President Trump will be re-elected in 2020 and this is why...

Michael Goodwin of the New York Post sums up the current push for impeachment (which doesn't have NEAR the necessary votes it needs to actually end the Trump presidency) as the ultimate refusal of Democrats (and most of the media) to accept the results of the 2016 election.

Goodwin says that it's one thing for a president to be criticized for making mistakes - that’s fair game - but no president in modern times has also faced endless assaults for simply exercising the powers of the presidency as has Trump. The precedent is terrifying.

If this is the start of losers always declaring election results invalid, America is doomed.

To grasp the significance, consider an alternative outcome to the Robert Mueller probe. Imagine that the special counsel had found compelling evidence that Trump conspired with Russia to meddle in the 2016 election. Assuming the evidence was airtight, Republicans would have joined Dems in telling Trump it was time to resign, or be impeached and removed from office. Remember Nixon in 1974?

But Trump remains president because Mueller could NOT find even the bare minimum of evidence required to make a case. He had two years, an unlimited budget and a team brimming with prosecutors eager to nail the president. In America, that means the case is closed. That should have been the end of it.

Instead, the left immediately began searching for another scandal. One way or another, they would bring down Donald Trump.

Thus was born Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine.

In an instant replay, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff again declared the president guilty of impeachable offenses even before holding so much as a single hearing. Their only evidence was the flawed, secondhand claim of an anonymous source with partisan ties. They don’t care. They are on a mission to destroy.

Hillary Clinton, incapable of shame and impervious to anything but self-interest, once again emerged to declare Trump “an illegitimate president.” The media, too, jumped on the Ukraine bandwagon, giddy with certainty that this time, they’d get the president they hate. To listen to their vitriolic attacks, impeachment will no longer be enough. Only a public hanging will satisfy their bloodlust.

The House has the power to impeach, but NOBODY seriously believes that the U.S. Senate will support such partisan lunacy - the end-result being that Trump WINS and his presidency continues full-force, with the House Democrats seriously damaging both themselves and their 2020 presidential candidate in the attempt!

President Trump is then comfortably re-elected, with the Republicans very likely winning back the House, as well!
Adam Schiff may be the most despised politician on the planet. I haven't heard a single Democrat say anything positive about him.
Fox News contributor Liz Peek says that President Trump is extremely unlikely to lose his job due to impeachment, and will almost certainly defeat former Vice President Joe Biden or Senator Elizabeth Warren when he faces one of them on the 2020 campaign trail.

She points to President Trump's recent stop in the blue-state of Minnesota, speaking to an enthusiastic crowd made up of tens of thousands of chanting and cheering supporters, while hundreds more stood outside hoping to get in. The energy in the room was extraordinary, especially considering that this president, buoyed by his fans, spoke for an exhausting hour and 45 minutes.

Forget the polls, and forget the partisan impeachment inquiry - the enthusiasm of those Minnesota supporters reminds us how powerful Trump is on the campaign trail and how lackluster his Democrat opponents are in comparison. Trump’s enduring popularity with Republicans also reminds us that GOP senators would be committing political suicide if they voted to remove this president in an impeachment trial.

The U.S. Senate is NOT about to play along with House Democrats!

How exactly does President Trump excite his supporters so much? It’s his authenticity. Democrats mock that claim, protesting that Trump lies and exaggerates - they fact-check his speeches and burrow in on discrepancies, but they miss the big picture. President Trump famously goes “off-script” at such gatherings, and sometimes the results are vulgar. Saying Joe Biden “kissed Obama’s ass” was an example of this, but the crowd LOVED it!

As for Turkey's recent foray into northern Syria, attacking Kurds in that region - the American people do NOT want us to be the lone policeman in the Middle East. We expect our European allies to do their part. Their refusal to take any responsibility for dealing with ISIS prisoners, for example, is unacceptable - they, too, have a dog in this fight.

From the day he took office, President Trump told the State Department and the Pentagon he wanted to bring our troops home. Both those agencies are accustomed to operating as they choose; they did not take his demands seriously and failed to produce a plan to fulfill that campaign promise.

This is what drives his enemies crazy and makes his fans to love him more. The president supposedly keeps a chart on a wall outside his office listing the promises he made to voters. Some are checked off – like reducing taxes, moving our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and exiting the Paris Climate Accords. Some remain undone. Those remaining pledges are what drive his policymaking. What other president has done such a thing? None that I know of.

In Minneapolis, Trump talked up his administration’s job creation and strong economy – a powerful message backed up by another spike in consumer sentiment – and he also took potshots at rival Biden. The local ABC affiliate covering the speech reported: “Trump has been spreading groundless claims that the Bidens used their family name to get China and Ukraine to pay them millions of dollars.” But are those claims really “groundless?” Not hardly. Hunter Biden has just quit his high-paying jobs working for the Chinese & the Ukrainians, insisting that he did nothing wrong, while then promising NEVER to do it again.

Democrats are encouraged by polling that shows that many Americans are open to the impeachment inquiry. That’s because our country is fair-minded and considers no one above the law. On the other hand, Americans expect such a serious task as an impeachment inquiry to be done openly and in a nonpartisan manner. That is NOT what is taking place.

In putting Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) in charge of the probe, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) eliminated any possibility that Trump supporters would view the proceedings as above-board. Schiff is reviled by many for having spun endless false charges that the president colluded with Russia, lying repeatedly that he had conclusive “proof.” Now it turns out that Schiff lied again, denying that his office had met with the whistleblower, shredding Americans’ confidence in the proceedings. At the same time, he is holding closed-door interviews and testimony, all seemingly designed to keep the public from knowing what Trump did or did not do.

Enthusiasm for the proceedings will wane further as voters become disgusted with how Schiff is managing the investigation, and as no new charges result from the endless interviews and subpoenas. And WHAT will the Democrats run on then? They have NOT passed the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade deal, or an immigration compromise, or an infrastructure bill, nor have they done anything serious about prescription drug prices.

Hating President Trump is NOT a compelling or successful campaign theme.
The Moody’s model — which was perfect from 1980 until narrowly missing the 2016 outcome — finds that Trump would win fairly solidly based on three different sets of state-level economic and political data. One that focuses on pocketbook issues such as gas prices, home prices and personal income finds that, as of now, Trump would romp to a second term with 351 electoral votes....

The model, which Moody’s plans to present to clients this week, called every election since 1980 correctly until missing in 2016 and predicting Hillary Clinton would defeat Trump.

In response to the miss, Moody’s expanded the range of potential voter turnout and made several other changes to how it assesses voter reaction to economic conditions. If applied now, Moody’s says the altered models would have called 2016 for Trump.

Another Moody’s model, focused mainly on the stock market, finds Trump would win with 298 electoral votes. A third, which focuses on state-specific unemployment rates, finds Trump would win with 332 electoral votes. In an average of its three models, Trump would also win with 332 electoral votes to 206 for the Democratic nominee.​

B. White, Warning to Democrats: Economy points to a Trump win, Politico (Oct. 15, 2019), see also T. Pierce, Presidential election model that got it wrong once in 40 years predicts Trump 2020 win, Washington Examiner (Oct. 15, 2019).
Democrat strategist Michael Starr Hopkins, writing for The Hill, says that Democratic Party hopes of defeating President Trump next year have taken a turn for the worse. He says that winning a primary is one thing, but winning a general election is a completely different beast. When your party's top three candidates are: 1) a self avowed socialist, 2) a former vice president mired in scandal, and 3) a quasi-populist at war with Wall Street, it is fair to say that there's a LOT of room for concern.

