President Trump will be re-elected in 2020 and this is why...

magicalmoments writes: "Sorry dump, trump tweeted he was being subjected to a coup. You are wrong, again."

It's an "ATTEMPTED" coup, magicalmoments - just like the Mueller investigation was - and just as likely to end in failure! The Democratic Party has been beside itself with rage & frustration ever since Hillary Clinton's unexpected loss in 2016, and that party has been grasping at straws ever since!

The failed Mueller investigation squashed their first attempt to overturn that election, and now they're hoping that this Ukraine phone call will be their redemption, despite the fact that it's instead destroying Joe Biden's presidential hopes by shining a light on his own unethical dealings with that nation! But the congressional Democrats don't care a whit about Crooked Joe! They just want to bring down Trump! They want to make him a one-term president — and if they can find a way to force him out of office before the 2020 election, all the better.

Writing in The Hill, contributing editor Ford O'Connell says that impeaching Trump has been the Democrats’ primary objective ever since taking control of the House in the 2018 midterms. They initially thought they could get him on Russia collusion, just as they also hoped to impeach Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, just for good measure.

Neither effort worked out as expected. After more than two years of screaming bloody murder about Trump being a puppet of Vladimir Putin, the Mueller Report proved to be a COMPLETE DUD, while crude efforts to smear Judge Kavanaugh a second time were a miserable failure, as well. Undaunted by these past misfires, congressional Democrats now believe that they've found Willy Wonka’s golden ticket with Trump-Ukraine.

Congressional Democrats are so sure that they have Trump’s number this go-round that they intend to move with lightning speed on impeachment! No more Robert Mueller special prosecutors, who will just let them down with their endless investigations coming up empty! House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff will do it all by themselves this time, with help from the Trump-hating media (which believes everything that Schiff says, ignoring his earlier nonsense about there being “ample evidence of collusion in plain sight” between Trump and Russia.)

Legally speaking, there were no promises or threats made in Trump’s July 25th phone call with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky. Furthermore, the Ukrainians weren’t even aware that U.S. military aid was being held-up at the time. As for campaign finance violations, the Department of Justice has already thrown cold water on that. If Trump is engaged in a cover-up, he’s doing a terrible job of it by taking the unprecedented step of making not only the phone call public, but also the whistleblower's complaint.

But the real kicker, if you want to be cynical, is that Democrats are accusing Trump of engaging in the very same activity with Ukraine in which the Dems were doing in 2016 and again in 2018. Meanwhile, Senator Elizabeth Warren is downright giddy, as she is currently surging in the Democratic Party's presidential polls, getting to scream at Trump while pretending to defend her primary opponent Joe Biden (while privately hoping that this whole thing sinks Biden, and Trump as well!) But when all is said and done, and voters see this whole thing as nothing more than congressional Democrats crying wolf for the umpteenth time, the end-result will be Trump's re-election in 2020. And, just as harmful for Democrats, this could end-up costing their party control of the House of Representatives, as well!

JKendallDane writes: "Well except for that first part because I see you as far more of a Melania plagiarist actually."

I'm kind of surprised that the House Democrats didn't demand a special prosecutor to investigate Melania Trump after her 2016 Republican convention speech! That's a battle they might have actually won! Also, Mrs. Trump is just so incredibly HOT! - (Best-looking U.S. First Lady EVER!)
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Wrong again dump. The mueller investigation was not a failure. It presented a result. It found Russian interference in the election was real. It found the trump team colluded with the Russians, although not criminally so. It also identified several incidents of trump obstructing justice but declined to follow through with prosecution because of policies not to charge an existing president. It said these charges could be followed up when he was no longer president. Hardly a failed investigation.
magicalmoments writes: "Sorry dump, trump tweeted he was being subjected to a coup. You are wrong, again."

It's an "ATTEMPTED" coup, magicalmoments - just like the Mueller investigation was <snip><snip>

Writing in The Hill, contributing editor Ford O'Connell says that impeaching Trump has been the Democrats’ primary objective ever since taking control of the House in the 2018 midterms.


Well, Dump, you get a half-point for almost doing a proper attribution there. But there's just a little problem or two.

First, you provided no link to what you lifted...which was intentional most likely because of the next point...and I did my <snip><snip> thing because it's totally impossible to figure out what are O'Connell's opinions and which ones are your words since you intermix them so much in the entire rest of that post.

That's not just fucking plagiarism, it's an especially vile form of it since you did do a "kinda attribution" right up front and then proceeded to put your words in O'Connell's mouth or the visa-versa version where you wanted people to believe a more-than-healthy chunk of the post was your words instead of the truth of you swallowing and then regurgitating his words from your mouth.

I dunno. Maybe that's the straight boy version of snowballing and it turns you on? <shrug> Whatever gets you wood when you can't afford Viagra, I guess. :rolleyes:

Bottom line...You can keep playing that stupid game, Dump, and I can keep busting you for it all day and night. And I will.

Dump said:
JKendallDane writes: "Well except for that first part because I see you as far more of a Melania plagiarist actually."

I'm kind of surprised that the House Democrats didn't demand a special prosecutor to investigate Melania Trump after her 2016 Republican convention speech! That's a battle they might have actually won! Also, Mrs. Trump is just so incredibly HOT!

Who you tryin' to fool, Dump? The only pictures of Melania that YOU think are really, really, REALLY. "drop you boxers and whack-off haaawt" are ones like this one.....


Damn, Dump. You keep going downhill like this and may well end up being the ONLY person on the planet with less intellectual honesty and credibility than Donnie-t.

But the real kicker, if you want to be cynical, is that Democrats are accusing Trump of engaging in the very same activity with Ukraine in which the Dems were doing in 2016 and again in 2018.

Are you referencing the notion that Hillary Clinton and the DNC colluded with a foreign power to dig up dirt on Donald Trump(Steele Dossier)? Or is this something else?
Colossal Failure

Wrong again dump. The mueller investigation was not a failure. It presented a result. It found Russian interference in the election was real. It found the trump team colluded with the Russians, although not criminally so. It also identified several incidents of trump obstructing justice but declined to follow through with prosecution because of policies not to charge an existing president. It said these charges could be followed up when he was no longer president. Hardly a failed investigation.

The Mueller investigation produced twenty-five indictments presented in two separate batches issued against various Russian citizens and Russian corporations alleging various election violations. Everyone knew right from the get go that these indictments were worthless, not worth the printing costs to produce them. For one thing the US does not have an extradition treaty with Russia and thus, everyone knew these indictments would not see the light of day in an American court. Mind you Putin did offer to cooperate with the Mueller investigation by directing Russian officials to interrogate the accused Russians and produce the results of such interviews to the Mueller team. The latter did not take advantage of Putin’s offer. See:

The criminal actions alleged surely had no impact on the election. You might get a flavor of how ineffective to the outcome of the 2016 elections were by the following report: See:

In any case none of these indictments allege any Trump campaign worker or for that matter any American citizen were involved in any of the alleged crimes. Even more embarrassing to the Mueller team was the fact that one of the indictments against a Russian company alleged a crime at a time when the accused company had not yet come into existence. The company hired American lawyers to defend itself and appeared in court ready to proceed with the legal action. With egg on their face the Mueller team lawyers got a postponement. Considering such an egregious foolish error, which a rookie prosecutor would be ashamed of, one wonders how serious was the Mueller team in the investigation of this aspect of their mandate.

There were some indictments against Americans alleging hacking emails, lying to investigators and tampering with witnesses. One of the accused was George Papadapolous for lying to the Mueller team who pleaded guilty and sentenced to 14 days. Wow! Now that was a real dastardly criminal nabbed by the Mueller team.

Then we have the case of Michael Flynn, a three star retired general who pled guilty in Court to lying to the FBI on Dec 1, 2017. Almost two years have passed and he still has not been sentenced. To me that sure seems like a violation of the right to a speedy trial provision in the US Constitution. And you Trump haters have the gall to allege that Pres Trump has no respect for the constitution and is shredding it. Hah!

Aside from the news reporting, I sincerely believe there might be some shame harbored by some of the participants on what has happened to this man. I believe it was in the last court appearance where the Judge was practically begging Flynn to change his plea. However Flynn has been bankrupted by legal expense, lost his home, dignity and integrity so seems to have no stomach for fighting on. At ago Mueller team! Saving America.

There is an ongoing indictment against Roger Stone, a long time friend to Pres Trump alleging lying and goodness knows what else. He is fighting the charges and we’ll see if anything comes of it.

Now there have been two cases where the Mueller team did catch two bone fide criminals but even in those cases there were questionable tactics utilized by the Mueller team. Paul Manafort was charged with inter alia conspiracy to launder money. The trouble is that all his criminal charges occurred long before he signed on to the Trump campaign and had nothing to do with the 2016 election or allegation of Russian collusion. He was sentenced to 73 months. Gee had he not joined the Trump campaign he would still be a free man today, since there was no ongoing criminal investigation against him until the Mueller team came into being. Seems like his real crime was supporting Pres Trump.

The other case was Michael Cohen long time personal lawyer to Donald Trump. To catch Cohen, the Mueller team raided his office, home and even a hotel suite wherein apparently he was lodged. This is very disturbing in that it raises the question of violation of attorney-client privilege. We are led to believe that the Mueller team obtained all the necessary proper legal permissions to justify this raid, but we have yet been privy to the actual justification. Without such explanation what is the lay person to believe? If the government can raid the office of the lawyer for the President of the United States what’s them to stop raiding the offices of lawyers representing anyone else?

Now Cohen pleaded guilty inter alia to lying to Congress in Dec 2018 and started serving his three year sentence in May of this year. In between that time he was called to testify before Congress again. And incredibly, believe it or not he perjured himself again! He claimed that he never sought a job at the White House with the Trump administration. But the WH has denied such claim, and declared that he did indeed seek a high level job, but was rebuffed by Pres Trump.

During his testimony, Cohen was eager to malign the President. He described Pres Trump as a racist, a con man, and a cheat, and expressed remorse and shame for representing the President. However despite such calumny, he did not recant his assertion that he has never visited the Czech Republic. The allegation that Cohen was in Prague in July of 2016 to meet with Russian officials in the Russian embassy was the “smoking gun” evidence presented to the Mueller team to substantiate the charge that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. It was based on the McClatchy News story that their unnamed source knew a source (also unnamed) that had ties with an eastern European intelligence agency (you guessed it also unnamed) who claimed they detected a ping from Cohen’s cell phone that pin pointed his location to be in Prague at the relevant time. Of course this flimsy evidence contained no corroboration. There were no records of him having booked a hotel room in any Prague hotel, and his passport did not show any visit to the Czech Republic. Besides that, Cohen had a credible alibi in that he was in California during the refevant time.

One other troubling thing about Mueller’s tactics in dealing with Cohen was the insistence to him pleading guilty to violating campaign finance laws for the principal purpose of influencing the 2016 presidential election. Now this was no skin off Cohen’s nose in that his subsequent sentencing would not be augmented with addition of this charge. But as a legal matter this is so wrong in so many ways. Now the nexus of this charge had to do with the payment of $130K to Stormy Daniels, a porn actress, for her silence not to disclose a one night stand she had with Trump back in 2006. First of all it is problematic whether the payment is a true campaign finance expense. It certainly did come from the coffers of the Trump campaign. Since the payment can be argued to have been made partly at least for the reason to influence the election then I guess it can be argued that it was a campaign expense. However the point then is who paid thus expense? It was certainly not commingled with the bulk of monies raised by the Trump campaign. It has been admitted that Trump reimbursed Cohen for this payment and this would mean there is no violation of the campaign finance laws. A candidate can spend as much of his own money as he desires on his own campaign.

Now when Mueller’s report came out, there were no additional indictments issued or recommended. Although Mueller equivocated in public statements and testimony whether the conclusion was predicated on the DOJ policy and understanding that a sitting President can not be indicted, Mueller’s final assertion on the matter was that the DOJ policy had no influence on the conclusion of the Report. The Report had two sections, first part dealt with the possibility of collusion with Russia and the second part dealt with the possibility of obstruction of justice by the President.

In the first instance Mueller couldn’t find any evidence of collusion that would justify an indictment. In the second case Mueller also could not recommend an indictment for obstruction of justice, but they did muddy the waters by suggesting seven incidences where a prosecutor might be willing to indict. Mueller left it up to the AG to determine whether the evidence was sufficient to recommend an indictment. Mueller felt justified in punting in that his Report was directed to the AG who actually was not required to reveal it to the public. AG Barr in his testimony before congress, explained in succinct legal terms why each of the seven instances of evidence cited by Mueller was not sufficient to warrant an indictment. I’ll elaborate on two of them.

First one is the suggestion that the firing of James Comey, was a possible obstruction of justice. I think to even consider the possibility that Comey’s firing could in any way be construed as an obstruction is astonishing to assert. Comey was the FBI director, ergo in an administrative position, who was not involved in the day to day workings of the Crossfire Hurricane operation. He was not indispensable the investigation continued after his firing. Or to look at it in another way, had Comey died instead of being fired would any one say the investigation was obstructed or hampered in any way? Of course not. The investigation would have continued with a new head of the FBI. Hell even if one of the actual working FBI agents in the Crossfire Hurricane investigation had died or otherwise been taken off the case, the investigation would continue. I trust you can now see the absurdity of this so called obstruction of justice.

This was the same sort of argument AG Barr used to dismiss another claim of obstruction. Pres Trump apparently toyed with the idea of firing Mueller for conflict of interests and ordered WH counsel to do so. As AG Barr argued firing someone for perceived conflict of interest can not be obstruction of justice because the action presupposes a replacement will take over. The other instances of supposed obstruction of justice had been likewise dismissed by Barr. On the other hand there was lots of cooperation by Trump to assist Mueller’s investigation. No executive privilege was asserted, every WH staff member was made available. Over a million pages of documents were accessible to the Mueller team. If that was obstruction of justice I wonder what would full disclosure look like?

Now I gone to great lengths to demonstrate why the Dems are precluded from utilizing the Mueller Report to support articles of impeachment. If you truly wish to effectively impeach the President you really need to be able to allege real crimes. The Mueller Report doesn’t do it. There is indication that the Mueller Report cost American taxpayers over $31M. Considering that the disguised or hush hush purpose was to produce evidence to impeach the President, the investigation was a colossal failure. Considering only two convictions produced sentences of three and six years, the prosecutors did not get much bang for the buck.
Well... The esteemed Senator Adam Schiff claimed for years to have PROOF of President Trump "colluding" with Russia to corrupt the 2016 election. I thought that PROOF was going to be presented as part of the Mueller Investigation's findings. Did I miss something?
For you Trump haters that are salivating at the prospect of a Trump defeat at the polls in 2020 here is some ominous news: The Trump re-election campaigned raised $125M (that’s M as in million)i in the last quarter. Not only is this bad news for Dems prospect in the elections but it guarantees the impeachment hearings currently conducted by Shifty Schiff and/or the rotund Nadler will definitely be an exercise in futility. Even if Pelosi is finally able to cobble together sufficient Dems votes to secure an impeachment vote, no Republican Senator, none, zero, nada will vote to convict the President. Considering the support Pres Trump has amongst the Party base as evidenced by this huge campaign revenue the Republican Senators are not prone to commit political suicide.
Well... The esteemed Senator Adam Schiff claimed for years to have PROOF of President Trump "colluding" with Russia to corrupt the 2016 election. I thought that PROOF was going to be presented as part of the Mueller Investigation's findings. Did I miss something?

Schiff is a representative. And read the report before you draw any conclusions about it.
magicalmoments writes: "Wrong again dump. The mueller investigation was not a failure. It presented a result."

The Democrats spent $30-million taxpayer-dollars and spent over two-&-a-half-years discovering that Donald Trump's presidential campaign did NOT collude with the Russians, NOR was there enough evidence to prove any obstruction. What Mueller's investigation DID reveal is that the Obama administration did a TERRIBLE job protecting the integrity of our American elections from foreign interference, which ultimately shows what an inept simpleton President Obama actually was!

JKendallDane writes: "That's not just fucking plagiarism, it's an especially vile form..."

Yes, Jay-Kendall - and I fully share your intense anger and your outrage! You keep speaking up, my friend! Don't allow your voice to be silenced!

"Who you tryin' to fool, Dump? The only pictures of Melania that YOU think are really, really, REALLY. "drop you boxers and whack-off haaawt" are ones like this one..."

I don't know of ANYBODY who doesn't agree with the two of us that Melania is only a THOUSAND-TIMES hotter than Michelle Obama, and a MILLION-TIMES hotter than Mrs. Clinton! The ONLY person who might disagree with this assessment is Jussie Smollett (and he's GAY!)

YDB95 writes: "Schiff is a representative."

I think we can ALL agree that Adam Schiff is a corrupt congressional pinhead.
"Who you tryin' to fool, Dump? The only pictures of Melania that YOU think are really, really, REALLY. "drop you boxers and whack-off haaawt" are ones like this one..."

I don't know of ANYBODY who doesn't agree with the two of us that Melania is only a THOUSAND-TIMES hotter than Michelle Obama, and a MILLION-TIMES hotter than Mrs. Clinton! The ONLY person who might disagree with this assessment is Jussie Smollett (and he's GAY!)

You seem to be a substantial bit more than "slightly" confused about some things, Dump. Let's do a list, okie~dokie?

1) I have had more than my fair share of sex since January 15th of 1983. It's an easy date for me to remember since it was the day before my dad died.

2} That was also the same date that I was last naked with a female, so that makes me as gay as Jussie at a minimum and possibly, because of my wit and personality, I might even edge him out on the Fabulous scale even and be even MORE gay than him...even though I've only done drag twice in almost 40 years...and one time was dressing up as Monica Lewinsky for a Halloween party my ex-husband and I were going to in 1999. He was done up as Hillary and we won the "Best Couple Costumes"contest. :D.)

(and since i just know you now gonna ask "whatabout the other time jay~kay~kay"??? ...well...that was clear back in October of 1982 when the company i worked for was a national corporate sponsor of the UCP telethon and our Ohio regional office was announcing our major fundraiser which was a co-sponsorship with the #1 radio station in central Ohio and was called "The World's Biggest Farewell to M*A*S*H Bash to Benefit UCP" (which happened the same weekend as the telethon and was just 3 weeks before the final episode of the series) and at that kickoff we did a skit for attendees where *I* was Max Klinger mainly because of my hairy chest and shoulders and legs. (trust me when i tell ya' that i had the crowd rollin' on the floor laughing because of how i looked in an off-the-shoulders, deep cut-out cleavage front, that was slit clear my waist on one side sun dress!!! I so werkd it that I had two guys come out (and on) to me when we broke fpr refreshments ;) ) Does that now totally satiate you about wanting to know about my bedroom habits? :) )

(that was part SNARK, dump. I'll let you guess which parts. And BTW...National HQ doesn't really put our official rating on our Pink membership cards anyway. ;) )

3) Meaning I don't have any real desire or need to see either Michelle Obama or Rent-a-Wife #3 in a bikini, much less naked. That said, should I ever desire that situation to happen, I'm pretty sure it would be with Michelle based on how much MORE stimulated I'm sure she could get me afterwards during pillow talk since she is so much MORE educated and still down to earth than Mel-what's-her-name. OTOH, I can easily see you getting all hard over her, simply because you are already self-trained to be turned on by massive quanities of silicone and rubber parts and extremely limited talking skills because of your long-term relationships with inflatable wives and girlfriends. ;)

4) And I wouldn't totally rule the Hillster...I mean if you have an unfulfilled secret fantasy about being tied up, ball-gagged, and a little BDSM experimentation with a slightly fem guy, Hills could just use a pencil to create some fake chin stubble, tug on a pair of husky Levi 501's, duct tape her boobs down and cover them up with a standard redneck flannel shirt, strap on a strap one and spank you like a thirteen year boy that just discovered masturbation does to himself, anytime you said " I love Donnie more than you." (it's perfectly okay to admit just reading that made you dribble precum for the first time in years, dump ;) )

5) Just sticking this one in here because it seems like there is always a need to poke you about at least five things every time you make silly-assed posts like that one and I don't want you screwing up my rhythm. :D )

Now, what were you saying again?.

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JKendallDane writes: "You seem to be a substantial bit more than "slightly" confused about some things, Dump. Let's do a list, okie~dokie?"

I really appreciate you're doing all of that for me, Jay-Kendall - but it's really not necessary!

"I have had more than my fair share of sex since January 15th of 1983."

That's a strange boast for you to be making on a thread that's supposed to be about President Trump being re-elected in November of 2020.

"I'm pretty sure it would be with Michelle based on how much MORE stimulated I'm sure she could get me afterwards during pillow talk..."

I see... you'd rather have sex with Michelle Obama because all of the "stimulating pillow talk" that would follow? Oh, wow...

"Now, what were you saying again?

I'm imagining the "stimulating pillow talk" you'd be having with Megan Rapinoe... or maybe even Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford! It's NOT a pleasant thought!
Sexual union with any of those females would be very dangerous. The desired "pillow talk" would be exceptionally brief and most likely culminate in J.Kendall's head being bitten off.


A friend of a "whistle-blower" told me that J.Kendall fantasizes about D. Wasserman Schultz !
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A friend of a "whistle-blower" told me that J.Kendall fantasizes about D. Wasserman Schultz !

Well, I just read it on the internet, so it must be true. Or that is the narrative we all need to go with, regardless of any other evidence or facts.
A friend of a "whistle-blower" told me that J.Kendall fantasizes about D. Wasserman Schultz !

Well, I just read it on the internet, so it must be true. Or that is the narrative we all need to go with, regardless of any other evidence or facts.[/QUOTE]

Remember, facts don't necessarily reveal truth.
"We choose truth over facts- Joe Biden 2019
jp55665566 writes: "A friend of a "whistle-blower" told me that J.Kendall fantasizes about D. Wasserman Schultz!"

I've known about Jay-Kendall's infatuation with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz for quite some time now!

Naughty69M2M writes: "Well, I just read it on the internet, so it must be true."

I was thinking the exact same thing!

Former vice president Joe Biden says: "We choose truth over facts"

Today's Democrats have an aversion to hearing the facts. And not just Jay-Kendall, either!
A friend of a "whistle-blower" told me that J.Kendall fantasizes about D. Wasserman Schultz !

Well, I just read it on the internet, so it must be true. Or that is the narrative we all need to go with, regardless of any other evidence or facts.[/QUOTE]

Well, I just read it on the internet, so it must be true. Or that is the narrative we all need to go with, regardless of any other evidence or facts.

Remember, facts don't necessarily reveal truth.
"We choose truth over facts- Joe Biden 2019[/QUOTE]

jp55665566 writes: "A friend of a "whistle-blower" told me that J.Kendall fantasizes about D. Wasserman Schultz!"

I've known about Jay-Kendall's infatuation with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz for quite some time now!

Naughty69M2M writes: "Well, I just read it on the internet, so it must be true."

I was thinking the exact same thing!

Former vice president Joe Biden says: "We choose truth over facts"

Today's Democrats have an aversion to hearing the facts. And not just Jay-Kendall, either!

You guys just can't help yourselves, can you? How about we review just a few of the previous gems you have all given standing ovations to since the SECOND FULL DAY of this clusterfuck administration......

DJT aka: 45* said:
"Don't believe what you're reading or seeing!"

Kellyanne Conway said:
"What we're presenting are 'alternative facts.' "

Rudolph "Rudy" Giuliani said:

Still haven't learned how to count the fingers pointing back you when you start wagging one at someone else, have you?
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jp55665566 writes: "'Cause Joe Biden ain't gonna make it."

No, he's not - and everybody knows it! This Ukraine business is DESTROYING his candidacy!

JKendallDane writes: "You guys just can't help yourselves, can you?"

The media did its best to shield & protect Joe Biden, Jay-Kendall - because any scandal during Biden's tenure as vice-president reflects negatively on the entire Obama administration! It makes it appear as if Barack himself was unaware of what his own V.P. was up to in the Ukraine!

"Still haven't learned how to count the fingers pointing back you when you start wagging one at someone else, have you?"

The more we learn about the Obama adminstration, the more corrupt it looks! Joe Biden's business dealings are only scartching the surface! But HIS is the candidacy that's going to take the first blow!
I'v just spent over an hour skimming this thread, and want to make a few comments and observances.

There is no way on God's green Earth that myself or 99% of voters could read and/or digest the facts AND falsehoods from either side OR the media... I'd like to think that I try to keep up with current news and events, but DAYAHMMM.... it's overwhelming from every side.

I'd LIKE to vote for Trump again, but his bullshit and bluster is making it harder every day.. The Democrats are all running to the left as hard as they can, trying to out-liberal each other... The 2 or 3 that have halfway sensible ideas are also-rans, with no chance of winning.. Sanders is too old, too far out there, and just had a heart attack... He's done.... Biden is more in the middle, but this has wounded him, plus, he's a geezer and the youngbloods won't vote for him. Warren is too old, too liberal for the unwashed masses to get behind, and a woman... Dems saw how THAT worked out for 'em last time.

How long can our Republican Senators back Trump at trial? Mitch has already said there would be one if the house voted to impeach. Aren't they concerned even a little bit about the votes back home? Winning your their election is JOB ONE for those clowns.. IF, there is anything to this latest clusterfuck, how can they vote to acquit with a straight face?

Trump saved us from Hillary, for that alone he deserves a National holiday, but the man is doing more harm them good at this point.

Why not go ahead and convict Trump.. Pence can finish out his term, and Pence is electable with the way the Dems are soooo out of touch with reality.
Bikesandfires2018 writes: "I'd LIKE to vote for Trump again, but his bullshit and bluster is making it harder every day..."

I know what you're saying. He's a boisterous loudmouth who likes to brag about himself. He ALSO knows how to hit back! The Democrats much preferred Republican "punching bags" like John McCain & Mitt Romney, whom they could DEFEAT! The only time that RINO-Republicans ever come out swinging is when their target is Donald Trump!

"The Democrats are all running to the left as hard as they can, trying to out-liberal each other..."

It's history repeating itself all over again! Way back in 1972 the progressive-far-left took control of the Democratic Party and nominated Senator George McGovern as its presidential candidate to take down President Nixon! Instead, McGovern won only 37.52% of the popular vote, carrying only one-state (Massachusetts) and the District of Columbia, losing in the Electoral College by a lopsided 520-to-17!

"How long can our Republican Senators back Trump at trial?"

The House Democrats still lack any kind of valid impeachable offense. They've been trying to get rid of Trump since even before he was inaugurated! First, they were certain that the Mueller investigation would do the trick. Now, they're counting on this Ukrainian phone call. But we've all seen the transcript! There's nothing there! Trump will emerge VICTORIOUS in the U.S. Senate by a wide margin!

" can they vote to acquit with a straight face?"

The Democratic Party strongly believes (with a straight face) that Trump's defeating Hillary Clinton in 2016 was an impeachable offense! The American people don't share that anger & outrage!

"Why not go ahead and convict Trump.. Pence can finish out his term..."

Be serious - the House Democrats hate Mike Pence just as much as they hate Donald Trump! Their anger is largely about the Republicans appointing justices onto the U.S. Supreme Court, which they can't tolerate! Do you seriously believe that Planned Parenthood will quietly go along with Mike Pence appointing a replacement justice when Ruth Bader-Ginsburg retires/departs? NO WAY! They'll dig up another Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford in a heartbeat!
No one can point out any real crime committed by President Trump; but there certainly has been tons of harassment from the Left. Not to mention the actual Democrat improprieties of wire-tapping Trump's campaign, and hiring a foreign power to dig up dirt on Trump.
jp55665566 writes: "No one can point out any real crime committed by President Trump; but there certainly has been tons of harassment from the Left."

The PRIMARY REASON why the Trump-haters on the left do NOT want to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the Ukraine phone-calls is because they already KNOW that such an investigation will dig up even LESS dirt than did Mueller's two-&-a-half year search that ultimately revealed NO Russia Collusion and NO obstruction! The Democrats do NOT want to be embarrassed like that again!

"Not to mention the actual Democrat improprieties of wire-tapping Trump's campaign, and hiring a foreign power to dig up dirt on Trump."

Many of the left are increasingly nervous about U.S. Attorney General William Barr's ongoing investigation into the illegal-doings of the Obama administration, including Joe Biden's attempt to withhold U.S. aid going to the Ukraine unless that nation fired a special prosecutor looking into the shady dealings of his son (Hunter Biden!) The media has been avoiding any reporting of Barr's ongoing work, while Democrats are trying to get him removed from his post!