Service Variations

it is the simple gestures that mean the most to Me..the above and beyond the call to duty considerations.

When I am in a cranky mood My toy will arrive at My feet with a foot bath...he will spend an hour or more attending to the relaxation of My feet as he keeps quiet. I adore this mini intrusion into My Bitch mood and generally I am much easier to get along with very quickly.

I know that he does not give Me this pleasure out of ass kissing but because he genuinely wishes to soothe My mood without asking for My attention. I also know it is a way to be close to Me without asking for anything in return other than My appreciation of his need to please.
on the phone last night..

Master told me that it was the "pride" i showed Him when I accepted my collar from Him that really impressed Him so I cant help but feeling that as subs we really need to display a "loving attitude" in the pride we should have at serving our Dom/mes with whatever service we are performing for's all in the "tude" ,dude..:D

side note:Shadowsdream? is that YOU in your avy? awesome as hell (You Scare me) looking all Dominant and all lol...:rose:
Re: on the phone last night..

Artful's dream said:
Master told me that it was the "pride" i showed Him when I accepted my collar from Him that really impressed Him so I cant help but feeling that as subs we really need to display a "loving attitude" in the pride we should have at serving our Dom/mes with whatever service we are performing for's all in the "tude" ,dude..:D

side note:Shadowsdream? is that YOU in your avy? awesome as hell (You Scare me) looking all Dominant and all lol...:rose:

Yes dream...My avs are always Me..scarey you say?
Hmmm I do hear a lot of that! ~~~grin~~~
Re: Re: on the phone last night..

Shadowsdream said:

Yes dream...My avs are always Me..scarey you say?
Hmmm I do hear a lot of that! ~~~grin~~~

I don't think you are scarey!

Beautiful, yes!
No nonsense, yes!
Real, yes! but scary? Nah!

Re: Re: Re: on the phone last night..

Ebonyfire said:

I don't think you are scarey!

Beautiful, yes!
No nonsense, yes!
Real, yes! but scary? Nah!


Damn! I knew there was going to be a hold out!

~~grin~~ but thank You..thank You..thank You and shhhh don't tell!
Dedication of Talent(s)

James Blandings said:
That was incredible, to have someone dedicatea part of their talent to you.

This statement caught my eye again this morning, so I thought I would bring it up.

I would think that all subs have talents of one kind or another, as do Dominants.

So, I think that when a submissive dedicates their talent to his/her Dom/me, it would be considered one of the highest categories of service to be offered.

Any comments?

Re: Re: Re: on the phone last night..

Ebonyfire said:

I don't think you are scarey!

Beautiful, yes!
No nonsense, yes!
Real, yes! but scary? Nah!



easy for You to say, Ms Ebony, because a kinship manifested in professional courtesy towards other Dominants may keep the bite of Mistress Shadowsdream's whip away from YOUR skin........

...........butt what about us poor defenseless subbie creatures????:D

:: shivers as he could swear he heard the distinct voice of Mistress SD calling from on high: "be VERY afraid"!! ::
Re: Dedication of Talent(s)

Ebonyfire said:

This statement caught my eye again this morning, so I thought I would bring it up.

I would think that all subs have talents of one kind or another, as do Dominants.

So, I think that when a submissive dedicates their talent to his/her Dom/me, it would be considered one of the highest categories of service to be offered.

Any comments?


I agree completely Eb

A talent shared is a special gift
Re: Re: Re: Re: on the phone last night..

luvsubbbbb said:


easy for You to say, Ms Ebony, because a kinship manifested in professional courtesy towards other Dominants may keep the bite of Mistress Shadowsdream's whip away from YOUR skin........

...........butt what about us poor defenseless subbie creatures????:D

:: shivers as he could swear he heard the distinct voice of Mistress SD calling from on high: "be VERY afraid"!! ::

My goodness you have incredible hearing!

luvsubbbbb said:


easy for You to say, Ms Ebony, because a kinship manifested in professional courtesy towards other Dominants may keep the bite of Mistress Shadowsdream's whip away from YOUR skin........

