Recognition for New Poets



Wow thank you ~!!..
I had ask that question before, and I got no answer.
I will some work to do
Many Thanks~!!


Thank you for reasking that. *Smiles*
Loved your poem. I had left a comment for ya. Voted and all.
:) Keep them coming gurl ~~


Thank you both...~~!!!

Re: Editing~

LilDarlin said:

Wow thank you ~!!..
I had ask that question before, and I got no answer.
I will some work to do
Many Thanks~!!


Thank you for reasking that. *Smiles*
Loved your poem. I had left a comment for ya. Voted and all.
:) Keep them coming gurl ~~


Thank you both...~~!!!


dId you ask me that question?
sorry, I get so dang busy,
well it needed to be brought to light

feel free to post your poems/links...

I'm gonna make pncakes then I'll review poems
poems to teach us~

"A Poem Academy" tries to encourage poets
with inspiration from some great reads as well
as guidence, and we can learn together about poetry
for I'm not the ZEN master of LIAR...
WICKED...NEO~ and many many more here!!

but like flowers in a field we all bloom to
create a wonderful setting in our togetherness
one is but a single bud, but together we are
a beautiful field on the plane of poetry!

First off is an example of HAIKU~

one for you she_is_my_addiction

5 sylobles

the trick is to say alot
in this did this poet...nicely done~

japanesse have beautiful poets...
here is another great example...looks like HAIKU day
this is SENRYU~

Never go to be mad by Christin O Leigh

her poem IT'S RACISM~ (posted also out)

very nice...and an excellent point!

I had mixed emoptions about this poem but thats
what poetry is about ...I think~

My black belt matches my shoes by jmbasquait_fan

Because your kung-fu is weak
and mine kicks ass
urs, specifically
Ah the *smack* and *crunch* of your face as
I pound poundpound kick punch HIIIIYA! my way

the tao~
he who speaks of it knows it not...
he speaks it not knows it well,
obviously interested in martial arts
with a lesson in control due...but I'm a sucker
for the Arts... so I'll post this but I'm
definetly not sponsoring the content
other than humor!...thanks ..".fan"
WOW~ This one touched me...

Rain by karie

true poetry, feelings put into words that move you!
or I should just say a great poem...

fantasies by petalsonfire

There are further delicacy`s about to unfold
all this and more my mind does hold
yes lusting for you is something i do
at least i get an orgasm...sometimes two!


there are a lot more,
these moved me in some way,
there were the usual great poets
posted as well after I read tne
new poems review I may go back thru
and pick out a couple good examples

enjoy and keep writing, practice makes
perfect, and poets write what they feel

I submitted a poem today...but I think it stinks... :(

I don't know. I don't feel good today and just did it!!! Someone should have stopped me.
new poems

well its late...the poems mentioned in the new
poems thread were awesome...but here's a couple
poets that had a wonderful post...


Annora wrote this inticing piece~

Journey made by two


Christina O Leigh makes your mouth water
with this clever write...

Hard to resist

she also had several others post also
I haven't read yet but will...

When sex isn't always fantastic by Jennifer C

funny poem...humorous erotica

there are more but its late and had a really rough day
so after a scandisk and disck defrag...
some rest and time I'll add a few more...
thanks for the giggles and the steamy writes...

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Thank you, Art!

Christina O Leigh makes your mouth water with this clever write "Hard To Resist"

Love that comment, Art. I love to pull some stunts in poetry. I had a great laugh when you said "You tricked me". *smiles*
"When Sex Isn't Always Fantastic" by Jennifer C

Loved the humor!! I recommend people to read this funny one. Really made me cackle! Sorry, still trying to figure out this link stuff. Bare with me. Art has it above.
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"A Poem Academy" encouraging poets
to write and reviewing poems of the great
and new..hehehehe

wicked did a great job covering the
poems tonight on the new poems review
thread, so here's a few more,

If I were your weiner
by chylo
Okay I'm a sucker for humor, this ones cute and


by gypziedoll
you'll have to read to interpret but as I read
I felt that the Haunting was an unjust
act recalled or written about...endearing


Afternoon Delight

by Honey123
well I'm as curious as the comment left
is it true? did it happen? grin!

