Public Comments and YDD

champagne1982 said:
perhaps you should ask sarahhh in pm or at the very least pm the moderators of this board. Unless you are sarahhh, what business is it of yours?

Unless you are Lauren, what business is it of yours?

Lauren (apparently) is the forum moderator who censored sarahhh and deleted her post.

I have difficulty understanding why Lauren can't tell about why and when.
Deborah said:
Unless you are Lauren, what business is it of yours?

Lauren (apparently) is the forum moderator who censored sarahhh and deleted her post.

I have difficulty understanding why Lauren can't tell about why and when.

I think what Lauren is trying to say is that she cannot share some information publically, but that you are free to contact sarahhh or Laurel about it. It's about not divulging personal information.
Liar said:

Ok, anna dear, time for your pills. ;)


just trying to distract someone, come on help me

"Where was your face before you washed it this morning?"
annaswirls said:

just trying to distract someone, come on help me

"Where was your face before you washed it this morning?"

Next to my glasses? :D

oh. you mean anna's face...well, obviously it was next to the um can opener.
I have difficulty understanding why I even bother posting to this thread...
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Greetings to you all...
I've been digging deeper into the whole "Literotica" website, after receiving a tip, written by the ever posting Mr/Ms. Anonymous, that my poem "Angel..." had been mentioned in the new poems thread. I gotta be honest with you's damn confusing ..."fricken" threads leading everywhere!!!! Unlike my old BDU's, I can't take a bic lighter and just burn them off either!
Anyway...I stumbled, still not sure how, upon this YDD thread "thing a ma bob" and got to wondering if it was my off the cuff, after a few shots of JD "Dear YDD" that got it started.
With that being said. I spent the "witching hours" of last night writing my first attempt at an erotic story. As some wise author once said, "Write about what you know," so I did. With a past which in reality is larger then most of imaginations of the writers I've been forced into contact with at Literotica, I drew upon one beautiful night and turned it into what I hope will be my first published piece of story erotica on this site. I looked over the editor BS and after a half hours search sent an email to one I felt would suit my needs for editing the grammar and word usage of my story. I'm wondering, if she refuses the task, if anyone on this thread could do this task I need done, before I submit the story.
Since this thread seems to be about or for YDD...since my poem to them, him or her, YDD has changed his tone to what I simply asked for, consideration for feelings. My grandmother, from my Ojibwa Native American blood line once said (I'm sure she heard it or read it somewhere) "if ya got nothin to say that's good, don't say a thing."
At the time I wrote "Dear YDD" I had her words in mind. Mr/Ms. YDD, since that poem, has at least added a positive before giving a negative. I can live with that. I won't challenge a man, or woman for something he, or she, say's if there's at least one truth in it. With my piece, published yesterday, "Angel..." I almost felt like sending YDD my short story to read and correct...but I'm not too sure, still, about the rules and guidelines set down by the owners of this site, as to whether or not that is the right thing to do. I couldn't find him on the story editor list so I picked a name that did. So...after that long ramble, if any of you would care to be an editor, I'll pass the story through you also, before submitting it.
One last thought though, after viewing all the threads, names...etc...It ain't good to take yourselves too seriously. It's a big world out there. Literotica may well be a nice site for all of us hacks to throw out words at...but don't get your heads too big. If your not earning a good living off your writing...your just a hack like me. I write because I enjoy it. I run it through Literotica just to share it. I guess, in a nutshell, what I'm saying is...look in the mirror and realize your no different from anyone else, and don't quit your "day jobs" because you made the worse mistake of all..."fooling" yourself into believing your verbal masturbation is read and respected by the world. When it comes right down to it...that's all writing is, verbal masturbation.
Peace to you all, in a world that still don't understand the beauty of peace.... :cool:
If you don't mind the wait, I can take a look at it.

I have my hands full right now, so it can be 2 days or 2 weeks before I get it back to you, but I am thorough.
Angeline said:

What's more, I don't think that any moderator is going to remove a post and then *post* that it was removed for *general sanity*--that makes no sense. Perhaps sarahh edited her own post and removed it herself. Did anyone check that? If I were going to remove a post, I'd take if off the board and also pm the person who posted it, explaining why I did so, that is explaining what Literotica rule it violated. If I wasn't sure whether I should take it off I'd check with Laurel first.

Just to make it clear, I excerpted the third paragraph from your post.

You went off on a rant on me in your post previous to this one. The only issue I am addresssing is censorship. So all this YDD and other stuff is a little bit Greek to me but I'm beginning to make some sense out of it all.

The way I'm starting to understand this is that you, Tristesse, and Lauren are the moderators of this forum. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Do you communicate with the other moderators? Because from this excerpt of your post it is obvious you had no clue about what went down. But I do agree with you that it "makes no sense."

Now, sarahhh has posted over on the Story Feedback "Did I catch someone" thread that she wants to post Lauren's "official response" PM.

Do you or the other moderators have a problem with this? If so--please state your objections clearly. If not--please forever hold your bitch.
Forum Guidelines

4. You may not post personal information of other members or, for that matter, anyone else. We do not allow phone numbers, email addresses, private messages or quotes from private emails to be posted on the forum. This rule also covers real names, employment info, and any other personal information that we deem inappropriate.

If sarahhh wants to post a Private Message publically (the name alone should have given you a clue, baby), she can ask the person who sent her the message in the first place for authorization.

I still haven't heard from Laurel, though. Is sarahhh okay?
Deborah said:
Just to make it clear, I excerpted the third paragraph from your post.

You went off on a rant on me in your post previous to this one. The only issue I am addresssing is censorship. So all this YDD and other stuff is a little bit Greek to me but I'm beginning to make some sense out of it all.

