Recognition for New Poets


I am currently reviewing on Thursday and I read every poem posted on that day (but I do not vote). I actively look for new poets and judge/evaluate their work much less harshly than that of the more established/familiar Lit. poets. I mention every one that I think shows any potential (giving a personal introduction as well as a recommendation), but I will not award praise to crap (IMO), no matter who writes it. I may mention familiar Lit. poets on days when I find nothing I want to recommend, but I usually will say/imply that their submission is not one of their best.

There have been days when I found nothing to recommend. :(

However now, after severe chastisement, I make sure to mention that my choices (or lack there of) are solely mine, and everyone should go and read the new poems and decide for themselves. – If this is not satisfactory than I will cede Thursday’s reviews/mentions to anyone who wants it.

Threads like this get old very fast. The theme has been around more than once a year since I was first here. I welcome all new poets and posters, but I grow tired of rereading the same theme/complaint every six months or so. If your ego is fragile then don’t enable Public Comments, PMs, or e-mail, or better yet, don’t post, and most definitely, don’t post crap!

Read, read, read, and then write. There is no poet anywhere who doesn’t have something to learn, and please remember that Literotica is near the bottom of the food chain!

Pax (not Pox)!

Rybka said:
I am currently reviewing on Thursday and I read every poem posted on that day (but I do not vote). I actively look for new poets and judge/evaluate their work much less harshly than that of the more established/familiar Lit. poets. I mention every one that I think shows any potential (giving a personal introduction as well as a recommendation), but I will not award praise to crap (IMO), no matter who writes it. I may mention familiar Lit. poets on days when I find nothing I want to recommend, but I usually will say/imply that their submission is not one of their best.

There have been days when I found nothing to recommend. :(

However now, after severe chastisement, I make sure to mention that my choices (or lack there of) are solely mine, and everyone should go and read the new poems and decide for themselves. – If this is not satisfactory than I will cede Thursday’s reviews/mentions to anyone who wants it.

Threads like this get old very fast. The theme has been around more than once a year since I was first here. I welcome all new poets and posters, but I grow tired of rereading the same theme/complaint every six months or so. If your ego is fragile then don’t enable Public Comments, PMs, or e-mail, or better yet, don’t post, and most definitely, don’t post crap!

Read, read, read, and then write. There is no poet anywhere who doesn’t have something to learn, and please remember that Literotica is near the bottom of the food chain!

Pax (not Pox)!


This thread hasn't got anything to do with egos or writers complaining, it's for new poets to introduce themselves, share their work, get advice amd make some new friends! Thanks for your input and i'm not asking you to praise all new poets i'm not actually asking YOU to do anything i'm simply asking the poets who would like to help and encourage any new poets who would like it!
Rybka said:
I am currently reviewing on Thursday and I read every poem posted on that day (but I do not vote). I actively look for new poets and judge/evaluate their work much less harshly than that of the more established/familiar Lit. poets. I mention every one that I think shows any potential (giving a personal introduction as well as a recommendation), but I will not award praise to crap (IMO), no matter who writes it. I may mention familiar Lit. poets on days when I find nothing I want to recommend, but I usually will say/imply that their submission is not one of their best.

There have been days when I found nothing to recommend. :(

However now, after severe chastisement, I make sure to mention that my choices (or lack there of) are solely mine, and everyone should go and read the new poems and decide for themselves. – If this is not satisfactory than I will cede Thursday’s reviews/mentions to anyone who wants it.

Threads like this get old very fast. The theme has been around more than once a year since I was first here. I welcome all new poets and posters, but I grow tired of rereading the same theme/complaint every six months or so. If your ego is fragile then don’t enable Public Comments, PMs, or e-mail, or better yet, don’t post, and most definitely, don’t post crap!

Read, read, read, and then write. There is no poet anywhere who doesn’t have something to learn, and please remember that Literotica is near the bottom of the food chain!

