President Trump will be re-elected in 2020 and this is why...

Sure I can. I can also say you need to review the definition of the word "socialist". It's not what you appear to think.

No, ya can't....I didn't say it was socialist, I said it was socialistic.

Government seizure and redistribution of wealth/resources for a more equitable redistribution is a core ideal of taxation is exactly that.

Fascistic taxation looks like the non compliance fines for not buying insurance we had with Obamacare.

Liberal taxation is the flat tax, everyone pays the same %.

Let me guess, you think they should have tried to sound more like Republicans. Yeah, that has always worked so well before!

No, I think they should have stuck to being liberals, draw up some tax plans to provide a public HC option.

Preferably in their own states, HC simply is not a federal issue.

NOT advocate we nationalize our HC industry like a bunch of radical wannabe Soviet dipshits.

There is no need to nationalize any industries, it's authoritarian and un-American.

Anyone who honestly believes any current Democratic policies warrant a comparison to communists has no business calling hirself a moderate, never mind a liberal.

Socialist....and they are.

Numerous (D)'s, roughly 2/3 of the party by most measures, want to seize the means of production and nationalize major segments of the economy.

HC, energy, agriculture, housing/property....Liz Warren wants to force collective ownership on the rest of commercial activity.

In the educated world, when a government nationalizes its economy, controls the distribution of goods and services and taxes it's people out of all their shit for the privilege, that's called socialism.

that's not really what the term means anymore, and you know it. Same goes for "conservative", which became a euphemism for "right wing" a long time ago.

It is what the term means. Look it up.

Conservative became a euphemism for right wing in most WESTERN civilizations because most of us, the USA exceptionally so, have our political roots in the right wing.

A conservative in Russia for example, would be left wing.

Now that Beto is out, I don't believe anyone wants to take away anyone's guns.

That's just willful ignorance.

They absolutely want to take peoples guns. AFAIK every single (D) candidate wants to shit ALL OVER 2A rights. From bans to taxing ammo at insane rates....they all want them gone and regularly say so.

They don't even try to hide it. Why are you??

Churches are tax-exempt because they're supposed to be nonpolitical.

Churches are tax-exempt because the Constitution forbids it.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

Churches can be as political as they want.

Providing for a basic standard of living for all Americans isn't "forced collectivization",

No but forcing companies to be run by elected representatives of the employees is.

E. Warrens "Accountable Capitalism Act" is a bill of direct confiscation of private property and forced collectivization.

Also it's not the governments job to provide a basic standard of living.....It's the governments job to secure and enhance the rights and liberty of the people, this is the USA not Soviet Russia.

nor is putting a stop to treating health insurance as a for-profit business

Government authority used to seize the means of production (HC in this case) and end the private exchange of goods and services?

No that's good ol' anti-American socialism.

And I'm going to assume you understand how tax brackets work and are just choosing to pretend you don't here.

Tax brackets don't change what it is.

No one is saying it's that simple.

The social constructionist trans nuts are 100% real, they are fucking bat shit crazy, they don't think trans women are ANY different than the heterocisnormative biological females in any way shape or fashion.

And anyone who says otherwise is a Transphobic Nazi.
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The social constructionist trans nuts are 100% real, they are fucking bat shit crazy, they don't think trans women are ANY different than the heterocisnormative biological females in any way shape or fashion.

And anyone who says otherwise is a Transphobic Nazi.

I don't see what's objectionable in that. Transwomen are women, and people who insist they're men are bigots.
Antifa is an invention of the fake media. They invented the term by abbreviating the the words "anti fascist" to describe the combined civil liberty groups who routinely show up wherever white supremacists show up to spout their fascist mumbo jumbo.
Antifa is not an organised group. They are not registered as a charity or and incorporated society, they're not a trust, or a political party. They have no designated leader, president, chairman or grand duke. They have no executive committee, no strategic management team, they have no website, no postal address, no HQ, no bank accounts. You can't pay a subscription, they have no magazine, no printed propaganda.
They don't exist other than as the name given by the media to the loose grouping of citizens who are offended by fascism in all its forms.
Yet you stupid fucking trumptards continue to be sucked into the fake media bullshit propaganda.
Simply phenomanal.
magicalmoments writes: "Antifa is an invention of the fake media."

You seriously believe that CNN & MSNBC invented Antifa? That's a new one I hadn't heard before!

"They invented the term by abbreviating the the words "anti fascist" to describe the combined civil liberty groups who routinely show up wherever white supremacists show up to spout their fascist mumbo jumbo."

Except that Antifa uses FASCIST political tactics to silence free speech! They try and break-up opposition political rallies EXACTLY like Hitler's Brown Shirts used to do in pre-Nazi Germany! They try and SILENCE free-speech! They're in NO WAY anti-fascist! If anything, Antifa are a band of emasculated-looking American Nazis!

"Antifa is not an organised group. They are not registered as a charity or and incorporated society..."

Antifa wants to be the militant arm of the Democratic Party, somewhat like the Ku Kux Klan once was. And, like the Klan, Antifa members wear masks to hide their identity! And ALSO like the Klan, they have a similar-looking red & black flag! - (The Antifa flag) - (Ku Kux Klan flag)

"Yet you stupid fucking trumptards continue to be sucked into the fake media bullshit propaganda. Simply phenomanal."

Yes, magicalmoments - Antifa supporters are also perpetually angry & hate-filled, exactly like the Ku Kux Klan! - (Masked Antifa protesters - 1 of 3) - (Masked Antifa protesters - 2 of 3) - (Masked Antifa protesters - 3 of 3)
Antifa is an invention of the fake media. They invented the term by abbreviating the the words "anti fascist" to describe the combined civil liberty groups who routinely show up wherever white supremacists show up to spout their fascist mumbo jumbo.

AntiFa is not into civil liberty.

They are a violent outrage mob that is expressly and directly anti-Civil liberty.

If they were pro civil liberty they wouldn't get violent or try to suppress the civil liberties of people they don't agree with, which is pretty much anyone to the right of Mao.
magicalmoments asks: "Can any of the trumptards tell me which of the democratic presidential candidates are advicating doing away with private property?"

Socialism is all about the government ultimately owning everything, and the modern Democratic Party has been moving in a steadily socialist direction for approximately three decades now (or have you NOT been paying attention?)

YDB95 writes: "Last time I asked, they cited the Green New Deal."

The New Green Deal is socialism at its most extreme, taking away existing modes of transportation and turning back the clock to the mid-1800's. The government will tell us what we can eat (e.g. no more meat), and the ONLY people still flying in airplanes will be Al Gore and the Democrat/Hollywood elites making the rules!

"And that's why the polls show clear majorities supporting impeachment."

The modern Democratic Party prefers MOB RULE over following the U.S. Constitution, YDB95 - if we allowed mainstream-media polls to run our country then Hillary Clinton would be the president right now!

"Now that Beto is out, I don't believe anyone wants to take away anyone's guns."

Yeah, Beto's virulent attacks on our Second Amendment were an apparent non-starter.

"Churches are tax-exempt because they're supposed to be nonpolitical."

The increasingly pro-atheist Democratic Party wants to change that! And with America's BLACK churches increasingly leading the black-flight AWAY from the Democrats, that's only going to speed-up!

"Providing for a basic standard of living for all Americans isn't 'forced collectivization'"

If the Soviet Union did it, then there are those in today's Democratic Party who WANT to do it!

"Transwomen are women, and people who insist they're men are bigots."

You simply DESPISE women's athletics, YDB95 - and if a guy can't earn a spot playing on the men's team, then you believe he should be able to change his sex and compete against the girls! You have NO CORE PRINCIPLES, and will support whatever the left tells you to support (lest they label you a "bigot"!)
Trump VS Deep State nut jobs

The deep state idiots have dug a hole for themselves. The democratic party has a bench full of ego idiots with no real world ideas. Their vision is so absurd that most people recognize that the ideas can't work. Trump can easily win 2020. The deep state knows that. They are in panic. If he wins another 4 years would put many of them in prison. They will likely try to take him out like they took Lincoln out. Very sad very sick.
Trump disapproval ratings:

PA. 61%
MI. 58%
WI. 57%

Bye bye.

It was a long time ago so maybe some have forgotten. But reach back into your mind or dig up old fake news reports and consider what the polls said about Trump in 2016. :eek:
It was a long time ago so maybe some have forgotten. But reach back into your mind or dig up old fake news reports and consider what the polls said about Trump in 2016. :eek:

Point taken. But this time around voters will have a four year record to consider.
seeshelly writes: "The democratic party has a bench full of ego idiots with no real world ideas. Their vision is so absurd that most people recognize that the ideas can't work."

The Democratic Party has retreated to where they were back in 1972, after losing a very close presidential election four years earlier with Hubert Humphrey as their candidate! And so, in 1972, they lurched HARD-LEFT and made George McGovern their party's presidential candidate. The results were predictable:

1972 U.S. Presidential Election results - (popular vote, popular-vote percentage, & electoral vote totals):

47,168,710 - 60.67% - 520 electoral votes - Richard Nixon (R)
29,173,222 - 37.52% - 17 electoral votes - George McGovern (D)

McGovern lost in 49 of the 50 states - which, at that time, was UNHEARD of - but just twelve years later, another Democratic Party presidential candidate (Walter Mondale) would ALSO lose in 49 of the 50 states!

Adre writes: "Trump disapproval ratings: PA. 61% MI. 58% WI. 57% Bye bye."

I remember the polls numbers in 2016 being even WORSE for Trump in those very same blue-collar states, which resulted in Hillary Clinton sweeping all three! What? What's that, you say? Mrs. Clinton DIDN'T sweep those three states? Really? THEN WHO DID?

"Point taken. But this time around voters will have a four year record to consider."

The U.S. economy is currently the strongest that it's EVER been - and NOBODY is giving the credit to Obama & Joe Biden! Former President Bill Clinton put it bluntly back in 1992: "It's the ECONOMY. stupid!" People vote their pocketbooks!
A couple of things.

