Sappy Romantic Chain Story Idea - Medieval Theme

Hey all...

I need to pull completely out of this right now. I have no desire to write, as you all probably guessed with my absence from Lit. It's nothing personal with anyone here or even here at home, but I don't feel very musey (if that's a word).

If anyone on the chain wishes to take over and run it then I encourage you to do so. My feelings will not be hurt in anyway whatsoever. I apologize to everyone. I know that all was left was the marriage/potential marriage of our lovely Queen, but even that muse is buried at the moment.


I know it's been a long time. :rose:

I'm not sure if anyone cares or not, but I feel compelled to finish this story. I'll be working on the final chapter this week and see if I can do everyone's hard work justice after such a long absence.

I attend school four days a week now and have the evenings off, so I feel I can complete this chain. One story at a time, until the muse feels ready to dive into more.


Thank you everyone. :kiss:
Looking forward to it, and glad to have you back :rose:

I might even be ressurecting the Laresa thread at some point. I've had the conclusion of Ch. 10 explaining what happened to the ring when it was stolen from James and how it moved on to end up in the desert for Matthew to find floating around in my head for quite some time.

One of these days, I'm going to write the dadgum thing *laugh*
Thank you Dark. :)

There is so much left here at Lit. that is uncompleted and I wish I could do it all. But I will do one at a time. I'm reading the chapters now, and am up to three. I do think that I will read the last one next and then go back to three, that way while I'm reading I'll have an idea of the final will feel.

I love Laresa and will forever hold that chain as a favorite.
What a surprise it was to find this on the front page! Reading back through some of the posts brought back some memories. It was a fun chain, Red, and I want to thank you again for hatching the idea.

Wow... Cedric sure did grow up a lot between Chapter 1 and Chapter 22, didn't he. :)

He did, didn't he? Funny -- he didn't start as the hero he eventually became. I remember thinking John was going to be the hero of the day, but Cedric turned out to take the mantle. I guess the turning point came with Rebecca's character. She became a strange focal point for all of Bagdemagus' plans.

Any ideas on writing something similar? I wouldn't mind being another despicable bad guy . . . :devil:
What a surprise it was to find this on the front page! Reading back through some of the posts brought back some memories. It was a fun chain, Red, and I want to thank you again for hatching the idea.

He did, didn't he? Funny -- he didn't start as the hero he eventually became. I remember thinking John was going to be the hero of the day, but Cedric turned out to take the mantle. I guess the turning point came with Rebecca's character. She became a strange focal point for all of Bagdemagus' plans.

Any ideas on writing something similar? I wouldn't mind being another despicable bad guy . . . :devil:

Thank you. :) It was a pleasure writing with you and everyone else. It became a great story and I do hope to do justice with this final chapter.

Cedric started out as a simple young lad who was probably a bit smitten with Evelyn and in the beginning I didn't know if she would end up with him, Benedict or Drest. It was certainly fun to see it all come together.

I'll let you know when I am ready for a new chain story. I don't want to commit to anything right now, but to try and work on this first, then possibly return to Kismet as well as finish the final chapter to the Princess chain I had started. It too was very close to completion. I left so much behind and I would like to "clean" up the all the unfinished edges of my work.

Right now I've got 900 words down for this final chapter, which may not sound like much, but for me, having not submitted anything to Lit. since April 2008, is a lot. lol
It seems as I was away maharat48 disappeared from Lit. I do hope whatever caused her to leave was not something that was horrible. :( I was reading the chapters and the link to Chapter 8 was no longer valid, and Chapter 8 is also no longer available to read on Lit. I do have a copy of it in my own files, so I'll be able to read it that way. Again, I do hope she's okay.

Edited to add: 5 pages and 2,444 words thus far. . .
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*long sigh, but a content one*

I'm almost done with this final chapter. When it is done, if someone from the group is willing to take a gander at it, I'd appreciate it. I am still reading through the past chapters as I continue this one, and if I find something that needs changed I'll go back and do so in my chapter.

It looks to be a sweet, sexual and very romantic finish for our Evelyn, and Sappy, just like the title of the thread suggested it would be. :eek:

Thanks everyone. :kiss: I may have it done tomorrow evening after my Math class. There is a Sci-fi movie playing in the background and it's a tad bit distracting, sorta killin' the "make love to me" mood Evelyn and Drest are going for. :D
any chance of seeing the whole thing (ch 8 included?) sometime ?

All but 2 chapters are available at Lit. and can be easily reached by going to the first thread of this chain, they are listed there. Sadly Ch. 8 and Ch. 13 are the ones that were pulled. I do not feel comfortable sharing maharat's work with someone that was not involved in producing the chain, when she is not here to grant that permission. Sorry.
I've submitted the last chapter just a minute or two ago, so here's to crossing fingers in hopes I did it right, it being so long since I submitted anything. Though I'm 99.9 % sure it'll work. lol :D
RVC'd, and :D from ear to ear.

Yours too, slyc. I can't believe I missed it. The comment says it all, but I'll say again that I love the way you handled Guy.
RVC'd, and :D from ear to ear.

Yours too, slyc. I can't believe I missed it. The comment says it all, but I'll say again that I love the way you handled Guy.

I'm glad you were still here to see the end, and sorry it took so long. :kiss: Thank you for taking the journey with all of us. :)
Always a pleasure, Red. You know that if another idea pops into your head, I'll be looking in to see if I have anything to offer :rose:

Thank you. :) I really think my future chains will be on hold until I finish the two I have left. One more just needs a chapter (maybe two from me) to be completed on my end, then the other writers can (if they want) finish their own characters stories. I left so much unfinished.
Thanks so very much for the PM that came through to my email and letting me know about this and thanks for the congrats. :)

Most of all thanks to you and everyone that wrote in that chain story. It was such a wonderful story and everyone contributed so much time, character, and passion into each chapter that I was thrilled to work with everyone, and looked forward to every chapter. :kiss:

Congratulations Red!

Best Chain Story:
** TIE VOTE!! **
A Royal Sacrifice Ch. 23 / RedHairedandFriendly
- AND -
The Set: Heat of Hydration / Algonquin Twit
Also Nominated:
Dressed Up Ch. 01 / vampyd
The Set: Union Files a Grievance / Bakeboss
Virtual Reality: Left 4 Dead / Sean Renaud
Hello folks. . . :)

I received an email from a reader this morning asking about one of the missing chapters to the chain. We have 3 total chapters that are missing because one of our writers pulled hers - maharat - I do have 2 of the 3 on file, but I won't submit those without her permission - IF anyone knows how to reach her please PM me and I'll give you my email address and perhaps you can send it on to her.

If however no one knows how to reach her and any of the former writers on the chain wish to go back and re-write the chapters that are missing, this too is an option. I know I and one other writer are willing if no one else wishes to, but I want everyone to have the opportunity presented to them if they wish to take a stab at it. So for those that wrote in the chain, the entire time, wish to partake please PM me.


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