Sex and Drugs In Stories

I remember someone asking have I ever done drugs during an interview. I joking said, "ready to make a list". He didn't laugh.

I proceeded to tell him that I'd smoked a lot of weed up until I was a junior in high school. He ran down a list of other drugs that I had to say no to.

I don't think it made me stupid, though I believe I'm too old for that kind of crap now. I do have the experience of knowing what it's about and how it feels.

It didn't make me a junkie, nor do drinking make me an alcie.

If you want to do drugs, be my guest. I'm not going to shout "Don't do it! It will kill you!" Silly. Silly.

In fiction, adding drugs can give the reader an understanding why some characters do what they do in stories. In my opinion, most of the characters in a lot of stories have to be on something to do the things they are made to do. That goes for all categories and just about all stories.
BlackSnake said:
In my opinion, most of the characters in a lot of stories have to be on something to do the things they are made to do. That goes for all categories and just about all stories.


So that's what it is! I was wondering. ;-)

Disregarding mud-slinging, thread nazis and/or free speech, with or without the responsibilities implicit therein, the main problem that I can see gets people's backs up about drug taking (not including dope obviously) is;

They are the biggest cause of crime, they are a very large cause of death (direct or collateral) they are class 'a' (your governement is your government wether you voted for/against/abstained) they kill your brain, they make some people do bad things to others and they cause a fucking hell of a lot of disturbance.

Last year I saw a young guy apparently collapse in the street as if with a heart attack, I stopped my bus, got out and with the escort went to give what help/first aid we could. When we reached him he looked at us (or at where we were) and to our concerned enquiry "Are you ok?" he replied "Fine. Just chilling."
As we left him for dead we looked at each other and exclaimed, in unison: "Twat"

He didn't die, we weren't harmed, but he did cause us concern by being a twat. I'm not exactly fond of having my work time taken up by inconsiderate tossers.

People should do their little things at their own home where no one else can see them. There's enough trouble on the hi-ways without worrying about running over a dope-head.

Blacksnake, I know you wouldn't do that stuff anymore, but you have to agree that doing dope is stupid.
lexium said:
People should do their little things at their own home where no one else can see them. There's enough trouble on the hi-ways without worrying about running over a dope-head.

Blacksnake, I know you wouldn't do that stuff anymore, but you have to agree that doing dope is stupid.

OK, it was stupid, but I didn't know it at the time (12*:rose: )
MathGirl said:
Dear Dr M,
Well, you go ahead and ruin your health with THC, ecgonine derivatives, and EtOH. As for me, I'll treat myself to some rare, scented ungulants.
Ungulants too can be injurous to health, especially in a herd and especially, too, if they object to being scented. Depending on the scents used they can repel or attract each other. Mixing scents can result in some very amusing behaviour, but could not be regarded as ungulate-friendly and should therefore not be advocated by right-thinking people.

GL (the GL who is not the other GL, as mentioned above)
My 2 sense...

I think JeffersonPeirce's answer has been answered 10 fold! Where ever he happens to be.

Aside from his question and stealing yet another bit of his thread. Alcohol is the most abused drug on the market, and it is legal. It kills brain cells with every drink.

Nicotine is legal and very addictive. We have it in cigarettes, and millions smoke. We know very well that they are addictive and people are trying to quit, every day. But people also start smoking every day, with full warning of this.

Caffeine is legal and is sold in coffee, power drinks, soda drinks, and in over the counter tablets. It can be addictive. Many people who try to stop drinking coffee suffer side affects.

If you want to label the illegal drugs in groups, DO NOT include pot with heroin, LSD, crank, crack, powder cocaine, Solvent sniffing, Drano drinking, ecstasy, etc.

Anyone who tries a drug such as heroin, LSD, crank, crack, powder cocaine, Solvent sniffing, Drano drinking is likely to cause themselves heart problems, aneurysms, strokes, stomach problems, digestive ailments, not to mention septum deviations and burned throats. But, kids will always experiment. Each generation tries to out do the previous one.

Pot has its problems, but when used by an adult with common sense, it would be no problem to society. It's only the stupid abusers who get into the headlines. Doesn't that also happen with alcohol?
I personally think that inducing any kind of artificial "altered state" is a bullshit exercise in auto-delusion, but I can't say that I care who does it, so long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. Heroin, PCP, crystal meth, horse tranquilizers, peyote, Republicanism...these are the ones that most often have negative consequences toward the innocents in our society. So I condemn them.

However, I can't extend any kind of effort getting mad about people who take acid, smoke pot or chronically read Barbara Cartland novels. All of these things may harm the user in some way, but are irrelevant to the macro world.

I get way more pissed about smoking- I mean, how fucking self-indulgent and sanctimonious of you to suggest that I'm infringing upon your right to commit incremental murder of my internal respiratory organs.

Or drinking- how many people are killed by fucking selfish drunks who can't be bothered to give up their keys?

Beside that a wasted, ineffectual pothead seems a lot like a benign fern. Or a tea-cosy.

In any case, I do mention cocaine at least twice in my last story- in order to evoke the flavor of the time/setting (it takes place in 1984) and I don't think that implies any kind of advocaton, nor does it preclude a snap-judgement of the value of my story.

There are people who write stories about the Roman Empire, but I don't interpret that to mean they're in favor of imperialism or a merciless sweep across Europe.

Miss Azure Roller-ball
DVS said:
Caffeine is legal and is sold in coffee, power drinks, soda drinks, and in over the counter tablets. It can be addictive. Many people who try to stop drinking coffee suffer side affects.

I will actually vouch for that. I'm an insomniac and during a recent period of sleeplessness, I decided that drinking Red Bulls was the only way to keep me alive during the day (FYI: Red Bull is an energy drink involving a hormone named Taurine and ridiculous amounts of caffeine). I drank one or two every day for about a week and a half. And then stopped. I had the most god awful headache for 2 days, which was only relieved by drinking coke.

I know a friend of a friend who's dying from liver failure because he's addicted to paracodol. He'd known for a couple of years that if he didn't stop taking them he'd die, but couldn't give up. V. sad.

The Earl

Ahem. I have never done any drugs other than prescribed ones or alcohol, and I've only ever been drunk twice, and both of those only because I get drunk very easily. So I'm not an advocate. I also don't care what people do in the privacy of their own homes if it doesn't affect anyone else.

But drugs do affect other people, whether it is passive smoking or the deterioration of relationships. To continue and ignore this fact is pure selfishness. And I can tell you, to get back to the point, that sex with someone who is on grass when you are not isn't particularly pleasant.

Finally, and I do hope it is finally, let me quote from my favourite author, an ex-user of all kinds of drugs:

'...They were like children playing in the street; they could see one after another of them being killed--run over, maimed, destroyed--but they continued to play anyhow. We really all were very happy for a while, sitting around not toiling but just bullshitting and playing, but it was for such a terrible brief time, and then the punishment was beyond belief: even when we could see it, we could not believe it... For a while I myself was one of these children playing in the street; I was, like the rest of them, trying to play instead of being grown up, and I was punished.'

Philip K. Dick died of heart failure following a stroke on March 2, 1982, in Santa Ana, California, at the age of 54.
Again, this is like the having sex with children thread. Everyone agrees that drugs are not good for you and doesn't really add much to a story. How erotic can having sex in a shark tank? I wish movies would be changed, so that the viewers would scream out "look out behind you","don't go in there".

I stop smoking week when I was young, because I had to deal with my future, and because mama said so, but it didn't serve me at all. I drink beer, and if I'm busy or partying at home I'll have 4 to 12 over the weekend.
KillerMuffin said:
I think that Svenskaflicka should probably start thinking more about her own hypocrisy. After all, she advocates breaking into peoples houses to have sex. She advocates rape. What? Do you think we can't read your stories, Svenska? Or do you think that rape is okay? Do you think it's okay for a teacher to spank a student and turn her into his hooker? It's just fiction! Right? You don't really do it? Then why did he get away with it? Why are you titillating people with it? Why are you telling people that girls enjoy being raped by their teachers?

There's a saying, you know, clean out the plank in your own eye before you worry about the dust mote in your neighbors. You might want to really long and hard at the ugly and illegal things you're advocating before you climb onto your high and mighty horse.

Hee hee... :D Oh, KM, it's much, much worse than that! I'm not advocating rape or break-ins, I'm just trying to fill every single category in the Survivor Contest!
If that means that I have to prostitute my own writing skill by writing about things I don't really like, then I'll do that.

Now, if we try to stay on topic, instead of chickenly running out and screaming about other things... I challenge you to find ONE single story of mine where the lovers have used any drugs other than a glass of red wine.

We're discussing drugs, my dear, not break-ins and rape. If you want to discuss what you like and dislike in my stories, please start another thread, and I'll meet you there to answer all your posts.

In here, we talk about drugs. And I dislike drugs. And I think that everyone who use drugs are morons. If you don't agree with me, fine. But don't go calling me a nazi for critisizing people for what they believe, ´coz, honey, you're doing the exact same thing with me here.:rolleyes:
This whole thread reminds me of a Swedish satirical song about prejudices. A woman sings that she's open-minded and fair, and she's really tired of judgmental people. BUT, after all, she sings, it's not really exaggeration, just a fact, that:
  • all celebrities use drugs and crash their hotel rooms
  • all blondes are bimbos
  • all poor people are lazy
  • all rich people are snobby
  • all immigrants steal the jobs of the natives
  • all men are violent
  • all women are bad at driving a car
  • all old people are cranky and humourless
  • all kids and youngsters are rude

and she finishes the song with the line:

"Come to think of it, everyone is an idiot! Well - except me, ofcourse..!"

Have we come to this now?;)

Your PM box is full, just lost a message to you. Write me again when you've deleted all your love letters and fan mail.

Perdita :heart:
It's better than the song about the goldfish called Gilbert, which finishes with the line 'Come to think of it, where the fuck am I and who the fuck are you?'

The Earl
My last post on this thread. I refer you to the thread called "Assholes' Hangout", for my closing arguement.:rose:
dr_mabeuse said:
While I was smoking, though, there was a lot of debate over how marijuana affected sexual performance and perception, whether it made you hornier, things like that.

I figure that with weed, like most other things you can do or put in your body, every person is going to get different reactions. Like, when I was on anti-depressants...I got some side-effects, but different ones than my ex boyfriend who was on the same anti-depressant. Just different for everybody.

dr_mabeuse said:
I hate to beat a dead horse, but I really don't understand what I said that makes people think I'm advising people to take drugs.

not what you said, dr M, but when you passed that acid under the table to me...

thank you btw = )

(i'm kidding, folks.)
Svenskaflicka said:
[*]all celebrities use drugs and crash their hotel rooms
[*]all blondes are bimbos
[*]all poor people are lazy
[*]all rich people are snobby
[*]all immigrants steal the jobs of the natives
[*]all men are violent
[*]all women are bad at driving a car
[*]all old people are cranky and humourless
[*]all kids and youngsters are rude
Dear Svenska,
Thank you for the list. I know all those things are true, I've just never seen them so elegantly organized.
Ps. You forgot one. You know, about the South Africans.