, Tosh, and Beth Lily April aren't going to get together and send me video hate mail on their tits? My dreams are crushed (come on who wouldn't want those chicks, together, writing anything to you on their tits, would totally be my screen saver on everything)

Okay, trying not to be a White Knight this topic, but if you do get cussed out by Lindsey or any of the others via hate mail on their tits, will you share that with us? Or at least me? I promise to make the image my screensaver.

Watch out for low flying hate boobies.
I am now VERY curious to know where you write your love letters

well mainly my tits and stomach and thighs. often they contain arrows. Tried my ass, but I had to resort to post its. but I found they make printable temporary tattoo paper, so I must buy some, so maybe I get put notes on my ass too

haha, I'm serious, too.. I'm sure many would like to see it, and I'm serious about starting a new thread with boob-writing manifestos.

well where do you want to start the thread?

Okay, trying not to be a White Knight this topic, but if you do get cussed out by Lindsey or any of the others via hate mail on their tits, will you share that with us? Or at least me? I promise to make the image my screensaver.

Watch out for low flying hate boobies.

haha, it depends. My whole reasoning for thinking this dude is a colon cheerio comes down to consent. take his avi, the photoshopping is so bad that we can't guess on age, but we can see that she is just on a beach with a bunch of other people, holding her wallet, and offering someone a hand up. She has no idea her picture is even being taken, let alone her body would later be mangled, and used to dupe dumb asses as the face of busty barely legal porn freak. Maybe she is a teen offering to help her dad with bad knees up. Maybe she is a mom reaching for her daughter's hand to go buy her ice cream. Just because she had the audacity to go to a public beach in beach attire while looking like she does, is not implied consent for this.

Even if Lindsey and Beth have the audacity to go out in public looking pretty, and even if they send me hate mail on their tits, I will need to receive their consent to share it, as I am not a cunt nugget.

But I promise if Lindsey and Beth send me titty hate mail, I will ask for their consent to share it.

I would subscribe to that thread

well matt, you have your first subscriber
well mainly my tits and stomach and thighs. often they contain arrows. Tried my ass, but I had to resort to post its. but I found they make printable temporary tattoo paper, so I must buy some, so maybe I get put notes on my ass too

well where do you want to start the thread?

haha, it depends. My whole reasoning for thinking this dude is a colon cheerio comes down to consent. take his avi, the photoshopping is so bad that we can't guess on age, but we can see that she is just on a beach with a bunch of other people, holding her wallet, and offering someone a hand up. She has no idea her picture is even being taken, let alone her body would later be mangled, and used to dupe dumb asses as the face of busty barely legal porn freak. Maybe she is a teen offering to help her dad with bad knees up. Maybe she is a mom reaching for her daughter's hand to go buy her ice cream. Just because she had the audacity to go to a public beach in beach attire while looking like she does, is not implied consent for this.

Even if Lindsey and Beth have the audacity to go out in public looking pretty, and even if they send me hate mail on their tits, I will need to receive their consent to share it, as I am not a cunt nugget.

But I promise if Lindsey and Beth send me titty hate mail, I will ask for their consent to share it.

well matt, you have your first subscriber
well since I am the one who went and derailed this, I will try to add something on point, while not using any profanity.

36M us, 36J uk, from below

Any room here for another rookie... lol. For now I'll let the AV speak for itself.

40DD btw
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Have a great Valentines Day!! :heart:


  • close.jpg
    52 KB · Views: 40
Happy Valentine's Day.


Not sure of the size in the picture, but they are 40C now.
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