...........butt what about us poor defenseless subbie creatures????:D

:: shivers as he could swear he heard the distinct voice of Mistress SD calling from on high: "be VERY afraid"!! ::
You're not just whistlin Dixie there luvsubb as I probably just 'pissed off' SD on Master's "control" thread(hides in fear) behind luvsubbb..uh would it help any if I said You are scary& Beautiful Mistress Shadows?(I already thought the 2nd part) anyways far as the 'bite" of a whip tho,Luv,I'd probably "ENJOY' that too much (ask Master) hehe..If I wanna feel a very honest respectable "fear" of Dom/mes I can there!! Eb? there;'s no way you can understand unless you are sittin in OUR shoes sweety!!:eek: :rose:
Re: Re: Re: Re: on the phone last night..

luvsubbbbb said:


easy for You to say, Ms Ebony, because a kinship manifested in professional courtesy towards other Dominants may keep the bite of Mistress Shadowsdream's whip away from YOUR skin........

...........butt what about us poor defenseless subbie creatures????:D

:: shivers as he could swear he heard the distinct voice of Mistress SD calling from on high: "be VERY afraid"!! ::


if you met me, you would know that no one would ever come near me with a whip. I do not even look whippable.

Eb <chuckling>

Artful's dream said:

You're not just whistlin Dixie there luvsubb as I probably just 'pissed off' SD on Master's "control" thread(hides in fear) behind luvsubbb..uh would it help any if I said You are scary& Beautiful Mistress Shadows?(I already thought the 2nd part) anyways far as the 'bite" of a whip tho,Luv,I'd probably "ENJOY' that too much (ask Master) hehe..If I wanna feel a very honest respectable "fear" of Dom/mes I can there!! Eb? there;'s no way you can understand unless you are sittin in OUR shoes sweety!!:eek: :rose:

uh huh that is helpful ~~grin~~

Artful's dream said:
Eb? there;'s no way you can understand unless you are sittin in OUR shoes sweety!!:eek: :rose:

Dream, have you been asleep? I have posted several times that I started this lifestyle as a sub.

So do not patronize Me.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: on the phone last night..

Ebonyfire said:


if you met me, you would know that no one would ever come near me with a whip. I do not even look whippable.

Eb <chuckling>

Sure I would...then We could stand back to back..each with Our favourite whip in hand..take ten paces into the sunset...turn...walk warily closer and closer closing the distance..menace in our eyes..then turning on a dime We would both simutaniously whip the crap out of the sub tied to the hitching post with the pony bridle. Turning back to face each other as We shake subbie sweat off of the falls of Our whips..and walk sedately to the saloon to share a whiskey!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: on the phone last night..

Shadowsdream said:

Sure I would...then We could stand back to back..each with Our favourite whip in hand..take ten paces into the sunset...turn...walk warily closer and closer closing the distance..menace in our eyes..then turning on a dime We would both simutaniously whip the crap out of the sub tied to the hitching post with the pony bridle. Turning back to face each other as We shake subbie sweat off of the falls of Our whips..and walk sedately to the saloon to share a whiskey!

Oh yeah, I forgot about that! You got me there! ROTFLMAO!

So what whip should I buy for my visit to Sweden?

Re: Re: Re: Re: on the phone last night..

luvsubbbbb said:
...........butt what about us poor defenseless subbie creatures????:D


Nice try luvsub, but unless you are like Mini-Me, I have yet to meet a poor defenseless male sub. My boys aren't.

Try again.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: on the phone last night..

Shadowsdream said:

Sure I would...then We could stand back to back..each with Our favourite whip in hand..take ten paces into the sunset...turn...walk warily closer and closer closing the distance..menace in our eyes..then turning on a dime We would both simutaniously whip the crap out of the sub tied to the hitching post with the pony bridle. Turning back to face each other as We shake subbie sweat off of the falls of Our whips..and walk sedately to the saloon to share a whiskey!

::chuckles loudly:: a win-win-win situation if i ever saw one !!

