Readers Corner

Svenska and ffreak,

You two young'uns should go outside to play with your emoticons.

R (the old curmudgeon) F
Re: Re: another archaic term for copulation

Svenskaflicka said:
OK, I'll bite.

What the eff is "swiv"???:confused:

see subject: another archaic term for copulation...

you bite? :eek: Please don't leave marks

:rose: b
Originally posted by perdita (I tried a 'what is irony' thread once and it turned into zip).
Dear Perdita,
The guys probably thought it had something to do with laundry.
Ps. Does it?
ffreak said:
Of course it does. Didn't you see the zip?
See, that's what I'm talking about. Sheesh!

No irony for you two.

harumphilly, Perdita :mad:
Puts me in mind of a great Scottish band The Hmmphff Family ( spelled something like that)

Rumple Foreskin said:
Svenska and ffreak,

You two young'uns should go outside to play with your emoticons.

R (the old curmudgeon) F

Are you still curmudgeoning?
Rumple Foreskin said:
Heck yes. Practice makes perfect-you young whippersnapper. RF
Hay! Can I play, too? I'm technically not old enough, but I've had lessons from masters. My grandma and grandpa have refined curmudgeonliness into an art form. They have a wonderful time with it. They aren't really that way, but they love playing "crusty old bastard/bitch."
Hay! Can I play, too? I'm technically not old enough, but I've had lessons from masters.MG
I don't know, kid. You gotta pay your dues, you know what I mean? 'Course, I gotta admit, you got potential. After all, many young smart asses have made the leap to the exaulted status of curmudgeon.

So unless Pop and Og have some objection, it's okay with me.

Old Rumple Foreskin
Stop mudgering those poor curs.

"Half the lies they tell about me aren't true."
You know they always say that you can tell a bad movie by whether someone offers to get up and make a cup of tea. The earlier the offer, the worse the movie.....

I think the same could carry over into the erotica field, except you're generally not reading with a group of friends. If you are all the power to you ;) . Anyway, I found that if a story is getting too long or too boring then I'll usually try to soldier through it to the end, but I will get up and get a cup of tea to see me through .....

Sounds too English doesn't it, shame I'm not an Englishman ....

Back to writing ....

Fly ....
Well... to be honest MG, I'm En route to being one, I doubt I'll make it... because chickens are evil and must all die before they peck our legs :(

But don't knock soy meats until you try them, they are healthier, and well, I like to live well, leaving the danger to my sex life... oh, forgot, what sex life?

Anyway, I'm geading to bed, work saturday morning (oi)

Night night everyone,

Especially you Perdita!

'night, Medi. I've missed you already. I soooooo look forward to when you tell us you do have a sex life. We'll have to do a thread on it.

See you anon,

Perdita :rose:
Medieval-Man said:
Well... to be honest MG, I'm En route to being one, I doubt I'll make it... because chickens are evil and must all die before they peck our legs
Dear M,
At first I had no idea what you were talking about. I'd forgotten about the subject of vegetabletarianism. That happens a lot around here. You need to get the hang of using quotes (see above) to remind us what you're talking about. I'd hate to miss a pearl.
Ps. Perdita, That thing about you and men with tuts? My God, you're so ...... easy. Hur hur
MathGirl said:
Perdita, That thing about you and men with tuts? My God, you're so ...... easy. Hur hur

Hur hur, tut tut and a wide harrummmphh to you.


p.s. nice of you to give helpful advice to the lad.
perdita said:
nice of you to give helpful advice to the lad.
Dear Perdita,
My magnanimity and helpfulness have already been widely praised. Thanks, though.
MathGirl said:
My magnanimity and helpfulness have already been widely praised
MG, seeing your AV juxtaposed w/the word magnanimity gave me a few more hur's and one last tut.

Medieval-Man said:
Well, 1, never did anything sexual with my dearest Rachel, she's too sweet for that.

Wouldn't it be a hoot if she sits at home, fuming in frustration because you never get your ass out of the wagon and make a move on her..?:cool: