Rules for a submissive/slave - Any thoughts?

Pure said:
LS quoted Master J.

28. i will worship my Master's ass only after a thorough washing of it. i shall do so hungrily, being sure to lick between the cheeks for as long as Master requires me to do so. i will use my hands to spread my Master's cheeks apart. ....

A clean ass is an edible ass. Very pleasurable, no problems there (clean underlined twice) limited to the Dominant.


Hey I wasn't being squeamish, just wondering about the specification to "use... hands". I guess the feet present difficulties, but also I wonder about the placement of the fingers and thumb, and certain other details. Fortunately, returning to the secret archive, already mentioned, I was able to find clarification:

28B. i shall use my hands lovingly on the Beatific Cheeks and follow this procedure. after washing hands thoroughly, i grasp the Cheeks firmly as specified, while singing "Sanctus Christi". my four fingers shall be reverentially and gently applied to the crack directly above the Holy Orifice. my thumb shall be placed opposing the fingers at the distal portions of the Royal Buns. In that manner is the Supreme Separation to be effected.

C. i will have undertaken, for 1/2 hour each day, the suspension of increasingly heavy weights from the ring attached to my tongue piercing, up to 8 oz., to ensure my tongue be of appropriate extensibility. Thus prepared i will sensuously insert it at least 2 1/2 inches inside the cleaned Supreme Asshole, rotating in a counterclockwise direction. i shall piously hum the "Te Deum" --or other piece selected by the One--during this process.



Seriously though, I assumed that the slave is not always allowed to use her hands (has been there), but her mouth(cunt/pussy) only, and in this case she was allowed to spread the cheeks with her hands to aid in the hungry crevice worship. ;)
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redelicious said:
"Master" made a few references to what would be considered a meal. In one rule it was his urine and another it was the flow of another menstruating slave (oh please don't make me go back and look these up).

I wonder if his slave is at least allowed a power bar or a multi-vitamin so that she gets the nutrition she will surely need to carry out her duties.

(ok, back to respectful discussion)

i was starting to wonder about that...the health aspects and all...unless the girl's getting 6 meals a day...that's just unhealthy...not to mention ingesting blood in large amounts is bad for you...just thought i'd add that as well. There seems to be a little too many references to unhealthy, dangerous activities.
{from Arcanum Johannem Sanctorum:}

Regarding the feeding of slaves, the misimpression may have been given that Master J is less than attentive to proper nutrition. In fact he does indeed supervise and account for the ingestion of correct nutrition, according to mammalian standards, and is happy to supply the recipe below for use, provided proper credit is given.

Master J's Tasty Slave Power Biscuits
(makes about one dozen)

1 Tbsp Master's cum
1 Tbsp sweat from Master's buttocks during session
1/2 Cups of the Master's Pee
1 Egg
1 Cup carrots ground
2 Cups Purina Dog Chow , Dry (ground, fine)
(1 Tbsp slave's menses [optional depending on time of month])

Topping [not optional], see below.

The slave is to reverently combine the sacred ingredients while kneeling by a low counter. For each ingredient from the master's or slave's body, she is to take a small amount in her mouth, while humming
"All praise to Thee", and return it to the mixing bowl.

She is to stir thoroughly, while intoning these words:

"Master is great
"Master is good
"i thank the Master
"For this food
"that i am allowed to prepare
"for the needs of my slave's body,
"the Master's cherished property."

This mixture is to be spooned to a cookie sheet, in small 1 1/2 in balls, and pressed a little to rounded cookie shape.

Cook biscuits for 20 min or till slightly browned in a 350 degree oven.

The slave is to present the biscuits for inspection to the master, and if they are satisfactory she, with her upper cunt, suck the masters cock until he ejaculates into her. She, containing her sensuous delight, is then to deposit a small amount atop each biscuit and allow to dry at room temp. before eating.

She will, at the Master's discretion be allowed up to 3 powerbiscuits per meal, and will prostrate herself before the master in thanks, just prior to eating them, then rise and sing
the 'Sanctissimums Dei.'

Note: From the Purina label: May be unsuitable for chicken-restricted canine diets; check with your veterinarian.

ex libris
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I think I just lost my appetite. :(

That recipe probably does wonders for diets.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rituals vs. Rules

Ebonyfire said:
your opinion means the world to me.

Now go back under your rock.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rituals vs. Rules

Ebonyfire said:
Now go back under your rock.

It is obvious to Me that you have a problem. Perhaps you are a racist?

Do not like black women? Whatever your problem take it to someone who cares, Bondage Boobi
Next Set of 20

101.i will not speak to others without my Master's permission except to say to them that they will have to speak to my Master first. This is especially important at play parties.
102.i shall learn to endure whippings from my Master by using the technique of saying ' YES ' upon each strike.
103.i shall gladly make my body available to my Master to be used as furniture: a footstole to rest his weary feet and legs upon, my backside for a table to eat off of, my breasts to hold his wine glass between, and the palms of my hands to be
used to hold a plate of food or other items.
104.Privacy is a privilege - even to have it when i need to use the bathroom. i must ask for it and accept my Master's decision even when i am denied of it.
105.As a helper slave i shall assist my Master in the training and use of other female slaves.
106.As a preparer slave i shall ready other female slaves for my Masters use.
107.As a cleaner slave i shall use my tongue to clean the cum of my Master from the body of a female slave He has put it upon and my cunt to suck for it from a female slave's pussy my Master has used for His pleasure.
108.As a provider slave i shall offer parts of my body to those selected by my Master for their pleasure.
109.As a domestic slave i shall perform chores about my Master's house with sexually enticing manners.
110.As a sex slave i shall incorporate a sexual attitude and hunger in everything i do and be eager to sexually perform for my Master at all times.
111.The end of an evening and the beginning of a day shall always be with a full body whipping and a cock feeding.
112.When i have been given permission to play with myself i shall do so in the following manner: work my clit almost to an orgasm and then stop for a few minutes, then work it again to almost an orgasm and then stop for a few minutes, and then finally work it again to a full orgasm. Then and only then shall i enjoy
an orgasm on my own. Should i cum before the third tier - i will tell my Master so i may be punished. i will play with myself in this manner even in His presence.
113.When my Master uses me for His pleasures or for making love to and i can feel myself about ready to have an orgasm - I must ask for permission to have it or hold on till He gives me permission to do so. i must tell my Master if i am having an orgasm without His permission so that i can be punished for my
disobedience and disrespect.
114.i am free to leave my Master at any time without the fear of permanently losing Him as my Master.
115.When i have chosen to be used by my Master i shall present to Him three names for Him to decide which one will be my slave name. i know that He does not have to choose any of them and can choose one of His own for me to be known by. Thereafter, when someone asks who i am i can respond with the following: "i am slave xxxxxx, property of Master John." It is important to my
Master that my original identity is protected and that through my slave name i will know my other identity and act accordingly.
116.i will periodically examine my whole life and look for how it has changed as a result of my subservience to my Master. i will speak to my Master about those areas where there have been improvements and those areas where i feel uncomfortable, insecure, or unsure of what direction i should take to improve in
that area.
117.i want to suffer for my Master in ways that please Him and that are safe for me to suffer through.
118.i will not be passive in serving my Master. i will aggressively participate in my exchange with Him.
119.If i am sent to another Master or Mistress to serve - i will serve them well for i want my Master to receive a good report of my service to them.
120.Should a female slave be assigned to me to suckle my nipples with the goal of my body to produce milk i will allow it so my Master or others can feed from me. i will perform likewise on a female slave.
Thanks for posting the link Pure. There was no mystery. i'd just planned to provide the link when the list had been fully posted.

Pure said:
Hi S'lara,
I don't see a reason for the mystery, since these are floating around the 'net, findable in google "126 rules" slave.

Rules attributed to "Master John K. III" 1996.

Some of the following may also be worth considering,
From the introductory set before the 126.

3.Place the rules at a level where you can read them.
4.Read all of the rules out loud in a soft, but held back tone - as if to do soquietly in a confessional manner. you may read them several times over a periodof a few days if you desire - at least once a day is required for a period of at least3 days before making your selections.
5.After your first few days of reading in the proper position find a placecomfortable to sit at (you may be in your kneeling position - a relaxed one withtoes curled back behind you) and start the process of your rules selection.
6.Using a number system or colored felt pens select your rules in whole or inpart as to:
1.Will do.
2.Want to do.
3.Won't do.
4.Questionable or problematic.
5.Need to do.

(you may also rewrite, change words or add to each rule, and even add to the listif you wish)
Noggin' Floggin' - (Ok that was corny)

*hands BB a stick* i didn't see it as overreacting. Rather, it is how you feel. Not sure if it worth concussion-like behavior as it is obvious the Author has some things to work out in terms of safety.

Bondagebunni said:
most of the other rules i could see someone find erotic or suit their lifestyle...but i have a real problem with this one because it's a safety issue. Cold lowers ones immune system which allows viruses and bacteria to enter and cause problems before the body can respond and fight back. This is why there's a common myth that going outside with your hair wet will cause you to catch a cold...because if it's cold out wet hair is gonna make you colder. Unless she has the heat on 75 or higher in her house (and his) that's an INCREDIBLE health risk for most people with normal or not so great immune systems.

Another one (i can't figure out where it was) said that the slave was supposed to dress in a provocative manner in all weather and not be covered. Unless this guy considers a winter coat provacative or lives in florida, this is also very very dangerous. Maybe i read it wrong but he implied that she wasn't supposed to cover herself...and i took that to mean no closed coat or other cold weather gear.

I can't imagine how someone can NOT think of the health risk of these things. I want to strangle the guy for endangering anyone's health like that. Tell me, please, if i'm over reacting here...but i find that completely unaccceptable and would gladly bludgeon the guy for it.
Pure -

Completely bizarre unless there is some technique that allows for this type of thing.

As an aside, i want to thank you for sharing your thoughts and the bio with us. i certainly appreciated it. :)
Pure said:
On the Verbose Master J.
Hi Bondage B,

I guess you 've never had the heavenly experience of Master John's whipping you dry! That well could be the least of your problems: Look at these below. He seems to have the illusion that pussies can suck other pussies. (It's repeated a couple times, so I've decided it's not a missprint or typo.) Isn't that a bit bizarre, or am I just naive?

I have included his stated background. He certainly in not a man of few words! This is from the second site I gave the address for.

28. i will worship my Master's ass only after a thorough washing of it. i shall do so hungrily, being sure to lick between the cheeks for as long as Master requires me to do so. i will use my hands to spread my Master's cheeks apart. ....

109. As a cleaner slave i shall use my tongue to clean the cum of my Master from the body of a female slave He has put it upon, my cunt to suck for it from a female slave's pussy my Master has used for His pleasure, or to clean the cocks i am allowed to clean that have been pulled out of the pussies of other slaves. For as a cleaner slave i am to lick up what semen i can find. ...

122. Should Master wish for my breasts to be suckled by a female slave of His choice or that legal and safe drugs be used to induce the production of milk in my breasts, i will do my best to keep my milk up so that He and others may feed from me, that my breasts will be full, tight and extra sensitive as much as possible, for however long Master wants my breasts to produce milk for Him.

[from rule 128.]
He will throw me into higher states of consciousness with the scents of oils and incense; blood and breath control to bring me to the edge of my survival to feel the battle for my self-preservation; guns and knifeplay to intensify my awareness of my existence racing parallel with my threatened drive to live; and other such uses. Through these activities i shall learn to ride on the top edge of my fears and the bottom edge of my perception of utter terror - for it is there i shall come to know my greatest fear of all: that i will want to go there again and again.

[general remarks and autobio]

The following 128 rules are written in the context of a M/s (Master/slave) relationship, but could be used by those in a D/s (Dominant/submissive) relationship, and provide a good project for those submissive/slave males to adapt them towards their relationship with their Dominatrix/Mistress, respectively (double meaning intended).

They were created over the course of some twenty years of participating in various parts of the the world of bdsm. At first I learned to 'play' as a slave for professional Dominatrixes in the San Francisco Bay Area for approximately five years with the goal of learning 'the ropes': the use of the equipment, the mindsets and internalization of submissive and slave roles, and of how complete scenes could be created within an hour, to experimenting with girlfriends in dominant and submissive roles: switching places, and dealing with and resolving issues of chosen preferences and of the results of the physical and psychological interactions.

Up until about 1987 my participation in bdsm had been private. I knew that it was more than a preference, so while living in the Seattle area I decided to make the effort, for at least one year, of going public to see if I wanted bdsm to be an active part in My life and if it was a part of My heterosexual orientation, a fully integrated component into what appeared to Me to be an emerging part of My lifestyle, something where I would feel 'at home'. I decided to join some groups in the area: The National Leather Association (headquartered in Seattle at that time) - that ran worldwide conferences in Seattle and Portland, C-Space - a weekly sm educational venue (now defunct), and a bdsm couples play party group.

I continued to read whatever I could get My hands on that appealed to My interests: Master/slave relationships and the techniques of play. I attended classes, seminars, workshops, discussion groups, conferences and play parties - from which to develop and refine the skills and responsibilities to become the Master I originally wanted to be and had felt was natural for Me to become. I applied what I had learned to the training sessions where I taught females to be well-behaved and disciplined slaves where, in addition, I had developed some of My own techniques to teach to others.

I participated in monagamous and polyamorous relationships, enjoying M/s relationships for the short and long term, where I trained females and lived the lifestyle . I taught a two day class on how to train the female slave. I learned to accept and to embrace those of different sexual orientations and play styles while maintaining my own, realizing that I could, without feeling compelled to draw away from them - play, converse and learn in the same space. I branched to participating in events held in Portland, Oregon and in Vancouver, BC. Of course, all this took much more thanjust a year.

The result: I have been in it ever since and have found incredible people through it, many of whom have become lifelong friends and continued acquintances through which to openly share lifestlyes, explore and examine techniques of play, and spend time together in non-bdsm persuits conversing and enjoying life. Being a Master was, indeed, a part of who I am. My involvement in bdsm helped Me to refine My abilities to communicate better with others and to have the M/s relationships where my greatest felt happiness could be realized in ways no vanilla relationship could provide. slaves I have trained kept asking for Me to give them a list of rules from which I had taught them to behave by and hence, those lists turned into the rules that eventually became what you see written here.

Today, I continue to learn, to teach, to train, to play, to build relationships, and to share with others. It is from these experiences that I offer these rules publicly, in magazines and newsletters, at events that I attend, over the Internet and personally, especially to females, who are sorting out who they are, finally putting together the mysterious pieces, fantasies and dreams of their past they didn't understand until now, learning to take whatever steps that are necessary to get to where they will feel more complete and whole, aware and alive inside and out, open and free, 'at home'.

They are for those females who are transitioning from a submissive: a preference explored only in intervals of time outside of a lifestyle, common in a D/s relationship, to a slave: a fully integrated lifestyle where they can commit all of who they are through their submission to a Master, even everyday life, no longer having to repress who they are, but living their need to please Him in every facet of their lives realizing submission and pleasing is a part of their sexual orientation, and that without being able to do so, they would feel lost and without direction.

It is hoped that with these rules, and a good Master, females will get to where they want to be: fully sexual and sensualized, enlightened and empowered, cared for and loved at a depth no vanilla relationship could take them, taken through their fears where they will go again and again, pushed past their limitations, managed, controlled, respected, and owned by a Master, held accountable for their behavior, their boundaries set for them in which to perform their permitted desires and His, being punished and disciplined to set their paths straight after they have confessed their wrongdoings to their Master or have been caught by Him[.]

[female slaves or those becoming slaves will be]
seeking guidance through their surrender to Him to behave in the manner in which He knows and has learned of their potential is to their benefit as well as His - ultimately living a life where they can focus on pleasing and being found pleasing in all that they do, in all their decisions, whether their Master is present or not - knowing that their greatest pleasure can only be felt after their Master has first felt His by drawing it out from them.