The erotic Shower by Annora
Poetry is expressing feelings and events in words
and Annora has a nack for putting you were she
writes...great poem.

she has three out and I chose this one cause
it's easy to write humor, or non erotic but I have a
really hard time writing good erotic poetry we can
learn from this erotic master...grin, I must try
to write more erotic for this is Literotica

thanks Annora
The Prey by LilDarlin
this poet had a couple post but I read this
one for the title and glad I did cause
I love anything with boar and deer in it...grin

but I also like the play with words in this poem.
There was a slew of poems come out I only
touched on a way to learn is to
read read when you read...

have a great night...and if I didn't cover a
poem you want to advertise ...please post
the link and I'll read and comment...

Night Night Art~
~Thank you~!!!

The Prey by LilDarlin
this poet had a couple post but I read this
one for the title and glad I did cause
I love anything with boar and deer in it...grin

but I also like the play with words in this poem.



Thank you for giving my poem a mention here. This one was a lil different from my others. I really enjoyed writing it. Was a lotta fun. As always I thank you for your help, you are a real gem..~!!
Not too mention a hoot (lol)
Thanks Again~~:)

Thank you Art, for mentioning me here...

True story, but the meeting never took place!!! :(

I want to thank you for not letting me, a very scared, unsure wanna be poet, feel intimidated for wanting to get the poetry out.

Originally posted by LilDarlin

Art, Thank you for giving my poem a mention here. This one was a lil different from my others. I really enjoyed writing it. Was a lotta fun. As always I thank you for your help, you are a real gem..~!!

He certainly is. And, a sweetheart too ;)

It's been a very busy week and I feel sorrow
that I haven't had the time to read all the poems
as I normally do so if any one wants to post a
poem or two that they've read or want advertised
please do so...<grin>
Strait jacked by tungtied2u
Awesome poetry...the peom academy is here to learn
and I learned alot about poetry from this poem
alone...wording...feelings...presentation, and meaning
excellent poem from where I sit!
All so sweet by Christina O leigh
yummy poem....
Hollow Hearth by cerriwiden
This is a touching poem and so true to heart
so many feel this entrapment Im sure but the
words play a beautiful poem...
Twin engine dolphin by wickedeve
Well of course wicked's a zen master of pen but
her style of guess what Im saying and witty wording
can be a leason to all,
A Storm is Coming by RjMasters
This was a poem that moved me...
An icon of poetry that is a lesson in itself
there were some great poems and wish I could read
them all and comment too but time permits me to
so little when wanting to do so much more
so please post any poem you wish read and
Ill be glad to...thanks
Re: poems

My Erotic Tale said:
Twin engine dolphin by wickedeve
Well of course wicked's a zen master of pen but
her style of guess what Im saying and witty wording
can be a leason to all,
Why doesn't anyone ever know what I'm talking about? lol
Thanks for commenting on the poem, art.
Re: poems

My Erotic Tale said:
Hollow Hearth by cerriwiden
This is a touching poem and so true to heart
so many feel this entrapment Im sure but the
words play a beautiful poem...

Thank you for your recommendation and kind words. I appreciate them both.
Re: poems

Originally posted by My Erotic Tale ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Strait jacked by tungtied2u
Awesome poetry...the peom academy is here to learn
and I learned alot about poetry from this poem
alone...wording...feelings...presentation, and meaning
excellent poem from where I sit!

Gosh...thanks Art..I appreciate your comments. So tell me what you learned so I'll know too.