Pax (not Pox)!


as a (w)hole, I think you do a pretty good job, one of the best, pls keep in mind one man's crap may be another's fertilizer. And that's funny - Literotica near the bottom of the food chain, is that on average, or general across the board; I would have placed The New Yorker ...booring.

"Read, read, read, and then write. There is no poet anywhere who doesn’t have something to learn"

Excellent advice, I concur
Read the fucking classics, read the criticisms, read the fucking theory, and then write like your life depends on it.

the original POX - 1201
A small message.

Rybka said:
I am currently reviewing on Thursday and I read every poem posted on that day (but I do not vote). I actively look for new poets and judge/evaluate their work much less harshly than that of the more established/familiar Lit. poets. I mention every one that I think shows any potential (giving a personal introduction as well as a recommendation), but I will not award praise to crap (IMO), no matter who writes it. I may mention familiar Lit. poets on days when I find nothing I want to recommend, but I usually will say/imply that their submission is not one of their best.

There have been days when I found nothing to recommend. :(

However now, after severe chastisement, I make sure to mention that my choices (or lack there of) are solely mine, and everyone should go and read the new poems and decide for themselves. – If this is not satisfactory than I will cede Thursday’s reviews/mentions to anyone who wants it.

Threads like this get old very fast. The theme has been around more than once a year since I was first here. I welcome all new poets and posters, but I grow tired of rereading the same theme/complaint every six months or so. If your ego is fragile then don’t enable Public Comments, PMs, or e-mail, or better yet, don’t post, and most definitely, don’t post crap!

Read, read, read, and then write. There is no poet anywhere who doesn’t have something to learn, and please remember that Literotica is near the bottom of the food chain!

Pax (not Pox)!


Dear Rybka,
My mind is fogged and twisted in reading your post. I do not know why you are so defensive and angry. You do a good job reviewing on Thursday, no one even mentioned you here on this thread so I am confused in why you are taking this so damn personal.

Let me state what Jennifer has done here is provide a safe haven for new poets on lit to introduce themselves. When one comes to this forum it is very obvious that there are clicks here. No different than anywhere in life. Remember being the new kid in school or your first day in high school? Is it not a comfort to see that someone is trying to open your door in discovering just who and what you are? Allowing you the time to introduce yourself and hopefully learn in so many ways? That is what she has done here. There is no attack on "older" poets on this thread. This "positive" thread allows Choice.... the poets can come ask questions and introduce themselves. Nothing more. It is not a personal attack on you and noone wants you to step down from you reviewing. We are all different and do things differently!

I may add that each person has the right to post what ever they want to. What seems to be CRAP to an experienced writer may be the best thing written by a novice. WE ALL HAVE WRITTEN CRAP AND THAT IS HOW WE LEARN! No one is complaining here just trying to get to know one another.

I hope that your anger that radiates so strongly from your post will dissolve. It hurts to see you so negative but we can not change anyone nor tell them what they can and can not do.

du lac~
On reading and writing

This is what I love about this site. I may not participate as much as I could, but there is so much variety that pulls me in different ways. Even a non-poet who writes a poem may have something good to say, and may say it in a way that is really great! This is our language, our emotions, our feelings, our fears and loves. We all can relate to it, even when we may not like it!

A common thread that runs through most of us is an open mind and the thought that we would like SOME recognition for our creativity. This is a great venue for that. We all can write some really cool pieces and also some really crappy pieces. Those of you that have the courage and LOVE to post critiques and favorites of other's material are the most honorable of us. I appreciate any nod that has come my way and I am sure I speak for others. DuLac, twelveoone, and the rest of you are the best. You are awesome!!!
Du Lac said:
Dear Rybka,
My mind is fogged and twisted in reading your post. I do not know why you are so defensive and angry. You do a good job reviewing on Thursday, no one even mentioned you here on this thread so I am confused in why you are taking this so damn personal.