The Mistresses BOTH get to show off their "MARKS-manship" and drink about it afterwards!

Mistress Ebony proves Her point at being "un-whippable".....

And some lucky pain-slut (dream??) gets some incredible souvenirs to show off to all her friends!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: on the phone last night..

Ebonyfire said:

Oh yeah, I forgot about that! You got me there! ROTFLMAO!

So what whip should I buy for my visit to Sweden?


Get something in red...the blood won't show!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: on the phone last night..

Shadowsdream said:

Get something in red...the blood won't show!

Good point!


Re: Dedication of Talent(s)

Ebonyfire said:

This statement caught my eye again this morning, so I thought I would bring it up.

I would think that all subs have talents of one kind or another, as do Dominants.

So, I think that when a submissive dedicates their talent to his/her Dom/me, it would be considered one of the highest categories of service to be offered.

Any comments?


My sub was a professional classical musician, a clarinetist. When she would play for me, it was a touching demonstration of her devotion, but at the same time, it made me appreciate the fact that a good dominant, in my view, strives not to smother a sub with their control, but to use that control to bring out those talents and characteristics that make that person so special. I can not approach her skills, I can not even understand how she made the beautiful sounds she did, but I could help her reach the place in her life where that talent can bloom to it's full potential. So to me, her playing for me demonstrated not only her devotion, but also illustrated for me that DS is all about mutual nurturing.
Re: Re: Dedication of Talent(s)

James Blandings said:

My sub was a professional classical musician, a clarinetist. When she would play for me, it was a touching demonstration of her devotion, but at the same time, it made me appreciate the fact that a good dominant, in my view, strives not to smother a sub with their control, but to use that control to bring out those talents and characteristics that make that person so special. I can not approach her skills, I can not even understand how she made the beautiful sounds she did, but I could help her reach the place in her life where that talent can bloom to it's full potential. So to me, her playing for me demonstrated not only her devotion, but also illustrated for me that DS is all about mutual nurturing.

Wonderful post , James.

I find the concept of dedicating a talent as service absolutely incredible.

Hypothetical situation:

You have a sub who has an incredible gift, say, for writing, but doesn't acknowledge that gift. I realize that as a Dom/me you would guide your sub into accepting this talent and guiding him/her towards acknowledging this talent in themselves.

How would you work this in to a service situation?

Don't mind me, curiousity is one of my more annoying traits.
I don't know how I missed this thread the first time around.

Himself loves to have his skin touched.... not massaged but touched and to have those touches vary from the lightest of touches with my fingernails to stroking with my finger tips.

Then there are the feet... he loves to have me kiss and lick the bottom of his feet and rub them over my breasts. He also loves it when I suck his toes.... He finds all of that so erotic.

He also loves it when I touch him when he is driving. We hold hands where ever we are. And I always stroke his hands and arm when we drive.

And one other thing he loves, besides washing him in the bathtub... he loves for me to lick him dry...

There is also the usual things like taking his clothes off, putting them back on...

And of course the oral services go without saying.... *grins*
Azzy said:
I find the concept of dedicating a talent as service absolutely incredible.

Hypothetical situation:

You have a sub who has an incredible gift, say, for writing, but doesn't acknowledge that gift. I realize that as a Dom/me you would guide your sub into accepting this talent and guiding him/her towards acknowledging this talent in themselves.

How would you work this in to a service situation?

Don't mind me, curiousity is one of my more annoying traits.

Well Service is many times thought of as being domestic task, with a negative connotation. That is not always the case.

I like to think of some kinds of services as a sub using his or her talents to bring joy to his or her dominant. Contributing to the relationship in a manner that is pleasing to both.

Azzy said:
Hypothetical situation:

You have a sub who has an incredible gift, say, for writing, but doesn't acknowledge that gift. I realize that as a Dom/me you would guide your sub into accepting this talent and guiding him/her towards acknowledging this talent in themselves.

How would you work this in to a service situation?

One way would be the requirement to write a daily journal. Another way could be to have that sub write a scene, or even a short story to post on one of many literary sites.
