Q 'n' A per se.

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bobsgirl said:
Jeez, I think I need to change my AV...

It was a souvenir pic from yank's dungeon.
yeah... those gift shops (or gifte shoppes) will get you every time. fuckin' crooks. :D
How come Scallywags posts say guest and
and that's it?
Does that even happen here?
Adopted by aliens?
yoshimitsu said:
How come Scallywags posts say guest and
and that's it?
Does that even happen here?
Adopted by aliens?
I'm guessing he chose to leave, the admin can :p posts if requested, he's not the first, wont be the last, I wish him well.
quoll said:
I'm guessing he chose to leave, the admin can :p posts if requested, he's not the first, wont be the last, I wish him well.
This is correct - he chose to leave and asked that his account be struck from the record.
I have another question if anyone wants to share.

What makes you most content?
Cathleen said:
What makes you most content?

Excellent question Cate :rose:

For me, there are many things in my life that make me content. If I had to pick one that makes me the MOST content it is my independence.
Cathleen said:
What makes you most content?

Nice question. What makes me most content is acceptance. Not meaning being popular, but acceptance by myself and others for my flaws. Knowing that I don't have to be anyone but myself and still be loved by those that mean the most to me makes me very comfy in my skin :)
I like your answers very much ladies. I didn't even think about independence, Tease, but it is a powerful thing. Thanks for bringing to mind.

I think acceptance, like Mazuri describes it is how I feel contentment. It begins inside and feels so good and the sense of well being in my life is amazing. I wish I had it all the time but I'm glad to feel it most of the time.

Thanks for sharing.
Another question:

If you were invited to see and poke around the office of someone famous who would you pick?
Cathleen said:
If you were invited to see and poke around the office of someone famous who would you pick?
GWB... so i could count the comic books. :rolleyes:

honestly i'm not sure who i'd pick... maybe the pope?
Cathleen said:
If you were invited to see and poke around the office of someone famous who would you pick?

Sir Richard Branson, owner of Virgin. He always has such crazy ideas and seems like a nutty guy, it'd be interesting to see how he organizes his work space and watch how he handles the day to day activities of his position.
It's not really an office, but I'd love to spend some time in the space where Mario Batali works - especially if he has a nice quiet table in the corner where I could do quality control. :D
Cathleen said:
If you were invited to see and poke around the office of someone famous who would you pick?

This is a little more challenging! I would say Walt Disney. I'd like to poke through his 'ideas' that never came to fruition. Just because I'm curious like that. :)
Cathleen said:
Another question:

If you were invited to see and poke around the office of someone famous who would you pick?

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Cathleen said:
I have another question if anyone wants to share.

What makes you most content?

This turned out to be quite a sneaky question Miss Cate, the day you posted it my answer was "nothing", of course in the frame of mind I was in that was pretty much my answer to everything, I skimmed the other answers and promptly dismissed it from my mind ( [Rocky] : Again?? That trick never works. [/Rocky] ).

So anyway it came back to me last night at work, and I thought about it, now I like the acceptance answer, but it's not really for me, being an individual and all (yes, we are all individuals), so I pondered a bit more and realised my creativity makes me content.
Now this turned out to be a bit of a revelation for me because I had just admitted to myself that I do in fact possess some measure of creativity and so I changed my answer to; accepting my creativity. Now that should have been the end of it, but you don't shut my mind off that easy, not when there are so many tangents left unexplored, plus I still had a good two hours of driving left, plenty of time to worry the bone a bit more.

Workng on the premise that I am indeed imbued with a modicum of *creativity my mind then jumped into the wayback machine (ooh we are just full of Rocky and Bullwinkle segues today) and went back (hence the name wayback :rolleyes: ) to that little questionnaire you posted a few days before this one. One of the questions you posed was along the lines of "What inspires your creativity etc etc?" and I answered that I feed off others.

Turns out that really is where most of my *creativity comes from, interacting with other people (shudder) sets my mind wandering and making connections with things I have heard or read, no matter how tenuous the link (sometimes very), without interaction my flashes of *creativity dwindle to almost nothing, and yet this very interaction is something I find incredibly stressful at times, so much so that I tend to withdraw and thus begins the endless circle yada yada yada.