[followed by some specific guidelines, for modifying, highlighting and studying the rules]
Hysterical. Loved it Pure.

Pure said:
The Missing Five: Rules 129-133

Through diligent search of the 'net, I have managed to learn the innermost and most secret of the exalted Master John's rules, and humbly hope, in posting them for our study, that I do not offend the ordinances of the One:

129. When the Master enters the room, i shall be in awe of His surpassing splendor.

130. i will burst into song, such as "Jubilate Deo" and "Dominus Christus," upon catching sight of His radiant countenance, and be astonished at the choirs of archangels that attend Him.

131. When He says anything that, to my limited intellect seems foolish, such as "Mulberries are berries, so they can't come from trees." i will do my utmost to be impressed with the unfathomable depth of His genius, and will exert myself to the utmost in praising His Supreme Intelligence.

132. When the Master appears to contradict himself, by saying, for instance "My Bath is too cold" and then "My Bath is too hot" , i will be astonished at His zen-like approach, and realize he proposes such a profound paradox for my miserable enlightenment.

133. When i hear something resembling the passing of wind from the Master's direction, it shall be heard as sweet, mellifluous chimes, and, if any guests are present and should there be any apparent noisome stench which might embarrass His Reverence, i will take responsibility and say,
"O Mighty One, my humble anal orifice, while relaxing excitedly to your name has inadvertently leaked such gasses as might embarrass Your Deific Presence, and [sotto voce] i humbly offer, after you have washed the Royal Posterior, to plug
Thy Royal Asshole with my miserable tongue to prevent further embarrassment to You."

(the humble scribe, pure)
AnelizeDarkEyes said:
*Suppressing a furtive giggle* I would fail SO miserably at this!

The further we got down this list...*giggle turns into gufffaw*


Good thing there's room for all of us in this lifestyle :)


Here, here Anelize. i would have to gladly join you in that failure. Oy vey, much of the list wasn't for me. CRACK me up!!!!!!!!
redelicious said:
"Master" made a few references to what would be considered a meal. In one rule it was his urine and another it was the flow of another menstruating slave (oh please don't make me go back and look these up).

I wonder if his slave is at least allowed a power bar or a multi-vitamin so that she gets the nutrition she will surely need to carry out her duties.

(ok, back to respectful discussion)

*blinks rapidly* You mean the other stuff isn't nutritious? Since it replaced a meal, i thought it MUST be. Heaven's to betsy.
103.i shall gladly make my body available to my Master to be used as furniture: a footstole to rest his weary feet and legs upon, my backside for a table to eat off of, my breasts to hold his wine glass between, and the palms of my hands to be
used to hold a plate of food or other items.

Not even on my perkiest day. :D

111.The end of an evening and the beginning of a day shall always be with a full body whipping and a cock feeding.

I wonder, does Master work for a living? He certainly seems to have a lot of time on his hands.
s'lara said:
*blinks rapidly* You mean the other stuff isn't nutritious? Since it replaced a meal, i thought it MUST be. Heaven's to betsy.

I think this is carrying the concept of a protein shake a bit far!:D
Supposedly the boys need not be left out on this one

120.Should a female slave be assigned to me to suckle my nipples with the goal of my body to produce milk i will allow it so my Master or others can feed from me. i will perform likewise on a female slave.
Some of the refs. for male breast feeding are pretty old, and medical curiosities, or these 'third world' stories where one also hears of magical surgery with the 'knife'. But I can believe hormones would do the job, and that they might be there (stimulated) sometimes in males. We all come from a common matrix (so to say).

Sounds like a plot for one of those fetish stories 'feminization' though I've never read such a story (fiction).

It's an interesting question how much a "Master" may re-shape and re-fashion the 'slaves' body.

Would you be willing, Lark S, after being duly consulted, to undergo, FTM surgery for a domme, (in the manner of P. Califia).