Hopkins argues that Elizabeth Warren is potentially the best and the worst Democratic Party nominee to take on Trump in 2020. She is clearly thoughtful, extremely smart, and prepared to embrace the historic moment that her candidacy presents - but, like Hillary Clinton, she has yet to find her voice or ability to create a likeable narrative that will drive apathetic Democrats to the polls on Election Day.

The Dems cannot afford another Michael Dukakis (1988) or John Kerry (2004) - they don't NEED to prove that they're smarter than Republicans or occupy some moral high ground. Democrats need to prove that they are listening to the voters, that they share their pain, and that they will fight like hell to improve the lives of all Americans. It's been a very long time (1960) since a Democrat from Massachusetts ran a successful presidential campaign. Democrats should be worried that history may NOT be on their side. Despite the political landmines erupting at the White House, Democrats cannot simply rest on their laurels and expect Republicans to abandon a vulnerable president.

A lack of enthusiasm is what defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016. A left versus center battle is already exacerbating the factions that never truly coalesced around Mrs. Clinton, leading to tepid support from the very type of voters who were the very foundation) for Barack Obama.

Pete Buttigieg seems like an intelligent and decent guy who could be the future of the party. Amy Klobuchar would make a great attorney general or the leader of a Democratic majority if the Senate turns blue, but Democrats have yet to put forth a candidate who excites an uneasy Democratic base. Candidates like Beto O’Rourke and Cory Booker have clearly failed to live up to their hype, while candidates like Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris have thus far been unable to expand their base and build upon their name recognition. The end-result is a fluid primary process that is very likely damaging the long-term prospects of the eventual nominee.

Policies like banning private health insurance and packing the Supreme Court risks turning off swing voters and feeds into a conservative narrative that could potentially strengthen Republican turnout. This election cannot be about academic policies or convoluted plans that voters know will never pass Congress. It must be about connecting with people and laying out a better path forward for the country.

The Trump base will almost certainly turn out to settle the score for his likely impeachment. Trump is a leader who has already etched his name in history. If Democrats expect to be successful in 2020, they must nominate a candidate who can harness a movement to rebuild liberal institutions and restore faith in their party.

Hopkins says that if progressives are scared about the potential re-election of Trump, they should be.
THIS is why President Trump will be re-elected:

Arizona's top Democrat criticized for saying that President Trump has 'aligned himself with ISIS'

PHOENIX – Hours before President Donald Trump announced the death of the leader of ISIS (Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi), the chairwoman of the Arizona Democratic Party said in public remarks that Trump had aligned himself with that terrorist organization.

Felecia Rotellini's exact words were: "Another reason why people are going to vote (is) because Donald Trump is manipulating the White House and has aligned himself with ISIS and Saudi Arabia!"

'Poor choice of words'

Her remarks came as American forces began a raid in Syria that trapped al-Baghdadi, the world's most wanted terrorist, who blew himself up like a frightened little bitch inside a tunnel, along with two children.

"It was a poor choice of words," Matt Grodsky, spokesman for the Arizona Democratic Party, said in an email to The Arizona Republic on Tuesday.

State Republican Chairwoman Kelli Ward was more blunt: "It is extremely disconcerting to hear the top Democrat in Arizona slander and malign an innocent person for being aligned with the world’s most evil terrorists, let alone the president of the United States!"

"While fear-mongering from the left is expected up to a point, we have to draw the line somewhere if they’re going to refuse to police themselves. Baseless statements like those made by the chair of the Arizona (Democratic Party) are wildly irresponsible and not rooted in reality."
Funny how delusional you are to think that one comment from someone who's not running for president (I guess), and which is at least half true, probably completely, would turn away voters from the next democratic president, and that the constant string of lies, slander and malign from trump would be no issue. Or do you expect that people get used to trumps filth, and just don't notice it anymore; that people expect nothing else than lies and childish insults from trump, and are fine with that?

