Question for the white ladies

I referred to "humanity" as swine...hmmm unless you are not human (with todays genetics it's not impossible) you are not being excluded (I am included as well by that determination).

I make bold statements because I can.

I am nice when I can be.

I am not ascribing my nice deeds to any religion.
I take full credit for my actions. They are MY actions.

Show me a nice person in a church, and I will show you a nice person at random.

What have we proved. We can both find a nice person.

Religion has nothing to do with it.

But it makes it easier to sell it.

Find me a nasty person, and say he is evil, and I will prove he could care less about your justifications of "why" he is "evil".

"The devil made me do it"

Worst bloody cop out I can think of.

I can walk into any "organised" christian church in Canada and "prove" they have the same level of interest in going there, as they would the Legion, the Mooselodge, the Lions club, or any other big bunch of people.

They do not actually read their bibles, nor do they learn the prayers. They do not memorise the hymns nor study at length the background of the faith.

They are just members.
I know people in the southern states so I have held off mentioning how those wonderful christians down there gave us the scopes monkey trial lunacy.

The same people that gave the black community so much to be proud of.

The same people that seem unable to print the word "evolution" in their text books for fear they would have to accept what most people generally take for granted.

That maybe just maybe, we didn't spring ut of thin air, regardless of what some people might insist upon.

The same organization, that under the name of cathlocism, officially declared in a Papal decree in 1993, that the world was round.

Boy I suuuuuure love getting accurate information, from my religious leaders.
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
I further said that Lucifer, alone, loved humanity and was the hero of the book of Genesis. His love for us was so great that he directly opposed god, thus giving up heaven for our sake.

In contrast, I said, that god's only concern was for cursing us and baring our way to the tree of life, thereby condemning us to suffering and death.

Not surprisingly, the Nuns were not amused.

Oh wow, CBM. What a brave youngster you were!

The best thing that ever happened to me at that age was when I asked my mother about how babies were made, and she told me to go ask Sister Mary Christopher. So I did. Sister MC turned 22 shades of scarlet. Luckily I was young enough that she didn't send me to see the CEO Penguin for being a smart ass.

Later I learned not only how babies were made, but after my first husband divorced me, I found out how mixed race babies came into being.

My current husband still refers to me as a smart ass--but he's usually standing behind me when he does.
its Leslie said:
Pookie the bait slipped off you hook, just being helpful.
Sorry Leslie. You are wrong; you did take the bait ... you fell for it hook, line and sinker. You did EXACTLY as I predicted. That is exactly why I “baited the hook” the way I did. You don’t answer people’s questions when they reply to you. Shows a real lack of maturity and/or knowledge. I call it a lack of “smarts”. It also could mean you don’t read very well. Thirty years of reading textbooks, huh? I responded to practically all of the absolute statements you made in your various posts, several times in some cases. But you choose not to answer my replies to them, just like you choose not to respond to others who point out the fallacy in your absolute statements.

To ANSWER your previous two posts since you won’t reply to my points, I mentioned more than once that there is evil in everything, that every barrel has its bad apple. Your obstinate and unreasoning attachment of your own belief and opinions, with narrow-minded intolerance of beliefs opposed to them, clearly displays your bigotry. Hook, line and sinker.

I stated in a post earlier before that you were an intolerant person. You denied it when you stated “Calling me intolerant though is ludicruous to the point of not even being concerned by it”. You are wrong. My proof? Your own statements and the following quote, straight from a non-religious book used in schools and libraries (you must have missed this one in your thirty years of reading ... its called a dictionary):
“Not tolerant: Unwilling to tolerate differences in opinions, practices, or beliefs, especially religious beliefs”

You also stated that “I am here expected to be nice nice to the very same people that have no concept of tolerance themselves”. Thank you for proving yourself wrong once more for me ... as I said ... hook, line and sinker. I knew you would continue to show your bigotry, bigots can’t help it, and so I exploited your mental weakness for my own gain. The very “people” that committed horrific crimes in the name of religion were in most cases, if not all, bigots as well. I don’t associate with narrow-minded people, they are the real danger to the world.

