Prayers and thoughts needed.

Sarojaede said:
Thanks everyone. I know that all I can really do is lend an ear or a shoulder; sometimes it seems such a little thing to do that it's frustrating.

What amazes me the most is that in the middle of talking about his pain and fear of losing his wife last night, this former student gave me the best damn compliment that a student ever has. Hmmm...that's going in the WFS thread later.

Your wlcome S, J :) ;) :rose:
Sarojaede said:
Thanks everyone. I know that all I can really do is lend an ear or a shoulder; sometimes it seems such a little thing to do that it's frustrating.

What amazes me the most is that in the middle of talking about his pain and fear of losing his wife last night, this former student gave me the best damn compliment that a student ever has. Hmmm...that's going in the WFS thread later.
Trust me, it's no small thing. :rose:
Well looks like we are there for the long haul.
Poss had a scan on Fri to check the growth of "Little Feet", it's doing ok but the doc is concerned that LF is in the bottom centile for its age and has basically ruled out sending Poss back to our hospital. *sigh* Although he did relax a little bit when we told him that both the boys were under 6lb when born, the fact that she has small babies could mean that LF is just small, rather than the placenta not doing its job properly. She is still losing fluid ( to be expected since her membranes ruptured) every few days, but other wise things are looking ok. It appears LF has a bit of a liking for Meatloaf ( the singer not the meal), Poss said she was listening to him last night and LF was really getting down. :D At the moment the status is quo and the longer thay stay together the better.

On the home front some friends of ours have cut their holiday short to come and lend a hand, although I am managing the day to day stuff ok, the fact that I work nights three times a week leaves me physically exhausted and short tempered, not to mention that we drive 30 mins to my sis's place on those nights so the kids can sleep there. Anyway with the friends staying at our place on those nights I can actually get a sleep before work and not have to rush back to take my eldest to school in the morning( 30 mins from sis's place vs 2 min from home ) plus I will also be able to pick up the little one and take him to kinder which he has missed out on a bit due to the fact that it would have meant two extra trips into town.

Well that's all I've got for now although I am available for a Q 'n' A. :D
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quoll said:
Trust me, it's no small thing. :rose:


Logically, I know this, but I still wish there were more I could do for them.

I'm glad to hear that the status is quo for Possy and Little Feet. :) That moniker just makes me smile. While I know you would like her to be closer to home--your local hospital--I am assured that she is in the best of care and that the baby appears to be doing well even if a little small.

That is too cool that the baby rocked out to Meatloaf.

:rose: :rose:

Give her hugs for us all and keep some for yourself too.
Verbiwhore said:
Quoll... My respect for you knows no bounds.

I second that!

Everyday that mom and baby stay together is one more day for Little Feet to grow. I'm so glad to hear that things are going as well as can be expected. It sucks greatly that we seem to be separated by this little pond called the Pacific Ocean. Otherwise, I'd be making a pest of myself, asking what I could do to help. Trust me, I can be very pushy when I have a mind to. :eek:

{{{{{all the quolls, biggest to littlest}}}}} :rose:
Thank you all :eek: I'm no hero, in fact I could probably fill up a few pages in the guilt thread about myself over the last few weeks.
That said, I couldn't get through any of this without the help and support I have had from my Possy and family and friends. Lit has been my little oasis, my bit of "me" time, I can't begin to describe just how much this place has helped, no, not true, just how much my friends here have helped, it's given me somewhere to laugh, to cry, it's made me realise that I'm neither alone nor the only one who is having a hard time, hell I'm not sure what I'm trying to say except that it helps, it really does.
Scalywag said:
Little Feet....what a great name; that put a big grin on my face.

I'm glad you have some friends helping you out quoll. It would be tough enough, even if you didn't work nights.

Let me see if I can get this right:

You're a dag, quoll!
I'm assuming you like me, so yeah I'll accept that meaning of it. :D

You're welcome Mr Wag.
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Scalywag said:
Yeah, not the "wad of shit on a sheep's ass" definition.....the one that's supposed to be good. "a good bloke" IIRC
Likewise my friend.
Btw I was just winding you up with the small text, it's fixed now. ;)
Quoll my apologies I didn't even realize this was going on.

Canada is a long way from where you are but hang in there and if ya need to yell or whatever send me a PM or email or whatever.
Missing you, Quili. I hope all is well with Poss and the wee one. Kiss the boys for me. Miss you!! :kiss: :rose: :heart:
Possy is having an induction tomorrow, all is well but they are not happy with LF's growth and feel it will be better for all if he/she is born now.
Right now I'm trying to remain calm, I'll be driving down about 3:am tomorrow, hopefully I'll have some good news and photos when i get back.
Keep 'em crossed folks.
I don't know what prompted me to get up and wander onto lit in the middle of the night, but I am glad I did.

Quoll, I've whispered an extra prayer on swift wings. And I'm keeping everything I've got crossed.
quoll said:
Possy is having an induction tomorrow, all is well but they are not happy with LF's growth and feel it will be better for all if he/she is born now.
Right now I'm trying to remain calm, I'll be driving down about 3:am tomorrow, hopefully I'll have some good news and photos when i get back.
Keep 'em crossed folks.

I've got everything crossed that I know of. Continued prayers for LF's safe arrival are winging heaven-ward.
Adding my prayers for the quoll family and it's latest addition.

As for the rest of you and the crossing bit....I am NOT spending my day with my eyes crossed! :)
Needless to say, you all have my prayers, quoll. We'll all be waiting to hear the good news.

Now, quoll, time for you to take some deep breaths to calm the nerves. :rose: