President Trump will be re-elected in 2020 and this is why...

It doesn't have to be true.

Look ad's just gotta fit the narrative and he's 100% behind it, no facts needed.

NOBODY, not even YDB95 believes these political attacks against President Trump are unbiased, or based in reality. It's all just blind, unbridled hate for the People's Choice candidate, who had the gall to defeat the Wicked Queen.

More serious is the CIA/FBI/"Intelligence" services corruption. What did CIA Director John Brennan and Osama Bin Laden have in common? They both worked for the CIA, and they were both Islamic extremists. Hard to believe, but true. John Brennan is/was a Wahhabi Islamist.

CIA/FBI et al., have been infiltrating MSM for decades (Operation Mockingbird). The FBI, under Jim Comey, worked diligently to derail the Trump Presidency. Likewise, James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence (DNI). These DeepState operatives need to be brought to justice.

The crisis in Government is not in the Oval Office, but in the Intelligence community.
NOBODY, not even YDB95 believes these political attacks against President Trump are unbiased, or based in reality. It's all just blind, unbridled hate for the People's Choice candidate, who had the gall to defeat the Wicked Queen.

The People's Choice candidate? He lost the popular vote by three million votes!
The People's Choice candidate? He lost the popular vote by three million votes!


Doesn't all.

Until the left takes a remedial civics class and figures out that's not how the USA works, the EC beatings will continue until morale improves :D

You guys have to win states, states in moderate flyover country.

Unfortunately for you and other "progressives" promising to shut all their commerce down, totally fucking destroy the nations economy, steal all their shit and hand it all over to illegal migrants?? Probably not going to get you as far in Ohio and Wisconsin as it does in NY and California.
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YDB95 writes: "Since you're so fond of Nazi analogies, it's worth noting that what you're doing here is ripe for one. They were big on repeating lies until everyone assumed they were true too."

First of all. Hillary Clinton is a DEMOCRAT, not a Nazi. And her apologies for losing the 2016 presidential elections began wearing thin as soon as she began blaming everybody but herself. Hillary STILL believes that she should have won, despite the fact that the U.S. Constitution says otherwise!

"The People's Choice candidate? He lost the popular vote by three million votes!"

If you want to be elected president of the United States you need to win a majority of ELECTORAL votes! Samuel Tilden understood this in 1876, Al Gore understood this in 2000, and both Mrs. Clinton & Donald Trump understood this in 2016! Hillary lost the election by 77 electoral votes!

BotanyBoy writes: "Buh buhh BUT THE POPULAR VOTE!!! Doesn't matter... at all."

Mrs. Clinton understood this, but many of supporters STILL don't get it!

jp55665566 writes: "Trump will be re-elected 'cause people like WINNING."

Exactly right. But the progressive Democrats on the far-left will continue complaining non-stop regardless, as their party grows steadily weaker and less effective.
Erm, no. Remember the turnout for his inauguration, for example (and importantly, his blatant lies about it afterward). The man loves to talk himself up, and that is why we're hearing so much about huge adoring crowds, not because there's any real truth to it.

He is still very popular among his own base, that's true. But if he were to win re-election, it would defy all historical precedents given his mediocre poll numbers throughout his term.

Trump's ApprovalRating right now is higher than Obama's at the same point in their presidencies, and slightly lower than those for Reagan and Clinton.

Doesn't all.

Until the left takes a remedial civics class and figures out that's not how the USA works, the EC beatings will continue until morale improves :D

Not the point. At all. The point is, it makes no sense to call Trump "the people's choice" when The People voted for someone else by a substantial margin, electoral college or not.
#398 above.
Told like he was sitting on a stack of bibles.
None so blind as those who cannot see.
Even if you accept the most beautiful explanation the chosen one's actions are appalling and impeachable.
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Unfortunately for you and other "progressives" promising to shut all their commerce down, totally fucking destroy the nations economy, steal all their shit and hand it all over to illegal migrants??

Important PSA:

Kiddies...this is your brain on Orange Kool Aid.

Just Say No!

YDB95 writes: "Not the point. At all. The point is, it makes no sense to call Trump "the people's choice" when The People voted for someone else by a substantial margin, electoral college or not."

Historically speaking, when Republican presidents run for re-election, they tend to do MUCH BETTER the second time around - the obvious exception being George H.W. Bush, in 1992, who faced a strong third-party challenge from Ross Perot. But back in '84, President Reagan added a whopping 10,552,242 popular votes to his 1980 total - while, in 2004, George W. Bush added an astounding 11,577,160 votes to his total from 2000!

The only U.S. presidents to finish with FEWER popular votes the second time around (in the past half-century) are Jimmy Carter in 1980, G.H.W. Bush in 1992, and Barack Obama in 2012. Both Carter & Bush faced strong third-party candidacies in their re-election efforts, but Obama did NOT! Barack received 3,580,921 fewer popular votes for reasons unknown!

magicalmoments writes: "Even if you accept the most beautiful explanation the chosen one's actions are appalling and impeachable."

I would love to hear your "beautiful explanation" for Barack Obama's loss of popular support in 2012. WHERE did those three-&-a-half-million voters go?

JKendallDane adds: "Kiddies...this is your brain on Orange Kool Aid."

THIS is your brain on Trump Derangement Syndrome, Jay-Kendall: - ("I just hate him so very, very much!") - (The color ORANGE completely terrifies me!) - ("If they keep counting the votes, maybe Hillary will win!")
THIS is your brain on Trump Derangement Syndrome, Jay-Kendall: - ("I just hate him so very, very much!") - (The color ORANGE completely terrifies me!) - ("If they keep counting the votes, maybe Hillary will win!")

Ha Ha Ha :heart:
YDB95 writes: "Not the point. At all. The point is, it makes no sense to call Trump "the people's choice" when The People voted for someone else by a substantial margin, electoral college or not."

Historically speaking, when Republican presidents run for re-election, they tend to do MUCH BETTER the second time around

I've debunked that one repeatedly and you know it. Move on.

magicalmoments writes: "Even if you accept the most beautiful explanation the chosen one's actions are appalling and impeachable."

I would love to hear your "beautiful explanation" for Barack Obama's loss of popular support in 2012. WHERE did those three-&-a-half-million voters go?

Doesn't matter, he still won.
JKendallDane adds: "Kiddies...this is your brain on Orange Kool Aid."

THIS is your brain on Trump Derangement Syndrome, Jay-Kendall: - ("I just hate him so very, very much!") - (The color ORANGE completely terrifies me!) - ("If they keep counting the votes, maybe Hillary will win!")

While it's not fucking plagiarism, Dump...lifting links to memes you found on the "I'm So Far Up Donnie's ASS that He Uses Me As A Rudder When He Walks on Water" Facebook group page isn't a real BIG step up from it either. Juz sayin' dude. ;)

YDB95 writes: "I've debunked that one repeatedly and you know it. Move on."

HOW have you debunked it? - it's FACTUAL! - Incumbent Democrat presidents do NOT fare as well at re-election time as do REPUBLICAN presidents! You know that's the truth, so WHY pretend otherwise? You DON'T get re-elected receiving 3,580,921 fewer popular votes without there being something seriously wrong with your presidency!

"Doesn't matter, he still won."

The Trump-haters cry: "But Hillary won the popular vote!" - and YDB95 responds: "Doesn't matter, HE STILL WON!"

JKendallDane writes: "While it's not fucking plagiarism, Dump..."

Doesn't matter, Jay-Kendall - Trump still won!
Likewise, the notions that President Trump is a "Russian agent", is "compromised" has "obstructed justice", is a "racist", and is "corrupt", have been D E B U N K E D innumerable times: but it don't stop partisan Trump-haters from hatin'.
Likewise, the notions that President Trump is a "Russian agent", is "compromised" has "obstructed justice", is a "racist", and is "corrupt", have been D E B U N K E D innumerable times: but it don't stop partisan Trump-haters from hatin'.

Read the report. It won't kill you.
YDB95 writes: "Read the report. It won't kill you."

"Doesn't matter, he still won."

I'm using that above quote, courtesy of my friend YDB95 - to whom I attribute it!

When the lefties bitch & moan about Hillary winning the popular vote, THAT'S going to be my response! And when they despair about Robert Mueller letting them down following his two-&-a-half-year, $30-million investigation, THAT'S going to be my go-to response!

"Doesn't matter, he still won!"

(And yes, YDB95 - I will always be sure to credit YOU for saying it first!)
Not the point. At all. The point is, it makes no sense to call Trump "the people's choice" when The People voted for someone else by a substantial margin, electoral college or not.

I guess the people outside of CA/NY aren't real people.

And that attitude is why the (D)'s keep getting skull fucked.

Important PSA:

Kiddies...this is your brain on Orange Kool Aid.

Just Say No!


No that's your brain on liberalism.

Just say Yes and reject the socialism (D)'s are trying to sell. It's the American thing to do.;)
Now he's the victim of a coup, again!
Well like all things associated with trump this coup is something of a record setter. Has to be the slowest rolling coup in the history of the world and by some miracle that only trump could achieve, is happening within the rules of the constitution. Now that's never happened before!
Quote:It was a dark and stormy night.....

Originally Postrd by YDQuote:
Originally Posted by RobDownSouth View Post
Prease to review Rules of Engagement you agl

eed to from last May chop-chop, Sharia-loving Quartergook-san.

You call someone "Anti-American", you get gook 6hammer, so solly.

Rob justifying his overt racism, I never agreed to anything. BOYD View Post
Not the point. At all. The point is
, it trump makes no sense to call Trump "the people's choice" when The People voted for someone else by a substantial margin, electoral college or not.
I guess the people outside of CA/NY aren't real people.
Originally Posted by Rob DownSouth View Post
Prease to review
of Engagement you agleed to from last May chop
-chop, Sharia-loving Quartergook-san.