Let me state what Jennifer has done here is provide a safe haven for new poets on lit to introduce themselves. When one comes to this forum it is very obvious that there are clicks here. No different than anywhere in life. Remember being the new kid in school or your first day in high school? Is it not a comfort to see that someone is trying to open your door in discovering just who and what you are? Allowing you the time to introduce yourself and hopefully learn in so many ways? That is what she has done here. There is no attack on "older" poets on this thread. This "positive" thread allows Choice.... the poets can come ask questions and introduce themselves. Nothing more. It is not a personal attack on you and noone wants you to step down from you reviewing. We are all different and do things differently!

I may add that each person has the right to post what ever they want to. What seems to be CRAP to an experienced writer may be the best thing written by a novice. WE ALL HAVE WRITTEN CRAP AND THAT IS HOW WE LEARN! No one is complaining here just trying to get to know one another.

I hope that your anger that radiates so strongly from your post will dissolve. It hurts to see you so negative but we can not change anyone nor tell them what they can and can not do.

du lac~

du lac

I cannot thank you enough for your wonderful support and I thank you even more for understanding what I am trying to do here, I appreciate it deeply.

This thread is not meant to offend anybody in anyway but if I have done that then I sincerely apologize, it was not my intention. If anyone disagrees with this thread thats fine- don't participate it in but don't attack my efforts either I WILL not put up with that!

Thanks again du lac and everyone else who has participated in this thread for your support and encouragement
quietpoet said:
This is what I love about this site. I may not participate as much as I could, but there is so much variety that pulls me in different ways. Even a non-poet who writes a poem may have something good to say, and may say it in a way that is really great! This is our language, our emotions, our feelings, our fears and loves. We all can relate to it, even when we may not like it!

A common thread that runs through most of us is an open mind and the thought that we would like SOME recognition for our creativity. This is a great venue for that. We all can write some really cool pieces and also some really crappy pieces. Those of you that have the courage and LOVE to post critiques and favorites of other's material are the most honorable of us. I appreciate any nod that has come my way and I am sure I speak for others. DuLac, twelveoone, and the rest of you are the best. You are awesome!!!

Thank you for your input quietpoet, it's much appreciated :rose:
Du Lac said:
Dear Rybka,
My mind is fogged and twisted in reading your post. I do not know why you are so defensive and angry. You do a good job reviewing on Thursday, no one even mentioned you here on this thread so I am confused in why you are taking this so damn personal.

Let me state what Jennifer has done here is provide a safe haven for new poets on lit to introduce themselves. When one comes to this forum it is very obvious that there are clicks here. No different than anywhere in life. Remember being the new kid in school or your first day in high school? Is it not a comfort to see that someone is trying to open your door in discovering just who and what you are? Allowing you the time to introduce yourself and hopefully learn in so many ways? That is what she has done here. There is no attack on "older" poets on this thread. This "positive" thread allows Choice.... the poets can come ask questions and introduce themselves. Nothing more. It is not a personal attack on you and noone wants you to step down from you reviewing. We are all different and do things differently!

I may add that each person has the right to post what ever they want to. What seems to be CRAP to an experienced writer may be the best thing written by a novice. WE ALL HAVE WRITTEN CRAP AND THAT IS HOW WE LEARN! No one is complaining here just trying to get to know one another.

I hope that your anger that radiates so strongly from your post will dissolve. It hurts to see you so negative but we can not change anyone nor tell them what they can and can not do.

du lac~

Maybe you're right--I always used to argue that there aren't cliques here. It's true that I talk primarily to 3 or 4 people, but that's only because I've known them a long time and I feel comfortable posting with them. I'm happy to talk to everyone about writing, though.

And I don't think Rybka is angry (I say this cause I've known him since I came to the forum). I think he believes in good poetry and his opinions about them and he is forthright in that. The thing about the fish is that he'll tell you your poem sucks if he thinks so, but then he'll give you very insigtful feedback on something of yours he thinks has potential.

