Recognition for New Poets

Some more tips

Writing poetry - Ideas that may help you to write poetry

* Decide on the subject you wish to write about. Start with a familiar subject and then go on to some obscure subjects that you have previously never given much thought to
* Think about something special or unique to the subject
* List some descriptive words which may provide some clear information to the reader
* Try to create pictures in the reader's mind - your aim is to fire the imagination
* Express your feelings
* Convey your feelings by the tone of your poetry
* Bind the words and ideas together. Connect them by the use of rhyme which will provide your poetry with the element of repetition of identical or related sounds
* Get some rhythm into your poetry - the number of lines and your choice of poetry form will help you with this. Song lyrics are poetry set to music - tap out the beat or rhythm when you are writing poetry, or reading poetry
* Visual patterns - does your written poetry create a good pattern on the page?
* Patterns of Sound - using alliteration, assonance and onomatopoeia can create sound effects. (Sorry about the use of these words but were back to the literary terms again!)
* Read your poetry to a friend!
* If you receive some constructive criticism don't be afraid to change your poetry accordingly!
* Enjoy yourself - Writing poetry should be fun!
Jennifer C said:
Some more tips

Writing poetry - Ideas that may help you to write poetry

* Decide on the subject you wish to write about. Start with a familiar subject and then go on to some obscure subjects that you have previously never given much thought to
* Think about something special or unique to the subject
* List some descriptive words which may provide some clear information to the reader
* Try to create pictures in the reader's mind - your aim is to fire the imagination
* Express your feelings
* Convey your feelings by the tone of your poetry
* Bind the words and ideas together. Connect them by the use of rhyme which will provide your poetry with the element of repetition of identical or related sounds
* Get some rhythm into your poetry - the number of lines and your choice of poetry form will help you with this. Song lyrics are poetry set to music - tap out the beat or rhythm when you are writing poetry, or reading poetry
* Visual patterns - does your written poetry create a good pattern on the page?
* Patterns of Sound - using alliteration, assonance and onomatopoeia can create sound effects. (Sorry about the use of these words but were back to the literary terms again!)
* Read your poetry to a friend!
* If you receive some constructive criticism don't be afraid to change your poetry accordingly!
* Enjoy yourself - Writing poetry should be fun!

1. alliteration--the repetition of usually initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables (as wild and woolly, threatening throngs) -- called also head rhyme, initial rhyme

2. assonance--repetition of vowels without repetition of consonants (as in stony and holy)

3. onomatopoeia--the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (as buzz, hiss)

welcome, Jennifer. Learn to not take the critics seriously and just keep writing for the fun of writing.
Scott X said:
welcome, Jennifer. Learn to not take the critics seriously and just keep writing for the fun of writing.
That is a cool av. Is it from an old photo, old movie?
I agree some about critics. Though, I'm not sure if you're talking about any criticism in particular. It is important to write for fun. And when you do want to learn more, find poets who you believe are competent and take their writing advice. Some "critics" offer constructive feedback, some are just overly harsh and not always accurate, or helpful, with what they have to say.
Angeline said:
1. alliteration--the repetition of usually initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables (as wild and woolly, threatening throngs) -- called also head rhyme, initial rhyme

2. assonance--repetition of vowels without repetition of consonants (as in stony and holy)

3. onomatopoeia--the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (as buzz, hiss)


Thanks for that Ange, much appreciated and very helpful :rose:
Scott X said:
welcome, Jennifer. Learn to not take the critics seriously and just keep writing for the fun of writing.

Thank you Scott and I don't mind the critics aslong as there friendly and helpful, I want to learn more :rose:
WickedEve said:
That is a cool av. Is it from an old photo, old movie?
I agree some about critics. Though, I'm not sure if you're talking about any criticism in particular. It is important to write for fun. And when you do want to learn more, find poets who you believe are competent and take their writing advice. Some "critics" offer constructive feedback, some are just overly harsh and not always accurate, or helpful, with what they have to say.

Thank you eve, with you being such a talented and well respected poet I will take any advice you see fit to offer and I hope others using this thread will too. Thank you for your input :rose:
London Bombs

I just want to say I hope everyone is safe and well after today's events in London and my heart goes out to anyone who has been effected by the tradgedy.

May we all be safe and well :rose:
Jennifer C said:
I just want to say I hope everyone is safe and well after today's events in London and my heart goes out to anyone who has been effected by the tradgedy.

May we all be safe and well :rose:

I hope all fellow Lit UKers are ok and accounted for :rose:
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sweetsoul said:
Jennifer C,

I followed that link. It's great. Thank you for sharing. ;)

Your Welcome sweetsoul, I hope you find it useful. Welcome to my thread and I hope to see ya here again, maybe sharing some work?

Trent_Dutch said:
This site has always been quite useful for all those alien sounding poetry words...... Glossary of Poetic Terms

Great site Trent. I visited. Very useful. :catroar:

My theory on Lit....

I find I go from thread to thread.
I get inspiration from what I call a *bounce.*
Usually it is one word, image, or a thought.
I read ... inspiration strikes.
The same thing happens when I am not on Lit.

~~just so's ya'll know... lol. :D

Happy writing~ :catgrin:
Poet Alert!

I am quite ashamed to say that I did not notice this poet until the little green E came up next to his name. Shame on me.

I know I would have found him sooner or later, thanks to Laurel for highlighting his work for us all to enjoy, which I am quite certain you will.

Check out how he can change the voice within a poem and between his pieces. Check out the phrasing, count how many you have never seen before... of course, everyone falls into a bit of cliche here and there, and you will find more worn phrases, but this poet shows he knows how to write...

in his own words.


The most daring Bettie
Immaculate in grainy seduction
The warm reception of Bettie
Eyes shining sex through mascara
Bettie quite frankly nude
Happy as a hairy clam
Naked as a fuckbird
Jennifer C said:
Hello everyone and welcome, I've noticed recently that alot of new poets on Literotica aren't getting the recognition they deserve.

I know it takes time to write, vote and comment and I have my insomnia to thank for the fact that I comment alot but I hate to see new talent go unrecognized so I have started this thread so new poets or poets who would like more recognition to come in and introduce themselves and their work.

When I first started posting at Lit I had such wonderful feedback and encouragement that I would like to pass this on to others, so new poets come on in and share your work and older more established poets pls come in and offer your advice and suggestions to those just starting out.

Thank you

I just read this for the first time today. I would like to take your opportunity to introduce myself and a bit about what I write, hoping that it may inspire some positive attention.

First of all, please call me Rika. Pronounce as Reekaa. Long e and a softer a on the end. This screen name of mine actually comes from a poem I wrote way back in high school. One of these days I'll find it and post it because it is still my favorite poem.

I've been on Lit since December and have written mostly poetry. My poems are basically just my feelings. When I go through the good times I make them a poem. More often than not it's the bad times that get written about.

I have about 5 poems up now. Some soar, some stab, some move, and some just hurt. It's all me though.

Little Boy is my very first poem here. I know it needs work, but I feel the message and core of it is what I had to get out.

Live is about a friend of mine who helped me learn to move on and let go.

Back to Me is when I finally felt back to the place where I should always be, me.

Why is a constant fear that I have in my relationships with others.

Writen Fear is about the time in my life when I really wanted to write seriously, but the constant doubts stopped me.

Those are all of my poems and a little bit behind each of them. If anyone wants to read and leave me some thoughts and ideas I would greatly appreciate them. I'm always looking for a way to polish my overall talent and become better.

Thank you.

Also if anyone can recommend an outstanding poet to view for inspiration and ideas, I would like that too.

I've been looking to Sack, The Fool, and Dr. Mabeuse for guidance and inspiration. I think those three gents are fantastic. Mostly I just don't really know who's a poet on Lit, so I chat with those guys and know of their works. If anyone else can suggest some other good poets, I know we have many, I would like that. :)

welcome to poetry lit... there are many outstanding poets here just pop into the poetry area (new poems) read and then link to others. There is so much to learn! I will try to take time to read your poems in the coming week... I wish you the best and welcome you to our forum!
du lac~
Du Lac said:
welcome to poetry lit... there are many outstanding poets here just pop into the poetry area (new poems) read and then link to others. There is so much to learn! I will try to take time to read your poems in the coming week... I wish you the best and welcome you to our forum!
du lac~

Thank you very much. I think I will be lurking here for a while and just kinda get a feel for the place. A welcoming thread like this is a great way to start. Thanks again. :) :rose:
rikaaim said:
Thank you very much. I think I will be lurking here for a while and just kinda get a feel for the place. A welcoming thread like this is a great way to start. Thanks again. :) :rose:

Welcome Rikaaim! Part of me says Jump right In! but sometimes people get frustrated -- there is a lot to take in, but people are friendly and will help you navigate.

Here are some other places that have been set up for new people to the poetry world at literotica or in general that might prove to be helpful. I am sure there are more, and that the old wise ones can point you in the right direction.
Give a holler if you need anything. You can get what you want here, it is like Alice's Resturaunt.... it all depends upon what you are looking for and how much you want to grow as a writer!

All the best,

annaswirls said:
Welcome Rikaaim! Part of me says Jump right In! but sometimes people get frustrated -- there is a lot to take in, but people are friendly and will help you navigate.

Here are some other places that have been set up for new people to the poetry world at literotica or in general that might prove to be helpful. I am sure there are more, and that the old wise ones can point you in the right direction.
Give a holler if you need anything. You can get what you want here, it is like Alice's Resturaunt.... it all depends upon what you are looking for and how much you want to grow as a writer!

All the best,


Thank you very much for the welcome. I feel comfortable enough already, it's just that I wish to observe more first. That's just who I am. :)

That is a most interesting AV by the way. It seems to be an abstract, but leaves the imagination to wonder to the most naughtiest of thoughts, which is a very wonderful thing. :D Care to enlighten me as to what it truly is?
rikaaim said:
Thank you very much for the welcome. I feel comfortable enough already, it's just that I wish to observe more first. That's just who I am. :)

That is a most interesting AV by the way. It seems to be an abstract, but leaves the imagination to wonder to the most naughtiest of thoughts, which is a very wonderful thing. :D Care to enlighten me as to what it truly is?

anna claims they're her ankles.

i know i'm visually impaired, but i can't for the life of me see ankles.

do you see ankles?

...maybe i need to stand on my head, or jump up and down and cover one eye...
PatCarrington said:
anna claims they're her ankles.

i know i'm visually impaired, but i can't for the life of me see ankles.

do you see ankles?

...maybe i need to stand on my head, or jump up and down and cover one eye...

Yes I do now that you say so. I very much see ankles. The heels of the base of her feet are the round mounds towards the bottom. Working up slightly the small round buldges are the ankles. :)

At first I thought it was an abstract pussy portral, but that's just how my mind works. :D