You call someone "Anti-American", you get gookhammer, so solly.

I never agreed to getting skull fucked.

Originally Posted by JKendallDane View Post
Important PSA:

Kiddies...this is your
brain Quote:
Originally Post
ed by R
nSouth View Post
Prease to review
It slices! It dices! It shreds! It tells you ur hawt! It will even suck if you promise to tell it when you're gonna cum!

, Sharia-loving gobbledergook

You call someone "Anti-American", you get FREE MAGA HAT

Rob justifying his overt racism, I

I never agreed to anything. on Orange Kool Aid.
Just Say No!

No that's your brain
on Quote:
Originally Posted by SOMEBODY~SOMBODY~SOMBODY]RobDown

South View Post

Prease to meet ya'

You call me dirty names and i'll follow you anywhere

Okay but I never agree to anything liberal

Just say Yes and reject the KOOL AID trump is trying to sell. It's the American thing to do.

I agree to overt racism!!!!!!

I never agreed to anything.

Yes you DID!

No I DINT!!!





I'm a flag humper...It's the American thing to do.
dump or ydb or jkd or BB or jp99 said:
Originally Posted by chop-chop, .
GetDownAndBOOGIE in the South

Views like you NEVER seen b4
Prease to
review last May
you get
gookhammer, so solly. :eek:

overt racism
, I never agreed to anything.

qwerty ~ poiuyt ~ zxSNORTbuzz
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Que Sera Sera
Don't fire until you see the BROWN of their skin!
I've not yet begun to be a fuckup!


"And they all lived happily ever after"


Sorry, BB, but ^^THAT^^ is what all your posts are starting to look like and after doing the scroll-down three laptop screens and then back two and down four more and up two again...and STILL can't figure out where YOUR actual comment(s) ARE in those messes...I just gave up.

Maybe if they ALL weren't so cluttered, we might be able to...Ah, fuck it. You don't care anyway.

[Spamming, bumping multiple threads in order to flood the forum, posting same content to multiple locations, or screen-stretching to disrupt the forum is prohibited per our forum guidelines.]
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Just being annoying should be sufficient to get you banned; I guess this fits the spamming-label. Sad, if you've nothing to say but the same lies, and still want to be seen.

Yeppers. Just like Dump's constant blatant plagiarism, they make it SO obvious you have to wonder why they even bother to make the attempts? :rolleyes:

magicalmoments writes: "Now he's the victim of a coup, again!"

Actually, no - the Democratic Party doesn't have the political muscle to pull off an actual coup. The BEST they can do is vote to impeach the president (such as happened to Bill Clinton in the late 1990's) - but Clinton wasn't removed from office because even though the G.O.P. controlled the U.S. Senate back then they nevertheless lacked the votes to get a conviction. You need two-thirds of the U.S. Senate to remove a president from office!

The Democrats today do NOT control the U.S. Senate, and their case against Trump is FAR WEAKER than was the case against President Clinton. Trump will emerge with a HUGE VICTORY after the senate votes, leaving Nancy Pelosi & her House Democrats looking both foolish & defeated.

RubenR writes: "Just being annoying should be sufficient to get you banned"

I think I see where you're going with this, Ruben - but WHO gets to say who is annoying & who isn't?

JKendallDane writes: "Yeppers. Just like Dump's constant blatant plagiarism, they make it SO obvious you have to wonder why they even bother to make the attempts?"

I am NOT a "Joe Biden" plagiarist, Jay-Kendall - and you're continually calling me one does NOT make it true! Get over yourself!
JKendallDane writes: "Yeppers. Just like Dump's constant blatant plagiarism, they make it SO obvious you have to wonder why they even bother to make the attempts?"

I am NOT a "Joe Biden" plagiarist, Jay-Kendall - and you're continually calling me one does NOT make it true! Get over yourself!

All correct, Dump.

Well except for that first part because I see you as far more of a Melania plagiarist actually. 'Why would I dare think something like that???' you'll be soon asking I'm sure.

To answer that not-yet-asked question...well, because you and Mrs. t #3's tits are a lot alike...fake, embarrassingly over-inflated, constantly strutting your stuff (even when the smaller things are sticking out from the thin fabric and making you look like a cheap hooker) but still thinking it will get you somewhere, undying support for the wrong man that is only screwing you over...oh, yeah...and that depending on someone else's words to make you look even half-good thing. You know...being a busted plagiarist!

Then there's that second part, which is simply nothing but a damn lie...which may also be one of the reasons I occasionally refer to you as "a LYING plagiarist."

And to complete the sweep...that third part sounds an awful lot like "projection" but coupled with a deeply repressed admiration for the way I refuse to back down to your lies, plagiarism, bullying, and general my daring to stand up and point & laugh at you when you run through this forum without any clothes on.

OH! And BTW, up in that bolded's "your" (as in "mine") not the contracted version of "you are" like in (oddly appropriate at this point) "You're welcome." ;)
