Recognition for New Poets

My poems I loved today...

Here was my list.. no work so I could read!!! Art and I picked many of the same...
but I would like to share my comments.. for I really felt these following works..

Thoughts Dark and Dreary hotti
I love the truth of deep reflections of ones life that the poem conjures. Honest sad thoughts on our life.. where we stand and where we go... I felt this poem.. been there done that! Loved the visuals... the maypole.. wow.. nice touch
good writing

Dance of a kiss by: seranade :heart:
I love how you take one small moment and expand on it.. pulling the senses into the moment of a kiss. Very nice work!

What I'd like by: SureYouCanWrite
HMMM this one taught me to be in the male head.. and learn how to please lol.. but most of all I love the straight forwardness of this work.. told in a Request fashion... nice twist.. good work..

8 Ball fixes Uncle Pervy
I loved this work... thank you for the blunt honesty weaved into a realm of reality!!!! YAAAAY.... truth told and bliss bestowed... dope I don't need... for my desires to feed!!!
Great writing!!

Lost Brother Lost Sister foehn

A reflective work that delves into twisting mental realms. Soulful, intelligent and honest. Well worth a read!

conjoin us Erotic Tale
Once again, Art is creative and witty! Reeling one is with rhetoric twisted...Art you know me.. love the little twisting of words and mental gymnastics this one creates. Backflipping into the physical mental and spiritual realm! Nice dear friend..
hmmm leaves me doing the splits ha!

Well some the same some different.. but as always all the readings taught me greatly... again Art thank you for the tumble of expressions for my Gnostic Dreams.. I actually really love this one.. why is yet to be discovered...
All writers did a great job and I look forward to more deep diving!

Du Lac:kiss:
Re: read a poem today

My Erotic Tale said:
Tomb Raider The Mutt

Not real sure where this poem is pointing
perhaps a lesson poem, someone can try and
decifer 'The Mutt's' poetry and post it!

Mutt wrote Tomb Raider for me for Christmas. A lesson in love...
Re: Tombraider

I can't believe I missed this one. It is a must read. Tombraider is mysterious, truthful and luring. Erotic and raw. Take time to read this one.

Also Transcedental Lay and Yellow Pining by Wicked Eve.

transcendental lay -
stunning, no words to describe the gnostic sense that lies beneath the unvieling of truths....

Yellow Pining..
Lesson poetry, all things are connected Eve brings the reader into the three fold of nature, spirit and self. Mirrors of each lessons of depth of our spirit... great reading...

Take time to read these you will be so pleased!

Du Lac;)
Thanks, Du Lac. Miss Oatlash is my muse and she brings out the best in me.
The first poem I posted here was a sonnet I wrote for her. It's fitting that the 50th should be as well.
The Mutt said:
Thanks, Du Lac. Miss Oatlash is my muse and she brings out the best in me.
The first poem I posted here was a sonnet I wrote for her. It's fitting that the 50th should be as well.

Goodness! Isn't he just the mushiest, most romantic Mutt in all the world???

No wonder I smile all the time...that, and the fact that he lets me spank him! :devil:
Muses are wonderful...

Originally posted by The Mutt
Thanks, Du Lac. Miss Oatlash is my muse and she brings out the best in me.
The first poem I posted here was a sonnet I wrote for her. It's fitting that the 50th should be as well.

I have a muse.. most of my work is written to him... I can always tell what I write for him.. and what is my own.. two different styles... my story Indian Summer still gets ahhhss... from him and others.. A good muse is needed... I have been a muse and require a muse... life is always a tad bit easier for us then...
glowing edges of tranquility....
Mutt it was an awesome poem reflections of a stunning muse...

du lac
Miss Oatlash said:
Goodness! Isn't he just the mushiest, most romantic Mutt in all the world???

No wonder I smile all the time...that, and the fact that he lets me spank him! :devil:
Goodness has nothing to do with it.

The Mutt said:
Thanks, Du Lac. Miss Oatlash is my muse and she brings out the best in me.
The first poem I posted here was a sonnet I wrote for her. It's fitting that the 50th should be as well.

awww way cool~
that's so poetic
with the twist of reality
love in pure, so damn sterling~
bows to you both,
Re: My poems I loved today...

Du Lac said:
Here was my list.. no work so I could read!!! Art and I picked many of the same...
but I would like to share my comments.. for I really felt these following works..

Thoughts Dark and Dreary hotti
I love the truth of deep reflections of ones life that the poem conjures. Honest sad thoughts on our life.. where we stand and where we go... I felt this poem.. been there done that! Loved the visuals... the maypole.. wow.. nice touch
good writing

Dance of a kiss by: seranade :heart:
I love how you take one small moment and expand on it.. pulling the senses into the moment of a kiss. Very nice work!

What I'd like by: SureYouCanWrite
HMMM this one taught me to be in the male head.. and learn how to please lol.. but most of all I love the straight forwardness of this work.. told in a Request fashion... nice twist.. good work..

8 Ball fixes Uncle Pervy
I loved this work... thank you for the blunt honesty weaved into a realm of reality!!!! YAAAAY.... truth told and bliss bestowed... dope I don't need... for my desires to feed!!!
Great writing!!

Lost Brother Lost Sister foehn

A reflective work that delves into twisting mental realms. Soulful, intelligent and honest. Well worth a read!

conjoin us Erotic Tale
Once again, Art is creative and witty! Reeling one is with rhetoric twisted...Art you know me.. love the little twisting of words and mental gymnastics this one creates. Backflipping into the physical mental and spiritual realm! Nice dear friend..
hmmm leaves me doing the splits ha!

Well some the same some different.. but as always all the readings taught me greatly... again Art thank you for the tumble of expressions for my Gnostic Dreams.. I actually really love this one.. why is yet to be discovered...
All writers did a great job and I look forward to more deep diving!

Du Lac:kiss:

wow thanks Du~
us lesser poets are still enjoying the joys
of learning how to write such enjoyable works
as Gnostic Dreams and conjoin us
which was a revel about the words meaning
more than anything ... a play with the word poem
thanks fore the excellent review and support~
Re: Re: My poems I loved today...

My Erotic Tale said:
wow thanks Du~
us lesser poets are still enjoying the joys
of learning how to write such enjoyable works
as Gnostic Dreams and conjoin us
which was a revel about the words meaning
more than anything ... a play with the word poem
thanks fore the excellent review and support~

No problem Art.. there are so many great lessor poets here that I find it hard to clear my mind of all the different lessons to be stowed upon us... it is always a pleasure to bathe in others poems.. a luxery and joy... great writing by all... following rules or making up their own lol..
du lac
Hey Mutt..

The Mutt said:
Since it has been mentioned, I thought I'd give a link.
This was the first poem I wrote for Miss O.
Slave's Sonnet

First I must say Yaay for attempting a sonnet... omg they are so hard.. and one of my favorite favorite realms of writing.. as I have said many times.. my favorite is Sonnet 18 from Shakespeare... perfect in all realms, the style of the sonnet, the rhythm, the message. Do your self a favor and read it.. sink into it and then be mathematical about it and see the numbers in the writing.. I wrote a paper on it a few years ago and it is then that I learned the beauty of the sonnet.

I love the message here.. in yours.. it is alluring and free... choice.. love unconditional.. an excellent work..

I understand that all our works need editing.. the more you learn the more we see our flaws... that is a grand thing! So edit I do.. sometimes better sometimes worse... lol.. still waiting for two stories pending (god that takes so long why?) and what does MET mean...? Oh off the track lol.. but I edit them again and again... until I can't see anymore, and I have to back off. My priestess poem on construction thread is there just for that reason.. the message I love.. but I am too close to it so I ask for help....

anyway way off track here.. I enjoyed the sonnet and stand up shouting glee for your courage in writing in a difficult form..
du lac
Re: Hey Mutt..

Du Lac said:
First I must say Yaay for attempting a sonnet... omg they are so hard.. and one of my favorite favorite realms of writing.. as I have said many times.. my favorite is Sonnet 18 from Shakespeare... perfect in all realms, the style of the sonnet, the rhythm, the message. Do your self a favor and read it.. sink into it and then be mathematical about it and see the numbers in the writing.. I wrote a paper on it a few years ago and it is then that I learned the beauty of the sonnet.

I love the message here.. in yours.. it is alluring and free... choice.. love unconditional.. an excellent work..

I understand that all our works need editing.. the more you learn the more we see our flaws... that is a grand thing! So edit I do.. sometimes better sometimes worse... lol.. still waiting for two stories pending (god that takes so long why?) and what does MET mean...? Oh off the track lol.. but I edit them again and again... until I can't see anymore, and I have to back off. My priestess poem on construction thread is there just for that reason.. the message I love.. but I am too close to it so I ask for help....

anyway way off track here.. I enjoyed the sonnet and stand up shouting glee for your courage in writing in a difficult form..
du lac

Looking back on it, I see I screwed up the iambic pentameter. I have gotten much better at this since I started posting poems on Lit and getting feedback from the wise ones here.

I LOVE sonnets. I memorized several of Shakespeare's long ago. You would be amazed at the effect it has to wrap your arms around a woman, cup her breasts in your hands and whisper in her ear...

"Being your slave, what should I do but tend
Upon the hours and times of your desire?
I have no precious time at all to spend,
Nor services to do, till you require.
Nor dare I chide the world-without-end hour
Whilst I, my sovereign, watch the clock for you,
Nor think the bitterness of absence sour
When you have bid your servant once adieu;
Nor dare I question with my jealous thought
Where you may be, or your affairs suppose,
But, like a sad slave, stay and think of nought
Save, where you are how happy you make those.
So true a fool is love that in your will,
Though you do any thing, he thinks no ill."

Bless you, Mister Shakespeare
Re: Re: Hey Mutt..

The Mutt said:
Looking back on it, I see I screwed up the iambic pentameter. I have gotten much better at this since I started posting poems on Lit and getting feedback from the wise ones here.

I LOVE sonnets. I memorized several of Shakespeare's long ago. You would be amazed at the effect it has to wrap your arms around a woman, cup her breasts in your hands and whisper in her ear...

"Being your slave, what should I do but tend
Upon the hours and times of your desire?
I have no precious time at all to spend,
Nor services to do, till you require.
Nor dare I chide the world-without-end hour
Whilst I, my sovereign, watch the clock for you,
Nor think the bitterness of absence sour
When you have bid your servant once adieu;
Nor dare I question with my jealous thought
Where you may be, or your affairs suppose,
But, like a sad slave, stay and think of nought
Save, where you are how happy you make those.
So true a fool is love that in your will,
Though you do any thing, he thinks no ill."

Bless you, Mister Shakespeare

wow this was great~
I also read and commented on
'Slaves Sonnet'
I liked the way it read~

thanks Du~
I see your muse has been talking to you?
a view great Du Lac pieces posted
Re: Re: Re: Hey Mutt..

My Erotic Tale said:
wow this was great~
I also read and commented on
'Slaves Sonnet'
I liked the way it read~

thanks Du~
I see your muse has been talking to you?
a view great Du Lac pieces posted

Boo hoo.. my muse is out of town for a while lol... those poems are old... or.. do you speak of my pics lol... A Christmas gift for the muse.. too much fun doing them.. visual poetry lol...
thank you Art..
du lac
Re: Re: Re: Re: Hey Mutt..

Du Lac said:
Boo hoo.. my muse is out of town for a while lol... those poems are old... or.. do you speak of my pics lol... A Christmas gift for the muse.. too much fun doing them.. visual poetry lol...
thank you Art..
du lac

The curve of a woman's breast, in from the shoulder and armpit, then swells out to the side.
Now that's poetry.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hey Mutt..

The Mutt said:
The curve of a woman's breast, in from the shoulder and armpit, then swells out to the side.
Now that's poetry.

Nice mutt.. from one who appreciates the poetic curve to another lol...
du lac
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hey Mutt..

Du Lac said:
Nice mutt.. from one who appreciates the poetic curve to another lol...
du lac

Ah, Miss Du Loc. Your curves could inspire an epic!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hey Mutt..

The Mutt said:
Ah, Miss Du Loc. Your curves could inspire an epic!

hey Mutt~

hey Du,
you had some awesome poetry post yesterday.
I really liked Rain (~_*)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hey Mutt..

My Erotic Tale said:
hey Mutt~

hey Du,
you had some awesome poetry post yesterday.
I really liked Rain (~_*)

thank you.. more pending lol..
and blushing dear sweet men.. blushing...
du lac:kiss:
Here are a few poems I'd like to mention for encouragement and to learn from as well as their inspiration.

The first one is by : thedogman77004 Brought Out
brought out some interesting topics and
the view I like to take in playing with this
devine poem was a warriors struggle
with himself. and the triump, there fore
I would love to shine a spot light on this
poet and post their poem out of the
new poems list today.


I Want... by : missygail
is an excellent illustrated poem.
Put together very well and hope to see more
illustrated poetry from missy~
The Trickster by Du Lac
is an interesting outlook on father time, I love the way Du see's things. with such humor and clarity and has such a poetic personality in general that poetry seems second nature.

also Du Lac has another poem posted as well
...Two by Two!
The Trickster...

Thank you dear Art... for your kind review again.. you make me blush!

I need to clarify the last line of the poem... direct reference to myself.. the lake... du lac.... it was a personal poem .... hence why many may not get it... I do agree that I would leave off the last night and let it be done...

I was just wondering if anyone could connect the dots lol... lake .. du lac lol... oh I am twisted and deep... dive .. swim and drown!
du lac:heart: