Recognition for New Poets

Art, thank you for mentioning me and my poem - Devour Me.

Thank you for your kind PM's and always being there to make me smile.

I do hope that I can become a better poet and perhaps with your tips and kind words it will help me achieve that goal!

Thank you again!

:rose: :kiss:

Thank you!

Hi there one and all,

I just want to offer my heart-felt thanks for the feedback about my poem, "The Affair". You put a great big smile on my face.

If I am to be perfectly honest, I have no idea what I am doing in terms of poetry - I'm just playing with words. But damn, it's fun isn't it?

You have really encouraged me to try more and, yes, they'll probably all be short - seems that's my 'style' if I can claim to have one at all. I am an absolute novice, although an enthusiastic one.

Having said all this, I am off on a 2 month exploration of South East Asia in a few days ... so don't hold your breath. I'll post again as soon as I can.

Again, thank you so very much!
dusty :rose:

Forgot to mention an important point in my earlier post ... just for the record ... I have never actually had an affair ... ;)

dusty :rose:

Dusty Gurly~

Just wanted to give ya a Big ole Welcome~
Got your email..
Hoping you have a Blast here on the boards,
and Loads of fun~~!!!

New Poems

A Poem Academy
is generated to encourage/ Inspire and to learn
about poetry...
here a few new poems to read and learn from!

Who will I be? By Annora

Annora writes poetry but doesn't think she's very good
well this poem proved her wrong...great poen L~

an erotic word wizard writer...
welcome to the world of poetry at Lit!

My World By LilDarlin

speaking of erotic writers here's a HUM-DINGER!

Last Man by anonamouse

cute name and cute poem as well...
well I say cute but I mean witty and gripping


prayer now by Liar

here's a master of poetry at work...this poem was
mentioned in the new poems review but it's
here as a lesson by reading...<grin>

the Christmas story contest draws near and
may take some of my time but I will post poems
from each day ...but if you want to advertise or
post a link to your poems please feel free...

thanks Art~
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~My Erotic Tale~

Just wanted to Thank You for commenting on my poem.


*Blushes*... Again I can not Thank You enough for the mention. comments, and taking the time to read my poem.....
:eek: :)

A Poem Academy is to encourage, Inspire and
learn about are some new poems
posted. Please read, learn and encourage by
leaving friendly and helpful criticism...
thanks Art~
Templeminded has this poem
that is a touching write...I come in peace
Hot Lovin~ by LilDarlin

well the title say's it all...
Michele by Annora

touching writer with a flare for words.
secret thought by echoes_s
of course one of the great poets here at Lit
we could all learn from her poetic way...
as with Liar...his style? I can only say he is
a witty word wizard and a great poet...
here he writes...The Dude Abides

thats a good start...I'll read the rest and post
the ones I find may help us learn about
poetry from....enjoy!!!!

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Thanks MET!
I wouldn't say great at all. I am learning like everyone else here and have so much to learn.
Here is an example of one poem I submitted here;
Remember this one? Well now, after this crit i recieved which i will show you, it's from another site...i belong to only 3, the poem has been changed.

Crit 1:
[COLOR]I suggest dropping the first nine lines, they only confuse. Change the title --
Dragons have faces, and stones with teeth implies a face. I have no idea who
dwegar and kwo toa are. The reference is lost here and confuses again. A lot of
this is trying to create a sense of dread through setting, but this ploy is
tricky and needs a lot of work. You might want to play with trying the "welcome"
at the beginning.

This is all I've got for now.[/COLOR=dark-blue]

Crit 2:
[COLOR] I really liked this, but for some reason these two lines didn't gel for me.
It seems overstated, or partly redundant, something.

The content is sound, IMHO, and it flows very nicely. I love the
images created. [/COLOR=teal]

First write of poem

Faceless nightmares

with poet's hand light
stars mystique
swept rays across land
warmth and grace
grasping earth
revealing under dark
heartless rock
bland and gray

death in torchlight
shadowed gloom rise
inevitable doom
stones with teeth

a sleeping dragon
leers with soundless threat
silence foreboding
crouched hush
stillness disturbed
beating heart of
a waking beast
distant echoed drip
of slow liquid drops
predatory work
dark pools of chilled water

Welcome to the home
of the dwegar, kwo toa
the drew
living in caverns
roughly sloped stalactite
a cruel facade
hiding chaos and will
sharp and haunting
pain thrusting

Welcome to the valley
of death
the land of faceless

Second write and still not done

predatory creation

Welcome to the valley
of dead
the land of marauding
death in torchlight
shadowed gloom rise
inevitable doom
stagnant pools of blood water
stones with teeth

welcome to the home
of the Drew
living in caverns
roughly sloped stalactite
a cruel facade
hiding chaos and will
sharp and haunting
pain thrusting

where a sleeping dragon
leers with soundless threat
silence foreboding
crouched hush
stillness disturbed
beating heart of
a waking beast
predatory creation
Re: poems

My Erotic Tail said:
A Poem Academy is to encourage, Inspire and
learn about are some new poems
posted. Please read, learn and encourage by
leaving friendly and helpful criticism...
thanks Art~

thats a good start...I'll read the rest and post
the ones I find may help us learn about
poetry from....enjoy!!!!

Art - I like what you are trying to do here. Thanks for the comment on "Last Man" which was written in part as a leaving for an anonomous zero dropper. The rest of it says pretty much the same as PL4a, one with Orwell, one without.
You have my respect
Fist in open hand, bow
"A Poem Academy" is to encourage/inspire
and to learn about poetry...

posting fenzy...I use to write a poem and submit
with a fury and found that I wasn't getting the reads
or comments I I review poems now I find
so many posted that I will read one poem per poet
to ensure that all the poets get at least one read.

