Smoking Fetish..

Always game for that!
While it does sound intriguing and a lot of fun, it also sounds daunting because time is a major factor for me. Not knowing what the outline might look like—insofar as the amount of drawings/illustrations neccessary, their frequency in appearance within the story line—I'm not sure I could swing enough time for extracurricular activities such as what is being suggested, outside of what I'm already obliged to do in real life. Too many irons in the proverbial fire, as it were.
While it does sound intriguing and a lot of fun, it also sounds daunting because time is a major factor for me. Not knowing what the outline might look like—insofar as the amount of drawings/illustration neccessary, their frequency in appearance within the story line—I'm not sure I could swing enough time for extra-curricular activities outside of what I'm already obliged to do in real life. Too many irons in the proverbial fire, as it were.
I'm sure that @Bazzle could take some of the work that you've already posted on here and craft a story around it. Or maybe you could PM or email him some of your existing works. No pressure on either of you guys. It was just an idea.
DM me a link to some of your art that you feel tells a story. Let's see if my creative juices flow
Here are some I've already posted in the forum elsewhere...

And, there are a handful which I've done in one-panel comic-book/graphic illustrative format, some of which are included in my submissions bio here...