President Trump will be re-elected in 2020 and this is why...

Right, anyone who even implies America is less than perfect hates it.
Question, though, doesn't "Make America great again" imply that it wasn't great for a while, which means it isn't perfect, which by your logic means Trump hates America?
YDB95 writes: "Right, anyone who even implies America is less than perfect hates it."

If you hate the United States of America, you automatically gravitate towards the Democratic Party, YDB95. Foreigners who despised the U.S. loved President Obama, while those foreigners who love America also tend to like & admire our President Trump!

"Question, though, doesn't "Make America great again" imply that it wasn't great for a while, which means it isn't perfect, which by your logic means Trump hates America?"

Barack Obama was elected president by political-progressive lefties to manage America's decline. It's what they wanted. The idea of anybody making America GREAT again was deeply disturbing to those on the left who disliked this country!

Modern Democrats prefer people like Barack Obama (and Colin Kaepernick) who have a low opinion of this nation.
YDB95 writes: "Right, anyone who even implies America is less than perfect hates it."

If you hate the United States of America, you automatically gravitate towards the Democratic Party, YDB95. Foreigners who despised the U.S. loved President Obama, while those foreigners who love America also tend to like & admire our President Trump!

Speaking as an American who lived overseas during both administrations, I know from direct experience that's nonsense. Have you ever even been outside the US? You strike me as the type who never wanted to know anything about the rest of the world.

"Question, though, doesn't "Make America great again" imply that it wasn't great for a while, which means it isn't perfect, which by your logic means Trump hates America?"

Barack Obama was elected president by political-progressive lefties to manage America's decline. It's what they wanted. The idea of anybody making America GREAT again was deeply disturbing to those on the left who disliked this country!

Nice dodge, but you haven't answered my question.

Modern Democrats prefer people like Barack Obama (and Colin Kaepernick) who have a low opinion of this nation.
If by "this nation" you mean the usual imaginary Republican 1950s utopia, you're right. The real America was NEVER like that.
Trumps not looking good, dead man walking, I mean healthwise. I'm picking pence will be sworn in by Xmas.
Then, after Ms. Pelosi signs on to impeachment....

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.​

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, Rasmussen Reports (Sep. 25, 2019).
YDB95 writes: "Speaking as an American who lived overseas during both administrations, I know from direct experience that's nonsense. Have you ever even been outside the US? You strike me as the type who never wanted to know anything about the rest of the world."

People who believe that the United States is an EVIL country genuinely LIKED President Obama! Yes, I've been outside of the U.S. and I've talked with foreigners visiting our country! People who live IN the United States and who dislike this country (e.g. Megan Rapinoe) also tend to greatly prefer Obama over President Trump!

Progressive-Democrats believe that America is an awful place, filled with bigots, racism, & sexism - and they CAN'T UNDERSTAND why so many people from all over the world are trying to move here, both legally AND illegally! Liberal Democrats think that Cuba & Venezuela would both be far better places to live, what with their socialism & America-hating governments!

"Nice dodge, but you haven't answered my question."

WHAT is your question? And WHY would I dodge it? If you want to ask me something, ASK IT? Instead you throw around this childish: "why won't you answer that question that I asked you last November? What are you so afraid of?" Seriously, YDB95 - get over yourself!

"If by "this nation" you mean the usual imaginary Republican 1950s utopia, you're right. The real America was NEVER like that."

You have NO core principles, YDB95 - none whatsoever - and soon, you will even be echoing left-wing demands that we take down statues of Washington & Jefferson because they were both slaveowners! You share Colin Kaepernick's assertion that the U.S. flag stands for slavery. The only flag you will deem worthy of our respect is the gay/rainbow flag flown at pride parades. You view people celebrating the Fourth of July as white supremacists.

THIS is why the Democratic Party has lost the American heartland! THIS is why the Democrats have already lost the white middle-class & union households in the industrial midwest! THIS is why your side is already beginning to lose Jewish, black Christian, & hispanic voters!
I find it interestesting that pro trumpers can't comprehend why anti trumpers hate him so much and conversely that pro trumpers are just flumoxed by anti trumpers who are unable to see the inherent evil that resides within the progressive democrats.
What I find fascinating is the pro trumpers are so easily able to overlook all the elements of trumps personality that make him a truly awful human being and unfit for any public office.
While the progressives may have some (for the USA but business as usual for most of the free world) revolutionary political philosophies, they are just a faction within the Democratic Party and likely to get the power they need to give effect to them.
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Remember this one? President Trump had Russian prostitutes urinate on him; and Vladimir Putin has a recording, so "President Trump is compromised". On, and on, and on with the nonsense. Be embarrassed Democrats, be very embarrassed.
Trump has always been frustrated about, and has wanted to be above the law. THAT was his reason for running for president.
Trumpski may be in jail by Xmas, unlikely that he will be re-elected.:)
magicalmoments writes: "I find it interestesting that pro trumpers can't comprehend why anti trumpers hate him so much..."

