Question for the white ladies

Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
I've seen more than a few women bite into a piece of chocolate only to have an expression of nearly orgastic pleasure play across their faces.

I wonder if the open expression of pleasure over eating something really good or smelling a really lovely rose or hugging a really chubby baby is a sign that the woman in question is really in touch with her sensuality, or if she's just compensating for the fact that she's not supposed to admit outside the bedroom that she finds great pleasure in having sex.

feeling philosophical today
Having read through this thread I figured I'd jump in with my two cents worth.

First of all; there is good and bad writing within all categories on Lit and other websites. As stated in previous posts, we are amateurs, and we can not expect all stories to qualify for the Nobel price in literature. The good thing about Lit though is that it is a forum for us to write something and being given the chance to improve.

Now when it comes to the IR category. Hm, ok, I admit I can get kinda tired of the most common storylines (i.e. husband wanting to see wife screw black man, black man aggressively wanting to take white woman just because she's white, white woman longing for a black man hung like an elephant's trunk).

Many of the stories are sterotypical, and I'm not surprised. After all, black men and women have for ages been surrounded with a notion to be more sexual/sexually aggressive. The same way people think of French as romantic, Greeks as macho, Italians as stallions, Japanese as calm and quiet, Scandinavians as sexually liberated and easy, Indians as mystic and exotic, Latinos as HOT, and American men just being into the Barbie ideal.
Every country, every nationality and every ethnicity hold down stereotypes. That's the way things are. I believe in working against them, but the fact is, they are there.

I know for a fact that not every African man lives in the middle of the djungle and act like a Zulu king, or have huge dongs. I am pretty sure that the people writing these stories are fully aware of this too. Perhaps the reason they are writing the stories that way though is because there's where the fantasy lies.
Fantasies like these holds a fetish segment. Fetishes are commonly based on stereotypes and set images. Examples are all the roleplay fetish fantasies. I mean, how many nurses walk around in the type of clothes we picture when reading a nurse-doctor fantasy?
Think about it.

Although, saying this I do not find it necessary that ALL stories follow the preconceptions we may have of IR relationships. For me personally I do not find a need for the story to hold a conflict related to the people's ethnicities. For me IR means any type of story which includes IR couples. Many stories can go into more than one category. Just because the storyline is more towards romantic or Erotic Coupling, doesn't mean it doesn't fit into IR.

Also, yes, I'd like to see more stories where the guy doesn't have a 12 inch dick, or the woman 26DDD boobs etc, but hey, that goes for all stories. It would be kinda nice too if the IR section held more stories of not just black/white relationships. I can understand the allure of the contrast, but there are more combinations than black and white out there.

Ok, flame away if anyone feels like it... :)
its Leslie said:
You actually need to say some flammable to start a flame heheh.:D

You mean I actually said something that made a little bit of sense? Wow.:eek:

I'm so used to getting carried away when I type, so normally there should be something to flame if it's a long text...hehe
But, hey, if there isn't, who am I to complain?! :D

There is no mystery about chocolate, it's a well known fact (to me at least) that chocolate is a mild aphrodisiac.

Of course consuming a ton of a mild aphrodisiac is about the same as consuming a small portion of a stronger one.

I don't know about shit like powdered rhino horn (who starts that garbage anyway?) but at least consuming chocolate is fun.

When I was living in Toronto I kept having people in arcades asking me for hash (apparently my relaxed neutral expression appears stoned hehe).

When I am having sex, if it is any good I invariably close my eyes (which I guess means I rarely get to actually "see" good sex heheh).

When my wife uses her hands on me (nothing like an oil massaged cock in this dudes opinion), my arms always end up sore (if the woman is any damn good, the experience will leave you clenched up with sensory overload eventually eh).

A good massage if done right should leave the man exhausted, sweating intensely, with sore muscles he normally doesn't get sore. Remember she is only massaging your cock (and balls if it amuses him).

A normal boring massage is of course supposed to "relax" you.
Although, after I catch my breathe, I must say, I sure feel like sleeping.

I have noticed my wife likes to sleep after she gets her version of a massage, so this must apply to ladies as well.
I do believe there is some degree of fact to the chocolate aphrodisiac myth. :rolleyes:

For some, it turns them on. At least slightly. :)

For others, it gives them a terrible horrible MIGRAINE !!!! :mad:
wonder if that's where the expression "Not tonight dear, I have a headache" originated... ;)

chocolate has caffeine and loads of people get migraines from too much OR from not enough caffeine. i have suffered with the latter, so i tend to try not to binge on coffee, hot chocolate drink, fizzy drinks or chocolate.

but ohhhhhhh mannnnn, to plop a piece of chocolate on the centre of my tongue and hold it steady with eyes closed until it melts away into nothing.... ohhhhhhh dearrrr

and there's not a piece of chocolate in the house right now *sigh*
I miss my two-legged little piece of chocolate... my pussy is getting a migraine from missing him!:(
Goddess of Vice? nahhh come on you can do better than support centuries of dogma can't you?

Vice? no I would much rather you claim Goddess of Pleasure (or at least something with no guilt obsession).

As for migraines, been there done them waaaaaaaay to much. Glad they seem to have gotten bored and faded in my late 30's somehow.

Migraines you can get them from diet, air pressure, light sources, mood swings, just plain rotten luck.

Chocolate, peanut butter, caffeine, basically any food you enjoy.
My response to migraines is, go ahead enjoy life and have an occasional migraine, because the cure is worse than the problem.

Love medicines that come with the phrase, "some side effects may be"....
Best example is cure for hair loss. Shit I will take hair loss over dry mouth, nausea, a limp cock, head aches, appetite suppression and a desire to wear my wife's underwear.
It's just hair loss!!!.
Shit I will take hair loss over dry mouth, nausea, a limp cock, head aches, appetite suppression and a desire to wear my wife's underwear.

Ditto for me. I get more attention with a bald head than with hair!

I'm assuming that you're talking about that propecia (however you spell it) crap. Have you also noticed that one of it's warnings is that women who even might be pregnant shouldn't even touch the stuff!!! And I'm supposed to rub that into my scalp? I think not. When my hairline begins it's inexorable march toward the top of my head, I'll just shave my head all of the time.
its Leslie said:
Goddess of Vice? nahhh come on you can do better than support centuries of dogma can't you?

Vice? no I would much rather you claim Goddess of Pleasure (or at least something with no guilt obsession).

Does the phrase "forbidden fruit" mean anything to you?
Forbidden fruit is an idiotic notion from equally idiotic religious teachings.

I am not sure Christianity invented the guilt trip, but I guess they can claim to do it best.

Only a complete moron buys the adam and eve story.

Then again, only a complete moron buys most of the completely idiotic fairy tales of the Bible (or to be fair, the Koran, which is after all rooted in the same origins, even if the average muslim would be shocked to know, they are just a different branch of the same religion as Christianity and Judaism).

Forbidden fruit, nope.

The day people can accept, that a man putting his cock in a woman, is either the two procreating for the purpose of offspring, or two people indulging what after all feels nice, the sooner society can indulge something more useful with it's energies (like learning to stop despoiling its only livable planet).

When I see someone perpetuating any aspect of the "guilt trip", I look at them the same way a person would look at an obvious idiot.
Be it junk food, an expensive dress, or a guy you know isn't good for you, the oh-I-really-shouldn't has always been tempting; religion having nothing to do with that.

Now I know the difference between being considerate and being PC.
Does forbidden fruit translate differently in swedish?

In english, it is a direct translation of eve partaking of the fruit of knowledge.

That knowledge of course wasn't anything to do with applied technology of course.

Referring to something, and insisting you meant something else, is well, pointless, isn't it?:)
Forbidden fruit = something you are not allowed to enjoy.
Not necessarily limited to sex and religion.
what is one not allowed to enjoy, and why?

personally i feel that if i enjoy something and it harms no one else, then why should i not be allowed to do/have it?
I am not sure Christianity invented the guilt trip, but I guess they can claim to do it best.

In order for this to be true, christianity would have to predate Indian Parents and Jewish Mothers ... and it doesn't.
We all use "forbidden fruit" as a generalisation today.

But its original meaning was not a fixation on chocolate, video games, clothing or any other indulgence we over do.

Its original context was knowledge and or sex (or the knowledge of sex).

To comment on it not being directly about sex or religion, is to ignore why we have the expression in the first place.

If not for religion, we would not have an obsession with the fruit being forbidden in the first place.

Although I can't say the bible invented the notion, it is the book that people generally accept, as popularising the dogma.

Accepted at face value, it is the bible's story of the garden of eden and eve's offering adam the apple. And unfortunately the world's basis for placing all the blame on women for centuries.
The story was obviously written by a man (why am I not surprised).

Saying forbidden fruit is anything else, is just stealing the idea for another use, out of a lack of desire to invent a unique excuse.

It's like saying "the devil made me do it" each time I don't wish to be held responsible for my actions. Interesting statement of course when most people using that phrase don't even believe in god.

Then there are the fine curses of "god damnit" "god damn", "jesus christ" "holy shit" "holy fuck" all of which always sound funny when used by aetheists hehe.

Actually, does anyone actually know any good aetheist curses?
different Bible?

Its original context was knowledge and or sex (or the knowledge of sex).
I think you are slightly skewed in your understanding of "forbidden fruit" and who did what to whom in the Garden of Eden according to the account in Genesis.

The fruit forbidden to Adam and Eve was the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil-- not just knowledge and certainly not just knowledge of sex. I'm sure that Adam and Eve were having a grand time in the garden before they ate the fruit...

It was the snake that taunted Eve into tasting the fruit with the temptation of "becoming like God". The seminal temptation for mankind was the temptation to be gods--not sex.

In literature the motif of forbidden fruit has been linked to sex frequently, but the emphasis has been on the forbidden part of it... going back to the proverb "Stolen water is sweet"...

Saying forbidden fruit is anything else, is just stealing the idea for another use, out of a lack of desire to invent a unique excuse.
Harsh and inaccurate words, leslie.

Using achetypal motifs can cross language and cultural barriers... they can also lead to misunderstanding when we don't invest the same meaning into them...


In order for this to be true, christianity would have to predate Indian Parents and Jewish Mothers ... and it doesn't.
ICBM- ROFLMAO... too true! too true! "Why don't you call me?"
Good points Bridget (and if anyone wants to say Leslie is just being magnanimous saying "good points", kindly get stuffed, she didn't need my permission nor is my stating they were "good points" some bloody stamp of approval).

I would have to say though in counter, that those that might claim it being as you put it knowledge of good and evil, might just be hiding from claiming it was about learning the truth of life ie sex is where we came from, not out of thin air.

With respects to being harsh, hey reality IS harsh, and I didn't invent it. Stop shooting the messenger guys.
I have noticed though, the closer I get to the truth, the more angry people seem to get with me.

Once the world was flat, everyone KNEW it was flat. Then someone had the gaul to show it wasn't. It wasn't that person's fault it was round though.
what do the french have to do with anything?

Then someone had the gaul to show it wasn't.
I thought Christopher Columbus was from Italy?

might just be hiding from claiming it was about learning the truth of life ie sex is where we came from, not out of thin air.
Nice try, but Adam and Eve had been watching the animals going forth and multiplying... while they may not have seen Eve go through the process, "parts is parts".

And I chose the word harsh because I tempered my response... as you know name calling is an anethma to me... I will leave it at that. Wrapping incivility in the cloak of "honesty" does not excuse us from being respectful of each other. We can make our points without attacking each other... it's just a little more work.

:rose: bridget
its Leslie said:
Forbidden fruit is an idiotic notion from equally idiotic religious teachings.

I am not sure Christianity invented the guilt trip, but I guess they can claim to do it best.

Only a complete moron buys the adam and eve story.

Then again, only a complete moron buys most of the completely idiotic fairy tales of the Bible (or to be fair, the Koran, which is after all rooted in the same origins, even if the average muslim would be shocked to know, they are just a different branch of the same religion as Christianity and Judaism).

Forbidden fruit, nope.

The day people can accept, that a man putting his cock in a woman, is either the two procreating for the purpose of offspring, or two people indulging what after all feels nice, the sooner society can indulge something more useful with it's energies (like learning to stop despoiling its only livable planet).

When I see someone perpetuating any aspect of the "guilt trip", I look at them the same way a person would look at an obvious idiot.

its Leslie said:

I have noticed though, the closer I get to the truth, the more angry people seem to get with me.

The second quote may or may not be true.

The first quote is the reason I'm "angry" with you. "Angry" actually is not the correct word for how I seem to be getting with you. I find you to be a very offensive and intolerant person. Just because someone believes something different that you is no reason to call them "morons" or "idiotic". I remember getting disciplined by my parents as a small child for that very thing.

You seem to have a problem dealing with people that have different beliefs, cultures, etc. I find that typical with people that have very narrow minds. I have dealt with enough of this type of shit growing up around people that view my lifestyle as perverted just because it is different from how they feel I should live.

I find that I am able to learn much from the differences of people. I may not believe what they put their faith in, but I will be damned if I will call them a moron or an idiot because of it.
deep breaths

pookie girl-

glad to have another resident of the southeast "on board" :) I love living here.

we call our kids pookie bears... so I like your name..

when we can't control what someone says, I have found it's best to just ignore offensive, personal comments. IMHO we aren't going to change a person here, and it just leads to mutual assured destruction to try to do so. I try to turn down my "offended" meter when I read the boards... sometimes I'm successful, sometimes I'm not.

you know, life is like a box of chocolates....

:) :rose: bridget