Recognition for New Poets

Re: The Trickster...

Du Lac said:
Thank you dear Art... for your kind review again.. you make me blush!

I need to clarify the last line of the poem... direct reference to myself.. the lake... du lac.... it was a personal poem .... hence why many may not get it... I do agree that I would leave off the last night and let it be done...

I was just wondering if anyone could connect the dots lol... lake .. du lac lol... oh I am twisted and deep... dive .. swim and drown!
du lac:heart:

No it's very clear, here it is...

clip ~ from Du Lacs poem : The Trickster

Time is a trickster
Leaving all to think
Dreams of tomorrow
In the lake do they sink.

I love the consept of this part of the poem
time will run out on us so all will eventually
drown the, taunt of to dream or not to
dream knowing time will swallow it up any way
reality at it's best, but some how even a
blade of grass in the desert reaches
deeply to survive but dreams of better days
hopeful that father time will be on our side.
well I liked playing with this line...<grin>
so much out of so little, poetic
My choices...

My first because rarely does a poet make me feel so intensly... as this poet did...
Mermaid Angeline

I have not been touched by anothers poetry so deeply in a long time. This can not be praised in rhetoric.. it is felt, with tears and joyful soaring of life recognized. F'ning(sorry I only use power language like that when I can't voice any other way lol).. beautiful, painful and cosmic. Thank you for your talent and soul displayed for others to see that they are not alone..
du Lac

Brought Out The dogman77004

I got this so well.. been there done that.. a good reminder not to go back.. facing forward with life, living the more of all things..
thank you for the write and read
du lac

What am I? Sack

liked this work, although the rhetoric seems off a little, I do not know how... just a feel for me.. the message and the essence of it is soulful... speaking to me, linking heart and mind to find the answer!
Du Lac

The Ravaging serenade
I swirled into this poem.. a tidal pool of desire. Very alluring and passion filled.. I feel the hunger the need the want to be consumed.. joining meshing living within the moment of bliss.. nice write thank you
du lac

Our Lives Cross hoopers
Loved this tiling effect of evolving truths.. intimate relationships to the grander scheme of all that is.. nice work thank you

Who's Really in Control Lady Song

Witty Reality
I liked this look into the division of Lillith and Eve within the good girl bad girl syndrome most women embrace and deny.. truth exposed in simplist terms..
nice.. Lady Song..
Thank you for your write!

Thank you all for the reads.. travels, planes I have yet to visit and some I have...
Happy New Year
Du Lac
Re: Re: The Trickster...

My Erotic Tale said:
No it's very clear, here it is...

clip ~ from Du Lacs poem : The Trickster

Time is a trickster
Leaving all to think
Dreams of tomorrow
In the lake do they sink.

I love the consept of this part of the poem
time will run out on us so all will eventually
drown the, taunt of to dream or not to
dream knowing time will swallow it up any way
reality at it's best, but some how even a
blade of grass in the desert reaches
deeply to survive but dreams of better days
hopeful that father time will be on our side.
well I liked playing with this line...<grin>
so much out of so little, poetic


excellent review Du~

you go girl, loved your vision on these poems
the take from another view from another
mountain, I really liked dogmans inspirational poem.
as well as Du's trickster my two favs for the day.

thanks Du~
My Erotic Tale said:

I Want... by : missygail
is an excellent illustrated poem.
Put together very well and hope to see more
illustrated poetry from missy~

Thanks Art!

I have one reply to a comment left on my poem...

I know it is hard to read and for that I'm sorry.... I originally made it for someone and slightly altered it when I got the idea to submit to lit...

When it was in the bigger size 1500x1125 it was readable, though of course I had to alter the size for lit... I wasn't sure how to submit, though I finally figured it out...

I created a word document to submit the picture and in the word document the picture was clear and easy to read, though lit shrunk it futher...

If I submit anymore illustrated poems I'll keep in mind the smaller size and try to make it easier to read...

I'm glad everyone enjoyed my attempt at poetry even if it was difficult to read...:kiss:
hey missy

missygail said:
Thanks Art!

I have one reply to a comment left on my poem...

I know it is hard to read and for that I'm sorry.... I originally made it for someone and slightly altered it when I got the idea to submit to lit...

