Seven delusions plaguing the mind of the Trump base voter

I don't need a third alt because I'm not hiding what I'm doing here. Your obsession with me is getting really creepy.
Every single day
And every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I'll be watching you
Oh, can't you see
You belong to me?
GN TH. I love you.
I’m too old now.
Too settled in my ways.
But in another time and place know that I would have you paying me to humiliate you rather than currently doing it for free. 😘
GN TH. I love you.
I’m too old now.
Too settled in my ways.
But in another time and place know that I would have you paying me to humiliate you rather than currently doing it for free. 😘
More deluded behavior.
Still asking, what is this viable left wing alternative?
For now, it's voting for the most left-wing option, like Jill Stein.

What is that link for, exactly? I was thinking most of all in economic terms, not racial terms. Bill Clinton in the 1990s was passing through NAFTA and attacking welfare. He betrayed the working class of America, building on Reaganism rather than ending it. A lot of workers, especially in the rust belt, seethed for years, and a lot of them saw Trump mention them in 2016. The Democrats abandoned and sacrificed them, pivoting towards what they believed was a winnable coalition of "racial minorities", "middle class with college degrees" blah, blah, blah. A load of culture stuff to distract from the economical situation of the working class and the poorest, with the richest get richer.

If the current polls of Trump currently having 22% of the black vote hold true in 11 months time, then that rather harms the Democratic coalition going forward. 22% of the black vote would be the best Republican performance in a presidential election among that demographic since Nixon in 1960. It isn't hard to see why he's got this poll reading. A lot of them see Trump being persecuted by the legal authorities, something that they know only too well.
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No you can't. That's the thing. I'm standing in factual reality.

You think Trump took a hard stand on Putin. That's factually and demonstrably false.
Define "hard stand". For Biden, that seems to be spending billions and billions of our federal taxes on proxy wars in far away lands. Even worse, it seems to mean Biden being utterly delusional as to the real situation on the battlefield, or treating us (the public) as if we're clueless. Russia currently controls all the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper river, as well as controlling Crimea and most of the Donbass. In February 2022, before the invasion, Russia only controlled Crimea, while the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics only controlled parts of the Donbass. Yet any suggestion that Russia isn't losing gets ridiculed by the Biden administration. The Russians currently control much more land than they did when the war started, and have gone into defensive mode, playing the waiting game. Meanwhile, Biden has gotten us involved in another war, with Israel/Palestine, and sending billions of our taxes there too. He's also planning another such war, against China.
Ugh! Just when I think I’m out, they keep pulling me back in!

There’s gotta be an article, right, on the listed delusions plaguing the minds of 3rd party voters?
Here is your task. Because I am not in the cult of Joe Biden. I am more than willing to hear an alternative. Tell me why I should vote for Jill Stein? Tell me her platform. Tell me how she is going to convince either of the 50 senators on both aisles to follow through with her agenda.
Ugh! Just when I think I’m out, they keep pulling me back in!

There’s gotta be an article, right, on the listed delusions plaguing the minds of 3rd party voters?
How about Democratic voters? Compare how they criticized Dubya compared to Obama. Compare how they criticized Trump compared to Biden. Do they know that Obama selected people to die by drone almost every Tuesday, and that he started the "Pivot to Asia" to surround China with US military bases from every direction? That John Pilger movie from 2016 "The Coming War on China" was very eye opening indeed.

Here is your task. Because I am not in the cult of Joe Biden. I am more than willing to hear an alternative. Tell me why I should vote for Jill Stein?
I'm voting for Jill Stein because I support her policies most, and I don't support most of Joe Biden's policies. It's as simple as that. I'd rather vote for what I want and not get it, than vote for what I don't want and get it.

Here is your task. Because I am not in the cult of Joe Biden. I am more than willing to hear an alternative. Tell me why I should vote for Jill Stein? Tell me her platform.
In 2016, in brief, Stein's platform was:

A Green New Deal
Jobs as a Right
End Poverty
Healthcare as a Right
Education as a Right
A Just Economy
Protect Mother Earth
Racial Justice Now
Freedom and Equality
Justice for All
Peace and Human Rights
Empower the People

And on top of Stein's platform, her views on Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Palestine are very similar to mine, and she's held stronger and firmer under pressure compared to Sanders.

What were Trump and Clinton offering in comparison? Trump was claiming he'd bring back the industrial jobs, with limited success at best, but seemed to try a bit (unlike his predecessors going back to Reagan), while Clinton was more concerned with attacking Sanders and then avoiding the blue wall swing states. Sanders could have challenged Trump on policies, and kept personal attacks to a minimum as much as possible. As Clinton agreed with Trump on the fundamental matters, their "debates" would inevitably be full of personal insults and circus drama.
I can’t believe that you do not see the flaws in the things that you just posted. 2016? 2016! I am and possibly others are looking at this conversation, and all you did was lay out vanilla platitudes. Give me the pitch! Convince me to buy your product. See! This is my main anger with you. You just came here to criticize Adrina, but tomorrow you will be on her side supporting a woman’s bodily autonomy. A Jill Stein candidacy comes nowhere close to protecting abortion rights. So in essence, you are a depending on Adrina and the likes of dumb fucks like me to continue insuring that right. I know too many minorities and people in the LGBTQ community, I know too many women to waste my vote away on a pipe dream.
8. fake christian. remember when asked what his favorite bible verse was and he said, "all of them."??

How about Democratic voters? Compare how they criticized Dubya compared to Obama. Compare how they criticized Trump compared to Biden. Do they know that Obama selected people to die by drone almost every Tuesday, and that he started the "Pivot to Asia" to surround China with US military bases from every direction? That John Pilger movie from 2016 "The Coming War on China" was very eye opening indeed.

I'm voting for Jill Stein because I support her policies most, and I don't support most of Joe Biden's policies. It's as simple as that. I'd rather vote for what I want and not get it, than vote for what I don't want and get it.

In 2016, in brief, Stein's platform was:

A Green New Deal
Jobs as a Right
End Poverty
Healthcare as a Right
Education as a Right
A Just Economy
Protect Mother Earth
Racial Justice Now
Freedom and Equality
Justice for All
Peace and Human Rights
Empower the People

And on top of Stein's platform, her views on Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Palestine are very similar to mine, and she's held stronger and firmer under pressure compared to Sanders.

What were Trump and Clinton offering in comparison? Trump was claiming he'd bring back the industrial jobs, with limited success at best, but seemed to try a bit (unlike his predecessors going back to Reagan), while Clinton was more concerned with attacking Sanders and then avoiding the blue wall swing states. Sanders could have challenged Trump on policies, and kept personal attacks to a minimum as much as possible. As Clinton agreed with Trump on the fundamental matters, their "debates" would inevitably be full of personal insults and circus drama.
I actually kinda like you. In a perfect world, there’s not much I’d disagree with you on. You are just not willing to get your hands dirty. American politics demands that today. I have said this before but I am going to post it again just for you because I don’t want to only criticize. I want to back up my hopes with real solutions.

I’m frustrated with libertarians, green partiers, and independents. IMO, money is the obstacle for a 3rd party and that manifests itself in money being a legalized form of speech, corporations considered as people, and no foreseeable plan for campaign finance reform. This suffocates appealing to your constituents. One of the two parties advocates for this though, yes, both reap corporate donations.
Rank choice voting is, imo, the most immediate and viable way for those with alternative voices to gain influence. I’ve seen no republican keen to this type of voting or a change in our monetized voting system. So, instead of trying to build from the bottom up and be crushed, as a democrat, I suggest those with an independent streak use the already established D party. Be a parasite. The process may be slow but take a cue from Christian conservatives and the federalist society and have a long term plan as they did for the Supreme Court. None of the things greenies or independents want to accomplish have a starting point or welcoming ear in the Republican Party. Leech off of the Democratic Party or continue off in the distance being a fallen tree in the forest. Here, on this board and in the public body, it is quite apparent being contrarian for the sake of selfishness is better than actually getting anything done.
Why not fuck off and block me if you don't like what I do? I'm not here to please your every sick whim and desire.

By the way, I never stopped using either name. Sorry you couldn't keep up.
Oh I have had that one blocked for a long time and will follow suit here…

Why do you wrong wing nut jobs need multiple user names all the time?

Just be who you are…

That is the real fraud, and why almost every proven case of voter fraud in 2020 was on the conservative side. (I say almost every because there is bound to be one on the other side, I just haven’t seen it, and it hasn’t been shown here besides the constant whining that it exists)

Is it because you are wrong about so many issues and you want to create the appearance you might have some semblance of an argument because there is someone who “agrees” with you….only to find that it is you.

So put on your tagline… “artist currently known as trailertrash, just hoping ______________.” Will let you come up with what goes in the blank.

Only positive is that you admit to doing it, unlike the rest of the wrong wing brigade that is constantly looking for traction (or just gets banned from saying things wrong all the time).

Have a great day.
A Green New Deal
Jobs as a Right
End Poverty
Healthcare as a Right
Education as a Right
A Just Economy
Protect Mother Earth
Racial Justice Now
Freedom and Equality
Justice for All
Peace and Human Rights
Empower the People

Help me make sense of these general, pointless statements.
You find a bottle, rub it, and the Genie gives you 3 wishes:

A car? Granted! Matchbox.
A doll? Granted! A sock filled with sand.
A trip around the world? And a globe suddenly appears at your feet.
Oh I have had that one blocked for a long time and will follow suit here…

Why do you wrong wing nut jobs need multiple user names all the time?

