Repository of awesome men

** This has gone off the rails a bit. What i envisioned was a fun thread where people could interact, but instead my inbox has blown up.

With all due respect, that was kinda predictable. I think the irony of your post is that the type of guy who would substantively respond, either in public or private, is not the guy you were hoping would respond.
With all due respect, that was kinda predictable. I think the irony of your post is that the type of guy who would substantively respond, either in public or private, is not the guy you were hoping would respond.

You’re probably exactly right.
I used to meet some really amazing men here. Lately, there seems to be an endless string of, I’ll be nice and call them “less than stellar” guys. I know you awesome guys are out there, likely lurking in the shadows. Please help restore the faith of the women of Lit that there really are some decent and wonderful men here.

Come say hi and introduce yourself if you are…

-OVER 40
-Good looking
-Not a man whore
-Emotionally available
-A great conversationalist
-Not boring
-Not “too nice” or “trying too hard”
-At least a little pervy
-NOT AN ASSHOLE (wanting to lick them is ok, being one is not)

* This is a general list, my personal list is way more specific. I reserve the right to amend it as I see fit.

** This has gone off the rails a bit. What i envisioned was a fun thread where people could interact, but instead my inbox has blown up.

As a side note, my specific list includes no bi guys, no men who are into wearing women’s panties and no submissive men. I’m not kink shaming, just not my thing. ;)

Greetings LonelyWife :rose:

Are you still looking for someone to chat with. I am a 49 year old gent with a flair for romance, compassion, understanding, and enjoying the moment.

I'd consider myself to be most of what you ask for on your list, but I must tell you from the start, I am a lot pervy, and I do like to lick and eat a nice ass, but that doesn't make me an asshole.

I am happy to chat with you, about anything you'd be happy to share with me.

Feel free to drop me a line.
I used to meet some really amazing men here. Lately, there seems to be an endless string of, I’ll be nice and call them “less than stellar” guys. I know you awesome guys are out there, likely lurking in the shadows. Please help restore the faith of the women of Lit that there really are some decent and wonderful men here.

Come say hi and introduce yourself if you are…

-OVER 40
-Good looking
-Not a man whore
-Emotionally available
-A great conversationalist
-Not boring
-Not “too nice” or “trying too hard”
-At least a little pervy
-NOT AN ASSHOLE (wanting to lick them is ok, being one is not)

* This is a general list, my personal list is way more specific. I reserve the right to amend it as I see fit.

** This has gone off the rails a bit. What i envisioned was a fun thread where people could interact, but instead my inbox has blown up.

As a side note, my specific list includes no bi guys, no men who are into wearing women’s panties and no submissive men. I’m not kink shaming, just not my thing. ;)

Reading through this had been cracking me up ….
I would like to think of myself as one of the good ones, but ultimately that isn’t for me to decide. There is an old story of a Mennonite farmer being asked if he was a good Christian. The farmer replied, “you will have to ask my neighbor”.

Another old saying, “a rotten apple spoils the bunch”.
Yes there are some good guys here on Lit. Sometimes har ti separate the chaff from the wheat.

Sometime hard to be seen and recognized amongst the numerous responses and blowing up inbox, but we are out here.

Of course there must be some chemistry but sometimes had to find the test tubesand bunson burner to even determine there might be some chemistry ⚗

But then once the chemical reaction starts, there is no containing it. For better or worse.

But don't give up, jaded is OK, it can be a self protection mechanism.

Always happy to chat. When work or rl don't get in the way.

Unfortunately never get notification when someone sends things so a bit more challenging to keep a conversation flowing through here.

Hope you find what you seek and have a wonderful week.
Of course there must be some chemistry but sometimes had to find the test tubesand bunson burner to even determine there might be some chemistry ⚗

This was a great post, but I had to laugh because I just watched a movie yesterday that used the term "dick sand" and this made me laugh thinking of it.

I was told there's dick here. I'd like one that's hard and thick and heavy with load please. I can pay in memes
You know, I tend to consider myself far from being an asshole.. an asshat.. and any other variation except ass man.. I'm surely that. haha

Shout out to all the other gents lurking in the shadows trying to be a nice guy and every once in a while finding a great connection. Don't lose hope folks, good people still exist.

Although I am knocking hard at the door of 40, not quite there yet. A few more months. haha

That's a nice OP though. We swinging D's need a little reality check and called on our bullshit from time to time. hahahaha
I used to meet some really amazing men here. Lately, there seems to be an endless string of, I’ll be nice and call them “less than stellar” guys. I know you awesome guys are out there, likely lurking in the shadows. Please help restore the faith of the women of Lit that there really are some decent and wonderful men here.

Come say hi and introduce yourself if you are…

-OVER 40
-Good looking
-Not a man whore
-Emotionally available
-A great conversationalist
-Not boring
-Not “too nice” or “trying too hard”
-At least a little pervy
-NOT AN ASSHOLE (wanting to lick them is ok, being one is not)

* This is a general list, my personal list is way more specific. I reserve the right to amend it as I see fit.

