Public Comments and YDD

Liar said:
Whom, I might add, I also appriciated in all his brutal honesty. Wonder where he's at these days...

LOL!!! Nooooooooooooo. That's another thread (and I fought bitterly with him sonetimes, but he's an excellent critic even when I disagree).
I'd love to let Senna loose on a few people right about now. :devil:
Enemies of the mind~

This is not a poem where a poem in
the poem forum would be better..
but this tends to come to mind for
people wanting to tell others their
Those who get the nightly story time have
heard this but for those who dont know
the "night night"...hehehehe

Story time....opens my book to read..

"Once upon a time.' look at you and smile........
there once was a shaolin priest named
Da Mo...who ventured out from his temple
in search of enlightenment to carry back to
his fellow brotherin..and share learnings from
the world.....he was traveling
one night when it was raining and getting dark...
he was wet, cold and tired as he found his way
along in the dark. He came to a cave. Well the
gods must be smileing on me he thought as he
made his way into this cave out of the rain.
His feet stepped and crunching
sounds came from stepping on crunchy things
but made his way in farther thinking it must be
wood blown into the entrance cause not to much
farther in his feet felt soft straw that he balled
up and layed down on in this pitch black damp
cave. He fell asleep from his weary
travel thinking that the gods have taken care
of him this evening and gave him
the middle of the night
Da Mo woke up thirsty and listened as he
heard water dripping so he felt his way over
to the sound and felt what he thought was a
gobblet of liquid. The water was
dripping into some container that he quickly
smelled and tasted and quinched his thirst.
the gods have truely blessed me this night he
thought as he went back to sleep. ................
.The next morning he awoke to
see that the crunching was bones he had
stepped across, and the straw was hair of long
dead and left. and the container of water was
a skull that he had drank from. well Da Mo got a
little ill and very upset....but he went
back to his temple enlightened from a lesson
he learned.
"Know what that lesson was?................
......Enemies of the mind.........

every thing was a blessing till his mind had told
him that it was not. The mind rejected its
blessings once the mind knew what was given
to him to comfort him........and his bodies...
his needs were met...but the mind rejected them...

"So I say a persons writings are great till their
told their "OK" but lets change it...My mind
says it needs a meter, or grammers wrong...
or the structure should be...why all along the
persons beautifull words are changed ..for...?

"Oh my"
looking to see if any toesa are around...hehehe

*Puts my book of tales away till tonights story time.
...........smiles and bows humble..................
Well, here's my two cents worth.

I have to say that I agree with Art and Elizabetht (probably others, as well).

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. It's one thing to criticize creatively, it's quite another to just put someone's writing down and that's it. Whatever happened to treating people with respect? I believe that respect means to behave towards someone as you want them to behave towards you.

Being CREATIVE in your criticism does not mean you just point out the bad things. As a fellow writer, shouldn't we point out the good points of someone's work along with SUGGESTING other ways to HELP them in the future? (not saying "You needed to put it this way..." Or "It needs to be in this forum..."... Who made them the rule maker anyway? *shrug*)

Having been published in the "Real World" (LOL)... I have to say it still rubs me the wrong way when someone is excessively mean in their comments. I think to myself..."Where do they get off..." But then, they do have the right to say what they will, AS DO I. I do not and never will agree with the way they choose to criticize in a mean-spirited and degrading way and to ONLY make comments that harp on mistakes or how THEY think it should have been done, but I also have the ability to ignore what they say.

I know they may not mean to come across this way, but it seems that this is one of the only ways they can feel better about themselves, and if that's true, I pity them immensely.

They may THINK they're helping, and in SOME cases, they may be. But as the saying goes: "You can catch more bees with honey than with vinegar". If you're going to critique someone, at least have the finesse and the ability to do it in an altruistic way. I guarantee that it will be more appreciated.
Hey Lady~

Well I don't mind comments and critic,
I do think that haveing a FEAR enough
to hide behind a second name and giving
one votes is a show of their mentality.

I was asking a professor about poetry
and they told me it was similar to
basket ball they have rules and guidelines
and most go by this structure and normality
of poetry but every once in awhile a team
comes along a bit different like the globe
trotters and knocks your socks off with
something different.

That poetry is a word game to play with
words as a puzzle to see who can guess
what your saying best...well guess some one
can't guess so they try to change it...

That individuality has made great poets
that the norm is for those who follow the
leader and has been taught to do it a
certain way, so they try to make it their
way cause thats what they know...
such is poetry...fine I like that....

Just follow the beat of your own drum
and keep drumming..hehehe

Exceptance is the key to tranquility..
except that (it) can't except your
individualality......smiles....."Night Night"
Re: Hey Lady~

My Erotic Tail said:
That individuality has made great poets
that the norm is for those who follow the
leader and has been taught to do it a
certain way, so they try to make it their
way cause thats what they know...
such is poetry...fine I like that....

But before you play for the globetrotters you have to prove yourself on a more traditional team. e.e. cummings wrote some magnificent and very traditional poetry. Consequently, many modern poets start out trying to write just like e.e. cummings.

very good point...
only I don't know of any great poets,
I play ball on the street (so to speak)
and no referee and rarely a championship,
or where score matters... just to play the game
is a reward to me, some of the best Samurai
and sensi's wrote not for to get published
although they were...they wrote to express
their feelings of their soul, in words like a song.

I find the competitiveness here to be cut throat
and easily swayed away from the true meaning
of poetry. As is with any thing, but don't get me
wrong there is some great poems coming from
some great people here at lit and THAT is what
we should praise and be talking of, MYSELF... going to read more great
souls from words they lay.
SeattleRain said:
Holy Cow what did we used to talk about before YDD?

And as for knowing him/her personally, well I have never met him/her, have written a few thank you's for taking the time to review etc, BUT I have a secret....

I leave milk and a plate of cookies out on the mantle every night with a little note,

Dear YDD,

I have been a gud--- I mean goodgirl.
Do you like my poem?
Please say something nice,

I hope you like the cookies.

Am I your favorite?



Me too~

The Tiger's hungry,

He can smile :D

He can slither under his rock!

But I've sniffed him out...:D

and the Tiger likes to play...hehehehe
Re: Poetry~

My Erotic Tail said:
I find the competitiveness here to be cut throat
and easily swayed away from the true meaning
of poetry.

Yet I hear that this place is right friendly compared to most poetry boards in the wilds of the Internet.
double post in the heat of extreme irritation.

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Open message to YDD ~ whoever he/she is ~ PLEASE come back, your criticism was constructive and just. Those who are taking umbrage (the long sigline gang) should look on your contribution purely as YOUR opinion - which you have EVERY right to - if they can't take criticism.

Who'd have thought one writer's misguided post could create such a tempest in a teacup. (yes, you ElizabethT.)
Re: I agree~

My Erotic Tail said:
I agree with your self...
come out of hiding~....:D

No! You're NOT agreeing with me! I DON'T care who it is! All I want is for some decent criticism back.
I have a PLAN!

I have been lurking here for a while, so I'm not a newbie. I have a thought out plan.

I have seen all the "Discussions" and flame wars about those few not-so-nice people who give a 1 or 2 vote on poems or stories that are deserving of much better scores, and how much those lowball votes can hurt. Many people have been hurt or damaged by those votes. This is not about the insensitive, though often accurate PC's with the 50% rating. That is another issue!

Here's the plan:
Whenever and wherever someone, some otherwise good writer or nice person, has been lowballed or flamed by some person with only 3 initials or other anonymous identity, there is a way to overcome it!
It only takes 7 each "5" votes to overcome a "1" vote and raise the score to an "H"!!!!! Do the math: 7x5+1/8= 4.5

SO, when this happens to some nice person, at least 7 of you nice people rush over to their story or poem and give them a "5".
Then the scores can moderate back to a real score plus or minus 4.5, depending on how good the work really is.
Just for the record, YDD left some very good comments on my stuff posted on 5/5/04....:D
I've been hit by the mysterious "1" voters in my brief time here. It was really irritating, especially when the person who did it didn't leave me any other comment or feedback.

I've also gotten a few of the "That just sucked, go away." comments from anonymous writers.

Not much I can do about the former folks, but hope the rest of the readers that read my writings will give me a better picture of how I'm doing, or provide some useful information.

I just tend to ignore the second folks, and delete the mail and move on, if thats all they have to say.

I've also gotten some great feedback (positive and negative) from a few readers and thats been a great help to me.

I even wrote a piece on creating constructive feedback and submitted it here a couple weeks ago, based on my experiences as a tech writer/editor and someone who wrote many a proposal in my past career.

Creating Constructive Feedback

Perhaps it may help some folks in how they provide feedback to an author.

In all the hullabaloo about YDD thats come over the boards the last week or so, I actually think there are two different issues, the deliberate tanking vote, and the constructive critic.

For me, I welcome the latter individual, as I have aspirations of writing on more than a pleasure level some day. Especially since a wise person once taught me to look at criticism in a different way...

If one person says it, out of a bunch, odds are the issue is with them, and not you - so read it with a grain of salt, if its not valid, toss it and don't let it bother you.

If many people give you similar feedback, then its likely a problem with the way you did it.

In either case, learn that lesson and move on. Because dwelling on it just burns up a lot of energy that could be better spent improving or doing something else.

Just my 2 cents.
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Zanzibar said:
I've been hit by the mysterious "1" voters in my brief time here. It was really irritating, especially when the person who did it didn't leave me any other comment or feedback.

I've also gotten a few of the "That just sucked, go away." comments from anonymous writers.

Not much I can do about the former folks, but hope the rest of the readers that read my writings will give me a better picture of how I'm doing, or provide some useful information.

I just tend to ignore the second folks, and delete the mail and move on, if thats all they have to say.

I've also gotten some great feedback (positive and negative) from a few readers and thats been a great help to me.

I even wrote a piece on creating constructive feedback and submitted it here a couple weeks ago, based on my experiences as a tech writer/editor and someone who wrote many a proposal in my past career.

Creating Constructive Feedback

Perhaps it may help some folks in how they provide feedback to an author.

In all the hullabaloo about YDD thats come over the boards the last week or so, I actually think there are two different issues, the deliberate tanking vote, and the constructive critic.

For me, I welcome the latter individual, as I have aspirations of writing on more than a pleasure level some day. Especially since a wise person once taught me to look at criticism in a different way...

If one person says it, out of a bunch, odds are the issue is with them, and not you - so read it with a grain of salt, if its not valid, toss it and don't let it bother you.

If many people give you similar feedback, then its likely a problem with the way you did it.

In either case, learn that lesson and move on. Because dwelling on it just burns up a lot of energy that could be better spent improving or doing something else.

Just my 2 cents.

Well said.:)

I think the other issue is whether YDD is deliberately trying to give people a hard time with his comments. I don't see that at all, but even if he or she was your advice would still apply.
well said~

zanzibar has good points and so do many,
as I know most of this may be directed at me
I'll say that what you find to be a teacher I find
to be a prankster, your shining example, I see
as a person in the shadows hiding from fear of?
I researched this because two close friends were
upet to a great degree from his (1) votes more than
his words when all the other comments of their
words said "way to go", reason for this person to
bring others ratings down would lead me to
think they are wanting their unshone poems
to climb while dragging others down. Those who
know me know I'm not ventictive or have
great malice, I only search for the truth as to why
they have fear enough to cloak themselves and
what you see as constructive critcism I've found
to be nothing more than a tool for him to be
something their truely not, his words are with
a forked tongue, I believe in honor and teach
honor above all things therefore I don't understand
some one who has their poems hidden and words
and comments to bring others to a lower level
instead of build them up and praise them to
encourage their passion. You find fault with my
ways please enlighten me. For it is this enlightenment
many search for in the case of the "Shadowed" fearful
critic, I think you'd be suprised to find this same person
to be another that you talk tpo daily so why the screen?
.....There are two ways to look at it, some see it one way
and others see it another...the perspective is with
a line in the sand...the truth will come to light or it will
fade with age...either way the key to tranquility is
exceptance,...! ........Tao....the way
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Re: well said~

Oo kay, long and serious reply below. Take it as you wish. :)

My Erotic Tail said:
I researched this because two close friends were
upet to a great degree from his (1) votes more than
his words when all the other comments of their
words said "way to go", reason for this person to
bring others ratings down would lead me to
think they are wanting their unshone poems
to climb while dragging others down.
Again, and I can't stetch this far enough. You do not, I repeat not know this. I have seen you, mismused and other say that this person have voted 1 on poems, when all you really can say for sure is that someone has. Your reasoning why this should be YDD is also contradicting itself. There is no reason in the world to create a mask idenity here and then use it to talk fair and vote foul. I mean votes are already totally anonymous, why waste the effort? Again, let me repeat: Votes Are Anonymous. Unless you get Manu to dig into the server logs and find the IP adress for the exact vote entry (and as a web technician myself I can assure you that you'll have your hands full for weeks trying to find it), you are just guessing. And in my opinion those guesses have so far been nothing but chasing ghosts and whacky conspiracy schemes.

Insted, let me give you some cold hard facts. On four sepatare occations, I have recieved comments from YDD, where no vote was registered. This alone raises enough argument in my mind that YDD is not doing such things, and that the slam votes you have seen are simply the samme old slam votes that everyone is getting, all the time. If you want to accuse someone of being a troll and a fork tongued liar, you'd better start presenting some more tangible proof. Otherwise it's just petty slander.

Those who
know me know I'm not ventictive or have
great malice, I only search for the truth as to why
they have fear enough to cloak themselves and
what you see as constructive critcism I've found
to be nothing more than a tool for him to be
something their truely not, his words are with
a forked tongue, I believe in honor and teach
honor above all things therefore I don't understand
some one who has their poems hidden and words
and comments to bring others to a lower level
instead of build them up and praise them to
encourage their passion. You find fault with my
ways please enlighten me. For it is this enlightenment
many search for in the case of the "Shadowed" fearful
critic, I think you'd be suprised to find this same person
to be another that you talk tpo daily so why the screen?
Isn't it obvious why YDD, as well as others I know of, use one identity for writing poems and stories, and another to post on the boards? Or in YDD's case (if that really is so, I'm not convinced) to post feedback.

When I see this thread and the others spawned on other boards, and the venomous mudslinging which hunt that YDD has to endure here, because of some incredibly trigger happy assumptions (as well as the juvenile "yeah, let's go slam HIS poetry, hur hur hur" comments from others), I totally understand.

I sometimes feel like removing my own poems and reregister with double identities, to steer clear of this raging mob, if I ever happened to say something that could be read as toe-stepping. Or even if I left a nice comment, and someone associated me for one odd reason of the other, with a slam vote.

Am I a coward? Maybe. I really don't care. But it does annoy the hell out of me that those who are upset at what they see as bad behaviour (might be, might be not) launch such a massive personal smearing campaign, without realising the hurt that can cause.