Some people get too sensitive about critique of their work that is simply honest feedback. Who always wants to be told how great their poems are? It's flattering, but what does it facilitate beyond overconfidence?I try to be nice, find strengths in a piece of writing if I am going to point out a weakness and I want the same from others, but I also understand that once I make a poem public here or by submitting it, it's fair game. It was my decision to put it here and I accept whatever comes its way without worrying about being "attacked." Some people will do that, but I'm just taking what helps from critque--not the trolly comments or the votes. Votes are meaningless to me here.
ok time for a poem

The poem your about to read is on the new poems list today, it needs some work and alot of poilishing. The reason I've submitted it already is because I thought a few people who usually comment on my work might not read this thread and I wanted their opinions aswell.

So pls feel free to offer you advice and suggestions, I am not an experienced poet so all I ask is that you are honest but fair and critical but kind.

The purpose of this is to then re write and re submit the poem and see what a difference it makes. So pls feel free to give your opinions.

The Old Apple Tree

Going back to the place I call home
The place I ran and played,
Going home to start again
I remember the happy days.

When life was easy and troubles were few
The future a place far from my view,
With braids in my hair and cuts on my knee and
The swing which hung from the old Apple tree.

The branch that I climbed and eventually fell
The heart that I carved saying J loves L,
The shade it provided where I had my first fumble
And the sweet smell of cinnamon from mum’s apple crumble.

The apple which rustled then fell on my head
The swear word I used that got me sent early to bed,
The tree house I wanted that never got built and
The picnics we had on the old patchwork quilt.

Those were the times when I knew no danger
These days my smile is becoming a stranger,
But when I look back through my memories
The warmest of all is that old apple tree.
Angeline said:
Maybe you're right--I always used to argue that there aren't cliques here. It's true that I talk primarily to 3 or 4 people, but that's only because I've known them a long time and I feel comfortable posting with them. I'm happy to talk to everyone about writing, though.

And I don't think Rybka is angry (I say this cause I've known him since I came to the forum). I think he believes in good poetry and his opinions about them and he is forthright in that. The thing about the fish is that he'll tell you your poem sucks if he thinks so, but then he'll give you very insigtful feedback on something of yours he thinks has potential.

Some people get too sensitive about critique of their work that is simply honest feedback. Who always wants to be told how great their poems are? It's flattering, but what does it facilitate beyond overconfidence?I try to be nice, find strengths in a piece of writing if I am going to point out a weakness and I want the same from others, but I also understand that once I make a poem public here or by submitting it, it's fair game. It was my decision to put it here and I accept whatever comes its way without worrying about being "attacked." Some people will do that, but I'm just taking what helps from critque--not the trolly comments or the votes. Votes are meaningless to me here.

It seems we are in agreement on many levels Angeline. I am not trying to attack anyone just stating facts. I am just as guilty of the clicks thing. I have a few writers that I work with and that is it. I saw was Jenn was doing here and feel it is a good thing. I enjoy Rybkas reviews for their pointed issues of what can be improved in poetry. Hence why I said that the fish does a good job. I do not always want "wow du that was great." I know I have much to learn, as we all do.. that I feel is why we are here. I do believe like you that there is a good way of critiquing and pointing out both strengths and weaknesses is the way I try to do so. It seems that you do this also... Truce... I mean no anger or negative thinking here. Just stating that I hope that Rybka can see the good of what Jenn is trying to do on this thread
Du Lac said:
It seems we are in agreement on many levels Angeline. I am not trying to attack anyone just stating facts. I am just as guilty of the clicks thing. I have a few writers that I work with and that is it. I saw was Jenn was doing here and feel it is a good thing. I enjoy Rybkas reviews for their pointed issues of what can be improved in poetry. Hence why I said that the fish does a good job. I do not always want "wow du that was great." I know I have much to learn, as we all do.. that I feel is why we are here. I do believe like you that there is a good way of critiquing and pointing out both strengths and weaknesses is the way I try to do so. It seems that you do this also... Truce... I mean no anger or negative thinking here. Just stating that I hope that Rybka can see the good of what Jenn is trying to do on this thread

I agree.

