Random Thoughts

Kitty thread well............

My AV is Cymba The most dominant animal I have ever known.

He will brook no argument, his way or the highway and fussy!

The only advantage we have over him is mass. If he weighed 60kg we would be fucked ooops

Now there is a fantasy.

Anybody read the Feline Fetish stories from Tales from the Erotic Edge?

yuppietowngirl: BF has been teaching me how to play hehe Very fun if I had a bad day and want to kick some ass. Especially if angry.. Sex would do a better job but hes not here so LOL playing with him on diablo has to do.. I keep being murdered. no wonder he sent me in with no weapons!!!!!! :rolleyes:
Pixie Mischief said:
yuppietowngirl: BF has been teaching me how to play hehe Very fun if I had a bad day and want to kick some ass. Especially if angry.. Sex would do a better job but hes not here so LOL playing with him on diablo has to do.. I keep being murdered. no wonder he sent me in with no weapons!!!!!! :rolleyes:

I must admit that I have only played the game a few times. Liked it...but has never been the game type person. Like you I prefer the sex fun...but I might just have to do the same as you and start playing the game when I can not be with my guy. *s*
Talking about my Sir *s*...wondering where he is....missing him badly. That is my thoughts right now. Well I do have a few other thoughts but maybe I should keep them to myself *weg*
I dont get to see my sweetie till this summer :(
I miss him badly *Sighs*
I feel bad on diablo LOL I keep hitting him LOL hey I'm learning LOL never played this game before a few weeks ago. When we are surounded he keeps going "Get out!" "Get out NOW!" try to get out when everyone is attacking you and your doorway is blocked and you panic LOL
Pixie Mischief said:
I dont get to see my sweetie till this summer :(
I miss him badly *Sighs*
I feel bad on diablo LOL I keep hitting him LOL hey I'm learning LOL never played this game before a few weeks ago. When we are surounded he keeps going "Get out!" "Get out NOW!" try to get out when everyone is attacking you and your doorway is blocked and you panic LOL

Oh I hope the time goes fast for you...I know I am not the most patience person. But have known how hard it is when you are away from the one you love. I am very fortunate now...but not seeing Sir for four days is extremely difficult for me *s*

Yes...that is one situation when you want to scream...my son starts to freak when he gets into a position like that in Diablo *s* Maybe that is why I don't play it...cos I would be so stressed out all the time.
yuppietowngirl said:
Oh I hope the time goes fast for you...I know I am not the most patience person. But have known how hard it is when you are away from the one you love. I am very fortunate now...but not seeing Sir for four days is extremely difficult for me *s*

Yes...that is one situation when you want to scream...my son starts to freak when he gets into a position like that in Diablo *s* Maybe that is why I don't play it...cos I would be so stressed out all the time.

I havent seen my love since.. August *Sighs* we spent a month together first time we had met in person hehe. and yeah well he keeps yelling at me to get out LOL I try. but I end up shooting arrows at him instead LOL hes like "babe.. would you please aim at something else"

Pixie Mischief said:
I havent seen my love since.. August *Sighs* we spent a month together first time we had met in person hehe. and yeah well he keeps yelling at me to get out LOL I try. but I end up shooting arrows at him instead LOL hes like "babe.. would you please aim at something else"
Cupid fixation, methinks?
Re: Re: Arrows...

Pixie Mischief said:
LOL aww cute LOL no my weapon on the game is a bow and arrow hehe

Oh I like the cupid thought...but that is just the hopelessly romantic in me *s* Maybe you are actually just sending him a lil hint hehehehe
Re: Re: Re: Arrows...

yuppietowngirl said:
Oh I like the cupid thought...but that is just the hopelessly romantic in me *s* Maybe you are actually just sending him a lil hint hehehehe

hehe its a very cute idea LOL awwww
Re: Re: Re: Re: Arrows...

Pixie Mischief said:
hehe its a very cute idea LOL awwww

Its this whole Valentine's Day ... and it is in about 10 mins *s*

Sometimes as women...we have to give out a few hints...right hehehe
Ooops I am a day ahead of what it really is...so only 24 hours and 8 mins till Valentines hehehe
I have to wait till this summer for my valentines day present he said :( I wont even ask anything about it. Its useless to ask LOL hes stubborn and will just tell me to wait and see.
Pixie Mischief said:
I have to wait till this summer for my valentines day present he said :( I wont even ask anything about it. Its useless to ask LOL hes stubborn and will just tell me to wait and see.

hehehe funny thing is...I might be a hopeless romantic...but Valentine's Day has never been important to me *s*
yuppietowngirl said:
hehehe funny thing is...I might be a hopeless romantic...but Valentine's Day has never been important to me *s*
Yeah, wot she said!
Pixie Mischief said:
Its important to me.. and now that I have a partner. I cant even be with him :( for v day

Well I think that it isn't important to me...because my hubby (separated) never acknowledged the day...but then he would forget my birthday almost every year unless someone warned him. Now I am with Sir...I would love for it to be important but...it doesn't seem to matter anymore. Seems strange when you think about it...but that is how it makes me feel now.
every year I diss valentines day LOL I have always hated it.. Now.. just wish I could be with him. hehe I wonder what my present is thought.
Pixie Mischief said:
every year I diss valentines day LOL I have always hated it.. Now.. just wish I could be with him. hehe I wonder what my present is thought.

*s* and now I am curious also...as to what it could be hehehe Which is not a good thing for a Gem(ini)...to be curious. Since we always are...well most times...the other times we try to hide the fact hehe
yuppietowngirl said:
*s* and now I am curious also...as to what it could be hehehe Which is not a good thing for a Gem(ini)...to be curious. Since we always are...well most times...the other times we try to hide the fact hehe

I'd ask.. I might ask or act curious. I probably will.. But I cant ask more then once about it. He gets annoyed and tells me to just wait. *Sighs* I'm a very curious person. I know sex is part of it.. but its not all. *Shrugs* so maybe hes gonna make me a nice diner hes a great cook I have NO idea.
yuppietowngirl said:
*s* and now I am curious also...as to what it could be hehehe Which is not a good thing for a Gem(ini)...to be curious. Since we always are...well most times...the other times we try to hide the fact hehe
Woo hoo! Another Gemini!

It's hello from me, and hello from me!
FungiUg said:
Woo hoo! Another Gemini!

It's hello from me, and hello from me!

wooo hooo...whenever I meet a male Gem(ini)...I always say. "it is a foursome"

I just looked at your profile...and you could have been my twin hehehe...since I was suppose to be born on June 11 (which is my mom and dad's anniversary)...but I was born a few days earlier. But still the same year *s*