Pretty please, play with me.

Re: Lauren? Huh?

Angeline said:
Who are you talking about?
Yeah, pretend you don't know... I've got proof!


Session Start (Yahoo! - *lauren_hynde*:*angeline*: Thu Sep 12 01:25:03 2002


*lauren_hynde*: I'd like to ask you to post the latest revised version of Eve's dildo poem, so I can write something... let me know before you do, though! ;)
*angeline*: ok
*angeline*: go to bed!


Session Close (*angeline*): Thu Sep 12 02:06:50 2002

Now that I finally got the ball rolling again... lol You two can change or drop my last 2 stanzas. I was looking for a way to wrap up the poem. But if you hussies ain't finished... I swear this is going to be 100 stanza poem!
I'm already a legend. (yes, in my own mind, but a legend nonetheless.)
so are we done?

can we all just quietly leave and post this thing--I'm beginning to feel like Coleridge's Ancient Mariner about it. You know, the guy with the dead albatross hanging around his neck? Only for me it's this stupid red dildo, lol!
Re: so are we done?

Angeline said:
can we all just quietly leave and post this thing--I'm beginning to feel like Coleridge's Ancient Mariner about it. You know, the guy with the dead albatross hanging around his neck? Only for me it's this stupid red dildo, lol!
Just give me another night, Angie. If I don't add any stanza by tomorrow, go ahead and submit it.
This poem ain't submitted yet? What's up with that? We should be on to two poems past that vibrating wanderer by now. Jeez.

- Judo

who shall remain nameless and whom i can't even publically harangue because she went to sleep and thus can't defend herself has begged for another day.
I say we melt Ted down and pour him into a Jell-o mold and serve him at the next lit get together.
Thanks for the first post, LW! Welcome to the boards, in particular, welcome to the Poetry Forum. Ted is "Rowdy Ted," the sudject of a chain poem to be posted as soon as "some Portuguese someone" does or doesn't add yet another stanza to its bloated length.

- Judo
Last edited:
Judo :rose:

You know I love you to bits but I'm sure that someone doesn't appreciate being called Spanish for very deeply rooted historical reasons, so if you want to be the subject of a lovingly ode written by that anonymous someone, you will stop doing it, you sexy surfin' mexican.

Ay, carumba! Color me foolishly forgetful, my princess. A thousand pardons!

- Judo
Lauren.Hynde said:

No harm done, cutie. You could say I was Serbo-Croatian and I wouldn't mind :heart:

You're Portuguese? You told me you from Canada... or was it Scotland? No wait, it was Portugal. :D
Let's submit this thing! If not, then let's bury Ted deep and hard, and never utter his name again.
Just put this poem out of its misery


Rowdy Ted is a name I dread
For a missing dildo, he sure did stay
Couldn't seem to make him leave
Rowdy Ted is a name I dread
I wish I'd picked haikus instead--
anything somewhat less ill-bred
Thank God he'll finally go away
Rowdy Ted is a name I dread
For a missing dildo, he sure did stay