I'm not a Trump fan (or hater), but I will not vote for a Socialist, which the Democrats front runners are. So the choice between two evils.....Trump wins. For a lot of people that will be a deciding factor.
My opinion is that I would like to see trump dodge the impeachment bullet, beat off the republican challengers and win the 2020 election. I agree with the trumptards on here that the USA deserves another term with him leading them.
It's the most compelling reality TV show on earth and I can't wait to see the clusterfuck he produces.
"Leftists hate America" is easy and effective propaganda, since there is plenty of hate involved, but I think it is wide of the mark. They hate being told they're wrong (which applies to most people). It's like saying religion is BS to a Christian. "Don't hate" is a big part of leftist belief, so they must pretend they don't, while shouting themselves into early graves.

I expect Trump will be reelected by a wide margin, even if the Democrats nominate someone who seems sensible to me. They are in a phase of self-destruction.
RubenR writes: "Or do you expect that people get used to trumps filth, and just don't notice it anymore..."

Only somebody suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome would use words like "Trump's filth," Ruben.

Naughty69M2M writes: "I'm not a Trump fan (or hater), but I will not vote for a Socialist, which the Democrats front runners are. So the choice between two evils.....Trump wins."

I think that a LOT of voters (including many traditional Democrats) feel exactly that same way!

magicalmoments writes: "My opinion is that I would like to see trump dodge the impeachment bullet, beat off the republican challengers and win the 2020 election."

You are going to get your wish, magicalmoments - as for "fighting off Republican challengers?" Seriously? WHO are you even talking about?

Ziggins writes: "I expect Trump will be re-elected by a wide margin, even if the Democrats nominate someone who seems sensible to me. They are in a phase of self-destruction."

History is repeating itself with the Democratic Party in one of two ways - either we are witnessing 1972 all over again, when they lurched hard left and lost 49 of the fifty-states to incumbent President Richard Nixon - or, we're witnessing a repeat of 1984 when the Dems nominated an old ex-V.P. who lost 49 of the fifty-states to incumbent President Ronald Reagan! Either scenario points to a lopsided Trump re-election win in 2020!
Overconfidence and celebrating victory ahead of schedule sank Clinton, but this does look like a bet on the spread race, with nothing to win by just picking the winner.
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Given there is a real chance that the chosen one will be fired for corruption the issue becomes which of the democratic contenders can beat Pence. On present form you'd have to say any of them.

But... If you trumptards want to carry on in your deluded little world that pretends the stable genius' shit don't stink, then carry on.
Pence can't rouse the hardcore bigots the way Trump can - not for lack of effort, but he just hasn't got it in him - and his extreme social conservatism will alienate suburban Republican women. Not that I really think he'll be the nominee in 2020, but if he is...
Pence can't rouse the hardcore bigots the way Trump can - not for lack of effort, but he just hasn't got it in him - and his extreme social conservatism will alienate suburban Republican women. Not that I really think he'll be the nominee in 2020, but if he is...

Not even close to as bad as the promise of enforced poverty from the left will.

Especially with the "Fuck white people" message on top? That's a no-go bubba....

That's why they went and voted for the pussy grabber instead the (D)'z white girl.
Not even close to as bad as the promise of enforced poverty from the left will.

Not among voters who still buy into red-baiting at this late date, that's true. But there just aren't that many of you left.
Not among voters who still buy into red-baiting at this late date, that's true.

What red-baiting?

There is no baiting, (D)'s are doing it to themselves.

But there just aren't that many of you left.

Ya'll been saying that since Clinton took's that worked out for you???


Last I checked the pussy grabber was getting more votes from white women than the (D)'s white women were.

MAYYYYYBE....ya'll might want to tone the "Fuck white people" rhetoric down a smidgen???

Maybe let people keep private property and individual rights??? American's tend to like those things.
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What red-baiting?

There is no baiting, (D)'s are doing it to themselves.

According to people like you who seem to think even the most mildly progressive tax policies are "communistic". Like I said, there just aren't that many of you left.

Ya'll been saying that since Clinton took's that worked out for you???