The way I'm starting to understand this is that you, Tristesse, and Lauren are the moderators of this forum. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Almost, It's Angeline, Lauren and WickedEve. Doesn't make any difference here I guess, but you did say... :)

Now, sarahhh has posted over on the Story Feedback "Did I catch someone" thread that she wants to post Lauren's "official response" PM.

Do you or the other moderators have a problem with this? If so--please state your objections clearly. If not--please forever hold your bitch.
Up to Lauren, I guess.
quote clipped from savagewolf

One last thought though, after viewing all the threads, names...etc...It ain't good to take yourselves too seriously. It's a big world out there. Literotica may well be a nice site for all of us hacks to throw out words at...but don't get your heads too big. If your not earning a good living off your writing...your just a hack like me. I write because I enjoy it. I run it through Literotica just to share it. I guess, in a nutshell, what I'm saying is...look in the mirror and realize your no different from anyone else, and don't quit your "day jobs" because you made the worse mistake of all..."fooling" yourself into believing your verbal masturbation is read and respected by the world. When it comes right down to it...that's all writing is, verbal masturbation.
Peace to you all, in a world that still don't understand the beauty of peace

Right on. My feelings exactly.
Lauren Hynde said:
If sarahhh wants to post a Private Message publically (the name alone should have given you a clue, baby), she can ask the person who sent her the message in the first place for authorization.

I still haven't heard from Laurel, though. Is sarahhh okay?

It's rather amazing how much effort you put into skirting an issue.

So do you give authorization? If not, why not?

It seems to me that the reasons why a forum moderator censors someone should be made"public" for all to see. If nothing else, as an educational experience for others to avoid having their own posts zapped.

You should have posted your reasons on the board in the first place but you went this route in order to play your dumb ass little games.

Oh? Did I insult you? Why don't you censor me. Go ahead, push the button. Your itchy fingers are right on it. You want to. Do it.

(Hey people, we're going to get more pics and tapes about the prisoner abuse in Iraq real soon. There's always hope! Maybe one day we'll get the truth out of Lauren.)
Deborah said:
So do you give authorization? If not, why not?
If sarahhh wants to post a Private Message publically (the name alone should have given you a clue, baby), she can ask the person who sent her the message in the first place for authorization.

Who are you?
Deborah said:
It's rather amazing how much effort you put into skirting an issue.

So do you give authorization? If not, why not?

Hmmmm, I wonder why you're so vehement about this issue. Much more so than Sarahh seems to be. Especially since she stated she did get a "private message" which told her why her mesage was removed. If you want to know so badly, why hasn't Sarahhh shared it with you personally? If she has, then why would you need to know. If she wants to make it public, SHE needs to take the steps to request the permission to do so. Especially since SHE is the person involved, unlike yourself.

It seems to me that the reasons why a forum moderator censors someone should be made"public" for all to see. If nothing else, as an educational experience for others to avoid having their own posts zapped.

The forum guidelines are the "public" reasons that drive moderators actions. Those are public. And any set of good management/leadership practices also usually contains the guidance - "admonish/punish in private, praise in public"

And if an author isn't satisfied with the information/actions taken, they are directed to take it up with the board owners. After all, they have the final say on what happens on their boards, not someone carrying a torch, demanding that something be done, whatever it is.

You should have posted your reasons on the board in the first place but you went this route in order to play your dumb ass little games.

Actually, it appears she's simply following the procedures and guidance given out by the owners. Obviously they must have some confidence in Lauren's abilities and judgement, or they wouldn't have made her a moderator with the capabilities to edit/delete posts or threads she did.

Once again, if you don't care for the way things are being handled, take it up with Laurel. Pretty simple. Click on her name and send a private message. You'll probably get a lot better response than by continuing this series of petty little jabbing posts you've been submitting.

Oh? Did I insult you? Why don't you censor me. Go ahead, push the button. Your itchy fingers are right on it. You want to. Do it.

<laughs> Why does this remind me of a third grade playground, watching two kids yell back and forth at each other. The funniest part is, there's only one person yelling... and guess who that is?

(Hey people, we're going to get more pics and tapes about the prisoner abuse in Iraq real soon. There's always hope! Maybe one day we'll get the truth out of Lauren.)

And maybe, just maybe... you'll start making posts that deal with an issue in an adult or professional manner, instead of stooping to petty insults or mud slinging. Cause your current style definitely isn't winning you or Sarahhh any sympathy points.
Really. And you are some other "identity" who doesn't have the balls to post under one of your more familiar handles.
Deborah said:
Really. And you are some other "identity" who doesn't have the balls to post under one of your more familiar handles.

Take care - it might be Laurel.

Deborah said:
Really. And you are some other "identity" who doesn't have the balls to post under one of your more familiar handles.


Post count doesn't have anything to do with the validity of the information posted.

The points raised are still appropriate.

You continue to trade barbs and insults instead of addressing the real issues. That doesn't say much for your position or argument.
Deborah said:
Unless you are Lauren, what business is it of yours?

Lauren (apparently) is the forum moderator who censored sarahhh and deleted her post.

I have difficulty understanding why Lauren can't tell about why and when.

I have come across several posts on this Sarahhh chick - will guess the extra h's are a gesture of what most people say to her: SARAHHHHH! Commented now twice? Maybe three times? I have said most of what I have wanted - seems like she is getting more than 15 minutes of fame - for what? LOL an uninformed opinion? People - she is a sarcastic bitch - laugh - read my tag line - you are giving more than she is currently worth - hmm tomorrow my stories and poetry scores will go down - GOD - again - well such is being me - at least I am over-confidant enough not to complain too much :) I know how good I am without the scores . . . .um yes a polite me dig ;)
Deborah said:
Really. And you are some other "identity" who doesn't have the balls to post under one of your more familiar handles.

What the fuck is up your ass? LOL - apparently and unfortunately nothing.