Repository of awesome men

So he wasn’t allowed to change his mind? There are people who I’ve chatted with that as we get to know each other maybe I’m not quite as interested as I initially thought I was and visa versa. 🤷🏻*♀️ It happens. Maybe he initially thought that was something he could overlook and just couldn’t when it came down to it. He could’ve just completely ghosted you as many people on Lit do.

I don’t think we’re criticizing you but maybe your thing is you need to be a victim? Some woah as me for some more attention, maybe? I don’t know. Like I said initially - I don’t know you and you don’t know me. I had an opinion and gave it as others have also done. don’t even know her. Pretty harsh judgment.

Let's no cast disparaging comments about someone we may not know

Nope. I don't know her...but she did lay out why she posted. And we're the ones who's at fault...😏
So he wasn’t allowed to change his mind? There are people who I’ve chatted with that as we get to know each other maybe I’m not quite as interested as I initially thought I was and visa versa. 🤷🏻*♀️ It happens. Maybe he initially thought that was something he could overlook and just couldn’t when it came down to it. He could’ve just completely ghosted you as many people on Lit do.

I don’t think we’re criticizing you but maybe your thing is you need to be a victim? Some woah as me for some more attention, maybe? I don’t know. Like I said initially - I don’t know you and you don’t know me. I had an opinion and gave it as others have also done.

My two cents is of course he’s allowed to change his mind but I think it’s also equally okay to feel hurt and blindsided in the moment. Growing close to others, especially in an online setting, has it’s rewards and on the flip side, big emotional risks. I have been there and it took me awhile to understand that I really didn’t need to understand the other persons side. I didn’t need to get all of the answers because as much as I connected to them, they still didn’t owe me anything. I just had to accept it and let it be. We don’t always know how to react to what we haven’t experienced.

That said, I still be on here lurking and looking for a guy I can connect with 👀 I’m just a little older and a fraction wiser in my expectations.

ETA Ha. Not me just posting my stupid ass opinions in the middle of rawr fest. *chuckles in danger*.
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Call it what you want, I call it being honest 🤷🏻*♀️
May not know her, but I’ve been on long enough to know about her.

Really? Care to share with the class?
I’ve never seen or heard of you until you posted on this thread. So, anything you think you know about me has never come from any actual interaction with me.
Call it what you want, I call it being honest 🤷🏻*♀️
May not know her, but I’ve been on long enough to know about her.

God I love this place.:rolleyes: "Been on here long enough to know about her" let me guess...from other peoples opinions?

You can only be "honest" with her/ about her, if you know her. Other wise, it's an opinion/ judgement/ assumption.
And none of us have earned the right to tell anyone else how they should feel, or act.
If she asked for thoughts on how she should feel. That would be different. She didn't. She stated why she was hurt.

Good lord. Some judgemental people on here lately.

Is she not capable of talking for herself? Should any further comments people opt to make them be directed to you?
And none of us have earned the right to tell anyone else how they should feel, or act.
If she asked for thoughts on how she should feel. That would be different. She didn't. She stated why she was hurt.

Good lord. Some judgemental people on here lately.

I have judged no one if that’s aimed at me. My comment was very much in support of OP and I wasn’t dictating to anyone how to feel.