I also found that I would write a poem then submit
lately my reviews and comments have been better
because I would write a poem then wait a day think
about it at work come home and read it and found ways
to improve it...just my personal way of doing things

now to the poems...

My Guardian Angel by Templeminded

a true poet with a heartfelt poem

Liquid Courage by Annora

there is a lot of truth in this witty and cute poem
Frozen by CelestialDream
cute ending...brought the whole peom together...
this poet had several poems post, I read this one.
Anticipation by orphin annie

this poem is nothing like the ketchup commercial
except its cute...loved the way it was played out

Just a lil taste by LilDarlin...
this poet knows how to write erotic...grin

Just wicked by P40Bu5

I liked this poem...check it out...
Always Remember by Christine O Leigh

wistfull thinking.....
The weekend is here so hopefully I can catch up
on reading all the poemss out but...there are alot of the,

if you have a poem that you would like read/commented on
please leave the name or the link to the poem...

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Thanks :)

Special thanks, Art for reading my poem and commenting here. I feel all warm and fuzzy now. I'm glad you enjoyed :)

hey love, just wanted to say thanks for the mention of my poems. i don't get on here to much right now with all going on but wanted to take a couple to..........bow to the instructor with new instructions. lol....... love you babe
My Erotic Tail said:
"A Poem Academy" is to encourage/inspire
and to learn about poetry...

posting fenzy...I use to write a poem and submit
with a fury and found that I wasn't getting the reads
or comments I I review poems now I find
so many posted that I will read one poem per poet
to ensure that all the poets get at least one read.

I also found that I would write a poem then submit
lately my reviews and comments have been better
because I would write a poem then wait a day think
about it at work come home and read it and found ways
to improve it...just my personal way of doing things


Always a good thing to do
~Many Thanks~


Just wanted to say how much I appreciate the comments and the mention on my poem. Is great to have a spot here to learn and get inspiration from.
Again Many Thanks for your support and encouragement. Really means a lot to me...

Re: thanks

templeminded said:
hey love, just wanted to say thanks for the mention of my poems. i don't get on here to much right now with all going on but wanted to take a couple to..........bow to the instructor with new instructions. lol....... love you babe

Your welcome!

I got a poem coming out called...

A Blizzard Forever
Dedicated to the two lil angels!
"Okay!" ...the boys...<snicker>

Miss'em..Let me know how C. J.'s test's
come out, give'em hugs for me...

Bows humble to the Temple of the mind
(Wish I'd a kept that name) <grin>
Poetry Basics

At the first of this thread is this link...

Poetry Basics

It has been my best aid at writing poems
just wanted to re-post it so that all can
share in the benefits it offers...
<thanks Wicked>

My favorite is A Tree
simple words to say so much...
hope you enjoy...

okay time to go read poetry
<got hot coffee...grin>

Waiting to be approved...

"It's Racism"

The kids are fighting
As they dig in my purse.
They get a hold of a dime,
And shout out loud,
“That is mine!”
Nothing new.
I sit and watch the tube.
Hoping to hear the evening news.
But instead,
I hear money hitting tumblers,
And the spinning of gears.
It echoes through my ears.
The cranking of a handle
Must have turned a hundred times.
I finally look towards them
When I hear something break.
They run upstairs
After leaving a white ball
Sitting in the hall
All alone,
And I'm thanking God
The gumball doesn't know
About racism.

Yes, you're supposed to laugh!

Please tell me whatcha think.
Thanks, Christina *smiles*
How could I forget...

Special thanks to those who commented on my poems. Love to hear from you!

Hugs and kisses, Christina :rose:
you know i will

hey love, you know i will let you know what is going on without even saying it. going to start working on a new poem to get on here. way behind now. but will get some new ones soon. love always,sandra
Re: Waiting to be approved...

Christina O. Leigh said:
"It's Racism"

The kids are fighting
As they dig in my purse.
They get a hold of a dime,
And shout out loud,
“That is mine!”
Nothing new.
I sit and watch the tube.
Hoping to hear the evening news.
But instead,
I hear money hitting tumblers,
And the spinning of gears.
It echoes through my ears.
The cranking of a handle
Must have turned a hundred times.
I finally look towards them
When I hear something break.
They run upstairs
After leaving a white ball
Sitting in the hall
All alone,
And I'm thanking God
The gumball doesn't know
About racism.

Yes, you're supposed to laugh!

Please tell me whatcha think.
Thanks, Christina *smiles*

cute...witty and very funny...great poem C~

looking for it to come out~
Thanks a bunch, Art. Also, I think it's great that you added that link again. I don't think I saw it in the beginning of the thread. But I'm very interested in checking it out. I clicked it once and saw an awful lot. I'd liked to try every one :)
Re: you know i will

templeminded said:
hey love, you know i will let you know what is going on without even saying it. going to start working on a new poem to get on here. way behind now. but will get some new ones soon. love always,sandra

Lookin for it already....<grin>
Re: hmmm

Christina O. Leigh said:
Call me stupid- sorry. But why isn't there a way we can edit our poetry? Or can we? :rolleyes:

under submissions

I've re-edited my story and want to replace the posted version with my new edited one. How do I do this?

No problem! Simply submit the new version as you submitted the old one, only adding the word "EDITED" to the title (ex. "My Sexy Firefighter Ch. 03 - EDITED") so that we know to replace the old text with the new text. We will then replace the original text with the new text. Your story will retain its previous voting score and views.

this applies to poems also~
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