Fiirst, 2016:
Donald Trump won 3,084 of America's 3,141 counties in the 2016 presidential election; Hillary Clinton won just 57. That is why he won. It's not time of possession or yards in football, it's how many times you score. So, if you only win a few cities on each coast, the rest of our country gets their say. Go to a "Popular" vote and Middle America has no real vote.

Secondly, are the current Democratic party, and candidates, Nationalist or Marxist Socialists? Both are equally bad, in my opinion, but how do Dems see themselves? Can anyone name a succesful Socialist country?
Point taken. But this time around voters will have a four year record to consider.

And against the 120 year record of the socialism that (D)'s are screeching autistically for???

Trump is looking good!!! :)

Sorry champ, most Americans just don't want to give all their shit to your beloved god state so it can hand it out to illegal migrants.
#501 above.
Hey chicken-licken; get with the programme. Marxist Socialism is a failure. The USSR proved that for all the world to see. Even China is scrambling to find a free market model that works in a totalitarian state and seem to be doing ok, so far. The remaining so called Marxist socialist countries are struggling against the odds. I don't think you'll find many who would say different. National socialism was seen off in WWII, or perhaps more correctly with the death of Franco in Spain. The spaniards fell over themselves to embrace good old constitutional democracy as soon as the madman kicked the bucket. The few other military fascist regimes that have come to power since don't last long.
And that's not even adresding that the word socialism has a different meaning in each of these ideologies.
However, your contention that the US Democratic Party are intent on turning the country into a socialist state is absurd. The incorporation of a few diluted Marxist socialistic elements into the American political and economic system does not mean that the sky is falling. It simply means that you're catching up with the rest of the western world.
Hell, you even manage to overlook the obvious fact that trump has introduced key elements of a centrally controlled (socialist) economy. This is not surprising given that he believes he can run the country like his businesses. In those he has very tight control over the purse strings, there's no free market operating within the trump corporations! He sees state officials as his employees and expects them to do his bidding without question and seems surprised when they don't. He doesn't seem to realise that citizens are not employees and they cannot be controlled at the bosses whim. Citizens work to higher ideals and values.
Anyway, rant over.
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The incorporation of a few diluted Marxist socialistic elements into the American political and economic system does not mean that the sky is falling.

No, but they are still anti-American and shouldn't be done here.

It simply means that you're catching up with the rest of the western world.

Catching up in what ways??

Oppression of our citizens?

Restriction of our civil rights? can keep that.
No, but they are still anti-American and shouldn't be done here.

Catching up in what ways??

Oppression of our citizens?

Restriction of our civil rights? can keep that.

My thoughts too.

#503, what western countries are we catching up with? And how many civil rights will we lose in the process? Enlighten us.
Point taken. But this time around voters will have a four year record to consider.

Years of record low unemployment, including for people of color; low energy prices; rising standards of living for the lower and middle classes; and general economic health.

Point taken. It's looking quite good for Trump.
#504 & 505 above.
I suspect that there are fundamental differences between us that mean we may never be able to accept a compromise.
However, the USA catching up on the rest of the western world: Most of the western world, and I'm referring to Europe, some Asian, some Australasia, Canada, a few African, and a lot trying to emulate them from all over the world, operate socio/economic models that are fundamentally capitalist, free market economys with carefully picked and managed socialist type controls that manage the excesses of capitalism and ensure access to fundamental social service to all citizens under the auspices of the state. The USA does not follow this model.
Thise western countries are all constitutional democracies that have followed the historic USA lead in civil rights, as detailed in your constitutional documents. Their citizens have all the same freedoms or civil rights as any USA citizen.
You can argue the point over issues like freedom to own firearms or freedom to express beliefs and values that I would catagorise as "hate speech" or inciting violence and for some people any restrictions on any freedom/civil rights is unacceptable.
In most western democracies this is where democracy, the will of the people comes into play. If the majority decide they would prefer restrictions on potentially harmful freedoms then restrictions are applied. If the restrictions are oppressive then they are removed. It's called government of the people, by the people and for the people.
Another issue, most western democracies have electoral systems that result in a true representation of the electorates wishes. The USA has some really archaic electoral systems, some of which can usurp the will of the people.
As I said above, I doubt any of this is going to satisfy you, but hey, if I have an opportunity to let a little light into the dark side I'll take it.
Years of record low unemployment, including for people of color; low energy prices; rising standards of living for the lower and middle classes; and general economic health.

Point taken. It's looking quite good for Trump.
I think that most people can see through those claims.
Years of record low unemployment, including for people of color; low energy prices; rising standards of living for the lower and middle classes; and general economic health.

Point taken. It's looking quite good for Trump.

And he has record disapprovals. So we’ll see how that works out.:D
Years of record low unemployment, including for people of color; low energy prices; rising standards of living for the lower and middle classes; and general economic health.

Point taken. It's looking quite good for Trump.

I think that most people can see through those claims.

What do you mean by "see through those claims"?

Are you suggesting that the facts PC stated are wrong?