A Poem academy class begins 11/18
here is a poem that I believe is a tribute
to a love one but also shows that poetry's
other diverse trait...poems for cards and occasions
For my love (on his Birthday) by champagne 1982

The greatest gift of all is not a huge diamond but the words
I love you (then monitary value gifts...grin) this was wonderful

Bedroom Accessory by Belegon...I have read where they hint that we need to
put the erotic back into Literotica...and I try but erotic writing has
to be one of the hardest (no pun...grin) writes there is to write...
here's a good one grin

Streatching Cheshire by sensuall...
this was another good erotic write...keep'em cumming...
Almost a Million Miles by chefBobby43

a wonderful poem for an attempt to reach a loved one with
words, clever and a great read!
Dirtied thoughts by Maria2394
I found this to be my favorite poem for the day because it lures and twists
yet lets you assume your own thoughts but was meaning something
else...tricky, witty, clever write along with still being erotic...
great poem!!!!!!!
At Last by cutiepanda
another wonderful erotic poem...
Last Date
by SoundsErotica...this poet knows how to write erotic...just read and see
lets put the erotic back in an easier said than done
thing...but I always seem to find a great erotic poem....where?
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Re: poems

My Erotic Tail said:
A Poem academy class begins 11/18
here is a poem that I believe is a tribute
to a love one but also shows that poetry's
other diverse trait...poems for cards and occasions
For my love (on his Birthday) by champagne 1982

The greatest gift of all is not a huge diamond but the words
I love you (then monitary value gifts...grin) this was wonderful<snip></snip>
Thanks Art.

I think that when you have a talent (no matter how small it may seem in your own eyes), it should be used to enrich the lives of those around you. Whose lives could ever be better than those of the ones you love? And:

we all know

there is no better audience
for our words
than the audience it was written for

there is no smile brighter
in our sight
than the one that graces our lover's lips

there is no lighter joy
in our heart
than the happiness when love is returned

Keep writing and sharing, you make the poetry forum a better place for all.
lesson: learning by reading!

"Gosh" I read these poems and I'm just in
awe at the diversity and the variatation in
topics from humor to deathly serious, I know
from my dabbles I do, that It takes thought and
time to write. So every single poem is great in
it's own light. I just wish I had more spotlights!

New Poems Reviews
Tungtied2u gave a wonderful post with some extremely
good poems...check it out!
Letting go: by ferret312001

This was astonishing~
A Poetic Pearl~
Need by Lildarlin

Love the way this poem falls like dominoes
reeling you into the feeling of the poem!
christmas poem parody by woodnymph_O

well the Holidays are here and time for seasonal
poems and what way to do it a good humorous poem
about christmas...<chuckable>
Erotic Eraser by Christina O Leigh

I like the consept of this poem and witty word play
I'll never think the same about an eraser...<grin>

Fait Accompli by tungtied2u
I couldn't help but chuckle at the truth of this poem~
perhaps we all share some of this poems jest!
lessons from the TEACHER

Like I said "I wish I could spot light them all!"
but I encourage everyone to write and share
these wonderful poems, post them here and
Ill gladly read it...I learn about poetry by reading
these vurtual mind trips in diverse Literary "Art"
...hehehe ...thanks
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Just poppin in

oh, most demented one, to thank you for the gift
"twelveoone gets a watch with a naked girl that glows"

I was a hopin' fer a Lil Darlin one
*Big Smiles*

Just had to add my Thanks to Art fot the mention, and the great comments. We have a true GEM in him, and we ALL know it~!!!

Also wanted to Thank all those of you who do take the time to read, vote and comment. I am one of those peeps who just has to know if the reader *got* what I was tring to say. My Thanks again for your time...

Happy reading~~:)


Love may be beautiful, love may be bliss.
But I only slept with you, because I was pissed.


I thought that I could love no other.
Until, that is, I met your brother.


Roses are red, violets are blue,
sugar is sweet and so are you.
But the roses are wilting, the violets are dead,
the sugar bowl's empty and so is your head.


Of loving beauty you float with grace.
If only you could hide your face.


Kind, intelligent, loving and hot.
This describes everything you are not.


I want to feel your sweet embrace.
But don't take that paper bag off of your face.


I love your smile, your face, and your eyes.
Damn, I'm good at telling lies!


My darling, my lover, my beautiful wife:
Marrying you screwed up my life.


I see your face when I am dreaming.
That's why I always wake up screaming.


My love, you take my breath away.
What have you stepped in to smell this way?


My feelings for you no words can tell.
Except for maybe "go to hell".


What inspired this amorous rhyme?
Two parts vodka, one part lime.

sent to me by templeminded! <grin>
'had to share'
thanks S~