** This has gone off the rails a bit. What i envisioned was a fun thread where people could interact, but instead my inbox has blown up.

***As a side note, my specific list includes no bi guys, no men who are into wearing women’s panties and no submissive men. I’m not kink shaming, just not my thing. ;)

**** Just to clarify, I’m not really looking for anyone and I’m definitely not looking for horny guys who just want to e-bone. I was considering a man hating post yesterday, but thought this would be a better idea. I’ve had enough heartbreak to last me for a good long while. But, if the Lit fairy drops the rare and elusive unicorn right in my lap, I won’t turn him away. ;)

Where is: Must have a great voice ;-)
I used to meet some really amazing men here. Lately, there seems to be an endless string of, I’ll be nice and call them “less than stellar” guys. I know you awesome guys are out there, likely lurking in the shadows. Please help restore the faith of the women of Lit that there really are some decent and wonderful men here.

Come say hi and introduce yourself if you are…

-OVER 40
-Good looking
-Not a man whore
-Emotionally available
-A great conversationalist
-Not boring
-Not “too nice” or “trying too hard”
-At least a little pervy
-NOT AN ASSHOLE (wanting to lick them is ok, being one is not)

* This is a general list, my personal list is way more specific. I reserve the right to amend it as I see fit.

** This has gone off the rails a bit. What i envisioned was a fun thread where people could interact, but instead my inbox has blown up.

***As a side note, my specific list includes no bi guys, no men who are into wearing women’s panties and no submissive men. I’m not kink shaming, just not my thing. ;)

**** Just to clarify, I’m not really looking for anyone and I’m definitely not looking for horny guys who just want to e-bone. I was considering a man hating post yesterday, but thought this would be a better idea. I’ve had enough heartbreak to last me for a good long while. But, if the Lit fairy drops the rare and elusive unicorn right in my lap, I won’t turn him away. ;)

I turn 39 this year. Does my age disqualify me?

Bets of luck in your search.

-Confident (I think so,)
-OVER 40 (47, turning 48 this year)
-Good looking (I have been told I am.)
-Kind (definitely)
-Funny/witty (I think so.)
-Not a man whore (I never saw myself as this.)
-Emotionally available (I like to think so.)
-A great conversationalist (I can talk)
-Intelligent (Yes)
-Not boring (Working on that.)
-Not “too nice” or “trying too hard” (This one is up for debate. I am traditionally a nice guy.)
-Sincere (yes)
-Considerate (Yes)
-At least a little pervy (Check our my stories.)
-NOT AN ASSHOLE (wanting to lick them is ok, being one is not) (I do not believe I am an asshole.

I think having a list does work. As I have been telling folks lately, sometimes you need to sort through the duds to find the studs. Happy hunting.
I think there's an aspect of physics at work here, general dynamics. The greater the depth, the less the span. Practically speaking, there are way more blocks at the bottom of the pyramid than there are at the top. Being reminded of this over, and over, and over can definitely be disheartening, and if one has put in the time and effort to generate some of that rarified depth, the irony is your greater capacity to connect is likely to find fewer profoundly sympathetic matches.

Even so, it's better than being unaware and shallow, so we trust the process (if we can).

Thanks for this hopeful post. Sooner or later, most of us find what we think we want, and then the REAL learning begins!
I think there's an aspect of physics at work here, general dynamics. The greater the depth, the less the span. Practically speaking, there are way more blocks at the bottom of the pyramid than there are at the top. Being reminded of this over, and over, and over can definitely be disheartening, and if one has put in the time and effort to generate some of that rarified depth, the irony is your greater capacity to connect is likely to find fewer profoundly sympathetic matches.

Even so, it's better than being unaware and shallow, so we trust the process (if we can).

Thanks for this hopeful post. Sooner or later, most of us find what we think we want, and then the REAL learning begins!
Physics? People are having problems finding others with chemistry already
:heart: the old adage you have to kiss a lot of frogs to meet a prince comes to mind. :)
Physics? People are having problems finding others with chemistry already

Lol, yeah, I know, and I'm sorry. If adequate resolutions aren't forthcoming, maybe we can opt for understanding. It may not be something we can fully control, but we can sure as hell influence its likelihood :)
I think there's an aspect of physics at work here, general dynamics. The greater the depth, the less the span. Practically speaking, there are way more blocks at the bottom of the pyramid than there are at the top. Being reminded of this over, and over, and over can definitely be disheartening, and if one has put in the time and effort to generate some of that rarified depth, the irony is your greater capacity to connect is likely to find fewer profoundly sympathetic matches.

Even so, it's better than being unaware and shallow, so we trust the process (if we can).

Thanks for this hopeful post. Sooner or later, most of us find what we think we want, and then the REAL learning begins!

You definitely check off the smart box.