I didn't think you were attacking anything. My post was just a thought out response because I have always argued so vehemently about cliques, but you're right. It's just that they're not cliques about snobbery but about who we know. I wanted to say that. :)

I do get a little worked up about votes sometimes because some people--not you--get so crazy about being trolled or getting low votes on their poems and I just want to shake them and say "you're not seeing it the right way." Know what I mean?
J's The Old Apple Tree

Hi Jennifer C,

I've taken some time to do a little edit and critique of your poem, The Old Apple Tree. You've got a sweet poem about a gentle memory, all tied up in emotions and scents. Early scent memories are strongest, perhaps you can include a flashback of the blossoms of springtime in your poem. You'd drag us back to the season that metaphorically, can indicate youth.
My opinions are simply that, opinion. Please feel free to accept or discard any of my suggestions, I don't want to rewrite your poem for you. I have merely illustrated a way you could, possibly make the poem work differently. I've placed them in italics and any changes are in bold

Going back to the place I call home
The place I ran and played,
This is a dangling participle, which may be a good thing for an apple tree but it can be fatal so close to the beginning of your poem. Maybe, the addition of a word can fix it. How about "The place where I ran and played"?
Going home to start again
I remember the happy days.
The sentiment is sweet but I'm left thinking that there has been no other happiness, except that which you left at home. Maybe this is true, but I think I'd like the rhythm more if you dropped a word and changed one, "I remember happier days."

When life was easy and troubles were few
The future a place far from my view,
Since you've chosen a rather unsophisticated rhyme scheme, you should consider where you're placing punctuation and line breaks. For instance, in this line you could add a comma to follow the word 'future' and in the one following, drop the word 'and' altogether. Your readers can understand an implied conjunction, besides most poets try not to place a break after one.
With braids in my hair and cuts on my knee and
The swing which hung from the old Apple tree.

The branch that I climbed and eventually fell
Damn this passive tense! You'll find that it's very easy to fall ;) into this trap. When I read this line, with an unforgiving eye, I have to believe that the branch fell, not you. Sorta changes the entire context, don't ya think? So, Here's the branch I climbed and from which, I fell,? When you're writing a short vignette, be strict in your word budget. Imagine you have limited access to extravagant, multi-syllabic words (hehe) and try to curtail your spending. Especially, since, when the house is ranch style home, the 16th century armoire has a tough time fitting in.
and the heart I carved saying J loves L.

The shade it provided where I had my first fumble
Here you can do some serious paring and stirring, I'm having a tough time relating this last couplet to the earlier lines of this stanza, nay, even the entire poem thus far. Is it the first fumbling touch of a lover's hands you're referring to? Or did you fumble a catch? My suggestion would be to write it with "love" as the major player in the thought, for instance;
In the shade it provided, first love's touches fumbled
fused with cinnamon scent from Mum's apple crumble.

You'll notice that fumbled and crumble don't exactly rhyme, but sometimes a near rhyme will be more acceptable to your audience than finding something nonsensical in the middle of the piece.

And the sweet smell of cinnamon from mum’s apple crumble.

The apple which rustled then fell on my head
The swear word I used that got me sent early to bed,
The tree house I wanted that never got built and
With this 'and' I'd consider having the line break just before it and drop it down to be included in the next verse. I think, as well, you may want to reconsider the heavy repetition of the word 'the' at the beginning of each of these lines. 'The' isn't an important word and really isn't deserving of the special attention.
The picnics we had on the old patchwork quilt.

Those were the times when I knew no danger
You're in danger!? I really can't relate peril to anything you've told us in the poem.
These days my smile is becoming a stranger,
But when I look back through my memories
The warmest of all is that old apple tree.
Please think about rewriting your ending. This is where you want to leave your reader happy and mellow in your memories, maybe a little wistful, too. How you close this piece will either keep your audience begging for an encore or, if you leave it weak, they'll simply be glad you're finally off the stage.

