Pretty please, play with me.

Re: Just put this poem out of its misery

Angeline said:

Rowdy Ted is a name I dread
For a missing dildo, he sure did stay
Couldn't seem to make him leave
Rowdy Ted is a name I dread
I wish I'd picked haikus instead--
anything somewhat less ill-bred
Thank God he'll finally go away
Rowdy Ted is a name I dread
For a missing dildo, he sure did stay
Thanks to Rowdy Ted, I now have PTDD (Post Traumatic Dildo Disorder) I opened the closet door last night and a dildo fell off the top shelf. I hit the floor and crawled under the bed. I spread my legs and screamed for an hour.
Lauren.Hynde said:
You also have 2000 posts, Eve. Congrats! Feeling hazardous yet?
According to Senna's calculations, I'm only intense. I have a ways to go to be a hazard... on this board, at least.

Don't you know me well enough by now to see that I am really bad at um submission. My best friend says I'm not strong enough, and y'know, I understand her completely. I'm defintely the weak bossy type, with occasional whining.

Maybe you could submit for me? You seem so very willing.

Now Eve. Ah never mind. I was gonna make a really bad joke about duck and cover. And you better start looking for hiding places other than the closet. Your kids are getting older and, trust me, "Mommy likes toys, too," will not be a good enough answer.

Ok Lauren. I have to write my witch poem. Then you can--hehehe--help me submit.
Re: Lauren?

Angeline said:
Don't you know me well enough by now to see that I am really bad at um submission. My best friend says I'm not strong enough, and y'know, I understand her completely. I'm defintely the weak bossy type, with occasional whining.

Maybe you could submit for me? You seem so very willing.

Now Eve. Ah never mind. I was gonna make a really bad joke about duck and cover. And you better start looking for hiding places other than the closet. Your kids are getting older and, trust me, "Mommy likes toys, too," will not be a good enough answer.

Ok Lauren. I have to write my witch poem. Then you can--hehehe--help me submit.
Well, I was kidding about him falling out of the closet... this time. I hide them better ever since the 3 year old found Goliath one day and walked through the house with her new "light saber" "magic wand" or whatever it became.
Re: Re: Lauren?

WickedEve said:

Well, I was kidding about him falling out of the closet... this time. I hide them better ever since the 3 year old found Goliath one day and walked through the house with her new "light saber" "magic wand" or whatever it became.
I think that was "Harry Potter Broomstick".

Angie, I really don't take orders well, what I meant to say was let Me go get My boots and I'll teach you how to submit. But ok, I'll do it. But let's IM anyway.
Eve 30 Years Now

she'll spend 2 years in therapy to conclude that the traumatic even was finding that dildo. I've started an IRA for my childrens' furure therapy.

Re: Eve 30 Years Now

Angeline said:
she'll spend 2 years in therapy to conclude that the traumatic even was finding that dildo. I've started an IRA for my childrens' furure therapy.

30 years from now dildos could be extinct and she'll be thankful that she once saw one in the wild.
#1... at the moment

For the Love of Luna's Light
by The Poets ©
The Poets:
JUDO, WickedEve, REDWAVE, Sweetwood, Lauren.Hynde, karmadog

In the softness of the moon,
wrapped in ribbons of hair,
he loved her all too soon.

He thought to find
the essence of exquisite
which he had lost
long before
and feared
would never return again.

Yet, with her sanguine might,
she tuned him taut
until his pale flesh, quite hot
sang under cool bow of light.

The mournful morning breeze
witnessed the gentle
tender scene
and the single tear
washing off his fright.

And when Dawn peeked over
the horizon, she found him rapt
with visions of a ribboned lover.
Of course my all time favorite challenge was when Angeline stole Eve's Dildo, Ted................. Ohhh Ted the well travelled dildo lived by the bed

MUHAHAHAHAHAH These batteries will never die!!!!
Another blast from the past. :nana:

I have to bump this one.
Not only did I learn a lot but it looks to be great fun ~!!!! :eek: :D