You also prove my point that you don’t have all the facts when you make your absolute statements. You claim to be smarter than most. Most smart people would not make such an error. “They do not actually read their bibles, nor do they learn the prayers. They do not memorise the hymns nor study at length the background of the faith.” The last church service I went to, the Pastor lead the congregation through reading verses of the bible together. The Sunday School classes before the service focused specifically on studying various passages from the bible. They learn about the background of their faith in doing so. Again, your absolute statement is incorrect. I also proved that you don’t reply with complete facts ... just with your intolerance along with the facts you choose to use. Hook, line and sinker.

“I can walk into any "organised" christian church in Canada and "prove" they have the same level of interest in going there, as they would the Legion, the Mooselodge, the Lions club, or any other big bunch of people.” And in so proving that to me, you prove me correct that religion does have something to do with being “nice”; just like the Moose lodge, The Lions Club, or any other group of people. Thank you for assisting me in proving my point. Hook, line and sinker. So what have we proved as you asked? That religion just like any other club facilitate people to be nice, its called a group of people organized for a common purpose ... most exist to do “nice” things and encourage others to be “nice”. I have seen churches turn some “not nice” people into “nice” people because of their outreach, just as other organizations strive to do the same.

Usually, a smart person, like you, has all the facts together. But then again, that would assume you are smarter than most people. So I won’t insult you by assuming that you are smarter than anyone. You unknowingly seem intent on proving you are not smarter than most people. If that sounds like a personal “shot”, well take it like you want. You seem intent on being insulting to me with your statements, I won’t assume you are though.

Nice bait as well with the “southern” references. I will respond to your bait as well ... so you can at least claim you got me “hook, line and sinker” ... that way we can call it even. Even us southern girls can be gracious at times.

So to satisfy your potential future claims that I took your bait with your “southern” references, I will reply to you this way. Don't let your mouth overload your tail (thats “southern” for “talking too much”). You provide your “enemy” with the ammunition to beat your own argument. You give the impression of being too big for your britches (southern saying for someone “taking yourself too seriously”). Some of your statements make you seem as confused as a nun on a honeymoon. The fact that some don’t understand you doesn't mean you're smart. I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce. Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental. You have a habit of going off half-cocked (southern saying for “have only half the facts”). I will try to excuse you though for being biggity (southern saying for “vain and overbearing” (overbearing means arrogant)). But you do seem happy as a dead pig in the sunshine (southern saying for “doesn't grasp what's going on”), ignorance can be bliss ... bless your heart.

By the way, I am not affiliated with any organized religion. I choose to worship God in my own way. I choose the way I worship because I can. It’s not because of the good or bad things done in the name of religion. My choice doesn’t make me better or worse than anyone who is affiliated with a religion. It just means I am different. The difference between us is the respect I have for the good that occurs in religion; not condemning it for the evil that is in it ... that is in everything.

If you choose to actually reply at some point to mine and other’s comments, as we have yours, then I might choose to discuss this further with you. Otherwise, you can go back to your textbooks and quote more facts ... maybe one day you will be mature enough to actually apply those facts to the “real” world that others actually live in ... that you can’t learn from a book or website.
Not wishing to bore you all with more of my spoutings, but in my opinion, nobody ever got made a better person becous of religion, either they needed an excuse to change their ways or were a good person anyway. Organizations often help people do good things incidently, even the Swastika of the Nazi party was used during the Japanese invasion of China to stop Japanese soldiers from massacering civilians, organizations can be forced to get something right, be it the Church, American Government or the local Bridge Club.

I would become very distressed if I were to one day believe in 'God', to think this world of ours was made on purpose would be terrible thing to believe (what with all the crappola that goes on) and that whole 'Free-Will' thing wouldn't make me feel any less at the mercy of an all powerfull male being with no peers and no girlfriend, but with alot of time on His hands. That would mean a four year old child for instance has been raped and murdered (as must doubtlessly have happened somewhere somewhen) before they even had control in their life just becouse God wanted to prove some point, or see whether a human would (effectively randomly) end up in eternal heaven or eternal hell.

