Recognition for New Poets


wow...great post Du Lac~
excellent choices~

loved your new one's too!
<grin> ... creak!

hey Wicked~
I don't recall that name~

was tantalizenly tortured by
your poetry posted today...grin...
bayer please...
zen master of pen - been at it again~

hey doingmybest~
great stuff

daisy may welcome
yep I remember that poem~

oh the clever writer from the pecos
grin...more please...hehehe
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hey you poet-type people in here:) I feel so dumb, silly, baaad, I didnt know you guys did reviews and stuff in here, shows you I dont get around much. serioulsy, I dont and I should.

Art, I just wann a thank you for the wonderful kind and generous words you have said about my stuff in here, I had no idea, and truly didnt mean to seem ungrateful. Thank you for reading and caring and sending readers my way, it is appreciated :rose:
new poems by new poets

howdy academy~

I read a few poems today~
martyr by: doingmybest

a very moving topic
doingmybest has a reality question?
very good poem~
disposable soldiers
tearing tactics
looting power
reign destruction
suffocate the land
fall all who stand

Rosies Blue Ribbons by: Annora

wow this ones touching..
very dramatic and sad....
yet poeticly moving~
powerful poem~

Nothing else is an option
so what hair loss it makes me look fragile
but that is deceiving it makes me stronger.

Teddy isn't working by: Daisey May

Blanket holds me tight
Pillow drenched in tears
Teddy thrown to floor
Tattered and torn
From too many nights

poor teddy...awwwwww
lonliness spurs~
Indigo eyes by: BooMerengue

Indigo Eyes
by BooMerengue ©

with irishcatsmeow

Indigo eyes glance shyly as he picks up his guitar
ready to strum a love-gone-wrong tune,
his voice slides right off the side of the mountain
bouncing into her veins, a rubber ball gone awry.

a very clever and thought out poem~
obviously a colaberation
that has a duo creaters makes
it twice as good ...<grin>
very good poem
overcrowding on the head of a pin by: Postobitum

Angels fell and stuck,
clogged the narrow end
of the funnel, backed up
with broken feathers and
bent aluminum halos.
Tried unsticking them

oh my ...I just love post's
wit and clever writes...hehehe
another great one...cute~
the great pyramid of literotica by: sack

cute pyramid
could have been a christmas tree too
pretty neat...wonder if there will be a
part 2?????
The (Sexy) Night Before Christmas
by: foehn
well that was a bit of reading...grin
please feel free to post any more poems I may
have skipped, <grin>

teacher poem~

here's a poem by the best of the best
or somewhere in infomatry
it's a tad long but the ending makes it
worth the read...~

Ode to a Nightingale - John Keats

My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains
My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk,
Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains
One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk:
'Tis not through envy of thy happy lot,
But being too happy in thine happiness,--
That thou, light-winged Dryad of the trees
In some melodious plot
Of beechen green, and shadows numberless,
Singest of summer in full-throated ease.

O, for a draught of vintage! that hath been
Cool'd a long age in the deep-delved earth,
Tasting of Flora and the country green,
Dance, and Provençal song, and sunburnt mirth!
O for a beaker full of the warm South,
Full of the true, the blushful Hippocrene,
With beaded bubbles winking at the brim,
And purple-stained mouth;
That I might drink, and leave the world unseen,
And with thee fade away into the forest dim:

Fade far away, dissolve, and quite forget
What thou among the leaves hast never known,
The weariness, the fever, and the fret
Here, where men sit and hear each other groan;
Where palsy shakes a few, sad, last gray hairs,
Where youth grows pale, and spectre-thin, and dies;
Where but to think is to be full of sorrow
And leaden-eyed despairs,
Where Beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes,
Or new Love pine at them beyond to-morrow.

Away! away! for I will fly to thee,
Not charioted by Bacchus and his pards,
But on the viewless wings of Poesy,
Though the dull brain perplexes and retards:
Already with thee! tender is the night,
And haply the Queen-Moon is on her throne,
Cluster'd around by all her starry Fays;
But here there is no light,
Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown
Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways.

I cannot see what flowers are at my feet,
Nor what soft incense hangs upon the boughs,
But, in embalmed darkness, guess each sweet
Wherewith the seasonable month endows
The grass, the thicket, and the fruit-tree wild;
White hawthorn, and the pastoral eglantine;
Fast fading violets cover'd up in leaves;
And mid-May's eldest child,
The coming musk-rose, full of dewy wine,
The murmurous haunt of flies on summer eves.

Darkling I listen; and, for many a time
I have been half in love with easeful Death,
Call'd him soft names in many a mused rhyme,
To take into the air my quiet breath;
Now more than ever seems it rich to die,
To cease upon the midnight with no pain,
While thou art pouring forth thy soul abroad
In such an ecstasy!
Still wouldst thou sing, and I have ears in vain--
To thy high requiem become a sod.

Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird!
No hungry generations tread thee down;
The voice I hear this passing night was heard
In ancient days by emperor and clown:
Perhaps the self-same song that found a path
Through the sad heart of Ruth, when, sick for home,
She stood in tears amid the alien corn;
The same that oft-times hath
Charm'd magic casements, opening on the foam
Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn.

Forlorn! the very word is like a bell
To toll me back from thee to my sole self!
Adieu! the fancy cannot cheat so well
As she is fam'd to do, deceiving elf.
Adieu! adieu! thy plaintive anthem fades
Past the near meadows, over the still stream,
Up the hill-side; and now 'tis buried deep
In the next valley-glades:
Was it a vision, or a waking dream?
Fled is that music:--Do I wake or sleep?
Re: new poems by new poets

My Erotic Tale said:
howdy academy~

I read a few poems today~
Indigo eyes by: BooMerengue

Indigo Eyes
by BooMerengue ©

with irishcatsmeow

Indigo eyes glance shyly as he picks up his guitar
ready to strum a love-gone-wrong tune,
his voice slides right off the side of the mountain
bouncing into her veins, a rubber ball gone awry.

a very clever and thought out poem~
obviously a colaberation
that has a duo creaters makes
it twice as good ...<grin>
very good poem
well that was a bit of reading...grin
please feel free to post any more poems I may
have skipped, <grin>


Thank you, Art! Yes- this is from a collaboration with irishcatsmeow. It was done for a challenge... Grab A Partner. If you all want to learn watch the Poetry Forum for challenges and Gunfights! You learn a lot fast, and it's fun!

Again, thanks for the mention!
Thank you for the review, Art. And thank you to everyone who has left feedback! Overcrowding was a strange one for me, the religious sect of me was hollering sacrilage while the...non religious sect was shrugging and saying "well, they shouldn't be standing on pins now should they?" (I think I know what you weren't wanting to say Daisy, and I totally understand!)

Hugs to all! :rose:
*peeps in*

Is this the thread where we can thank people for their comments?

:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

You know who you are ;)

*tiptoes back out*

I posted reviews on new poem reviews tonight

Daisy had a charming write..
no knives...hehehe

I stay busier than a long tail
cat in a room full of rockers...
but I'd like to check that out
once things slow down a bit
after the holidays perhaps~

overwelming poet~
bows humble to you...hehehehe
ideas come from the strangest places
and well you....well seem
to have quite a few...hehehehe...lmao~
wonderful poem...and idea~

LMAO! sack, wherever you are, you are just as silly as me. Check this comment out by sack all. And I'm STILL laughing at WickedEve's feedback. Funny, funny, funny! They all were! You guys really know how to put a smile on someone's face :)

Shaped Like A Heart- Senryu
Penis heads are shaped
Like a heart for a reason.
To be used in love.
I will never think of mushrooms again!!
12/12/04 by sack in USA
Thank you for sharing this!!
I thought
12/09/04 by Anonymous
they kinda look like the Gorton fishermans hat, oh well... :D cool poem, your brave to try new forms
oh my....hehehehe
12/09/04 by My Erotic Tale
that was too funny...
and so cool...
12/09/04 by WickedEve
Well, that's my first reaction. lol But alas, so many of those thrusting, gushing hearts are not used in love. Should they be broken hearts for that? I like your senryu. It's interesting. :)
daisy may

yep that sack's a nut, nad a
great commentator~
great online personality too
loved the alphabet pyramid

where o where is christina o leigh
and lildarlin been hiding....dang Du Lac's
missing too, must be a party and the teacher
didn't told about...heheheheh grin~

okay home from work it'sa sunday gonna go
see what poems are posted today~
any suggestions?

Here's a few poems I enjoyed today~
In the intrest of encouraging and learning
about poetry...and believe me I'm a shining
example of learning by reading...
still waiting on the next issue of MAM'
force a smile by: Trent_Dutch


I desire, but do not admire,
Smoke and try to ignore her,
Her words so naïve and crass,
And full of ideals only half believed.

interesting write,
very poetic in the aspect of romance
~vs~ boredom or perhaps a better wording
would be casually uninterested?
not real sure give it a read and let me know
what you decide~
Honor Master by: Annora


I shall bow my head in respect never meeting his eyes
I am wearing his favorites leather and chains to have tension placed upon my body for his pleasure.

erotica extreme...sizzlin poem
a very steamy write from Annora~
Annora had this poem post as well You Changed my World a very endearing write, the bond of a parent and child~
surrender by: WickedEve


why must there be temperament, unresisting,
that bends to touch these servile depths of me?

wow, this was a great erotic poem,
awesome concept or I should say
Mockingbird by:The Mutt


