Readers Corner

MathGirl said:
Me, for one. Never went to HS. MG
Maths, I'm stunned. Please clarify. Your statement reads as though you never "learned sex".

Flabberghastedly, Perdita
If MG had been in my high-school no one would have graduated.

Did you skip and go directly to finishing school?

(I would like to print a copy of your avatar and use it as inspiration for my 3rd Princess story if you don't mind.)
perdita said:
Maths. . . Please clarify. Your statement reads as though you never "learned sex".

Some people have to take sex education. Others are born with their sex already in their jeans. :eek:

I believe that is what Math meant, but with MathGirl, I could be wrong. :(
perdita said:
Maths, I'm stunned. Please clarify. Your statement reads as though you never "learned sex".
Dear Perdita,
Wrongo, Chanel breath. It says that I never went to high school. That's true.
Ps. Just to clarify, it means I did not learn about sex while going to high school. QED
Pps. That's Lattin, you know.
MG: I could let this go but for the fact that you called me Chanel breath (I prefer certain brands of Japanese and Italian perfume).

MM: Highschool is a great thing. Oh and also I learned sex, but I mean, gods, who didn't?

MG: Me, for one. Never went to HS.

MM's query is 'who didn't learn sex'? You answer 'me'.

Now you've turned me into Pure, catcher's mitt breath.

Perdita :mad:

p.s. you put your p.s. in while I was posting. Foul!
Question 3: As far as I know, anal sex gives 0 pleasure for women (I wouldn't lnow I've never been a woman, but I've seen zero reaction the time I did it) So why is it it's supposedly some greatly plasureable act in some peoples porn?

My vote? Someone faked to cheer up a spouse...
Medieval-Man said:
Question 3: As far as I know, anal sex gives 0 pleasure for women (I wouldn't lnow I've never been a woman, but I've seen zero reaction the time I did it) So why is it it's supposedly some greatly plasureable act in some peoples porn?
Because for many people, your partner not included, it is greatly pleaurable. If it weren't, AIDES might not be an epidemic. A single personal experience does not necessarily reveal a universal truth. RF
I must have missed something. This thread suddenly took a sharp onto the subject of b*** f******g.*
*butt fucking
MathGirl said:
I must have missed something. This thread suddenly took a sharp onto the subject of b*** f******g.
MG: Medi began this thread and asked questions 1 and 2 on page one. Now he's asking a third about anal sex. What's the big deal?

rhetorically, Perdita
MathGirl said:
I must have missed something. This thread suddenly took a sharp onto the subject of b*** f******g.*
*butt fucking
Glad you explained that. After counting all those little stars, the best I could come up with was "boob flashing".

Rumple Foreskin
MathGirl said:
I must have missed something. This thread suddenly took a sharp onto the subject of b*** f******g.*
That will teach you to turn your back on this thread. :eek:
perdita said:
MG: Medi began this thread and asked questions 1 and 2 on page one. Now he's asking a third about anal sex. What's the big deal?rhetorically, Perdita
Dear Perdita,
I have no problem with that. Just came to see what was going on, and I find that everyone's suddenly talking about sod... an ... bu.... bac... you know.
Ps. Please keep your rhetoricallizing to yourself, frangipani exhalation.
Oh Perdita, you haven't changed a bit. The song was right - you were a beautiful baby.
Well, 1, never did anything sexual with my dearest Rachel, she's too sweet for that.

2, I tried it and hated it to be honest, I'm simply not into that

3, I never actually considered it to have any effect on the female body, so I asked on the basis of the possibility of me every trying it again, and if I do, now I'll know how at least!

4, MG, why is it that you seem to have unabashed resent for me? I'm really not bad, as far as Males go, I don't drink, don't smoke, am a vegetarian, (plenty of soy burgers... MMM) And, well, I love nature and gardening... so consider me a straight-gay man.

Question 4, Why is it when you ask direction in a store people use this: "Oh you go that way, then it's right on your left."

"... which one?"

"Right on you left."

"Ma'am, I can't walk both ways, please, pick one!"

"One what?"

"No thanks, I'll just get lost on my own."

(Adapted from a personal experience, I understood what it meant, but me and my dad were joking back and forth "Right on your left, bottoms up, jumbo shrimp... Nothing makes sense!" Was the closer)

Hope everyone has a good day, and please, have the good and safe sex that I choose not to take (not just the safe, sex too) and have a wonderful thursday!!

:heart: Medi :heart:

(Yes, I'm having a good day, my teachers are sooo great)
Medieval-Man said:
MG, why is it that you seem to have unabashed resent for me?

Hope everyone has a good day, and please, have the good and safe sex that I choose not to take (not just the safe, sex too) and have a wonderful thursday!!
:heart: Medi :heart:
(Yes, I'm having a good day, my teachers are sooo great)
Medi, sorry I missed you. You are the best, always cheer me up.

MG resents all new people until she runs them off the board or they manage to last a few months.

I loved that you and your dad can do wordplay jokes while shopping, and that you're a straight gay man. Ha ha.

anon, Perdita :heart: and hug
Ahem. tut tut tut Let's not go around encouraging misinformation.

1. AIDS is not caused by anal sex. Anal sex has a high risk of transmission of any STD because of the liklihood of tearing of the anal tract allowing the spread of disease through contaminated blood and other body fluids. (which I'm sure folks knew already, but I try to be diligent about correcting misinformation)

2. AIDS spread like wildfire in the gay community due in part to the freqent practice of anal sex which as I just mentioned can be a risky endeavor.

3. Anal stimulation is popular with men both gay and straight because it excites the prostrate gland --- which women do not have.

None of this is to say that women can't or don't enjoy anal sex. Many of them do. I just wanted to point out that it's not for the same reasons as men on the receiving end do. There are plenty of other sensitive areas in the ass and the idea alone is enough to get some folks revved up. Many people, however, don't like it or just have no burning desire to engage in it.


To be contrary.


Sorry, that I haven't kept up with your thread.

I hated high school. (You don't know me, but I don't hate much.)Didn't even bother to finish it. I didn't learn about sex there, either.

Anal sex- ummm- the only burning that I associate with it is hemorrhoids. For me there are goes-intos and goes-out-ofs. That is definitely a goes-out-of.

Glad to make your acquaintance and welcome to the zoo.

:rose: b
Medieval-Man said:
MG, why is it that you seem to have unabashed resent for me? I'm really not bad, as far as Males go, I don't drink, don't smoke, am a vegetarian, (plenty of soy burgers... MMM) And, well, I love nature and gardening... so consider me a straight-gay man.
Dear MMan,
I don't resent you in the least. If I did, you would be the first to know. I do, though, get nervous around vegetarians. It seems an unnatural state of being.
Ps. Don't worry, there's plenty of time to learn to drink and smoke.
Pps. Hay, BBurner: Please tut us no tuts.
another archaic term for copulation

I just wanted to post this word: swiv

I love it.

:rose: b

No one here, in actuality. I saw the potential for misunderstanding on the part of a young and somewhat inexperienced bi-sexual male and felt that it wouldn't be any skin off anyone's nose for me to make sure he had specific and accurate information.

Rather than write reams about how I was certain that the information I was imparting was common knowledge to everyone else in the room and how I would never dream of offending or accusing or ruffling anyone at all I figured the jist of my mood would come through if I strutted around like a pouter pidgeon tut-tutting beforehand.

Apparently not.

Is there an emoticon for irony? How about grovelling? Maybe some caffiene?

bridgeburner said:
Is there an emoticon for irony? How about grovelling? Maybe some caffiene?
Bridgeman, I got your intention about AIDS and was glad you posted.

I don't want an emoticon for irony; it would be sorely abused (I tried a 'what is irony' thread once and it turned into zip).

I'd love one for tuts and harumphing though.