Then comes the question of why would 'God' make himself little people to lord it over in the first place? Seems like a very dubious individual to me, I have to be honest, such a world view as god-believers have is frankly disturbing to me.

Without 'God' the universe makes sense, it is what it is, and endlessly awesome, endlessly beutiful, and we are responsable for ourselves, and becouse in this univers everything is possible, even bad things, we obviously have very good reason to take our responsabilities very seriously. Morality is already known to be a prerequisite for value in being social creatures that live in communities, you don't need religion to know or develop morals.

"Sincerety like the kindness of an athiest"

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Such a long post, I hope it didn't tire you Pookie, as I got bored half way through and decided to just assume "your" world is just to dull.

I answer in my own way, but as my way is categorically not YOUR way I am not surprised you can't find my answers, they look to different from the way you expect to see them appear.

But don't let that bother you (heck as if anything I say means anything to you really).

I have met you before, I will meet you again, and I will have the same lack of interest then as I do now I suppose.

You are why I dropped the label Christian, I was being spit on to often for looking like you.
You are an offensive little creature to wrapped up in your self satisfied self righteous little world. So certain of your perfection.

I don't really mind if you want to say that of me. It certainly will have the same effect your other comments have thus far had,,,, she done speaking yet.
Fallen lover

The world is indeed a harsh place if we always concentrate on the harsh parts.

Floods epidemics starvation war pestilence mean nasty minded people like pookie heheh.

But don't forget the world is a place of strawberries, kids laughter, a smile, the smell of roses, the way walking in the woods is so refreshing.

The world may or may not be the work of a divine being, but if it was, in some way, "created", I thank god for the privilege of experiencing all of it.

Every day I wake is another opportunity to screw my wife and thank god sex is soooooooo awesome. Another chance to see my son and marvel at how life is soooooo cool. Another chance to read a good book or look at the stars aned think, shit there are a lot of stars.
I heartily agree Leslie (though I think you were abit harsh on Pookie)

I edited my post while you replied to my last though, feel free to reread the whole thing:) or just this:

Without 'God' the universe makes sense, it is what it is, and endlessly awesome, endlessly beutiful, and we are responsable for ourselves, and becouse in this univers everything is possible, even bad things, we obviously have very good reason to take our responsabilities very seriously. Morality is already known to be a prerequisite for value in being social creatures that live in communities, you don't need religion to know or develop morals.

See what I'm sayin?
Anybody who would like to join my cult is welcome, bring money and at least one beutiful woman please.
Well according to pookie , religion is the root of all good deeds, and no one ever does anything good unless they are taught to do so through religion.

After all "good" is a religious concept isn't it? Or at least that's what pookie seems to be saying.

Good deeds can't be done just for the sake of it apparently.

Although I personally think good is self procreating in my opinion. I have never prospered from doing anything nasty, and yet I can stand here and look you straight in the face, and say, good begets good simply because a good deed makes both the giver and the reciever feel "good".

I was never required to be "taught" to be good, it is a self evident condition. So saying good deeds can't exist in a vacumn just won't wash with me personally.

I am not good because I was told to be so. It is merely profitable to be so. I will exit this life a contradiction to standard accounting.
I have recieved through good deeds, in excess of what I invested.

I do not steal, because with a good deed or two, things just end up being dumped in my lap. I am rarely in need of asking for help, people seem plenty hapy to assist me.

Crime is to me, the route taken, by the uninspired.
Umm...hyjacked posts are a strong indication that the post has gotten so far off the track that they are in danger of being locked.

In the case of this one, a locked thread might not be such a terrible, awful, serious infringement of the right to restate the obvious points of view time and again.

Of course there's no moderator to report it might just go on forever. And ever.
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Oh wow, CBM. What a brave youngster you were! ...

Not really. I was simply beginning to believe that the whole "god thing" was a bullshit story. I'd been bumping heads with the Nuns, theologically speaking, since grade one. So, I figured that I might as well have some fun with the the fascist sisters of the order of the Imaculate Hear of Mary (IHM) ... which if you ask me, really stands for "I Hate Men."