Random Thoughts

yuppietowngirl, good to see others have as many random thoughts as me.. ;)

my mind is in a constant state of movement, switching from item to item to item.
slvjenn said:
yuppietowngirl, good to see others have as many random thoughts as me.. ;)

my mind is in a constant state of movement, switching from item to item to item.

It moves from where to where?
slvjenn said:
yuppietowngirl, good to see others have as many random thoughts as me.. ;)

my mind is in a constant state of movement, switching from item to item to item.

I find it tiring actually. Especially when you can not shut down your thoughts to fall asleep. And I do have one really bad habit...talking thru sex sometimes. Cos I just have to much to think about...and sometimes we haven't seen each other for days...and well I have to tell him everything before I forget it hehehe Luckily Sir just finds it amusing...since I do know when to shut up *s* Or I get the "look".
wow..i'm not that bad ;)

it moves all over, it's like a jumping bean...ya never know where it might land.
no new job prospects
wish the tv would turn on magicly
need a drink
it's snowing again
My thoughts...

Wondering what slvjenn will chose when she hits the 100 mark and can have an av...

Why am I craving chocolate so much...

When will I know...when I am going to be able to move...hate waiting...

This is the year...Just realized that it is my year...Year of the Sheep/Goat in the Chinese Astrogy (sp?) and they say that when it is your year that good things happen...oh how I hope so.

Other thoughts...I shouldn't have shaved tonight but tomorrow before I meet Sir. I hate shaving...wish that I could have remained the way I had come into the world...bald. Would have made it so much easier.

Other thoughts...wondering if those Crest Whitestrips really work.

There is more...but that is all for now...I need to get to sleep and read this book...so I guess the reading will happen before the sleeping *s*
One last thought...just remembered that slvjenn had shown us the av choice on the first page. And I had thought it was brilliant. At first I didn't know what it was doing hehehe
yuppietowngirl said:
One last thought...just remembered that slvjenn had shown us the av choice on the first page. And I had thought it was brilliant. At first I didn't know what it was doing hehehe
I adore your av choice!
Shadowsdream said:
I adore your av choice!

I loved this pic as soon as I seen it *s* Isn't he the cutiest lil things. Just something about him makes you want to just protect and cuddle him forever. *s*

Or did you mean slvjenn choice? *s*
yuppietowngirl said:
I loved this pic as soon as I seen it *s* Isn't he the cutiest lil things. Just something about him makes you want to just protect and cuddle him forever. *s*

Or did you mean slvjenn choice? *s*

I was referring to the one you have chosen to wear...it reminds Me of a short story of love and death that I wrote...written around the vulnerability of a kitten...
It is the beauty and the innocence that caught My eye.
Shadowsdream said:
I was referring to the one you have chosen to wear...it reminds Me of a short story of love and death that I wrote...written around the vulnerability of a kitten...
It is the beauty and the innocence that caught My eye.

Yes and the lil kitty in my av displays both of these qualities. I believe that is what I love about kittens and cats is their innocence. Especially when most of everything in your life is so hard to deal with...the love of a cat/kitten is so innocence and pure...that it makes things seem not so bad. I miss my kitties so much...I can't wait to move...then I will be able to hopefully get one of mine back again.

I had to give them up to move into this place. And now that I am looking for a new place...I am focusing on a pet friendly rental so that I can have my kitty back again. A friend (who owns a kennel and farm) took my cats for me...and was able to adopt them out to her friends...so that I would be able to visit them whenever I wanted. That to me was one of the kindest things anyone has ever done for me. And for that I will be forever in her debt. *s*
Pixie Mischief said:
Such a cute av!!!!!!!!!!!! SOO cute

Oh I love him Pixie...he/she looks like my late lil Norm *s* Same look in his/her eyes *s*

I think I am going to have to get working on scanning my kitty pics soon *s*
yuppietowngirl said:
Oh I love him Pixie...he/she looks like my late lil Norm *s* Same look in his/her eyes *s*

I think I am going to have to get working on scanning my kitty pics soon *s*

I love cats.. this one is my baby boy.. Salem.
I am frozen here...so going to get back into bed. And try and warm up. No one else is awake...so will just enjoy the nice warm bed...and a good book *s* And this was one day I could have slept in...isn't that always the case.
yuppietowngirl said:
I am frozen here...so going to get back into bed. And try and warm up. No one else is awake...so will just enjoy the nice warm bed...and a good book *s* And this was one day I could have slept in...isn't that always the case.

I'm reading this book serie called Sword of Truth.. 8 book in the serie I'm on the 2nd. bf recommended it.. its a rather disturbing serie. not sure why I keep on reading LOL I cant stop LOL
yuppietowngirl said:
Other thoughts...wondering if those Crest Whitestrips really work.

my cousin used them before her wedding (tho i didn't know till later) and her teeth were GLOWING white. I mean, all night at the reception i noticed. (helped that she had a huge smile on her face constantly)

But I'd say they work based on that. Though I've never used them myself.

Speaking of weddings....

I often wonder what it'll be like after my reception...will it be nilla type..or will there be BDSM aspects to it? Do i want there to be? Should a night like that be mostly nilla or what?

I mean i'm sure I'll remember it forever, so do I want to remember it as a nilla night or a submissive night?
slvjenn said:

I often wonder what it'll be like after my reception...will it be nilla type..or will there be BDSM aspects to it? Do i want there to be? Should a night like that be mostly nilla or what?

I mean i'm sure I'll remember it forever, so do I want to remember it as a nilla night or a submissive night?

this is just my opinion.. You should talk to your partner about this.. Marriage is a big deal.. I dont plan to get married for a while. I'm still young never know what could happen. But personaly. For my wedding night I would just want love making between me and my partner. as lovers. Nothing kinky.. Just being showing loving. spent a month with my bf and only really made love once.. we had lots of sex but made love.. once. the night before he left.
Pixie Mischief said:
I'm reading this book serie called Sword of Truth.. 8 book in the serie I'm on the 2nd. bf recommended it.. its a rather disturbing serie. not sure why I keep on reading LOL I cant stop LOL

I love that series. Got hooked on it when it first came out.
WynEternal said:
I love that series. Got hooked on it when it first came out.

I'm almost done the 2nd book. he sent me the 3rd as a xmas present. the man worries me with the things he reads LOL he didnt warn me it could be really extreme this serie. I've had to put it down a few times. serie has made me cry several times as well
Richard in the book kinda reminds me of my bf. Actually quiet abit.
and LOL you know what Kahlan did to the asshole in the first book?? who rapped many little boys.. BAH I'd have tortured the dude alot more then that. Granted I was like WAY TO GO GIRL!!! LOL he deserved it.
Pixie Mischief said:
I love cats.. this one is my baby boy.. Salem.

Salem has the most beautiful eyes in Lit!
~~smile~~ thank you for sharing him with U/us cat lovers