We already KNOW why - they're still upset that Hillary lost to Trump in the presidential election of 2016.

jp55665566 writes: "Remember this one? President Trump had Russian prostitutes urinate on him..."

Yes, I remember that - it was only the FIRST of the made-up scandals that the Democrats created to go after the president.

LincolnDuncan writes: "Trump has always been frustrated about, and has wanted to be above the law."

The modern Democratic Party doesn't like the U.S. Constitution, especially those pesky 1st & 2nd amendments, and the Electoral College.

JackLuis writes: "Trumpski may be in jail by Xmas, unlikely that he will be re-elected."

Trump WILL be re-elected next year - this Ukrainian mess is instead going to end-up destroying Joe Biden's presidential hopes!
Can't forget this classic: President Trump is guilty of colluding with the Russians to influence the 2016 election. "I have proof". -Adam Schiff
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"We already KNOW why - they're still upset that Hillary lost to Trump in the presidential election of 2016." << Dumpington

Heck, Hillary couldn't even beat Bernie, without cheating!
YDB95 writes: "Speaking as an American who lived overseas during both administrations, I know from direct experience that's nonsense. Have you ever even been outside the US? You strike me as the type who never wanted to know anything about the rest of the world."

People who believe that the United States is an EVIL country genuinely LIKED President Obama! Yes, I've been outside of the U.S. and I've talked with foreigners visiting our country! People who live IN the United States and who dislike this country (e.g. Megan Rapinoe) also tend to greatly prefer Obama over President Trump!

You're never going to get it. Wanting to improve one's country is not the same as disliking it. Quite the contrary - if they did hate it, why would they bother trying to improve it?

Progressive-Democrats believe that America is an awful place, filled with bigots, racism, & sexism - and they CAN'T UNDERSTAND why so many people from all over the world are trying to move here, both legally AND illegally! Liberal Democrats think that Cuba & Venezuela would both be far better places to live, what with their socialism & America-hating governments!

Again, wanting to improve your country and make it live up to its truest promise of liberty and justice for all doesn't mean you think it's "an awful place". And I'm quite sure you have never once heard anyone say they'd rather live in Cuba or Venezuela.

"Nice dodge, but you haven't answered my question."

WHAT is your question? And WHY would I dodge it? If you want to ask me something, ASK IT? Instead you throw around this childish: "why won't you answer that question that I asked you last November? What are you so afraid of?" Seriously, YDB95 - get over yourself!

It was yesterday, Dump. Yesterday, not last November. I daresay YOU are the one who's "afraid" since you routinely spew right-wing boilerplate without even really acknowledging my questions, even as you reprint them in blue, as you did in this case. Here it is again:

"Question, though, doesn't "Make America great again" imply that it wasn't great for a while, which means it isn't perfect, which by your logic means Trump hates America?"

You reprinted it, and "answered" with a bunch of nonsense about how Obama wanted to see America fail. Even if there were anything to that, it didn't answer my question at all. You have argued again and again and again that anyone who criticizes anything about America in any way hates the place. Meanwhile, Trump's slogan unavoidably implies that America was less than great, ergo he must have hated America too. Yes or no?

"If by "this nation" you mean the usual imaginary Republican 1950s utopia, you're right. The real America was NEVER like that."

You have NO core principles, YDB95 - none whatsoever - and soon, you will even be echoing left-wing demands that we take down statues of Washington & Jefferson because they were both slaveowners! You share Colin Kaepernick's assertion that the U.S. flag stands for slavery. The only flag you will deem worthy of our respect is the gay/rainbow flag flown at pride parades. You view people celebrating the Fourth of July as white supremacists.

THIS is why the Democratic Party has lost the American heartland! THIS is why the Democrats have already lost the white middle-class & union households in the industrial midwest! THIS is why your side is already beginning to lose Jewish, black Christian, & hispanic voters!

I always know I've got you on the ropes when you switch to "You have NO core principles". My principles have nothing to do with the point I was making there.
Remember this one? President Trump had Russian prostitutes urinate on him; and Vladimir Putin has a recording, so "President Trump is compromised". On, and on, and on with the nonsense. Be embarrassed Democrats, be very embarrassed.

No I don't remember that one! So that's a second one? Doesn't surprise me at all.
The one I remember is where he paid Russian prostitutes to piss on each other while he watched. Which I recall he did not deny.

None of that surprises me about him at all. He looks the type that would be into water sports. Might explain the skin tone.
JackLuis writes: "Trumpski may be in jail by Xmas, unlikely that he will be re-elected."

Trump WILL be re-elected next year - this Ukrainian mess is instead going to end-up destroying Joe Biden's presidential hopes!

Like Joe had any hope, Christ, he's a two time loser. He'll be out before Nevada.:)
Another Golden Oldie: President Trump declares, "Mexicans are Rapists".
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YDB95 writes: "You're never going to get it. Wanting to improve one's country is not the same as disliking it."

Benedict Arnold would have told you that he didn't really dislike the United States - he simply wanted to see this country returned to the British. Many modern liberal progressives would call him a patriot, not unlike Colin Kaepernick & Megan Rapinoe (whom they ALSO admire!)