Since we've won the popular vote in every election but one since then, I'd say pretty well. Even when we lose, look at the map now compared to the '80s. There has been a shift.

Last I checked the pussy grabber was getting more votes from white women than the (D)'s white women were.
We're talking about Pence, not Trump, and now we're several steps closer to overturning Roe v Wade than we were then. Also, keep in mind that even a lot of the people who voted for Trump didn't think he would win. In other words, the circumstances surrounding the 2016 election can't possibly be recreated under any circumstances next time.

MAYYYYYBE....ya'll might want to tone the "Fuck white people" rhetoric down a smidgen???
A broken clock is right twice a day. Yes, I have taken every opportunity for three years to remind my friends that that's a big part of why Twitler is president.

Maybe let people keep private property and individual rights???

Absolutely no one is arguing against that. If that's what you're hearing from the Dems, that's your problem.
Can any of the trumptards tell me which of the democratic presidential candidates are advicating doing away with private property?
Can any of the trumptards tell me which of the democratic presidential candidates are advicating doing away with private property?

Last time I asked, they cited the Green New Deal. But I don't think any of them have actually read it.
Conrad Black is a convicted crook who embezzled from his own company. He wrote that book as an ass kissing tribute to Trump to extract a pardon.
Can any of the trumptards tell me which of the democratic presidential candidates are advicating doing away with private property?

Elizabeth Warren wants to with her "Medicare for All" plan as well as her "Accountable Capitalism Act"

Also numerous (D)'s support a wealth tax....which taxes people on shit they already paid tax on with income they paid tax on, annually.

It's a system designed to prevent people from making money and then tax them out of everything they have left.

Last time I asked, they cited the Green New Deal. But I don't think any of them have actually read it.

Both the original the the revised versions actually.
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According to people like you who seem to think even the most mildly progressive tax policies are "communistic". Like I said, there just aren't that many of you left.

Progressive tax policies are socialistic. You can't even try to argue otherwise.

But don't let that stop you from ignoring the 'progressive' (D)'z call to nationalize at least some of the economy.

Since we've won the popular vote

This is a union of states.....not a unitary state run by a simple majority democracy.

The popular vote is irrelevant if it's not spread across enough states.

We're talking about Pence, not Trump. In other words, the circumstances surrounding the 2016 election can't possibly be recreated under any circumstances next time.

I didn't say they were.

I know the circumstances have changed, and the (D)'s did everything they could since 2016 to NOT help themselves gain back the middle they need to win.

They trippled down on 'Fuck white people!!' and have gotten super serious about Soviet States of America...they don't want support from moderates and liberals like myself. Everyone to the right of Mao is a fucking NAZI.

Which means the Pussy Grabber in Chief? Despite all the mud (D)'s have thrown at him looks better than ever to everyone who isn't a woke intersectional leftist.

Absolutely no one is arguing against that. If that's what you're hearing from the Dems, that's your problem.

Pretty much every (D) running for POTUS right now wants to take our guns in direct violation of 2A and in most cases also 4A.

Censor speech and tax churches violating 1A.

Oh and levy wealth taxes and nationalizing major segments of our economy and in the crazy case of E. Warren, force collectivization on whatever isn't nationalized....that means the eliminating of private property.

Short of a revolution where they force such things violently, they could not be more directly and blatantly against individual rights and private property.
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magicalmoments writes: "But... If you trumptards want to carry on in your deluded little world that pretends the stable genius' shit don't stink, then carry on."

TRANSLATION: "I hate ORANGE MAN so very, very much! And no, Barack Obama's excrement DIDN'T stink!

YDB95 writes: "Pence can't rouse the hardcore bigots the way Trump can..."

Now that you mention it, I don't remember Mike Pence ever exciting Senator Robert Byrd the way that Barack Obama did!

"Not that I really think he'll be the nominee in 2020, but if he is..."

