Sappy Romantic Chain Story Idea - Medieval Theme

Tomorrow I'm going to try and begin to repair the story. I'll send folks that wrote it the missing chapters if they want them; I have to work as if I don't know what hers were so I don't plagiarize and I have to work with knowing what she wrote, so I can blend everything from her chapters in so it still fits with the ones written after. I know I can do it, I just want anyone willing to "spot check" for me to let me know via PM or post. Thanks all. :)
I'm running Ch. 8 though a couple edits and then I'll submit it tonight. I think it will fit well into the story and will work on Ch. 13 later this afternoon. The story flowed so well each chapter into the next that I think having the puzzle complete will be another great reward and I look forward to seeing new readers brought in because the next chapter will all appear "new" in the story board. I wouldn't want to do this for any other chains though, it's a bit tedious. lol
Good news!

I'm just too buried in my ongoing stories. Too far behind as it is. :(

Plenty of time for a read, though, if you want someone else to take a look before you post it.
Thanks again for editing suggestions, they were put to good use. :) The story has been submitted so we'll see when it slides into the boards. I'll most likely finish up Ch. 13 sometime tomorrow (which begins in 2 min. here).
I just sent you a couple of PMs. I found where I'd originally started writing Ch. 19 before I had to bow out of the chain because my muse went flitting off on me.

I got inspired *laugh*

I've read back through the couple of chapters before and after, and I'm moving right along from where I left off so long ago. It will probably take me couple of days, but I think I can fill in that last missing chapter.
Up to 3k words before a certain child decided to get loud enough to make the environment around here not conductive to writing :p



Just stuck with using Guy as my central image because that's the pattern on the other two covers. This chapter isn't anywhere near as Guy-centric as my other two in the chain. Evie, John, Benedict, and Murial are going to get as much time as he does, while Bagdemagus, Drest, and Cedric get a few moments here and there.

Get back at it once I get this child down for the night. I'm guessing it's probably going to end up somewhere in the 6-7k word range, in order to cover all the missing elements that are mentioned in later chapters.

Once I finish it, I'll read back through the whole chain from start to finish, including your new chapters ( either on the site or the copies you sent me ) to make sure everything flows smoothly and we didn't miss any points along the way.

Then I'll send it off to you for a look before sending it off for editing and finally restoring the chain to completion for the first time in a long time :)
Looks and sounds good. :D Thanks for commenting on the new chapter for the old chain. lol - I'm posting a link to it in the first post and the missing 13th chapter should be on Lit. soon as well.

Up to 3k words before a certain child decided to get loud enough to make the environment around here not conductive to writing :p



Just stuck with using Guy as my central image because that's the pattern on the other two covers. This chapter isn't anywhere near as Guy-centric as my other two in the chain. Evie, John, Benedict, and Murial are going to get as much time as he does, while Bagdemagus, Drest, and Cedric get a few moments here and there.

Get back at it once I get this child down for the night. I'm guessing it's probably going to end up somewhere in the 6-7k word range, in order to cover all the missing elements that are mentioned in later chapters.

Once I finish it, I'll read back through the whole chain from start to finish, including your new chapters ( either on the site or the copies you sent me ) to make sure everything flows smoothly and we didn't miss any points along the way.

Then I'll send it off to you for a look before sending it off for editing and finally restoring the chain to completion for the first time in a long time :)
Two scenes left, and a run back through to spice it up. Just need to have Guy deliver some lines at the meeting that are mentioned in later chapters, and get Benny out of the hole.

Should have the initial draft done before the weekend is over, then I'll get to reading back through the whole chain again to double-check the replacement chapters for anything that we may have missed and smooth flow.
Two scenes left, and a run back through to spice it up. Just need to have Guy deliver some lines at the meeting that are mentioned in later chapters, and get Benny out of the hole.

Should have the initial draft done before the weekend is over, then I'll get to reading back through the whole chain again to double-check the replacement chapters for anything that we may have missed and smooth flow.

In all honesty you have the hardest chapter to write; I'm really glad you found the parts you did and were able to recall the key details. I know I would have fallen short on Ch. 19.
I didn't at first. I had to read the couple of chapters before and after at least twice before it fell into place and I heard a "DING!" in my head, recalling enough of what happened in the original chapter to write the same events from my own perspective. ( Plus a few of my own )

Having my original opening was nice, too :D

I really remember little of how those events happened -- only that they happened. So, I shouldn't be taking much from the original chapter beyond that.
The first draft is officially done, clocking in at 4,877 words prior to editing and tweaking.

I'll start the process of reading back through the chain later today. Odds are that I'll have it ready to send out to you this evening, and that's the final step before getting it out to my editor.
The final replacement chapter, #19, is in the queue. At present turnaround, that should put it out around Monday or Tuesday.

Then, the story will finally be complete again :)