Recognition for New Poets

Re: Re: Re: Another Great Poem~~!!

LilDarlin said:
OK I hate to keep a thread going by compliments alone..But this has to be said~~

Honey~~ I have read your writing, and I do love it. I see so much pasion, depth and humor there. I do want to see more of your work It's great~~!!

As far as not being able to compre~~ Me?? You have read* My* poetry..err right.. Good grief..Mine are nothing bit ramblings and thoughts.

This is how I personally see it..
When you get that *feeling* the wanitng, ~ needing~ craving to write well, it kinda just takes on a life of its own.

So go with it.. Go into your own lil world. Let it take you~ carry you away, and just write. Go with your gut and let it flow out. Then there will be time for editing, re-phrasing, posting..whatever you want to do with it.
It can be serious, funny, fantasy, love, or like me, just ramblings and thoughts. Just anything you feel you want to write about.

I know you can do it. I have seeen it in your work. Your great and can do anything you set your mind to. Juts reach out ..grab those feelings/ thoughts and write till you can't breath.Till you feel that sudden burst of air~~FINALLY ~~filling your lungs.. Its a great thing and its just plain ole wonderful.

To me it is. I don't know everyone's writing style. I have to *FEEL IT*..Then I am so far gone~~ nothing or no one can touch me till its done~~written~~and *sighed* over.
Thats just me.

Sorry I jumped on the soapbox..Just could not let that last comment go by without stating my opinion on things.
(Can not believe I said all of this. )It is how I feel and I do stand by it (lol)..

Now err if ya haven't guessed I am currently in my own *lil world* so I must go.. Have to write. ;)

Have fun in your own worlds and I look forward to seing them soon..~~!!

LilDarlin~:) have taken my breath away!

Thank you...I just feel honored to be thought of as a poet...and that how this thread makes me feel.

Art, I can't say it enough. You have done a wonderful service to us insecure poets....and the people you draw to this thread are just sweet and wonderful...

and Darlin, you just made my day! Thank you!
Blushing du lac...

you honor me with your praise... blushing now.. and that is hard to make me do... by the way.. I read your series of ballads.. loved them... so much to learn.. thankyou...
du lac..:eek:
Just wanted to thank everyone for their reviews, anonymous suggestions (you know who you are ;) ) and wonderful compliments. I don't always right back in my emails but I'll tell you here how much it is appreciated.

I reviewed and voted a little today and wrote some as well. Still, don't feel that great. I must remove my eyes from this computer and go lay down. If I don't get to the ones that have been posted these past couple days, I apologize. I always like to give feedback. I'm sure in a few days I'll be better. I think if I lowered a pack of cigs daily, I wouldn't have chronic bronchitus. :rolleyes:

Again, a big thank you!
Good lord, is everyone sick or what? Sounds like a lot of people need to join me in quitting smoking, this last cold was it for me. And it sucks ass, never start smoking if you don't already, quitting is a bitch and a half. :catroar:

Here's hoping everyone who is sick like Eve and Chris start feeling better pronto!:rose:
Mood Swings and Psychotic Love

And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. -Anais Nin


thanks for mentioning my poem :)

when i wrote it i didn't intend for it to be erotic at all. after presenting it to a little audience at a poetry reading, several were shocked about how intense and erotic it was (same with "feeding time"). i was originally going to place it under the Non-Erotic section but thought it would do ok under Erotic.

i was on a sweet-tooth kick for a while so most of my writing has something of that nature involved in it.

thank you once again and i hope you had a lovely Holiday

as always,


Hey C..
Thank you for the comments on the poems I posted.. I know the word counts lol... but I wrote this a little while ago and for some reason I am not ready to change them... I will be.. after time but as with many passion filled poetry, emotional connections must be time healed for us to look upon them with objective eyes...
boo hoo.. lol..
du lac:( :eek:
Re: Mood Swings and Psychotic Love

princess rayann said:
And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. -Anais Nin

Princess.. from one Anais Nin lover to another... a big hello. that is one of my favorite quotes from here as well as the one on my posts..
want to share a couple more with you..
Ecstasy is the moment of exhaltation from wholeness.

Passion gives us moments of wholeness.

To withold from living is to die and that the more you give of yourself to life the more life nourishes you.

Anais Nin

Hope you like them
Du Lac
thank you

mmmm... yes i am aware of those...

i came across this quote when i was going through a treacherous time in a past relationship... it spoke to me and helped me make a serious decision. words that can do that to someone will remain faithfully beside their heart.

thank you for sharing them with me and i look forward to more discussion with you.

as always,

Re: Mood Swings and Psychotic Love

princess rayann said:
And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. -Anais Nin

Princess.. from one Anais Nin lover to another... a big hello. that is one of my favorite quotes from here as well as the one on my posts..
want to share a couple more with you..
Ecstasy is the moment of exhaltation from wholeness.

Passion gives us moments of wholeness.

To withold from living is to die and that the more you give of yourself to life the more life nourishes you.

Anais Nin

Hope you like them
Du Lac
Re: friday class~

My Erotic Tale said:

small white bones: by tristesse

Wow this one gets an 100
I loved the whole owl, survivlal but tranquil
the hollow tree setting....simply awesome..
a paramount poem~
sounds like my home...the river

a lesson in poetry~

Thank you so much Art.

Re: Mood Swings and Psychotic Love

Hello ya'll

loved that style of free writing spinning a web
of a tale in poetry~
post your other poems here
you had several in one day and I will
be fair enough to read one poem from
each poet then go back and read the others
if I a couple of yours got over looked
I'm sure...<grin>....posting poems is encouraged!

