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i think i could. but i don't particularly like the idea of buying a fifth and discovering that really, no i can't.

The thing with Scotch is if you are going to drink it, it needs to be quality stuff.

Bad Scotch is really, really, really bad.

silverwhisper said:
i must be the only person on the planet who doesn't like scotch, bourbon or whiskey.

Perhaps you simply haven't come across a kind that you like? I'm very fussy about scotch and only drink Dalwhinnie.
phaedre: that's certainly possible, i suppose, but if it's an acquired taste, i don't know that i want to invest the effort in acquiring it. i figure i've done well to become a beer drinker in the past 2 years.

silverwhisper said:
phaedre: that's certainly possible, i suppose, but if it's an acquired taste, i don't know that i want to invest the effort in acquiring it. i figure i've done well to become a beer drinker in the past 2 years.

See I'm the same way about wine, particularly cab-sav, why should I keep drinking something that I find to be repulsive until I learn to like it.
Besides having being involved in the manufacturing process I'm not that keen.
silverwhisper said:
i must be the only person on the planet who doesn't like scotch, bourbon or whiskey.

*grins* I can do one better...I don't like any alcoholic beverage. I have yet to find one that 1) doesn't taste like crap and 2) I can't feel the alcoholic burn. Hubby has given up and says next time he makes me a drink, he'll just wave it over the bottle and see if that works :D
Mazuri said:
*grins* I can do one better...I don't like any alcoholic beverage. I have yet to find one that 1) doesn't taste like crap and 2) I can't feel the alcoholic burn. Hubby has given up and says next time he makes me a drink, he'll just wave it over the bottle and see if that works :D

FWIW, I agree with you, Mazuri. It's the burn.

I don't even like a little alcohol flavoring in desserts.
Question for all: Aside from this one, at which Lit forum are you most comfortable?

I spend a lot of time lurking and sometimes posting at the GB.
silverwhisper said:
phaedre: that's certainly possible, i suppose, but if it's an acquired taste, i don't know that i want to invest the effort in acquiring it. i figure i've done well to become a beer drinker in the past 2 years.

I can understand that.

When you say beer I assume you're not referring to the stuff that is sold as beer but is actually gnat's piss?
bobsgirl said:
Question for all: Aside from this one, at which Lit forum are you most comfortable?

I spend a lot of time lurking and sometimes posting at the GB.
I do most of my lurking on the GB. I sometimes venture over to the AH and the Personals Board/PG. *edit-- and the BDSM Forum.

I'll make a rare visit to Story Ideas, Story Feedback, and AmPics.

I don't think I've ever visited the other boards.
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BG: once in a great while, am pics. i try to pop by story ideas now and again. but that's really it for me.

phaedre: no, i mean a proper beer. :>

bobsgirl said:
Question for all: Aside from this one, at which Lit forum are you most comfortable?

I spend a lot of time lurking and sometimes posting at the GB.

I spend a bit of time lurking on the gb, occasionally post there, it's not a place I take too seriously though, there are enough there that do that already. One of my best friends posts there, so I like to keep track of her too.
I also lurk a lot on the Visual Artists Corner, it's nice to see what the real artists are up to.
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I occasionally pop into GB and lurk.

I'll go peek in on story ideas occassionally.
Lately I've done a lot of lurking in the BDSM board but that accounts for 90% of my non-HT time at Lit. There are a couple of threads in The Playground that I still follow but several of my old friends there have moved on and I find all the same camaraderie here that I used to enjoy there so there's not much reason to seek out new playmates there.
bobsgirl said:
Question for all: Aside from this one, at which Lit forum are you most comfortable?

I spend a lot of time lurking and sometimes posting at the GB.

I sometimes surf the thread names at GB or the Playground, but like many have said - I read a bit, don't post, and certainly don't take it seriously! Otherwise, I check out a few AmPics threads (mostly BBW ones, since I'm one myself).

Some of the GB threads are the source of some conversations between my BF and I.
bobsgirl said:
Question for all: Aside from this one, at which Lit forum are you most comfortable?

I spend a lot of time lurking and sometimes posting at the GB.
Same here. I've become pretty comfortable on the GeeBee, even if I don't post a ton over there. There are some interesting discussions, and usually I find something entertaining.

I used to like GLBT Chatter a lot, but it's gone downhill in the last year or so; now there's little good discussion and a lot of cock-oriented, surveys and fantasy threads. :rolleyes:
Originally Posted by silverwhisper
i must be the only person on the planet who doesn't like scotch, bourbon or whiskey.

Nope. I don't like any of those. I actually don't like most alcohol at all. The only hard liquor I don't mind is vodka, and even then I'll order a caeser in a beer mug (with only 1 ounce of alcohol). I like wine occasionally and the very odd cooler or beer but that's about it.
Oh I love Bailey's in my coffee but I usually only have it at Christmas time.
bobsgirl said:
Question for all: Aside from this one, at which Lit forum are you most comfortable?

I spend a lot of time lurking and sometimes posting at the GB.

Depending on time available:

I subscribe to a couple of threads in the Playground but don't generally visit that forum. Same thing for the Am Pic Forum but most of my favourites don't post often.

I'll lurk on the GB and BDSM forums but rarely post.
bobsgirl said:
Question for all: Aside from this one, at which Lit forum are you most comfortable?

I spend a lot of time lurking and sometimes posting at the GB.

Same here. The snark at the GB is quite entertaining too. I enjoy people watching :)

Q: I'm gettiing a new leather collar ~ is there some way to treat the leather it so the color doesn't rub off? The last one left marks. Any ideas?
pleasteasme said:
Same here. The snark at the GB is quite entertaining too. I enjoy people watching :)

Q: I'm gettiing a new leather collar ~ is there some way to treat the leather it so the color doesn't rub off? The last one left marks. Any ideas?

I have no idea, but you have my full attention should you wish to divulge who's going to be wearing said collar. ;)
pleasteasme said:
Same here. The snark at the GB is quite entertaining too. I enjoy people watching :)

Q: I'm gettiing a new leather collar ~ is there some way to treat the leather it so the color doesn't rub off? The last one left marks. Any ideas?

I bet the BDSM 'elders' would know. Say Catalina for example.
bobsgirl said:
I have no idea, but you have my full attention should you wish to divulge who's going to be wearing said collar. ;)

Uhhhh, I should have mentioned it is for my dog! I prefer silver or bright shiney types of 'collars.' :D

bobsgirl said:
I have no idea, but you have my full attention should you wish to divulge who's going to be wearing said collar. ;)

wicked woman said:
I bet the BDSM 'elders' would know. Say Catalina for example.