Pence will win in 2024 if the Democratic Party keeps coming up with presidential nominees like Liz Warren or "Beto" O'Rourke!

BotanyBoy writes: "Especially with the "Fuck white people" message on top? That's a no-go bubba..."

That's no longer working with even BLACK voters! All that the Democrats have accomplished is losing the American heartland.

"Maybe let people keep private property and individual rights??? American's tend to like those things."

Modern progressive Democrats are allowing Antifa & Planned Parenthood to set their party's political agenda - and that's probably an enormous mistake on their part! And their inexplicable endorsement of transgendered male athletes running in (and winning) women's athletic events is just lunacy!
BotanyBoy writes: "Especially with the "Fuck white people" message on top? That's a no-go bubba..."

That's no longer working with even BLACK voters! All that the Democrats have accomplished is losing the American heartland.

And they will lose some more if they run a "progressive" leftist.

"Maybe let people keep private property and individual rights??? American's tend to like those things."

Modern progressive Democrats are allowing Antifa & Planned Parenthood to set their party's political agenda - and that's probably an enormous mistake on their part! And their inexplicable endorsement of transgendered male athletes running in (and winning) women's athletic events is just lunacy!

They are science deniers.....What's male and female is all a social construct!!!! Testosterone is Nazi propaganda spread by Trumpsters and white nationalist!!
Progressive tax policies are socialistic. You can't even try to argue otherwise.

Sure I can. I can also say you need to review the definition of the word "socialist". It's not what you appear to think.

The popular vote is irrelevant if it's not spread across enough states.
Funny how the Republicans claim to be the party of the common man (I would normally add "and woman", but they're also proud to be the anti-feminist party), yet they'll take every opportunity to remind us that the popular vote is meaningless on its own. Which is true, but if I belonged to a party that owed two of its past three victories to that technicality, I wouldn't be proud of it.

I know the circumstances have changed, and the (D)'s did everything they could since 2016 to NOT help themselves gain back the middle they need to win.
Let me guess, you think they should have tried to sound more like Republicans. Yeah, that has always worked so well before!

They trippled down on 'Fuck white people!!' and have gotten super serious about Soviet States of America...they don't want support from moderates and liberals like myself. Everyone to the right of Mao is a fucking NAZI.
Anyone who honestly believes any current Democratic policies warrant a comparison to communists has no business calling hirself a moderate, never mind a liberal. (Yeah, I know, you're using the classical definition of the term from the one political science course you took that has you thinking you know as much as a PhD. In everyday parlance, that's not really what the term means anymore, and you know it. Same goes for "conservative", which became a euphemism for "right wing" a long time ago.)

Which means the Pussy Grabber in Chief? Despite all the mud (D)'s have thrown at him looks better than ever to everyone who isn't a woke intersectional leftist.
And that's why the polls show clear majorities supporting impeachment. You really need to look beyond the tip of your own nose here.

Pretty much every (D) running for POTUS right now wants to take our guns in direct violation of 2A and in most cases also 4A.
Now that Beto is out, I don't believe anyone wants to take away anyone's guns. What we do want is to keep them out of the hands of people who have no business having them, like the rest of the civilised world already does.

Censor speech and tax churches violating 1A.
Churches are tax-exempt because they're supposed to be nonpolitical. They can be tax exempt OR they can be political. To do both is a violation of black letter law. Why shouldn't we put a stop to that? And I haven't heard of anyone wanting to "censor speech".

Oh and levy wealth taxes and nationalizing major segments of our economy and in the crazy case of E. Warren, force collectivization on whatever isn't nationalized....that means the eliminating of private property.
Providing for a basic standard of living for all Americans isn't "forced collectivization", nor is putting a stop to treating health insurance as a for-profit business in a field where there is very clearly a bigger objective than profit involved. And I'm going to assume you understand how tax brackets work and are just choosing to pretend you don't here.

They are science deniers.....What's male and female is all a social construct!!!!
No one is saying it's that simple.