Q 'n' A per se.

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Scalywag said:
Can't remember that one either.

Charlie say, "Love my Good 'n' Plenty!"
Charlie says, "Really rings a bell!"
Charlie says, "Love my Good 'n' Plenty!
Don't know any other candy that I love so well!"

how about that one???
Come on I am not much older than you am I???? :rolleyes:
DLL said:
Charlie say, "Love my Good 'n' Plenty!"
Charlie says, "Really rings a bell!"
Charlie says, "Love my Good 'n' Plenty!
Don't know any other candy that I love so well!"

how about that one???
Come on I am not much older than you am I???? :rolleyes:
Do you sing that one during sex too? *sneaking 2 snickerdoodles and running off to pilates class*
australwind said:
You know something? When the rest of the world come back to this thread they will all be scratching their heads saying "what the fuck are they talking about?" :D

I remember the whole Fosseys/Target thing....its still evident in Echuca...... ;)
Nah...it's just our cousins from down under. We understand. :rolleyes:
Saucyminx said:
Do you sing that one during sex too? *sneaking 2 snickerdoodles and running off to pilates class*

better stay an extra 10 mins for those snickerdoodles :p
Scalywag said:
That one I remember. I'm willing to bet you're younger than me.

ok ok at least you heard that one...
Q..Have you ever wanted someone other than your SO ..and if so did you act on it?
Scalywag said:
Well, at least most of it.

I prefer scallops of the seafood variety. Seconf favorite seafood next to lobster.

The potato version I call scalloped potatoes but also have a cheese sauce mixed in.

I have no cle waht a dim sim is.

I don't use cheese whiz. Is that the cheese that comes in a can and and squirts out like a stream of yarn, or am I thinking of soemthing else?

dim sum ~~little chinese dumplings...not crazy for them I prefer shumai better its a japanese version much lighter and tastier :kiss:
quoll said:
I know just bizarre, think I'll stick to lamingtons, chocolate crackles and good ol' cheese and vegemite sangers. :p

I don't know these, but I do have a passing acquaintance with Tim Tams.
scalywag: i never use stealth mode. i just don't believe in it. but i can certainly understand why others might on this site.

erika queried
where did you meet your wives and/or how did you propose?
that's really 2 questions, isn't it? we met b/c we were friends. i can still remember it. during college, i was involved with...o, let's call her "jane". i was known to several people, including my now-wife, as "jane's shadow". knowing what i now know of her, that was extremely unfortunate.

we were members of the college theatre group. i knew that this cute underclassman smoked so having run out, i bummed a smoke off of her. we got to talking. it was just pleasantries, really, i don't really even remember what we talked about. that year, i was rooming w/ my friend pete. both pete & i decided that we wanted to have rooms of our own, given that we have really different attitudes re: cleanliness of our living space--let's just say his attitude was considerably more nonchalant. at the housing lottery that spring, we both wound up with good numbers so we decided to select rooms next to one another.

btw: it's definitely true that rooming with a friend is among the surest ways to kill a friendship.

so fast forward to the beginning of the following school year (my junior, her sophomore). pete and i showed up, got our rooms in order and got to know some of our neighbors. we already knew the other 2 guys who formed the end of that wing of the building. going the other direction, we got to know our neighbors, 1 foreign exchange student from sweden and a transfer student, matt. matt went through orientation and became friends w/ another guy who lived on the opposite end of the floor, jason, another transfer student.

we all got to talking and became friends (except for the swedish guy, who was always going to exchange student group meetings and the like).

into this group came the mrs. she got to know jason through the theatre group, and already sorta knowing me, we just kinda adopted her into our little circle of friends.

there was always some degree of tension between her and jason as well as her and me. now, jason was a friend, and--courtesy of "jane"--i had already went through an experience that pitted me and a friend against one another. i had no appetite for going through that again, so i went to jason and explained that to him. he of course responded by telling me that he had a similar experience and that he was going to come see me and let me know that he was going to back off.