I know a hundred songs,
not a one of them my own.
An aria of lies,
swirling in the branches
where I hop and sway,
the beckoning ground so far below,
the heavens impossibly distant.

a very clever write~
a paramount poem
the mockingbird that
majestic singing bird
very good poem~
There is No tara by: Postobitum


Tomorrow is today and yesterday,
all the yesterdays back to one.
Me sweating to the grave on a treadmill.
Repeating every step I've already taken.
Panting fatigue while the siren ocean
winks to me through the window.

the witty words of postibitum dance
on the page...awesome image and fun read~
papaya lane by: Champagne1982


Sweet lover of mine, I cannot deny,
the need that your presence inspires,
in my secret place of flower-lipped dew,
grown steamy in dark-eyed fires.

oh my a wonderful poem ...
awesome rythym and visuals
a poet indeed...great poem...A+
rewind by: jessy19


Take me back just once,
to that moment

cool idea to rewind back to a better time
but wonders will I still move through time
to this time again? poem...
for the woman i breath by: CharleyH


Warm against my clit
before she stretched out her tongue
swept the wetness from my hole
sending a searing torch to my nipples.
Her mouth
spilling saliva across my lips
sipping me to life.

attention erotic poetry ahead
excellent poem~
erotica extreme~
way to go charley~
only the best tasteing tuna for charley...hehehe
great poem~
once again by: nikkijames


I have the strength
and the power too
the happiness in saying

a new poet with a witty write
emotions in poetry...great poem~
You Promise by: Seeker n Finder


Then Christmas came,
they all said the same.

Dawn by: ElusivButterfly


Dawn awakes with diamonds
Clothing the morning surf
Glistening in the summer sun
As seashell lions sillouette

WOW a gem of a poem
or a diamond...grin~
a pearl of a poem

okay gonna settle in shower in the
raincloset and eat my pizza with the cat
perhaps read a few more...or write
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papayas and mangos

Well thankyou so much for your enthusiastic enjoyment of my latest poem. Something about the cold makes me want to sing about the tropics.

Limbo on the beach, fuck in the waves, get sand in my hair...

ahhhh.. Take me away!
Hey Art, thanks for the mention, yet more so, I'm simply happy you enjoyed. It's a "much 'felt'" free fall offering than a form, planned poem, but hell, it's hot - lol. Mucho gracias:kiss:
Thanks for the mention, M.E.T.
I learned most of what I know about poetry from posting on Lit and the feedback I've recieved. (well, and Shakespeare and Poe)
And from a great bit of advice I heard from Roger Ebert, of all people; "The Muse does not arrive when you are planning to write. The Muse arrives when you are writing."
Fill those blank pages, folks.
Thanks My Erotic Tale :)

Means a lot to me that you enjoyed the poem

Working on some stories and some other poems, both erotic and non-erotic
Bump...just thought we needed to see this thread again....

Where is Art???
hey sweetie~

been working 7 days a week 12 hours a day till
probably christmas...but cant help but check what';s
going on at li/t..../hjehjehehehehehehehe

hopefullly things will get back to normal
after the holidys....
Re: hey sweetie~

My Erotic Tale said:
been working 7 days a week 12 hours a day till
probably christmas...but cant help but check what';s
going on at li/t..../hjehjehehehehehehehe

hopefullly things will get back to normal
after the holidys....


Stay sweet and naughty, Art
ho ho ho

New Poem Reviews for Saturday 25, 2004
I want to wish everyone a very ...

I'll read the Christmas titled poems first since
it's Christmas
Gifts at Christmas
by Sir_Nathan, this was a sweet lil poem, the gift of the heart and soul for X-mas.

This time of year is special I know
In the sun the storms and the driving snow
But baby, I already know
I've received the gift of you.

I hope every one is enjoying this kind of
gift at this time of year (~_*)
While strolling through the list this popped out at me
Whatever Happened to Christmas Day By Uncle Pervey, now Uncle Pervey has his own style of humor and this poem is enriched with his Holiday flare.

also posted by Uncle Pervey was GeneralEquivalence Diploma and Knuckle and Skulling also Frisby Expert and last Comanches and Comoncheros I could think of a hundred things to say about the comanches being of blood decendent but it's Chreistmas and I find the ying and the yang in everything so merry X-mas uncle perv~


Jingle Balls
by My Erotic Tail

by My Erotic Tale

looks like that's it for holiday poetry on this
glorious Christmas Day~

SeatleRain brings us 'amorphous'

your image evolves like a swirling oil screen
prismatic amoeba slide from my fingers,
flickered lights flash shadowed branches
from here, no

erotic and a flows well~
I read this poem several times trying
really hard tpo figure out what in the heck
Seattle was trying to say and the 'projector
images on the belly ' hit home..heheheh
great literotica poetry~

also posted by SeatleRain~
halos and hellfires
another 3 read poem... "What? Oh ... okay .... wow"
poem, read it a couple times and it soaks in~

Three Strays

A kitten crossed my threshold
After first November snow.
Bedraggled, starving, fleabit,
She regarded me with woe.