When it was in the bigger size 1500x1125 it was readable, though of course I had to alter the size for lit... I wasn't sure how to submit, though I finally figured it out...

I created a word document to submit the picture and in the word document the picture was clear and easy to read, though lit shrunk it futher...

If I submit anymore illustrated poems I'll keep in mind the smaller size and try to make it easier to read...

I'm glad everyone enjoyed my attempt at poetry even if it was difficult to read...:kiss:

I know from the illustrated poetry that I sent in
that it's not easy, I had to resubmit a couple times
to get the format transfer right and it still come out
fuzzy, I was going to do the paris rose series with
drawings but the trouble with transfer changed my
mind, I even have an idea for a comic strip poem and
don't attemp it due to the difficulty in sending it in
and it being right. I'm sure there's a perfectly simple
formula for sending illustrated but I havent found it
yet. Word Doc. did best for me too...

looking for more missy, <grin>
Todays reads....

Hi all.. took time to read again.. too many twists in my head so I read and clear ... sometimes lol.. but here are my picks for the day.

King of Vague Sack

Oh Sack lol.. I loved this work.. we may all know why it was inspired.. all the vagueness on vagueness lol.. but I have to say this is great, inspirational and plain old fun!
thanx for the glow!!!

Reaching Out Heavenlyone
open and honest

Really liked this.. what style it is I don't care! The reality and realization of what that person is to you.. how you feel and the gratitude is stunning. I like real, I like honest.. this is good
thank you

The Bloom Erotic tale

I love this work... this vague ghostly rooting from word to word to feeling to feeling to life and living.. haunts thru this writing.. (use the spell check honey.... ) but besides that I bloom in reading it...

also by Erotic Tale.. one I loved more...
Tranquility Erotic Tale

Art honey lol.. you are the tranquil anti-conformist lol.. denying yourself the pleasures of spell check lol.. did you hear my giggles as I read ride the through the air??? Loved this Art, as always you write, I read, my mind flips a couple of times.. shakes off the dust and suddenly there is nothing there...oh
this is nice I agree Eve:
in a vessel of flesh
the soul settled

next a real treat...

Drinking with the Magi... Tathagata
Very nostalgic and intriguing.. past present and future rolled into one..
loved this:
reliving carelessness we took for freedom,
zen drinking and a strange soundtrack.
He remains a boy as I bend
like the tree,
as if drawn to the grave by inches.
He pretends not to see
and I love him for it.
Thank you for the ride..

Want a does of reality.. blunt and honest.. go read..

Now Ain't that Ignorant Joyride1980
Brutal honesty.. wow... and open with twisted thinking.. just my type of poetry lol..

Need a little twisted laughter.. and mind bender.. try all of Uncle Perveys poems
I liked this one..

Skooter's Tooter! Uncle Pervey

Okay those are my picks.. and please feel free to comment on my newest ones.. that is how I learn!!!

Celestial Breeze Du Lac
Products of their Environment Du Lac
and please let me know what you think of my two new stories:

Du LacDesire Amongst the Stacks Du Lac

Daystar Swimming Du Lac
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click for pic

okay I clicked to see your pics, DuLac, very nice!

The best by far (in my opinion) is fun 4. very sexy!
Thank you Anna

New side of myself.. I love being artistic.. and I really liked doing these pics.. will be doing some new ones soon... so thank you so much! 4 is my favorite also.. but if you go to the first one and hit slide show.. it moves into the newer pics and also the special effect ones I played with I did some cool things to #4.. let me know what you think... I want to try some other effects soon with a new thought I have in mind
du lac
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Will Eisner is dead at 87. He virtually invented comic books. My heart is broken.
Raise a glass tonight, my friends.