The similar issue of castration or sex change of male 'slaves' is occasionally raised-- saw the former (picture of results) at a website.
Pure said:
Some of the refs. for male breast feeding are pretty old, and medical curiosities, or these 'third world' stories where one also hears of magical surgery with the 'knife'. But I can believe hormones would do the job, and that they might be there (stimulated) sometimes in males. We all come from a common matrix (so to say).

Sounds like a plot for one of those fetish stories 'feminization' though I've never read such a story (fiction).

It's an interesting question how much a "Master" may re-shape and re-fashion the 'slaves' body.

Would you be willing, Lark S, after being duly consulted, to undergo, FTM surgery for a domme, (in the manner of P. Califia).

The similar issue of castration or sex change of male 'slaves' is occasionally raised-- saw the former (picture of results) at a website.

lol yes, I received the link last night in a local leather dyke events mailing list and it made me think of this thread. The answer to your question is NO! :)

Beyond shaving, piercing, marking and other similar body adornments, I have absolutely no interest in changing my body or gender. For the people who may have that desire/need I think it's wonderful (for them) if they incorporate it into their D/s, but personally I would never be moved to even consider surrendering to a Dominant with those overt desires/needs. Mistress isn't sexually interested in butch women or men, so it's a good fit that way - She would never allow it, much less desire it. The milking thing is too connected to motherhood in my mind, which appeals to neither of us, so I doubt it would ever come up in our relationship or play on any serious level.

Not to slight those who wish to, but I have always been of the mindset that I can do and be whoever I want in the body I was born in, exactly as is it. I am also not limited by the stereotypes or expectations of my gender, and playing with those on either side of the fence has never been of much interest to me. I'm a woman - if that doesn't appeal, move on. ;)

Would you consider it?
Rules vs Limits

This one seemed strange to me as well:

3.Place the rules at a level where you can read them.
4.Read all of the rules out loud in a soft, but held back tone - as if to do soquietly in a confessional manner. you may read them several times over a periodof a few days if you desire - at least once a day is required for a period of at least3 days before making your selections.
5.After your first few days of reading in the proper position find a placecomfortable to sit at (you may be in your kneeling position - a relaxed one withtoes curled back behind you) and start the process of your rules selection.
6.Using a number system or colored felt pens select your rules in whole or inpart as to:
1.Will do.
2.Want to do.
3.Won't do.
4.Questionable or problematic.
5.Need to do.

(you may also rewrite, change words or add to each rule, and even add to the listif you wish)


The submissive is "selecting her rules"? I can see setting her own limits, but I have never been allowed to select and/or add to the rules I am given. Perhaps this is meant as more of a negotiation tool of limits through agreed upon rules, but there are certainly more concise documents to exchange and examine limits and play compatability.

Rule vs Limits used as such:

rule n.
A usual, customary, or generalized course of action or behavior.
A generalized statement that describes what is true in most or all cases.

lim·it n.
The point, edge, or line beyond which something cannot or may not proceed.
Informal. One that approaches or exceeds certain limits, as of credibility, forbearance, or acceptability.
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Pure said:
{from Arcanum Johannem Sanctorum:}

Regarding the feeding of slaves, the misimpression may have been given that Master J is less than attentive to proper nutrition. In fact he does indeed supervise and account for the ingestion of correct nutrition, according to mammalian standards, and is happy to supply the recipe below for use, provided proper credit is given....

and so on and so fourth...

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rituals vs. Rules

Ebonyfire said:
It is obvious to Me that you have a problem. Perhaps you are a racist?

Do not like black women? Whatever your problem take it to someone who cares, Bondage Boobi

very insightful, think you could have condensed that to ONE POST
[/hyjack] (yes i know i spelled that wrong)

sorry for the inconvenient thread hijacking..or hyjacking...or however that's spelled...just had to say that...back to your regularly scheduled discussion.
BB wrote about a slave power bar recipe:


You mean you don't revere the master's bodily fluids?

PS. In case it's just the brand, I have it on good authority that IAMS dry may be substituted for Purina.