President Trump will be re-elected in 2020 and this is why...

Anyone see Bin Laden's corpse?

Exactly what was done with it was not disclosed, due to (quite reasonable IMO) concerns that his resting place, if known, might become a popular meeting place for budding terrorists. But that he is dead is not in dispute.
JKendallDane writes: "Deflection, obfuscation, and assuming facts not in evidence."

You're confused - you don't know whether or not to still like Arizona Democrat U.S. Senator Kyrsten Sinema - or not. If the progressives don't like her anymore, you're thinking that perhaps it's time for you to dump her by the wayside, as well. I get it.

Only thing I'm confused about, Dump, is in trying to figure out what you think you are actually accomplishing when you steal someone else's published and copyrighted words, do a C&P stunt where you change a couple words here and there, and then try passing it off as your own thoughts.

The fact that you never address the plagiarism point when it's brought up does provide a strong reason for the "intellectually dishonest" tag I keep pinning to your chest.

jp55665566 writes: "Because Elizabeth Warren is a documented phony."

Yes, she most certainly IS!

JKendallDane writes: "Only thing I'm confused about, Dump, is in trying to figure out what you think you are actually accomplishing when you steal someone else's published and copyrighted words, do a C&P stunt where you change a couple words here and there, and then try passing it off as your own thoughts."

Yes, that's quite confusing to me, as well! I can't help but notice how you NEVER disagree with anything IN those words, just that I happen to be repeating them in my posts! And that's good, because I WANT you to read & understand what they say!

"The fact that you never address the plagiarism point when it's brought up does provide a strong reason for the "intellectually dishonest" tag I keep pinning to your chest."

The person currently running for president who dropped out of the 1988 Democratic primaries due to charges of plagiarism is JOE BIDEN! Yes, it was former vice-president BIDEN who got caught plagiarizing other people's speeches! THIS probably explains why you dislike Joe Biden as much as you do, Jay-Kendall!
Yes, that's quite confusing to me, as well! I can't help but notice how you NEVER disagree with anything IN those words, just that I happen to be repeating them in my posts! And that's good, because I WANT you to read & understand what they say!

Don't confuse not responding with agreement. A lot of what you plagiarise is so over-the-top in its wrongness that it often just isn't worth trying to pick it apart. Especially not given your track record for continuing to repeat stuff we've debunked before, simply because you want it to be true.
YDB95 writes: "Don't confuse not responding with agreement. A lot of what you plagiarise is so over-the-top in its wrongness that it often just isn't worth trying to pick it apart."

JKendallDane hates what I post because it just makes too much sense!

He KNOWS it's the truth, and so he needs to come up with some reason for ignoring it, and that's where you find his raging against plagiarism. This also explains why he's so upset about former Vice President Joe Biden still leading in all of the Democratic Party presidential candidate polls! Biden was ousted in the 1988 campaign for exactly that: PLAGIARISM, and that fills Jay-Kendall with righteous outrage!

"Especially not given your track record for continuing to repeat stuff we've debunked before, simply because you want it to be true."

When have you actually debunked anything I've posted, YDB95? You tried unsuccessfully to deny that Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger spoke to KKK audiences by saying that she was probably confused about their long history of racist hatred. And then you argued that Republicans picking-up two U.S. Senate seats in the 2018 midterms actually hurt Trump because when Ruth Bader-Ginsburg now leaves the U.S. Supreme Court, those new G.O.P. senators will very likely demand that he nominate Merrick Garland for some stupid-ass reason that will never happen.

Of course it won't! Trump will nominate yet another conservative justice (like Brett Kavanaugh), with the Democrats in the U.S. Senate unsuccessfully trying to destroy that person with more half-baked accusations from Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford, whom they believe with a passion. It's simply what they do.
YDB95 writes: "Don't confuse not responding with agreement. A lot of what you plagiarise is so over-the-top in its wrongness that it often just isn't worth trying to pick it apart."

JKendallDane hates what I post because it just makes too much sense!

He KNOWS it's the truth, and so he needs to come up with some reason for ignoring it, and that's where you find his raging against plagiarism.

I'd say it speaks for itself that sometimes you can't even put your bullshit into your own words. But you do you.

This also explains why he's so upset about former Vice President Joe Biden still leading in all of the Democratic Party presidential candidate polls! Biden was ousted in the 1988 campaign for exactly that: PLAGIARISM, and that fills Jay-Kendall with righteous outrage!

Maybe so. But I think the likelier reason is Biden just isn't a very good candidate. (And for that reason, I'm confident we'll continue to see Warren catching up with him.

"Especially not given your track record for continuing to repeat stuff we've debunked before, simply because you want it to be true."

When have you actually debunked anything I've posted, YDB95? You tried unsuccessfully to deny that Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger spoke to KKK audiences by saying that she was probably confused about their long history of racist hatred.

No, Dump. That's exactly my point: I have NEVER said that, or anything that could be reasonably interpreted as that. You've just accused me of it so many times that by now I imagine you really believe I said it. But I didn't. What I HAVE done is debunk your frequent claims that she spoke to multiple Klan rallies in the Deep South, and that she spoke to them about using abortion to cull the black population. (The truth is she spoke to one meeting of Klan wives in New Jersey, and she spoke only about birth control. That's a matter of historical record.)

And then you argued that Republicans picking-up two U.S. Senate seats in the 2018 midterms actually hurt Trump because when Ruth Bader-Ginsburg now leaves the U.S. Supreme Court, those new G.O.P. senators will very likely demand that he nominate Merrick Garland for some stupid-ass reason that will never happen.

Nope. I never said any of that either.

Of course it won't! Trump will nominate yet another conservative justice (like Brett Kavanaugh), with the Democrats in the U.S. Senate unsuccessfully trying to destroy that person with more half-baked accusations from Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford, whom they believe with a passion. It's simply what they do.

Yes, Dump, we do tend to react rather badly to seeing an attempted rapist nominated to the Supreme Court. We're funny that way, I guess.
Yes, Dump, we do tend to react rather badly to seeing an attempted rapist nominated to the Supreme Court. We're funny that way, I guess.

Except there is no attempted rapist nominated to the SCOTUS.

The was an attempt to smear a nominee as a rapist, but it was totally unfounded....both times.

And you should be ashamed of promoting such blatant lies as truths.
Originally Posted by YDB95
Yes, Dump, we do tend to react rather badly to seeing an attempted rapist nominated to the Supreme Court. We're funny that way, I guess.

No one believes Judge Kavanaugh to be an "attempted rapist", not even his accusers. It's the game of politics, played very poorly by the soon to be entirely vanquished Democrats.
Originally Posted by YDB95
Yes, Dump, we do tend to react rather badly to seeing an attempted rapist nominated to the Supreme Court. We're funny that way, I guess.

No one believes Judge Kavanaugh to be an "attempted rapist", not even his accusers. It's the game of politics, played very poorly by the soon to be entirely vanquished Democrats.

I bet if YDB were accused of Rape he would want at least a single shred of evidence to support such accusations.

Yet when it comes to anyone to the right of Mao?? Accusation is all he needs to proclaim guilt!!!!

LOL what a disgusting person he is, typical leftist.
YDB95 writes: "Maybe so. But I think the likelier reason is Biden just isn't a very good candidate. (And for that reason, I'm confident we'll continue to see Warren catching up with him."

I hope you're right - I'd LOVE to see Liz Warren win the 2020 Democratic Party's presidential nomination! To witness that party's open repudiation of Barack Obama's vice president of eight years would send a strong message to black Americans that their services are no longer required! It would also cement Trump's lock on being re-elected!

"The truth is she spoke to one meeting of Klan wives in New Jersey, and she spoke only about birth control."

Yeah, that's no big deal, Even President Obama probably addressed at least one gathering of Klan wives in New Jersey during his time in office, and speaking to KKK women about the importance of birth control actually makes it a positive thing! It's like Barack delivering the eulogy at the 2010 funeral of a former Ku Kux Klan officer (Robert Byrd) - there's nothing racist about that!

"Yes, Dump, we do tend to react rather badly to seeing an attempted rapist nominated to the Supreme Court."

The Democratic Party was NOT offended at keeping an attempted rapist in the White House in the late 1990's! They said that as long as his wife (Hillary) was okay with his sexually harrassing (and raping) other women, it was none of our business!

BotanyBoy writes (about YDB95): "LOL what a disgusting person he is, typical leftist."

If Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford had accused Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton of raping her, I'm guessing that YDB95 wouldn't have believed her. And he would probably have mocked her little-girl's-voice that she charmed the Senate Democrats using during her dishonest testimony. - (Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford lies about her fear of flying - runs 2:03)
JKendallDane writes: "Only thing I'm confused about, Dump, is in trying to figure out what you think you are actually accomplishing when you steal someone else's published and copyrighted words, do a C&P stunt where you change a couple words here and there, and then try passing it off as your own thoughts."

Yes, that's quite confusing to me, as well! I can't help but notice how you NEVER disagree with anything IN those words, just that I happen to be repeating them in my posts! And that's good, because I WANT you to read & understand what they say!

Oh, but you AREN'T simply "repeating them" are fucking plagiarizing them when you change a few words and then post it as all being your own without any proper attribution and/or a link.

"I wasn't really shoplifting officer. I just happened to have all that stuff jammed down in my pants to get it to my car" isn't a valid "defense" at WallyWorld either. :rolleyes:

Dump said:
"The fact that you never address the plagiarism point when it's brought up does provide a strong reason for the "intellectually dishonest" tag I keep pinning to your chest."

The person currently running for president who dropped out of the 1988 Democratic primaries due to charges of plagiarism is JOE BIDEN! Yes, it was former vice-president BIDEN who got caught plagiarizing other people's speeches! THIS probably explains why you dislike Joe Biden as much as you do, Jay-Kendall!

#1~ I addressed your fishing & trolling about my thoughts on Joe Biden in another thread. Go read it there.

#2~ Purely just for clarification purposes...are you really attempting to excuse YOUR ongoing blatant plagiarism fetish of today, by slamming Joe Biden for far-less egregious ones from three plus decades ago? Dude! that is some serious "whataboutism suicide" if I've ever seen any! :eek:

Don't confuse not responding with agreement. A lot of what you plagiarise is so over-the-top in its wrongness that it often just isn't worth trying to pick it apart. Especially not given your track record for continuing to repeat stuff we've debunked before, simply because you want it to be true.

Yo'...Dump! THIS! ^^THIS RIGHT HERE!^^

Dump said:
JKendallDane hates what I post because it just makes too much sense!

He KNOWS it's the truth, and so he needs to come up with some reason for ignoring it, and that's where you find his raging against plagiarism. This also explains why he's so upset about former Vice President Joe Biden still leading in all of the Democratic Party presidential candidate polls! Biden was ousted in the 1988 campaign for exactly that: PLAGIARISM, and that fills Jay-Kendall with righteous outrage!

All addressed above or in this post here in the "Primary Fucktussle" thread.

I will add that I do occasionally read through those plagiarized posts but rarely give them much thought or validity because the ones you tend to plagiarize the most often are OPINION pieces written by both well-known and obscure far-right partisans.

The fact you are sucking down that Kool Aid and then regurgitating back up as your own, pretty much negates any possibility of "reasoned" debate with you. So I just don't bother.

Properly attribute and/or link those things and I might consider changing that "Not worth it" attitude. Just a suggestion, Dump. ;)

JKendallDane writes: "Oh, but you AREN'T simply "repeating them" are fucking plagiarizing them when you change a few words and then post it as all being your own without any proper attribution and/or a link."

I can't believe that you're actually calling me a "Joe Biden," Jay-Kendall! That seriously hurts!

"Purely just for clarification purposes...are you really attempting to excuse YOUR ongoing blatant plagiarism fetish of today, by slamming Joe Biden for far-less egregious ones from three plus decades ago?"

No, I'm not being forced to end my presidential run after only four months, which is what happened to Senator Joe Biden in 1987, after charges of plagiarism basically destroyed his campaign! He wouldn't run for president again for the next twenty years!

"I will add that I do occasionally read through those plagiarized posts..."

And that's ALL I ever really wanted from you, Jay-Kendall! I'm NOT running for anything! Yes, I suppose that copying Joe Biden's plagiarism doesn't make this my finest hour, but if you can STILL admire & respect Creepy-Sleepy Joe after what HE did, I figure that you will continue to admire & respect myself, as well!
YDB95 writes: "Maybe so. But I think the likelier reason is Biden just isn't a very good candidate. (And for that reason, I'm confident we'll continue to see Warren catching up with him."

I hope you're right - I'd LOVE to see Liz Warren win the 2020 Democratic Party's presidential nomination! To witness that party's open repudiation of Barack Obama's vice president of eight years would send a strong message to black Americans that their services are no longer required! It would also cement Trump's lock on being re-elected!

Not judging from what we've been seeing lately. (Yeah, I know, Dump, the polls were wrong once. Once.)

"The truth is she spoke to one meeting of Klan wives in New Jersey, and she spoke only about birth control."

Yeah, that's no big deal, Even President Obama probably addressed at least one gathering of Klan wives in New Jersey during his time in office, and speaking to KKK women about the importance of birth control actually makes it a positive thing! It's like Barack delivering the eulogy at the 2010 funeral of a former Ku Kux Klan officer (Robert Byrd) - there's nothing racist about that!

Nice try moving the goalposts. My point was (and still is) that you accused me repeatedly of saying Sanger "had no idea the Klan were racist". I never said any such thing.
I am, though, touched by your staunch opposition to racism, though I can't help but notice your laser like focus on ONLY examples of it that enable you to bash Democrats. Hmmm...

"Yes, Dump, we do tend to react rather badly to seeing an attempted rapist nominated to the Supreme Court."

The Democratic Party was NOT offended at keeping an attempted rapist in the White House in the late 1990's!

Oh, of course we were. I don't know anyone who took that accusation lightly.

They said that as long as his wife (Hillary) was okay with his sexually harrassing (and raping) other women, it was none of our business!

The last time you brought that one up, I asked for examples, and you once again deflected to things that people who opposed impeaching Clinton did in fact say, and accused me of denying those. Evidently you were oblivious to the fact that none of the examples you cited came anywhere near "Hilary said it was OK and that makes it OK." No doubt you'd do the same if I asked you this time, so let's just acknowledge that you've never been able to back that claim up and leave it at that.

If Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford had accused Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton of raping her, I'm guessing that YDB95 wouldn't have believed her.

If she were bankrolled by people who literally made it their full time jobs to destroy Clinton, and who otherwise never gave a shit about violence against women before or since? No, I probably wouldn't have. But that's the only way your analogy fits here, and it's not what happened.

And he would probably have mocked her little-girl's-voice that she charmed the Senate Democrats using during her dishonest testimony.
I would never do that. That would only be sinking to your level.

Fear of flying does not necessarily mean one never gets on a plane. I'm no big fan of spiders or snakes and it didn't stop me from moving to Australia.
JKendallDane writes: "Oh, but you AREN'T simply "repeating them" are fucking plagiarizing them when you change a few words and then post it as all being your own without any proper attribution and/or a link."

I can't believe that you're actually calling me a "Joe Biden," Jay-Kendall! That seriously hurts!

Don't get all teary-eyed on me, Dump. The last thing I would EVER do is elevate you to Joe Biden's level. Not even if you suddenly started relentlessly campaigning for Mayor Pete in your posts.

Dump said:
"Purely just for clarification purposes...are you really attempting to excuse YOUR ongoing blatant plagiarism fetish of today, by slamming Joe Biden for far-less egregious ones from three plus decades ago?"

No, I'm not being forced to end my presidential run after only four months, which is what happened to Senator Joe Biden in 1987, after charges of plagiarism basically destroyed his campaign! He wouldn't run for president again for the next twenty years!

Okay, clear-up-the-confusion time. Are you saying that somewhere besides that fantasy world you reside in, there is a "Dump Fer Prezzie!" campaign going on...or are you just again using whataboutism to attempt to pretend you are not guilty of plagiarism?

Dump said:
"I will add that I do occasionally read through those plagiarized posts..."

And that's ALL I ever really wanted from you, Jay-Kendall! I'm NOT running for anything! Yes, I suppose that copying Joe Biden's plagiarism doesn't make this my finest hour, but if you can STILL admire & respect Creepy-Sleepy Joe after what HE did, I figure that you will continue to admire & respect myself, as well!

Donnie? Donnie-T, is that you? It sure sounds like you with the "Okay, ya' caught me. But it doesn't matter because JFK boinked Marilyn 60 years ago; and Bill Clinton got head for free that I have to pay hookers and porn stars for; and Agnew went down for bribery & backdoor, under-the-table deals while I'm only grifting a few bucks here and there; and anyway, I lie better than Nixon ever did, what?"

Joe Biden earned respect with his dedication and service to the country over a 44 year career in the public arena. You have trouble getting through 48 hours without posting a completely plagiarized piece here on the board.

You got a LOT of mileage to make up in that "admire & respect" race.

YDB95 writes: "Not judging from what we've been seeing lately. (Yeah, I know, Dump, the polls were wrong once. Once.)"

I can't deny it - the polls have been good to your side! I'll never forget how they ALL forecast a big Hillary victory in 2016!

"My point was (and still is) that you accused me repeatedly of saying Sanger "had no idea the Klan were racist". I never said any such thing."

I was just kidding with you, YDB95 - I think that EVERYBODY understands & accepts the fact that Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger knew all about the Ku Kux Klan's violent reputation as a hate-filled racist organization when she agreed to speak to those KKK wives, just as Robert Byrd understood all that when he joined the Klan as a young man, rising through the ranks to become an "Exalted Cyclops" and a powerful elected legislator in the Democratic Party!

JKendallDane writes: "Don't get all teary-eyed on me, Dump. The last thing I would EVER do is elevate you to Joe Biden's level."

And, while we're at it, please don't ever "elevate me" to Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford's level, Colin Kaepernick or Megan Rapinoe's level, Jussie Smollett's level, or even that of Congressman Elijah Cummings! I understand that you deeply admire all of these progressives, but I don't want my name included with theirs - not ever!

"Joe Biden earned respect with his dedication and service to the country..."

Yes, I can't argue with you over that - "Gropin' Joe" remains America's most prominent plagiarist in all of our nation's long history!
Yes, I can't argue with you over that - "Gropin' Joe" remains America's most prominent plagiarist in all of our nation's long history!

I suppose he is still more prominent than Melania Trump, that's true.
YDB95 writes: "I suppose he is still more prominent than Melania Trump, that's true."

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has demanded to know why the Mueller Report didn't investigate Melania's convention speech - and AOC has even gone so far as to ask Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi if Melania can be impeached! - (America's current First Lady Melania Trump) - (Former First Lady Michelle Obama with her friend Jussie Smollett) - (Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) - (Congressman Elijah Cummings of Baltimore's rat-&-rodent-infested U.S. House district)
JKendallDane writes: "Don't get all teary-eyed on me, Dump. The last thing I would EVER do is elevate you to Joe Biden's level."

And, while we're at it, please don't ever "elevate me" to Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford's level, Colin Kaepernick or Megan Rapinoe's level, Jussie Smollett's level, or even that of Congressman Elijah Cummings! I understand that you deeply admire all of these progressives, but I don't want my name included with theirs - not ever!

I very rarely mention any of those, Dump..unless it's in response to one of your boomerang posts where your weird obsession with them has made YOU go off about them in every other post yet again. Kinda like you did ^^right^^up^^there.^^

Dump said:
"Joe Biden earned respect with his dedication and service to the country..."

Yes, I can't argue with you over that - "Gropin' Joe" remains America's most prominent plagiarist in all of our nation's long history!

Keep wagging that finger, Dump. Maybe you'll eventually accidentally notice the three fingers pointing back at you.

JKendallDane writes: "I very rarely mention any of those, Dump..."

No, OF COURSE you don't mention any of them, Jay-Kendall, as their names are an embarrassment to EVERY progressive Democrat out there! Colin Kaepernick & Megan Rapinoe's both are living symbols of the left's hatred for America, while Jussie Smollett will forever be a reminder of just how GULLIBLE the Trump-haters in Hollywood & the Democratic Party's 2020 presidential candidates once were!

"...unless it's in response to one of your boomerang posts where your weird obsession with them has made YOU go off about them in every other post yet again."

Yes, indeed - I dearly LOVE mentioning their names! They are the gift that keeps on giving! Far-left libs have actually called Kaepernick & Rapinoe "patriots" for despising the U.S. flag, and while nobody wants to hear Jussie's name mentioned anymore because he's such an embarrassment to Trump-haters everywhere, his dishonest racist hoax will forever live on in my memory! I'm not about to let that go anytime soon!

"Keep wagging that finger, Dump. Maybe you'll eventually accidentally notice the three fingers pointing back at you."

Jussie wanted the Hollywood left to blame Trump & his "racist supporters" for physically harming him, but in the end he was simply "the boy who cried wolf," making it far more difficult to believe anybody in the future claiming that they were attacked by violent political crazies! I mean, how despicable was that? His name really does deserve to live on in infamy!
Yes, indeed - I dearly LOVE mentioning their names! They are the gift that keeps on giving! Far-left libs have actually called Kaepernick & Rapinoe "patriots" for despising the U.S. flag,

Standing up for human rights and against abuse is not "despising the US flag". Condoning those things is.
YDB95 writes: "Standing up for human rights and against abuse is not "despising the US flag". Condoning those things is."

TRANSLATION: the foreign leaders who respect America the MOST are Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Venezuela's Nicolás Maduro, because those two refuse to condone American aggression, climate change crimes, and human rights violations!

You are just SO ABSURD, YDB95 - but I sincerely appreciate the way you accept the politically-progressive left's hatred of the U.S. and try to turn it into a positive! I like it when other people read your posts, and understand that THIS is how the Trump-haters view America!

And you also believe that Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford is a great American hero even though her efforts to keep Brett Kavanaugh off of the U.S. Supreme Court failed miserably (although they DID help the G.O.P. to pick-up a couple more U.S. Senate seats in the 2018 midterms) - and you's also like to believe that Jussie Smollett could be a hero, but there's really nothing you can say about him at this particular time!
You know, Dump, usually I can at least figure out how you're arriving at your bizarre interpretations of my comments. This time? I got nothin'. Are you REALLY arguing that Americans standing up for their rights and calling attention to very real problems warrants a comparison to our staunchest enemies? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. People like you have been accusing anyone who doesn't deify the flag of "hating America" for a hundred years at least. But still, WOW.

And yes, I do believe Dr. Ford is a hero. I believe history will vindicate her.
YDB95 writes: "You know, Dump, usually I can at least figure out how you're arriving at your bizarre interpretations of my comments. This time? I got nothin'. Are you REALLY arguing that Americans standing up for their rights and calling attention to very real problems warrants a comparison to our staunchest enemies?"

Iran & Venezuela both hate America - as do Colin Kaepernick & Megan Rapinoe! It's something that they all have in common with one another! Colin Kaepernick believes that the U.S. flag is a symbol of slavery. I'm sure that Hassan Rouhani & Nicolás Maduro both FULLY AGREE with him!

"People like you have been accusing anyone who doesn't deify the flag of "hating America" for a hundred years at least. But still, WOW."

Modern Democrats look at Antifa and/or #BlackLivesMatter lighting an American flag on fire, or maybe grinding it beneath their heels, with everybody watching, and they say to themselves: "Wow, I sure do admire that!"

THIS is why the Democrats have lost the American heartland, YDB95. THIS is why Donald Trump won the White House, and why he'll win again in 2020!

"And yes, I do believe Dr. Ford is a hero. I believe history will vindicate her."

History will remember Dr. Ford as a girl who got drunk & slept with frat guys. But then, when she was in her fifties, Planned Parenthood needed a volunteer to send forth to destroy the reputation of a decent & honorable pro-life judge, to keep him OFF of our U.S. Supreme Court, and the drunk-bimbo with the little girl's voice volunteered to give it her best shot! And she failed miserably! Yes, history will certainly remember her!