Hey Mutt
a toast to ... Will~

WOW THANKS for the great review Du~
I have been so busy no time to sit seems like
but I really appreciate the kind words and great
reviews, your an inspiration alone and compound
that with your erotic and witty poems well
keep on doin' what you Du best, <grin>

thanks Du

hey anna~
lesson in poetry

What a fitting post today:

Your Storm (villanelle)


Your Storm (free verse)

the poem style quoted in the title,
now if this were a requirement of poems
and catagories like I've seen on other sites
well our education of the various styles would
be elevated emensly.

as for the content of the poem vs the
style, this poet is remarkable, very inspirational.

thanks Art~
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lesson poem

Here is a poem by Mutt that is a lesson poem

We Must Strive (a villanelle)

I love it when the style of a poem is posted with the
poem, to learn from... I have no idea what style I use
I just call it cookin ... mix up some words that relate
<grin> I was told I was almost as good as uncle pervy
so I must be getting there <grin>

anyway enjoy this poem and learn, thanks Mutt~

Thanks for the mention MET. I have learned more about poetry in this last year on Lit than I did in all the english classes I slept through combined.
recent arrival

Hey, there's a new poet here that hasn't gotten a lot of mention (that I have seen -- I just don't have time to read everything) that I thought would be worth pointing out.

I've looked at a few by stacistatas and though the poems could maybe use a little "polishing" here and there, the eroticism is pretty nicely done.

There haven't been a lot of comments on her poems, but I suspect that a lot of people have enjoyed them. I'd like to see her more warmly welcomed into the ranks of literotica poets.

We're all still learning from each other, and it's nice to have friends!

Re: recent arrival

foehn said:
Hey, there's a new poet here that hasn't gotten a lot of mention (that I have seen -- I just don't have time to read everything) that I thought would be worth pointing out.

I've looked at a few by stacistatas and though the poems could maybe use a little "polishing" here and there, the eroticism is pretty nicely done.

There haven't been a lot of comments on her poems, but I suspect that a lot of people have enjoyed them. I'd like to see her more warmly welcomed into the ranks of literotica poets.

We're all still learning from each other, and it's nice to have friends!


okay foehn

thanks for the 'Tip'
I mentioned one poem on the
new poems thread but recall
several posted by this poet~


This poet is no stranger to publishing

hey temple, big hug ~

loved your poem The Meeting by Templeminded

this poem is a short and sweet description
of this poet, but in no way does she tell of
her incredible beauty and charm, nice poem S~


and The Crack in our Structure by Ninja Nookie
a very witty poem about the crack problem
and the victims


gotta go to work but I'll return and read some more
Just wanted to say Helllllllllloooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

Forever Mine....

My soul aches for yours, my thighs recall your touch,
The sensuous way your hand caressed my breast.
You've touched my heart, as you've touched my skin.
My trembling body still craves that awesome crest.

You're gone from me, like you were never here.
The scent of our passion still lingers in my mind.
I cannot ever regret the time we had together.
It is something I know I will never again find.

Your touch, your breath, your heart, your soul
Will always be mine 'til the ends of infinity.
I shall carry you with me throughout my life.
I'll proudly stay yours, steadfast, defiantly.

You're gone and my life will never be the same.
We've had it all, we've had what most can only dream of.
Our life was so full of passion and so unbelievable.
Filled with laughter, happiness, and most of all... Love.

Some say I should go on, move on with my life.
But how can I ever do that...please tell me true...
You were my life, my heart, and yes, my soul.
My life is forever gone... So how can I start anew?

I've been so angry...grief-stricken... and so very alone.
You were my soul mate, the best lover I'll ever find.
I wish you were here. I want... I need... I love... only you.
I will keep you as my love, my darling... always, forever mine.


just wanted to say thank you for the mention, i was just messing around didn't really like it and knew it wasn't finished but wanting to get something in because i'm far behind with kids and all. so a thank you to all and remember, i know it wasn't finished so be nice. :)
a few poems I read today~

discrimination by catastrophe

I loved this poems flow, imagry and meaning ...?
the last line threw me, but it was like a puzzle
to re read untill I got my own conclusion ...

perhaps catastrophe would elaborate on
he ending and or this poem <grin>

Anger by thedogman77004

oh I thought this poem was clever, the managing
anger where was this poem this morning <grin>

Anger is an emotion that must breath and release
or build up and poison the soul, the dance of
anger is uncontrolable perhaps a punching
bag, that helps me <grin> witty poem


Breathless before 99 steps by neonurotic

the zen master of poetry shines in this
enchanting write, thanks neo~

'Northwest beaches in the winter
are nothing less than spectacular.'

yes they are <grin>

thanks neo~
Master Jeffrey by voyergirl

this dedication poem is a nice erotic write,
very endearing knowing it was for some one
sweet~ erotic ~ poem~

okay thats it for me, go read ....poems