"And I'm quite sure you have never once heard anyone say they'd rather live in Cuba or Venezuela."

Once again, modern progressive Democrats who hate President Trump and want to see our nation embrace socialism & open borders would MUCH rather the U.S. became more like Cuba & Venezuela, with their economies in the toilet and their oppressive, totalitarian anti-American governments.

"Question, though, doesn't "Make America great again" imply that it wasn't great for a while, which means it isn't perfect, which by your logic means Trump hates America?"

America was certainly great during the Reagan presidency. It became LESS-GREAT during the Clinton years, but then IMPROVED under Bush, but then went WAY DOWNHILL again during the Obama years! What we desperately needed by 2016 was a president who would make America great again, and we got that with Donald Trump! President Trump did NOT hate this country in the same way that Barack & Michelle did!

"You reprinted it, and "answered" with a bunch of nonsense about how Obama wanted to see America fail."

The progressives who elected Barack Obama wanted him to manage America's decline, which he was more than happy to do, but that's not what the American people wanted! Obama ran for president as a moderate, but he certainly didn't govern that way!

"Trump's slogan unavoidably implies that America was less than great, ergo he must have hated America too. Yes or no?"

President Trump, like most of the people living in the American heartland, hated the direction the U.S. was going with Obama in the White House! Barack represented a weaker, more effeminate, & more emasculated America, which was NOT what the people of this country wanted to see!

"I always know I've got you on the ropes when you switch to "You have NO core principles". My principles have nothing to do with the point I was making there."

When I write that you lack "core principles," I am basically saying that you can easily be swayed by the prevailing opinions being espoused by the politically-progressive far-left (e.g. Antifa & #BlackLivesMatter). If those groups openly turn against our nation's Founding Fathers, you won't hesitate to join them.
The thing I don't understand is why Trump supporters are so completely indifferent to his corruption. I suppose I could understand why you'd support him if you were a Republican or a conservative and you wanted a certain type of judicial appointment or tax cut, or deregulation. Maybe you don't think he's a moron or mentally unstable; maybe you think he's crazy like a fox and playing eight dimensional chess etc.

But he's obviously a massive crook. He is personally lining his own pockets day after day. His family are exploiting his position to enrich themselves, and a significant number of his cabinet appointments seem to be up to no good too. It is one of the most blatant examples of personal corruption that has ever been seen in the White House. Do Trump supporters not believe he's corrupt, or do they just not care?
The thing I don't understand is why Trump supporters are so completely indifferent to his corruption. I suppose I could understand why you'd support him if you were a Republican or a conservative and you wanted a certain type of judicial appointment or tax cut, or deregulation. Maybe you don't think he's a moron or mentally unstable; maybe you think he's crazy like a fox and playing eight dimensional chess etc.

But he's obviously a massive crook. He is personally lining his own pockets day after day. His family are exploiting his position to enrich themselves, and a significant number of his cabinet appointments seem to be up to no good too. It is one of the most blatant examples of personal corruption that has ever been seen in the White House. Do Trump supporters not believe he's corrupt, or do they just not care?

Please mention even ONE instance of President Trump's "corruption".
The thing I don't understand is why Trump supporters are so completely indifferent to his corruption. I suppose I could understand why you'd support him if you were a Republican or a conservative and you wanted a certain type of judicial appointment or tax cut, or deregulation. Maybe you don't think he's a moron or mentally unstable; maybe you think he's crazy like a fox and playing eight dimensional chess etc.

But he's obviously a massive crook. He is personally lining his own pockets day after day. His family are exploiting his position to enrich themselves, and a significant number of his cabinet appointments seem to be up to no good too. It is one of the most blatant examples of personal corruption that has ever been seen in the White House. Do Trump supporters not believe he's corrupt, or do they just not care?

You answered your own question there. They want right-wing judges and tax cuts for the rich, nothing else matters.
As for all the corruption, IOKIYAR.
The thing I don't understand is why Trump supporters are so completely indifferent to his corruption.

Because (D)'s are indifferent to (D) corruption.

He drives (D)'s fucking insane, even when he supports something they have traditionally been against they immediately turn on it.

And he's pretty funny. :D


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Please mention even ONE instance of President Trump's "corruption".

All the foreign officials staying at Trump hotels. The regular trips to Mar-a-Lago, where each time hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars have to be spent, most of which ends up in the Trump family bank account. Scott Pruitt. Tom Price. There seems to be a lot of shady shit going on, irrespective of his policies.
All the foreign officials staying at Trump hotels. The regular trips to Mar-a-Lago, where each time hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars have to be spent, most of which ends up in the Trump family bank account. Scott Pruitt. Tom Price. There seems to be a lot of shady shit going on, irrespective of his policies.

You are a dreamer, big time. Your primary example of "corruption" seems to be... foreign officials staying at Trump hotels? The unspecified "shady shit" you refer to, sounds like the Fake News being constantly spewed by the likes of CNN. Are you believing the CNN stuff?
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