President Trump will be re-elected in 2020 and this is why...

YDB95 writes: "Neo-fascist? You do understand that "Antifa" is short for "Anti-Fascist", don't you?"

Antifa can call itself whatever it wants to - but it's definitely a FASCIST hate-group designed to silence conservative free speech!

"Granted, it's really not fair to judge yesterday's people by today's standards, but if they owned slaves..."

I would argue that anybody who joined the Ku Kux Klan and rose to the high rank of "Exalted Cyclops" should ALSO be considered to be a racist.

"You know that's not true. I know you know, because I have repeatedly provided proof of it."

You seemingly insist that anybody who founds an organization performing abortions (e.g. Margaret Sanger & Planned Parenthood) can't possibly be a racist, even if they address gatherings of KKK wives.

"She lost NC by less than 4%. If it shifts 10% to the left, the Dems will win it by over 6%."

Yes, and IF Hillary had swept Alabama & the deep south she'd be president today, wouldn't she? If, if, if... so many different "if's" to consider!

"Continuing a trend started under Obama."

So you say that Barack Obama's plan was to add $10-trillion to our debt, all the while presiding over stagnant economic growth for eight long years, and then watch it all EXPLODE during the Trump years into massive economic growth, expansion, & prosperity?

"...where is your evidence that PP is anywhere near that flush with cash? It's absurd."

Yes, I suppose that Planned Parenthood would be better off if they KEPT all of that taxpayer cash instead of donating most of it to the Democratic Party's pro-abortion candidates running for public office!

"Simple: I don't want to return to the days of back-alley abortions."

Me, neither - back-alley abortions were always a grisly way to terminate a human life! But all that abortion doctors really care about is that they're getting paid.

"They are no more representative of mainstream Islam than people who murder doctors in their churches are representative of Christianity."

Radical Islam is more about murdering people using explosives, guns, & even automobiles than it is about using abortion. Abortion only murders one person at a time.
You do understand that their engaging in fascistic behaviors makes THEM the fascist, don't you??:)

Guess not, violent suppression of speech is "AntiFascism" when the left does it!!

Partisan denial and bias is five star strong with YDB. :D
BotanyBoy writes: "Partisan denial and bias is five star strong with YDB."

I've noticed that pretty much ALL of the avid Trump-haters on this forum have strongly embraced partisan denial & bias! Kyle Smith just wrote a great column in the New York Post about the Democratic Party's media allies and their unsuccessful efforts to bring down this president: - ("Dunking-Kid" meme - runs 0:16)

Remember the dunking-kid meme from a couple of years ago? A little kid runs up to his tiny basketball hoop, dunks the ball, turns around to flex and holler. What he doesn’t see is the whole backboard is wobbling and about to collapse on his head. When it does, he looks confused.

Congrats, New York Times! And Politico. And CNN. You’re ALL that Dunking Kids. You keep throwing down on the Trump administration. The backboard of truth keeps falling on your head. The rest of us laugh. The New York Times just issued its most spectacular correction since my personal favorite, from Nov. 7, 2012: “An earlier version of this article misspelled the singer’s surname in a number of places. He is Bruce Springsteen, not Springstein.”

This Sunday’s correction cut the legs out from under its big Saturday scoop about a supposed new sex scandal about Brett Kavanaugh involving a woman who supposedly had Kavanaugh’s penis shoved into her hand when they were both at Yale. The Times’ gobsmacking correction noted that in the book from which its Saturday report was derived: “the female student declined to be interviewed and friends say that she does not recall the incident. That information has been added to the article.”

Backboard of truth meets skull.

This capped off a week in which the Times had to delete a tweet praising Mao Zedong, one of history’s greatest mass murderers, as “one of history’s great revolutionary figures” and another tweet saying that what happened on 9/11 was that “airplanes took aim and brought down the World Trade Center.” Times editors doubtless thought that mentioning that radical Islamists were the ones aiming those airplanes might play into Trump’s hands.