Du Lac~
okay I gotta know who is nai~
or anais nin?...<grin>..lesson time!
you got a NFTT~
(note from the teacher)pm

hey...feeling better?
tricked me on your last poem...
I was expecting (my flaw in nature)
a super twist at the end like always
and hehehehe just a boyfriend walked
loved it~
witty poetic woman~

hey tristesse...
I think your poem was the ultimate in
wildlife setting...just poeticly beautiful/survival
reality in tranquility...awesome work~

princess rayann said:
And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. -Anais Nin


thanks for mentioning my poem :)

when i wrote it i didn't intend for it to be erotic at all. after presenting it to a little audience at a poetry reading, several were shocked about how intense and erotic it was (same with "feeding time"). i was originally going to place it under the Non-Erotic section but thought it would do ok under Erotic.

i was on a sweet-tooth kick for a while so most of my writing has something of that nature involved in it.

thank you once again and i hope you had a lovely Holiday

as always,

sunday poems

"A Poem Academy"

no school on sunday but I did work
grrrrr...gonna go read and see what's new~

unburied: by annaswirls

unburied alive, gnarled fingers
claw at the air
riviting...honest...the teacher teaches
with this one...depth~

[Open and waiting :by Georgia Girl

I had no idea that you were such a poet..
wow fabulous D~

The gentlest of touches
A whisper almost
Grazing tentatively
Along the edge of the soul
oh my...a witty word wizard~~~
Laser Surgery: by liar

From the teacher... a play with words
describing...laser surgery..
Liar once said...arm yourself with an
array of verbal ammunition with a
link that has some unusual and unused
words that give poetry a luster...
Taking his advice has not only made
my poetry fun but has made them
better...<grin> thanks liar...

<apple for the teacher>

hair raising:by Wickedeve

I was expecting a beauty shop hair
tale...oh my...wicked...poem...
hence the name...hehehehe

a very good poem to learn from~
gripping with words that grasp...
Hot Rod : by postobitum

Hear that sweet rumble and roar?
Feel the gears hit home
an the rods ram fast an hard
with a metal slicked oil scent
clean an golden in the vents
risin soft an nice from the leather
seats an outta the fuzzy dice
hangin from the rear view
oh honey papa is ready tonight
to take her for a ride on my tempest machine.

mo par for' d chove roll lay~
postobitum has a james dean image poem~
with his twist on a seat...grin...loved the
way this was put together...
the best poems are supposedly
from what I read ladt night ...
14 lines long...."period"
or three sets of 6 lines...

such as this poem.....A +
also had another poem post~
angry rose :by princess rayann

i blink my eyes and i'm catapulted back to now.
rayann delivers a rant in : angry rose~
free verse or prose?
listen up class...or spankings will not be passed
also had another poem post as well~

fantasize till climax: by Christina O Leigh


I ride my lover in bed
And long for warm, caressing hands
To stimulate and run gently
Across my smooth skin-
My breasts, back and thighs

I saw it posted someplace where it
said let's put the erotic back into literotica
I've been trying...find it's very difficult
to express erotic from romantic or sensious
but true erotic that Christina does with
such ease~
chris had a few poems post today~
dark lonliness: by Du Lac

Lonely and dark,
No longer will be,
The voice from within,
Allows me to see.
witty writer~
Du Lac has an amazing way of makeing
his poem flow so well...
just the right words to allow
'no stumble' reading here!

Du Lac had several poems post today!

Retrospect:by Homerbender

okay this one got my attention...
first off thanks for the tip homer~
second this poem kinda reaches out and gets your
attention...and has its own twist of realisim humor~
several others posted as well...

Christmas in Alabama: by darekeyeddemon

ho ho gets close~
It's christmas in Alabama
It's time for the snow
So get the kinfolk together
And pack up the Pinto
cute poem~

pleasure/power: by katali

Feeling you in my mouth..
You taste so good!

putting the erotic back in literotica

Finding My love:by graypanther

sweetly pleasant read~
graypanther has had several post that I seem to
over look for the vast amount of poems posted
but deffinetly interesting poems~

scream your dreams: by arthur_jello_weaner

this was witty and funny...and great ending to the
long list of poems...
always welcome posts of poems or links
so if you had a poem post that you want to
get feedback and comments on please post
it here...

a trail of letters led to here..... *
Last edited:
Blushing lol........

Hey Art..
thank you ... you make me blush with all the praise!!!! New poems tomorrow in a different fashion ... I have had bad block for a month but freedom today.. two hip hip horray! Helping is reading others works.. such talent here... including the Tail that makes me blush lol..
Du Lac
Chris.. more than welcome...

I love reading your works! witty clever and such a mind! Your poetry is so different than mine... that it draws me! I learn so much from you, and I know WORD COUNT syllable COUNT LOL..
You are very appreciated!
Du Lac;)
Christina O. Leigh said:
Orginally posted by Du Lac
I love reading your works! witty clever and such a mind! Your poetry is so different than mine... that it draws me! I learn so much from you, and I know WORD COUNT syllable COUNT LOL.
What a sweetheart! I am so flattered.

Speaking of word count, there is a thread that helps you write free verse. I forget the name of it. You only can write 10 words or less. It really helps! Like a practice thing. When I 1st went there, I starting counting syllables and did all kinds of stupid things. Then got a pm from someone who said, "it's 10 words or less". Now, when I go there, I have to remember to count WORDS and not syllables. This counting thing makes me dizzy :D

Hate to rain on an awesome parade..

The *Perfect Ten* is ONLY ten words..*grins*
Just so ya'll get it right~~ giggles*
I hate to come late to a party
an miss all the fun. *winks*

Keep up the great work ladies..have had some great poems latley..Keep'm Comin'
