Readers Corner

Svenskaflicka said:
Wouldn't it be a hoot if she sits at home, fuming in frustration because you never get your ass out of the wagon and make a move on her..?
Svenska! Well, maybe you have a point.

Sorry, Medi, just kidding. You're too good to be true. Perdita :heart:
Rumple Foreskin said:
I don't know, kid. You gotta pay your dues, you know what I mean? 'Course, I gotta admit, you got potential. After all, many young smart asses have made the leap to the exaulted status of curmudgeon.So unless Pop and Og have some objection, it's okay with me.
Dear Rumple,
While you and Pop are certainly curmudgeonly, I see Og somewhat differently. He seems to take a more avuncular view of all the youngsters here running around and reporting new experiences. Og is like, "Been there, done that, liked it, wrote the book, and directed the miniseries, any questions?" He's lacking the innate curmudgenliness.
MG, Wizened Beyone Her Years
Originally posted by Medieval-Man
Well, 1, never did anything sexual with my dearest Rachel, she's too sweet for that.


A little old southern lady once imparted the following bit of wisdom which I'm passing it on, in her words, for your consideration. "It's the boy's place to ask, and the lady's place to say, no." A lot has changed since then, of course. but consider carefully the words of both that old-fashioned lady and the very up-tp-date Svenska.

Rumple Foreskin
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FlyontheWall99 said:
You know they always say that you can tell a bad movie by whether someone offers to get up and make a cup of tea.
Dear Fly,
I've heard from reliable sources that bad sex is the same way.
MathGirl said:
I've heard from reliable sources that bad sex is the same way.
Yep, Maths. Sometimes I put the kettle on just before and either I whistle first or it's tea for one.

quippingly, Perdita