Meanwhile, Politico was sticking with a bonkers attempt to make a scandal out of Air Force members paying a cheap $130 a night to stay at a Trump resort in Scotland called Turnberry while they were refueling their planes at a nearby airport Trump does not own or profit from. Politico solemnly reported that “up to 6 percent” of Air Force members had stayed at the Trump property while refueling at the airport. So the resort is affordable, service members have been staying there since the Obama years and at least 94 percent of those staying in the area stay at some other hotel. Politico tried to frame this as a violation of the Emoluments Clause that forbids presidents from cashing in on their position while in office. That doesn’t pass the laugh test.

Meanwhile, MSNBC gave airtime to Jason Johnson, a journalism professor from Morgan State, who made the following vicious, defamatory and utterly bonkers statement about Justice Kavanaugh: “I’ve never heard of a guy who is a one-time rapist. I’ve never heard of a one-time sexual assaulter. I grew up with guys like this. He’s from around this area, right? He is the fifth guy in a gang rape. He’s the guy who comes in after he is drunk because everybody else encourages him and he can get away with it. He’s been pretty much covered his entire life. And now he’s on the Supreme Court.”

Just a few days earlier, CNN had issued a report on the circumstances around an American spy being taken out of Russia that was so wrong, the Times felt moved to contradict it: The decision to extract the spy was made while Obama was president, the Times reported, yet CNN blamed Trump for endangering the agent and forcing his extraction.

These aren't just media bias. It’s a story of utter unbe-frickin’-lievable obliviousness by the media. CNN doesn’t bother putting a fig leaf on anything anymore: A glance at CNN’s homepage on any given day is like looking at an assortment of Democratic Party press releases. Any news that can’t be weaponized against Trump is of little interest. Any news that might make Trump or anyone on the right look bad is eagerly pushed through, ordinary standards of fairness and checking be damned.

The media think that Trump’s sometimes overblown attacks on them are making it more vital than ever that they respond in kind. But what’s really happening is that the media is BECLOWNING itself trying to end the Trump presidency. One recent survey found 95 percent of Americans saying they were troubled by the current state of the media, with two-thirds thinking journalistic ethics will only get worse.

Ow, media. Backboard, head.
So it's just dump who does not understand that the God of Islam and the God of the Jews and Christians is one and the same divine entity.

Why am I not surprised.
As Democrats say, "Racism, race, racist, racism, endemic racism, racist, racism and racist racism", are just some of the reasons President Trump will still be President in 2021. And, racism.
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As Democrats say, "Racism, race, racist, racism, endemic racism, racist, racism and racist racism", are just some of the reasons President Trump will still be President in 2021. And, racism.

If he is still president then, yes. Without a doubt.
As Democrats say, "Racism, race, racist, racism, endemic racism, racist, racism and racist racism", are just some of the reasons President Trump will still be President in 2021. And, racism.

They've cried wolf so much with incessant baseless accusations of racism nobody gives a fuck anymore. EVERYTHING the 'progressive' left doesn't like is racist....even if it's nothing of the sort it's racist. They're doing all they can to render the term totally meaningless.

They can't actually argue their politics, especially in the USA where their politics run totally antithetical to everything the USA has ever stood for, so they have to lean on that.
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They've cried wolf so much with incessant baseless accusations of racism nobody gives a fuck anymore. EVERYTHING the 'progressive' left doesn't like is racist....even if it's nothing of the sort it's racist. They're doing all they can to render the term totally meaningless.

They can't actually argue their politics, especially in the USA where their politics run totally antithetical to everything the USA has ever stood for, so they have to lean on that.

Democrats have tried nearly every imaginable smear against President Trump. Even accusing the President of having Russian prostitutes pee on him (and thus providing Vladimir Putin with blackmail leverage). The stain of impropriety lays heavily on Democrats and their lapdog MSM Evening News.
magicalmoments writes: "So it's just dump who does not understand that the God of Islam and the God of the Jews and Christians is one and the same divine entity."

Atheists insist that the Christian God and Islamic Allah are the same deity, because... well, they're atheists, and don't care either way. The primary difference being that most of America's modern politically-progressive atheists still respect & admire Islam, while increasingly despise Christianity. They'll openly mock Jesus, but if you dare to insult the prophet Muhammed, they'll demand that you respect him & his teachings instead!

YDB95 writes: "If he is still president then, yes. Without a doubt."

Yes, we know - when President Trump is re-elected in 2020, you will blame it all on racism. And sexism. And capitalism. And respect for our U.S. Constitution. And our respect for traditional Judeo-Christian American values. And people loving this country who DON'T agree with you that Colin Kaepernick & Megan Rapinoe are patriots.

BotanyBoy writes: "They've cried wolf so much with incessant baseless accusations of racism nobody gives a fuck anymore."

Modern Trump-hating liberals believe that anybody who doesn't think ObamaCare was great must be a racist. They've cheapened that word to the point that it means nothing anymore coming from a Democrat.

jp55665566 writes: "The stain of impropriety lays heavily on Democrats and their lapdog MSM Evening News."

The Democrats continue to believe their same media allies who assured them in 2016 that Hillary Clinton would easily defeat Trump. The media is doing the same thing all over again, and the Dems are eating-it-up just like they did three-years ago!
They'll openly mock Jesus, but if you dare to insult the prophet Muhammed, they'll demand that you respect him & his teachings instead!

The only people I see "mocking Jesus" are the religious right, who invoke his name constantly while spouting intolerant nonsense that's usually the exact opposite of what he actually taught.
magicalmoments writes: "#317 above: sorry? Was that an admission that you were wrong? Apology accepted and you're welcome."

Regarding post #318 (above), I was completely unaware of your apology until stumbling upon it just now - but I sincerely appreciate all of what you said and am pleased to see that we both remain friends, as always!

YDB95 writes: "The only people I see "mocking Jesus" are the religious right, who invoke his name constantly while spouting intolerant nonsense that's usually the exact opposite of what he actually taught."

I am sure that there are people on the religious right who behave hypocritically, just as there are far-left environmental activists who always TRASH those places where they hold their PRO-GREEN political rallies! WHY do so many environmental extremists not believe in throwing their trash into trash cans?

Modern politically-progressive Democrats have increasingly embraced atheism & Islam, and they have turned their collective backs on America's Judeo-Christian past. It's one of the primary reasons for their party losing support in the American heartland.
If you accept the contention that Jesus is God, or at a minimum the son of God then his father, God, is clearly Allah.
Being an atheist has nothing to do with it. Seems we are all agreed the the God of Abraham, Yahweh to the Jews, God or jehovah to the Christians and Allah to the Moslems, is one and the same.
YDB95 writes: "The only people I see "mocking Jesus" are the religious right, who invoke his name constantly while spouting intolerant nonsense that's usually the exact opposite of what he actually taught."

I am sure that there are people on the religious right who behave hypocritically, just as there are far-left environmental activists who always TRASH those places where they hold their PRO-GREEN political rallies! WHY do so many environmental extremists not believe in throwing their trash into trash cans?

Modern politically-progressive Democrats have increasingly embraced atheism & Islam, and they have turned their collective backs on America's Judeo-Christian past. It's one of the primary reasons for their party losing support in the American heartland.

Just a suggestion, Dump. It might be in your best interest to spend a little less time devouring Mike Huckabee's Twitter feed and even less time glued to the the Pat Robertson telecasts. You've really wandered over into whackdoodleland with comments like that. :rolleyes:

YDB said:
.The only people I see "mocking Jesus" are the religious right, who invoke his name constantly while spouting intolerant nonsense that's usually the exact opposite of what he actually taught.

I'll ditto that but tack on at the end: while blaspheming the very existence of God with their worship of Saint Orange Tint.

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I am sure that there are people on the religious right who behave hypocritically, just as there are far-left environmental activists who always TRASH those places where they hold their PRO-GREEN political rallies! WHY do so many environmental extremists not believe in throwing their trash into trash cans?

haha, so true!
magicalmoments writes: "If you accept the contention that Jesus is God, or at a minimum the son of God then his father, God, is clearly Allah."

If you accept atheism's strongly-held belief that there is no God, then the God of Christianity is certainly no different than Allah or ANY of the gods of ancient mythology. But the teachings of the Koran prove that Islam is NOT Christianity, nor is Allah the God of Christians.