WTF was I talking about? :confused: oh yeah the contentment question, well anyway when my *creativity is commented on by others naturally enough it makes me feel good even though my first instinct is to dismiss it.
Now for people to comment on it I must assume they enjoyed it (bouts of paranoia and self doubt aside), and if they enjoyed it then I assume they like me, which makes me content.

So in conclusion, my answer is; acceptance :eek:

* I reserve the right to rescind any and all statements at a later date.
quoll said:
This turned out to be quite a sneaky question Miss Cate, the day you posted it my answer was "nothing", of course in the frame of mind I was in that was pretty much my answer to everything, I skimmed the other answers and promptly dismissed it from my mind ( [Rocky] : Again?? That trick never works. [/Rocky] ).

So anyway it came back to me last night at work, and I thought about it, now I like the acceptance answer, but it's not really for me, being an individual and all (yes, we are all individuals), so I pondered a bit more and realised my creativity makes me content.
Now this turned out to be a bit of a revelation for me because I had just admitted to myself that I do in fact possess some measure of creativity and so I changed my answer to; accepting my creativity. Now that should have been the end of it, but you don't shut my mind off that easy, not when there are so many tangents left unexplored, plus I still had a good two hours of driving left, plenty of time to worry the bone a bit more.

Workng on the premise that I am indeed imbued with a modicum of *creativity my mind then jumped into the wayback machine (ooh we are just full of Rocky and Bullwinkle segues today) and went back (hence the name wayback :rolleyes: ) to that little questionnaire you posted a few days before this one. One of the questions you posed was along the lines of "What inspires your creativity etc etc?" and I answered that I feed off others.

Turns out that really is where most of my *creativity comes from, interacting with other people (shudder) sets my mind wandering and making connections with things I have heard or read, no matter how tenuous the link (sometimes very), without interaction my flashes of *creativity dwindle to almost nothing, and yet this very interaction is something I find incredibly stressful at times, so much so that I tend to withdraw and thus begins the endless circle yada yada yada.

WTF was I talking about? :confused: oh yeah the contentment question, well anyway when my *creativity is commented on by others naturally enough it makes me feel good even though my first instinct is to dismiss it.
Now for people to comment on it I must assume they enjoyed it (bouts of paranoia and self doubt aside), and if they enjoyed it then I assume they like me, which makes me content.

So in conclusion, my answer is; acceptance :eek:

* I reserve the right to rescind any and all statements at a later date.

I'm glad you can find contentment, pq. I envy that. When I saw the question, I really had to think about it. My first reaction was, like yours, nothing. But when I'm writing or I'm quilting, I'm very content.
Qman you are a very cool human being! Your are creative and so witty that I just smile when I see your name.

Sometimes contentment to me is a very large serving of ice cream -- that I cannot have of course. Flipping oatmeal...it ought to be outlawed. Yeah I know, where is that link between ice cream and oatmeal? It's there - oh boy is it there.
bobsgirl said:
I'm glad you can find contentment, pq. I envy that. When I saw the question, I really had to think about it. My first reaction was, like yours, nothing. But when I'm writing or I'm quilting, I'm very content.
There ya go, you too find contentment.
I'll admit there is a whole seperate rant bubbling away in me about the longevity, or lack thereof, of these positive feelings, I'm sure I'll set a date for this pity party soon, you're all invited.
Cathleen said:
Qman you are a very cool human being! You are creative and so witty that I just smile when I see your name.
I see what you are doing here, it's the acceptance thing isn't it Miss Cate.

Sometimes contentment to me is a very large serving of ice cream -- that I cannot have of course. Flipping oatmeal...it ought to be outlawed. Yeah I know, where is that link between ice cream and oatmeal? It's there - oh boy is it there.
Link shmink, tenuous is my middle name, my parents were fucking weird weren't they.
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Cathleen said:
Qman you are a very cool human being! Your are creative and so witty that I just smile when I see your name.

Sometimes contentment to me is a very large serving of ice cream -- that I cannot have of course. Flipping oatmeal...it ought to be outlawed. Yeah I know, where is that link between ice cream and oatmeal? It's there - oh boy is it there.

Oatmeal flavored ice cream? Uh, nevermind. Not one of my better ideas.