Just be who you are…

That is the real fraud, and why almost every proven case of voter fraud in 2020 was on the conservative side. (I say almost every because there is bound to be one on the other side, I just haven’t seen it, and it hasn’t been shown here besides the constant whining that it exists)

Is it because you are wrong about so many issues and you want to create the appearance you might have some semblance of an argument because there is someone who “agrees” with you….only to find that it is you.

So put on your tagline… “artist currently known as trailertrash, just hoping ______________.” Will let you come up with what goes in the blank.

Only positive is that you admit to doing it, unlike the rest of the wrong wing brigade that is constantly looking for traction (or just gets banned from saying things wrong all the time).

Have a great day.
Nice play on artist formerly known as.
Nice play on artist formerly known as.
Just boggles the mind, but they all seem to do it. Get blocked or just realize they are all ignored so they want to be heard with their vile garbage so make a new name.

This one is trying to play both, maybe he needs to make sure his meds are checked before he adds another “personality.”
I actually kinda like you. In a perfect world, there’s not much I’d disagree with you on. You are just not willing to get your hands dirty. American politics demands that today. I have said this before but I am going to post it again just for you because I don’t want to only criticize. I want to back up my hopes with real solutions.

I’m frustrated with libertarians, green partiers, and independents. IMO, money is the obstacle for a 3rd party and that manifests itself in money being a legalized form of speech, corporations considered as people, and no foreseeable plan for campaign finance reform. This suffocates appealing to your constituents. One of the two parties advocates for this though, yes, both reap corporate donations.
Rank choice voting is, imo, the most immediate and viable way for those with alternative voices to gain influence. I’ve seen no republican keen to this type of voting or a change in our monetized voting system. So, instead of trying to build from the bottom up and be crushed, as a democrat, I suggest those with an independent streak use the already established D party. Be a parasite. The process may be slow but take a cue from Christian conservatives and the federalist society and have a long term plan as they did for the Supreme Court. None of the things greenies or independents want to accomplish have a starting point or welcoming ear in the Republican Party. Leech off of the Democratic Party or continue off in the distance being a fallen tree in the forest. Here, on this board and in the public body, it is quite apparent being contrarian for the sake of selfishness is better than actually getting anything done.
RandyRebecca is a Russian disinformation officer or bot. It likes to gloss over or omit salient and relevant information and context. Like Obama actually started a public-private group that was already bring jobs back to the USA but of course trump grabbed credit and she touts trump. And she blames Biden for the Afghan withdrawal without ever noting trump set that whole thing in motion with the Doha Accord behind the back of the Afghan government.

So caveat emtor when it comes to that poster.
Money isn't the issue. MATH IS THE ISSUE. When you set up a game where 50%+1 wins the players cannot do anything but split into two teams. 50/25/25 is not a victory. IT is a three way tie. That's the simple truth of things.
Not viable.

Not electable.

No chance.

So your answer is that there is no one.

So you'll risk ending up with a conservative who is far far worse. That's called cutting off your nose to spite your face.
People like you are exactly why a third party candidate will never succeed. What if 81 million decided enough and voted Libertarian? Did all 81 million waste their vote? Your defeatist, negative, attitude is what keeps the corrupt 2 party system in power.
Oh I have had that one blocked for a long time and will follow suit here…

Why do you wrong wing nut jobs need multiple user names all the time?

Just be who you are…

That is the real fraud, and why almost every proven case of voter fraud in 2020 was on the conservative side. (I say almost every because there is bound to be one on the other side, I just haven’t seen it, and it hasn’t been shown here besides the constant whining that it exists)

Is it because you are wrong about so many issues and you want to create the appearance you might have some semblance of an argument because there is someone who “agrees” with you….only to find that it is you.

So put on your tagline… “artist currently known as trailertrash, just hoping ______________.” Will let you come up with what goes in the blank.

Only positive is that you admit to doing it, unlike the rest of the wrong wing brigade that is constantly looking for traction (or just gets banned from saying things wrong all the time).

Have a great day.
Why does it matter so much to you? Since I admitted this is me and he is also me it seems to be a moot point.
Just boggles the mind, but they all seem to do it. Get blocked or just realize they are all ignored so they want to be heard with their vile garbage so make a new name.

This one is trying to play both, maybe he needs to make sure his meds are checked before he adds another “personality.”
Oh I was never ignored. I created a separate persona for other reasons on the board. My mistake was accidentally using this one where I had used TrailerHitch. So it was never a deception but merely an accidental fuck up that this persona appeared in the politics forum at all.