I hope this is what you wanted when you offered up your poem. Thanks for sharing and being brave enough to invite me to trim it a little for you. Like a bad haircut, words will always grow back.

champagne1982 said:
Hi Jennifer C,

I've taken some time to do a little edit and critique of your poem, The Old Apple Tree. You've got a sweet poem about a gentle memory, all tied up in emotions and scents. Early scent memories are strongest, perhaps you can include a flashback of the blossoms of springtime in your poem. You'd drag us back to the season that metaphorically, can indicate youth.
My opinions are simply that, opinion. Please feel free to accept or discard any of my suggestions, I don't want to rewrite your poem for you. I have merely illustrated a way you could, possibly make the poem work differently. I've placed them in italics and any changes are in bold

Going back to the place I call home
The place I ran and played,
This is a dangling participle, which may be a good thing for an apple tree but it can be fatal so close to the beginning of your poem. Maybe, the addition of a word can fix it. How about "The place where I ran and played"?
Going home to start again
I remember the happy days.
The sentiment is sweet but I'm left thinking that there has been no other happiness, except that which you left at home. Maybe this is true, but I think I'd like the rhythm more if you dropped a word and changed one, "I remember happier days."

When life was easy and troubles were few
The future a place far from my view,
Since you've chosen a rather unsophisticated rhyme scheme, you should consider where you're placing punctuation and line breaks. For instance, in this line you could add a comma to follow the word 'future' and in the one following, drop the word 'and' altogether. Your readers can understand an implied conjunction, besides most poets try not to place a break after one.
With braids in my hair and cuts on my knee and
The swing which hung from the old Apple tree.

The branch that I climbed and eventually fell
Damn this passive tense! You'll find that it's very easy to fall ;) into this trap. When I read this line, with an unforgiving eye, I have to believe that the branch fell, not you. Sorta changes the entire context, don't ya think? So, Here's the branch I climbed and from which, I fell,? When you're writing a short vignette, be strict in your word budget. Imagine you have limited access to extravagant, multi-syllabic words (hehe) and try to curtail your spending. Especially, since, when the house is ranch style home, the 16th century armoire has a tough time fitting in.
and the heart I carved saying J loves L.

The shade it provided where I had my first fumble
Here you can do some serious paring and stirring, I'm having a tough time relating this last couplet to the earlier lines of this stanza, nay, even the entire poem thus far. Is it the first fumbling touch of a lover's hands you're referring to? Or did you fumble a catch? My suggestion would be to write it with "love" as the major player in the thought, for instance;
In the shade it provided, first love's touches fumbled
fused with cinnamon scent from Mum's apple crumble.

You'll notice that fumbled and crumble don't exactly rhyme, but sometimes a near rhyme will be more acceptable to your audience than finding something nonsensical in the middle of the piece.

And the sweet smell of cinnamon from mum’s apple crumble.

The apple which rustled then fell on my head
The swear word I used that got me sent early to bed,
The tree house I wanted that never got built and
With this 'and' I'd consider having the line break just before it and drop it down to be included in the next verse. I think, as well, you may want to reconsider the heavy repetition of the word 'the' at the beginning of each of these lines. 'The' isn't an important word and really isn't deserving of the special attention.
The picnics we had on the old patchwork quilt.

Those were the times when I knew no danger
You're in danger!? I really can't relate peril to anything you've told us in the poem.
These days my smile is becoming a stranger,
But when I look back through my memories
The warmest of all is that old apple tree.
Please think about rewriting your ending. This is where you want to leave your reader happy and mellow in your memories, maybe a little wistful, too. How you close this piece will either keep your audience begging for an encore or, if you leave it weak, they'll simply be glad you're finally off the stage.

I hope this is what you wanted when you offered up your poem. Thanks for sharing and being brave enough to invite me to trim it a little for you. Like a bad haircut, words will always grow back.


Thank you so much for giving up your time and sharing your wisdom with me! This is exactly what I wanted, thank you for being so kind in your suggestions and I sincerely appreciate your advice and comments.