I took her up into my arm
And warmed her in my shirt.
She purred and promptly fell asleep.
Less kitten there than dirt.


this poem was endearing and cute
owner of a feline myself I enjoyed this write~
januss6988 also posted these poems today,
a little hand
Why Dost Thou Hide in Hooded Cloak
Venus in the Vale perhaps an inspiration from delta of venus?
Sleeping Queen
Remembrance is the Price
Poetry from the Land of ID -- 02

I want you
by masochisticpuppy
Laying you down softly
Nibbling on your neck
leaving little patches from sucking
massaging my hands down your shoulders
to caress them with my lips
I move down your body

erotic from the get go and rolled
into a great literotica poem~

maso~ had these poems post as well
Satan help me

WOW~ this was a pearl of a poem nestled among the list
of new poems posted for Saturday the 25th.
Wind you come
by seranade

erotic breeze
wind you come
like the warm sun
you'll leave
symbol rustled leaves

easily readable and set a very good pace
for a short and sweet read~
melody perhaps a serenade?
hehehe great poem~

the seat between us
we stutter over common benchmarks
blood donations
auction items
Gerbera daisies

swirling poetry,
uncertain of it's total meaning but then
again that's poetry~
anna intrigues us with her masterful writings
a zen master of pen poem~
"I Often Find Myself Fantasizing..."

by awesomejoe
Well every time a picture of you comes into my mind...damn I find myself getting lost in so much pleasure and desire...that without hesitation I feel my dark cock getting excited for you..

this could almost pass for a short story~
but a topic we all know oh so well
to have these fantasys of another~

Dauntless journey

In the wake of your glance
in your moss green perusal
I can see a thousand years
the past, the future
the present
exposed and
colored with the love
only the vessel of your soul
can divulge

a zen master of pen poem~

the title alone is inspiring~
Poetic Justice
by Champagne1982 is an awesome poem~ very clever view point and I learned
the name of lady justice (I think)
Ahhh Astrea! You should be a mother
rather than a virgin
I swear you'd tear
away the blindfold that hides
the truth as well as lies
and use your sword.

libras rule with balance~



i can't c
any1 but u b-
tween these 2
make me beg
u 2 stop
the drip drip drop

cleverly created a piece of
Literary Art~

slaves flight

Riding the Passion in the winds,
This is where her Journey begins.
Listening for Masters powerful Call...
Knowing only then, will she fall.


Those were the poems for Saturday
December 25th 2004
Merry Christmas and see ya New Years Day~

What did Santa say to the three girls on the corner?
Ho Ho Ho ~
read a poem today

I read a few poems today ... grin~

The Scraps by: foehn

I liked this poem because it sounded like my back yard, if ya want coons just wait till dark and they raid my trash can everynight, I even leave out dog food for them.

I Think of you Always Melmoth the Prophet

endearing poetry of a love that's strong~
with a nicely drawn Illustration~
Dana's Christmas fortesquexavier

well spank me silly,
a spanking christmas...hehehehe
eroticly cute~
Dance of a kiss by: seranade

a very good poem about the simple yet erotic
Gnostic Dreams by: Du Lac

erotic supreme~
wow a very tantalizing poem~
Du Lac's style of witty words
shine in this great poem~
Tomb Raider The Mutt

Not real sure where this poem is pointing
perhaps a lesson poem, someone can try and
decifer 'The Mutt's' poetry and post it!
Thoughts Dark and Dreary hotti

very witty poetry,
a true slice of reality
great poem~
What I'd like by: SureYouCanWrite

I love this poem, yea I'm a man and I like all
of the above..."What I'd like"..hehehe is
everything in this poem...hehehe
original style and a very good poem~


I assume this was a spin off from the game?
very well done as far as describing emotions
plot and flow~ An ode to self the Assasin~
interesting poem~

you're perfect by: foradair

pull my hair and bite my neck sent me catalyst
hehehe short and sweet and sour...
loved this poem~ more please~

Christmas Fantasy loriprovince29

cute and erotic what more is needed...hehehe
flowed well with intirgue~
great Holiday poem~
inspire ... encourage and comment on others
work and literary Art~
thank you

Gnostic Dreams by: Du Lac

erotic supreme~
wow a very tantalizing poem~
Du Lac's style of witty words
shine in this great poem~

Thank you Art.. you are far too kind..
Du Lac
Thank you kindly!

very witty poetry,
a true slice of reality
great poem~

I have a difficult time expressing deeper feelings (especially with poetry), so thank you for this comment! :)