Also, look at the Islamic world and its traditions & values, and then compare them with our traditions & values here in the Judeo-Christian world that makes up the United States, our laws, and our U.S. Constitution! We enjoy freedoms & liberties as yet unheard of in Muslim-ruled nations! It's not even close!

JKendallDane writes: "Just a suggestion, Dump. It might be in your best interest to spend a little less time devouring Mike Huckabee's Twitter feed and even less time glued to the the Pat Robertson telecasts."

I don't EVER read Huckabee's twitter feed, although I respect the man very much. And no, I NEVER watch Robertson's telecasts (although they're FAR MORE CREDIBLE than anything you'll read in the modern The New York Times or watch on fake news CNN!
JKendallDane writes: "Just a suggestion, Dump. It might be in your best interest to spend a little less time devouring Mike Huckabee's Twitter feed and even less time glued to the the Pat Robertson telecasts."

I don't EVER read Huckabee's twitter feed, although I respect the man very much. And no, I NEVER watch Robertson's telecasts (although they're FAR MORE CREDIBLE than anything you'll read in the modern The New York Times or watch on fake news CNN!

Boy you should told me off and put me in my place, didn't you, Dump? That makes you tonight's BIG WINNER, so be sure to stop by the counter up by the front door and pick up your prize package that includes an extra large bag of Hannity Potato Chips, a jar of Tucker Carlson Homemade cheese dip, a gallon container of orange-tint face cream, and a coupon good for three free dry cleanings of your MAGA hat.

Thanks for stopping by and playing! :D

JKendallDane writes: "Thanks for stopping by and playing!"

Who died and made YOU a game-show host, Jay-Kendall? - (actually, I think you'd be quite good in that role!)

A group of Arizona Democrats are currently demonstrating why President Donald Trump will be a two-term president. The party’s progressive/liberal wing simply CAN'T resist the temptation to shoot itself in the Birkenstocks. Right now, Arizona libs are trying to CENSURE their first-elected Arizona Senate Democrat in 30 years, because apparently Kyrsten Sinema is just not Democratic enough!

Arizona's progressive caucus is asking the Democratic Party to CENSURE Kyysten at its annual meeting in January. “We really support Kyrsten Sinema, we want her to succeed, we want her to be the best senator in the country,” Dan O’Neal, state coordinator for Progressive Democrats of America, told The Republic’s Yvonne Wingett Sanchez. “But the way she is voting is really disappointing. We want Democrats to vote like Democrats and not Republicans.”

Sinema actually voted to confirm William Barr as U.S. Attorney General (one of only THREE Democrats to do so!) - she has also made no secret of her desire to be seen as independent. The woman is more pragmatist than party loyalist, and the modern Democratic Party has NO ROOM for pragmatists who behave like normal Americans! Look at pro-life Democrat congressman Dan Lipinski in Illinois as another example of the kind of people the progressives want to get rid of, once and for all!

The left is all about embracing only those candidates who help push the Democratic Party even further to the left. They want the kind of people who demand free health care for people here illegally, removing criminal penalties for crossing our border illegally, free medicare for all, the Green New Deal, free college tuition for everybody, free child care, mandatory gun buybacks, slave reparations, and impeachment impeachment impeachment!

Democrats seem determined to hurtle left, right over the cliff, and they're upset that Kyrsten Sinema isn't anxious to follow them.
JKendallDane writes: "Thanks for stopping by and playing!"

Who died and made YOU a game-show host, Jay-Kendall? - (actually, I think you'd be quite good in that role!)

Nsh. I'm much more suited for catching and exposing fucking plagiarists like you.

Really, Dump, if you are going to insist on continually stealing and posting 95% of ^^that last post of yours^^ that came straight from a USAToday opinion piece...why can't you just simply attribute it and link it during your C&P rampages? :confused:

It might even win you another prize package of an orange cred point, an DJT autographed bucket of chicken from KFC, and front row seats at 45's next NC ego rally.

Come on down. YOU'RE the next contestant on the Can I Ever Be Intellectually Honest Show where's it's NOT about spinning the wheel, but from where will Dump steal his latest spin next? :D

JKendallDane writes: "Really, Dump, if you are going to insist on continually stealing and posting stuff..."

WHY are you so upset about Arizona U.S. Senator Kyrsten Sinema being dumped on by that state's progressive left? And WHY would you rather I kept all of that to myself? I thought you AGREED with the progressive wing of your party and applauded their actions?

"It might even win you another prize package of an orange cred point, an DJT autographed bucket of chicken from KFC, and front row seats at 45's next NC ego rally."

The progressive wing of the Democratic Party has begun eating its own, Jay-Kendall! The far-left will no longer tolerate any Democrat today who isn't pro-socialist, pro-atheist, pro-abortion, pro-open-borders, pro-transgendered, & pro-Islamic! THIS is why they keep losing to Trump!

"Come on down. YOU'RE the next contestant on the Can I Ever Be Intellectually Honest Show where's it's NOT about spinning the wheel, but from where will Dump steal his latest spin next?"

When your party nominates "Gropin' Joe" as its presidential candidate next year, you're going to be angry at me for having predicted it, just as you'll be very upset when President Trump clobbers him in November! (I'm predicting THAT, too!)
Like California?

I don't see people clamoring to move to Kentucky, or Mississippi.

Fattest, poorest, stupidest states in the nation are all run by Rs.

Also, let's compare R George Bush to D Barack Obama.

One blew a huge surplus into another huge deficit through a useless war, crashed the economy, and saw the worst terrorist attack in US history.

The other had 8 straight years of economic growth, peace, no scandals, killed bin laden, brought healthcare to millions, and marriage equality.

The current R is destroying democratic institutions, kidnapping kids and creating concentration camps, blowing up the deficit again, and fostering a huge rise in hate crimes and white supremacy.

FYI, it is Jared Kushner (R) running rat infested apartments IN BALTIMORE.

I seem to recall Seal Team Six killed bin Laden. It’s pretty safe to say the rest of your crap is, well, crap as well.
JKendallDane writes: "Really, Dump, if you are going to insist on continually stealing and posting stuff..."

WHY are you so upset about Arizona U.S. Senator Kyrsten Sinema being dumped on by that state's progressive left? And WHY would you rather I kept all of that to myself? I thought you AGREED with the progressive wing of your party and applauded their actions?

Deflection, obfuscation, and assuming facts not in evidence. :caning:

Dump said:
"It might even win you another prize package of an orange cred point, an DJT autographed bucket of chicken from KFC, and front row seats at 45's next NC ego rally."

The progressive wing of the Democratic Party has begun eating its own, Jay-Kendall! The far-left will no longer tolerate any Democrat today who isn't pro-socialist, pro-atheist, pro-abortion, pro-open-borders, pro-transgendered, & pro-Islamic! THIS is why they keep losing to Trump!

Hyperbole, histrionics, and espousing claims that have already been debunked and ruled inadmissible. :p

Dump said:
"Come on down. YOU'RE the next contestant on the Can I Ever Be Intellectually Honest Show where's it's NOT about spinning the wheel, but from where will Dump steal his latest spin next?"

When your party nominates "Gropin' Joe" as its presidential candidate next year, you're going to be angry at me for having predicted it, just as you'll be very upset when President Trump clobbers him in November! (I'm predicting THAT, too!)

Is that your sneaky way of attempting to narrow down who you "are certain" I am supporting among the current Dem candidates? You wouldn't try anything devious like that would you? :eek:

Kantarii writes: "Also, let's compare R George Bush to D Barack Obama... one blew a huge surplus into another huge deficit through a useless war, crashed the economy, and saw the worst terrorist attack in US history."

Barack was one enormous economic simpleton who refused to use words like "Islamic terrorism," because he wanted Muslims to like him. He gave the Iranians billions to spend on terrorist groups like Hamas & Hezbollah, while adding $10-trillion to America's national debt! On the positive side, Barack's deeply-flawed health care legislation ended up costing his party a whopping 63-House & 6-Senate seats in the 2010 midterms! That was AWESOME!

JKendallDane writes: "Deflection, obfuscation, and assuming facts not in evidence."

You're confused - you don't know whether or not to still like Arizona Democrat U.S. Senator Kyrsten Sinema - or not. If the progressives don't like her anymore, you're thinking that perhaps it's time for you to dump her by the wayside, as well. I get it.