It's honest but fair advice like this which I hope will encourage other poets to post their work here on this thred knowing that it will be treated with care and not just called 'crap'.

Again Thank you
Jennifer C said:
Thank you so much for giving up your time and sharing your wisdom with me! This is exactly what I wanted, thank you for being so kind in your suggestions and I sincerely appreciate your advice and comments.

It's honest but fair advice like this which I hope will encourage other poets to post their work here on this thred knowing that it will be treated with care and not just called 'crap'.

Again Thank you
Jenn, I'm so sorry that the links I've placed to this thread in the comments on your poem won't work. Feel free to delete them and I'll just make a new comment. That way there'll be no references to links, eliminating any confusion I may have caused.

As to the comment and review of your poem, I believe that as artists, intelligent poets should be able to stand back and look, eventually at least, back at their work with an honest eye. How beneficial to your development would it be if all I had done was tell you what I felt was wrong and didn't once offer a solution to the problem I'd seen?

It is no kindness to praise where praise isn't due.

Jennifer C said:
du lac

I cannot thank you enough for your wonderful support and I thank you even more for understanding what I am trying to do here, I appreciate it deeply.

This thread is not meant to offend anybody in anyway but if I have done that then I sincerely apologize, it was not my intention. If anyone disagrees with this thread thats fine- don't participate it in but don't attack my efforts either I WILL not put up with that!

Thanks again du lac and everyone else who has participated in this thread for your support and encouragement
I like the 'tude
and I wouldn't worry too much about offending, the fact that you breathe will offend someone
Rybka - I'm not big on PAX, how about a PEZ instead, I'll put away the POX
twelveoone said:
I like the 'tude
and I wouldn't worry too much about offending, the fact that you breathe will offend someone
Rybka - I'm not big on PAX, how about a PEZ instead, I'll put away the POX

and how about those Sox?

...never mind...
champagne1982 said:
Jenn, I'm so sorry that the links I've placed to this thread in the comments on your poem won't work. Feel free to delete them and I'll just make a new comment. That way there'll be no references to links, eliminating any confusion I may have caused.

As to the comment and review of your poem, I believe that as artists, intelligent poets should be able to stand back and look, eventually at least, back at their work with an honest eye. How beneficial to your development would it be if all I had done was tell you what I felt was wrong and didn't once offer a solution to the problem I'd seen?

It is no kindness to praise where praise isn't due.


Please Carrie don't worry about the links i'll post a comment with instructions to my thread for those who don't know about the forums and once again want to thank you for being so kind I hope you will do the same with others if they choose to post here as I know that I have found your suggestion very helpful!
twelveoone said:
I like the 'tude
and I wouldn't worry too much about offending, the fact that you breathe will offend someone
Rybka - I'm not big on PAX, how about a PEZ instead, I'll put away the POX

Thanks 1201 I appreciate that and I have bags of attitude and i'm not afraid to use it if necessary lol :rose:
CharleyH said:
LOL - Did I ever mention you are sick! :D SEXY!

sick and sexy! Whoo-hoo! That means I must be kinky. :heart:

Not to hi-jack your thread Jen, I think this thread is a good idea and I want to take the chance to thank you for your steadfast commenting - it's a lot of work and appreciated.

Tristesse said:
sick and sexy! Whoo-hoo! That means I must be kinky. :heart:

Not to hi-jack your thread Jen, I think this thread is a good idea and I want to take the chance to thank you for your steadfast commenting - it's a lot of work and appreciated.


Thank you Tristesse, I enjoy doing it!

And don't worry about hi-jacking i'm glad people feel they can come here to just chat and have a laugh, i'm always up for that!

Thanks for your support, it's much appreciated
Jennifer C said:
Thank you Tristesse, I enjoy doing it!

And don't worry about hi-jacking i'm glad people feel they can come here to just chat and have a laugh, i'm always up for that!

Thanks for your support, it's much appreciated

And that goes for everyone, feel free to come in and just chat about whatever's on ya mind :rose: