Sex & Shenanigans

Technology huh? That is interesting. My recurring dream problems are either I can never find a bathroom, or if I am driving, the brakes never work right. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I used to have the driving problem in dreams - the turning of the steering wheel or brakes would not correspond to the manuvouring of the vehicle.

Then suddenly - I sometimes can.
Have any of you ever gone on lit in a dream?
I dream vividly as well, and I have had many a dream about people on Lit. I have also had a couple of dreams about being on the site. One, I posted something, noticed I spelled something wrong, edited it, sent it again, and noticed a different word was now wrong. Repeat forever.

The other one I posted something smart and clever and funny and got hundreds of "love" reactions and PMs. And when I woke up, I couldn't remember what I posted.

Not near as enjoyable as my other Litster dreams...
LOL, it ain’t the articulation I struggle with.
It’s the brevity that’s hard. 😁
I hear that.... but... I can edit something I wrote that is too long... imagine how miserable my in person friends are they have to listen to me circle the airport for an hour before finally landing the plane. 🤣🤣🤣🤣