Sex and Drugs In Stories

Yeah, well. All my pothead friends stopped talking to me when they found out I write Internet porn that can be accessed by anyone with enough brain cells to figure out how to check the "I'm over 18" box.
DarlingNikki said:
Yeah, well. All my pothead friends stopped talking to me when they found out I write Internet porn that can be accessed by anyone with enough brain cells to figure out how to check the "I'm over 18" box.

That is well said.

Pot, hemp, yeah mate write to your hearts content.

You would be hard pressed to really hurt someone when talking about such an ancient weed, and its consumption....

sheeeeet, looking over the stories on this site, a hemp story is pretty tame.....

have fun

JeffersonPierce said:
I just wanted to throw this out to the Literoticans out there. I am in the midst of trying to complete a story for posting and there is a lot of weed in it. I have used (and continue to) maryjane as an aphrodisiac, so it seems logical, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't breaking any rules or offending anyone. :)

wouldn't offend me in the least.

I just want to throw out there that I don't smoke pot (because I don't like to smoke anything) but I know tons of people who do. The stupidity of people seems to be the same whether they're smoking weed or not...stupid people stay stupid, fun people stay my experience. Maybe that's just cause I was raised by a couple of potheads who grew marijuana in my closet = )

sailorm72003 said:

That's a serious shortcoming. I'll have to send you a few pounds of Juan's finest.


I know ... shame on me, and here I am living in the latte stand capitol of the known universe! Closest I get to coffee is the occasional jamocha shake from Arby's, or cappucino Heath Bar blizzard from DQ ... but that just ties in to the ice cream addiction ;)

Sabledrake said:
I know ... shame on me, and here I am living in the latte stand capitol of the known universe! Closest I get to coffee is the occasional jamocha shake from Arby's, or cappucino Heath Bar blizzard from DQ ... but that just ties in to the ice cream addiction ;)


You have to try Starbuck's Java Chip Ice Cream, then. I just picked some up on my way home, I love the stuff. Really good coffee Ice Cream, big chunks of chocolate....

And, if your partner is good, you can let him/her have a taste, from interesting spots :D
Re: "pot-heads"

Chicklet said:
I just want to throw out there that I don't smoke pot (because I don't like to smoke anything) but I know tons of people who do. The stupidity of people seems to be the same whether they're smoking weed or not...stupid people stay stupid, fun people stay my experience. Maybe that's just cause I was raised by a couple of potheads who grew marijuana in my closet = )


Glad I came back to read this thread again.
It is nice to see some tolerance.

Hope yuur clothes are well.


After reading this thread I have just rewitten large segments of my current pulp fiction, deleting all mention of drugs, cigarettes, coffee, pizza, ice cream and especially sex. Wouldn't want to offend anyone at all... or maybe I'll rewrite it again and offend everyone... not sure just yet.
Sabledrake said:
Hmm. I never realized that pot worked as an aphrodisiac.

Admittedly an ex boyfriend and I used to get horny as hell when we'd smoke weed. :eek:
Reminds me of ancient history. My introduction to "dirty stories" in the form of Penthouse Forum. Where every man was 9 inches and every woman was 38DD. And foreplay was a little weed...
LustiRusti said:
Admittedly an ex boyfriend and I used to get horny as hell when we'd smoke weed. :eek:

Unfortunately, grass is one of the few drugs that I can't tolerate. I totally lose my short-term memory and become perfectly incapacitated, so I stopped smoking it a long time ago.

While I was smoking, though, there was a lot of debate over how marijuana affected sexual performance and perception, whether it made you hornier, things like that.

In general it seems that drugs can change the perceptions, but they don't create things that aren't already there. They can't make you horny if you're not already horny, and they can't make you a great lover if you're not already a great lover. And they certainly don't make you think you can fly.

That's been my experience anyhow.

LustiRusti said:
Admittedly an ex boyfriend and I used to get horny as hell when we'd smoke weed. :eek:
Oh, of course it is an aphrodisiac. But, it depends on how potent it is and amounts endulged. If it's too potent, you may just go to sleep.

It makes you more creative, and so if you are a creative person, you become very creative. This creativity takes you both further than you would go if not smoking. Like someone said, it doesn't create the urge, or the thoughts, or the ideas, etc. It only enhances them to a higher point of intensity.

Anyone so narrowminded they feel pot smoking is as dangerous as heroin, is leaving out some of our more creative thinkers.

If someone did something violent or distructive while high, they would do the same thing under other kinds of alcohol, caffine or even chocolate.

I don't smoke any more, but I don't see a thing wrong with it for someone to use, within limits. It's only the few who can't handle it's effects, and they shouldn't be allowed to touch it. They, like alcoholics, have a personality that can't control themselves and will go over the edge, no matter what the additive.

When it comes down to it, a narrow minded personality has a closed mind to such thoughts, and will never change. So, why try. Live and let live.
I've got to disagree with you as far as pot and creativity goes, or at least as they apply to me.

I used to think that I was brilliant when I smoked dope. I would have all these profound ideas and insights, great ideas for projects, couldn;t wait to get started.

Then one day my friends and I started tape recording our highs.

Talk about embarrassing! The dope almost acts as if it activates your "significance center" so that all these goofy thoughts you wouldn;t waste time with when you're straight seem amazingly deep and profound. In my case, they weren't. They were either obvious, obscure, or just silly. That's when I gave up on pot as a tool for creativity.

Now LSD on the other hand...

dr_mabeuse said:
Now LSD on the other hand...

OK, boys and girls, I'd just like to publically inform each and every one of you that Moron Mabeuse is now OFFICIALLY on my Ignore list. I don't want to see the mentally insane ramblings of this junkie anymore. I've got more interesting and worthwhile things to concern myself with.

Like the lint inside my navel...

Dear Svenska,
I don't have anything to do with dope or people who use it, but I'm not as vitriolic as you about it. I infer that you have been badly treated by someone under the influence of some drug. Your attitude towards drugs is understandable from your experience, and I sympathize with it.

The vast majority of us here have an attitude somewhere between yours and Dr M's. Mine is, "Do whatever you want, but stay away from me while you're doing it."

If you put Dr M on your 'ignore' list, though, you will miss some very good insight and bons mot about things other than dope.
Ps. Cool new AV.
Yeah well, you can't fire me because I quit!

Svenska is officially banned from my readers' list!

I just have to say though, if it's your practice to boycott the works or opinions of anyone who advocates drug use, then I'd hate to see your music collection. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Up With People get old awfully fast.

---dr. M (for "Moron") M.

Oh, and P.S. I don't advocate drug use (although Svenska makes me want to) anymore than I advocate abstinance. I happen to like them. That's all.
dr_mabeuse said:
[BOh, and P.S. I don't advocate drug use (although Svenska makes me want to) anymore than I advocate abstinance. I happen to like them. That's all. [/B]

Interesting distinction of the definition of advocacy.

Svenskaflicka said:
OK, boys and girls, I'd just like to publically inform each and every one of you that Moron Mabeuse is now OFFICIALLY on my Ignore list. I don't want to see the mentally insane ramblings of this junkie anymore. I've got more interesting and worthwhile things to concern myself with.

Like the lint inside my navel...

YIKES. That is a bit harsh, I think, especially given that Dr. M doesn't even smoke anymore. Can't we have a discussion? Can't we disagree on things? How would you feel if someone called you a mentally insane moron and publicly and vitriolically put you on ignore because you're in an interracial marriage, based on their experiences that mixed race kids they've seen are ruined? I've seen at least that one long thread where some guy said he back-clicked on all stories involving interracial sex. People challenged him and shared their own points of view. Would you allow any less for those of us who are not offended by some pot in a story?

I'm sorry you had bad experiences, but Dr. M. and the rest of us who smoke or tolerate smoking didn't do anything to you or your friends.
Well, I have been picked on for being in an interracial relationship. (Try saying that really fast, six times!:))

As I see it, you have the right to think that drugs aren't so bad, and I have the right to think that anyone who uses drugs is an idiot, and you have the right to think that I'm an idiot for calling junkies idiots, etc, etc, etc...

But what made me draw the line, was that line about LSD being good for creativity. Indirectly recommending a dangerous drug is, IMNSHO, insane, and as a joke, it's tasteless, stupid, and NOT FUNNY.

Drugs are dangerous. People who smoke or inject or sniff (or whatever) things that are dangerous and addictive, are not only harming themselves, but they're putting others at risk as well. I will protest against drugs in whatever thread it's mentioned. And I'll call drug users evil things, because I think they're weirdos.

If anyone wants to call me names, well, they have the right to do that.
I'm not going to call you any names, Svenskaflicka. No matter how much I might disagree with you, I respect your right to your own opinion. I just don't think the right to think someone's an idiot necessarily means you should call them so. Also I was surprised to see so much vitriol here, because it always seemed so polite compared to other sites out there.
dr_mabeuse said:

I don't understand, GC. What distinction?

Advocate. To plead in favour of. Recommend.

I think saying you like something is as near to a recommendation as makes-no-never-mind. You don't seem to.

dr_mabeuse said:
I've got to disagree with you as far as pot and creativity goes, or at least as they apply to me.

I used to think that I was brilliant when I smoked dope. I would have all these profound ideas and insights, great ideas for projects, couldn;t wait to get started.

Then one day my friends and I started tape recording our highs.

Talk about embarrassing! The dope almost acts as if it activates your "significance center" so that all these goofy thoughts you wouldn;t waste time with when you're straight seem amazingly deep and profound. In my case, they weren't. They were either obvious, obscure, or just silly. That's when I gave up on pot as a tool for creativity.

Now LSD on the other hand...
I do understand what you mean about your experiences with pot and creativity. That is normal with pot. In fact, it is widely known that it makes a person feel they have answers to all the world's problems. I would be lying if I said I hadn't experienced some of these thoughts, too.

This is just part of the attraction to pot...part of the fun. Most long time users understand this and control their urges to save the world. It's just part of the over all uphoric feeling. This comes from the area of the brain that is stimulated by pot.

I'm not trying to say anyone who smokes pot will turn into a creative genious, because that just won't happen. Some people will actually seem to get even dumber than they are when straight. Not everybody is the same.

Some people just use it as a way to escape, as maybe with alcohol, etc. And, I understand that is the main stigma society sees of the pot smoker.
But, because it eases mausia associated with cancer, it should be looked at with a different eye than just as an escape. I have also seen it used to control panic attacks. Tests show Glucoma can also be slowed with pot smoking.

There are certain things that are enhanced for "some" people when they smoke pot, and one of those things is creativity. It can be used as a tool, if someone wants to use it as such.

That is one reason you see musicians and comics smoke it. The creative juices that surround these professions are hightened significantly.

Sure, there are the feelings of grandure, but these creative thoughts I speak of are deeper. A lot of music has been created while high. That's music that would not be created by the same creative mind, when straight.

And, comedy is similar. There are comics who use pot as a creative tool. Sure, a lot of what is created this way can be dismissed as part of the uphoric aspect. But, there is a vein of enhancement comedy writers find and use, just as musicians do. I think it is safe to say writers of all types may find enhancements in pot.

Now, do all musicians and comics smoke? No. I know there are wonderful musicians who write wonderful songs without any such "tools" at all. And, there are comedians who are the same. But, every writer needs some sort of inspiration.

Don't assume the majority of musicians or comedians do their jobs while straight. Nobody can say the exact number of those who do. The stigma of how society sees a pot smoker is not something most people want to be associated with. So, you probably won't hear anyone standing up and boasting on how they use pot as a creative tool.

And, until society stops labeling pot in the same catagory as heroin, this will never change.

Now, as for LSD, I never saw that as a creative enhancing drug. I dabbled in it several times, but only saw it as an escapist type of thing.

I know some thought it was quite creative in how it reacted within the mind. I knew people who could take large doses and seemingly could then go into their mind in kind of a visual way. They said it had a cleansing feeling. Yes, I could agree with you on thinking that cleansing feeling was cleaning out thoughts they really wanted to keep.

But, one such person I knew to do this was very smart and a psychologist by profession. He still is, today. And, he doesn't seem to have any ill effects from his LSD days.

Why does he not do it today? He said the LSD of today is not as pure as it was back then. And, I wonder if he was just experimenting then, and wouldln't do such a thing today. Only he knows for sure.

What should someone take from all of this? All I know is what I have experienced myself. I won't try to get a disbeliever to believe. It's just not worth my effort to do so. At least, not in a forum such as this.

Every human has their right to believe what they do for their own reasons. I just hope nobody believes what they hear from the present society as the only way, because that has been proven wrong, before.

And, Svenskaflicka, you can believe what you want and for your reasons. As MG said, it seems you were harmed by someone using drugs, or lost someone through drug use. Whatever it was, I am sorry it happened.

But, please don't put everyone into a bucket of dopers and be done with it. There is more to the world than just black and white.
gauchecritic said:
I think saying you like something is as near to a recommendation as makes-no-never-mind.

Dear Gauchie,
I think Dr M made it clear that he does not advocate them in general and for others, but that he likes them for himself. I don't think that's necessarily hypocritical.
I never said hypocracy. I said distinction of definition. There really was no intent or implication inherent. It was an observation on hair splitting.

Gauche:confused: :(