September Film Challenge 🎬

Day 18: Favourite ending — Usual Suspects. (But only the first time you see it. Every other subsequent viewing - and there will be many - is chasing that original high and mind-fuck.)
Day 18: A movie with your favorite ending.

This is an odd choice, maybe, but the only ending to a film I've seen in the theatre where the entire audience collectively went "vad i helvete (what the hell)" and gasped so hard I thought we'd all suffocate, is SAW.

Say what you will about the torture-porn subgenre of slashers, they're gory and fucked up, but holy shit what an incredible twist it was. EVERYONE was buzzing about it on the way out. Considering how good the special effects were for such a low budget flick, and how awful the gore was, nobody said a word about it - it was all about that one story element.

You know the one.

Day 19: Mr Belvedere Goes to College

I've always loved the character of Mr. Belvedere in these movies. He could do anything!

Day 19 -- a movie with your favourite character. (I used Mad Max 2 / Road Warrior a few days ago for something else in this list, so I'll say Mad Max: Fury Road for this one... but the picture is still from Road Warrior. Iconic.)

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