Say Something

Glad you liked it. I only wish more people would join. :) *wink wink, nudge nudge*

You got me. Although to the general populus the language is also known as Slovak. :)

So sneaky of those aliens to use one of our own languages against us. :D

Seela suggested I post this, so why not *shrug* it's short, but it'll do.

And for the record Seela, your French is not bad at all.

Thank you, I love hearing people's voices! And what a great voice you have!

And now I'm 100% sure you do not sound robotic at all. :D

Also thanks for what you said about my French. It's really quite horrific, but French is just one language and one that I've only studied for a few months and only on my own, so I'm not too worried about it being sucky. It's a bit embarrassing to have the recording out there, but I'll live.

Maybe I should post a new recording in German though, because now it's leaps and bounds better than it was when I last posted. At least my grammar is. My pronunciation in all languages is still as choppy as always (although I think my accent in German is better than in any other foreign language I speak).
I'm so happy this thread has been revived. I was literally JUST thinking it would be nice to have a voice thread in the bdsm fora ... and here it is!

More voices!
If you had any idea how seductive you sound, you'd be dangerous. :heart:

Aww thanks. Once when I tried to have phone sex, the guy thought I was a guy pretending to be a girl based on my voice. So much for the seduction. One of the bigger traumas in my life. :rolleyes: Haven't tried phone sex since so my experiences with phone sex and sexy talk in general can be counted with the fingers of a single hand. :D

But where's your voice sample? :)