well, we spent some time going back and forth on it until finally i told him that i was going to refuse to talk with her, leaving him by default. once he understood that i was serious, the matter was settled between us. that was fine until about a month or so later when their dynamic kinda peetered out.

anyway...it turned out that she lived only 20 mins away from my parents' house, and that my parents were going away that new year's eve. so i did what every college kid does under those circumstances: we had a party.

let's just say that the party wasn't one of my better event-hosting experiences and let's leave it at that, shall we? however, out of that incident came the realization that she and i both did have romantic feelings for one another. for her, it took a confrontation of sorts with "jane"; for me, the knowledge that a friend of mine was coming on to her. i was angry, but really couldn't be given that i never told my friend how i felt about her.

she left school the following semester, but we got together that summer. finally, on either june 8 or 9 of 1990 (there's some disagreement as to whether the kiss took place before or after midnight), we became involved.

as to the proposal: this is a fun story to tell.

as i mentioned, we became involved in june of 1990. by the autumn of '96, i had already known for a long time that she was the one for me. so after educating myself on how to buy a diamond (courtesy of a friend of mine who was also getting engaged), i had to figure out what her ring size was. i was planning to propose on valentine's day, which would be kinda predictable i felt, so i figured that my best bet would be to turn the discussion away from commitment for the following few months.

at the time, she was working as a server/bartender a mile away from her parents' house. i knew most of the staff, as we tended to hang out there. i got to know one of them, barb, pretty well. one day, i called barb over to the side and away from prying ears, told her my intentions and asked for her help in finding out her ring size. she was excited for both of us. :>

no more than 15 minutes later, barb and she were having a conversation which i was able to overhear but which she didn't know i could overhear and barb neatly guided the conversation towards gloves. IIRC, her question was "wow, you have such nice hands." and w/out any further prompting, my wonderful wife simply volunteered her ring size information!

OK, so i had the ring size. excellent. now i had to go and get the ring. that part was easy. i knew my mom always went to this one jeweler, so i knew that they were reputable.

i went to them and selected what i have to say was a pretty good diamond. .75 carats, killer clarity, cut & color. i was able to find a nice setting and i went my happy way.

when i showed it to my mother, she was unsurprised (after all, it'd been seven years) but she frowned. i asked her what was wrong. she said that it was a nicer diamond than any she had!

(for the record, my dad's a surgeon. she didn't want for jewelry.)

so now i had this ring burning a hole in my pocket and i had to wait a whole damned week!

her parents were going away that weekend, so she invited me to spend the weekend. when i packed an overnight bag, i had to make sure i packed some wine, a bottle of champagne and the ring. it was the the longest damned drive of my life.

now, we have a tradition: any time we have an alcoholic beverage, we toast. it could be to something silly & trivial or something going in re: current events, but we always do it. so when i set my stuff down upon arriving there, i showed her the wine. ever the good hostess, she took it (she wouldn't dream of letting me open it) and returned with 2 glasses of wine.

passing me a glass, she asked me what we should drink to this time. gratefully taking the wine, i reached into my pocket and flipped open the ring case. "why don't we drink to the rest of our lives together?"

she was speechless and stunned. being a traditionalist, i got down on one knee and asked her to marry me.

and the rest, as they say, is history.


scalywag: it was college and full of the psychodrama/angst that only college can produce. the house was fine. the relationships among several attendees, however? not so much.

bi: thank you! :>

SW... loved your story... the whole thing is really fantastic and i hope that all the singles among us wind up with similar experiences one day.

to the aussie crowd:
*scratches head as predicted and abandons those two pages of this thread forever*
Scalywag said:
under what circumstances do you use "invisible" mode at Lit?
I'm rarely invisible, but I'll use that mode temporarily when I start getting random weird PM's.

Fortunately, I don't have to do so often. Being snarky has its advantages. :cool:
Scalywag said:
question for anyone:

under what circumstances do you use "invisible" mode at Lit?

I use it when I'm in a bad mood and I just want to be left alone. It's kind of like not answering your phone.