Snivel-Fest Final Weekend!

Re: Moderators.

Lancecastor said:

Moderators generally don't participate actively in most BB environments....they're usually there to stay quietly in the background and quietly explain technical difficulties, point people in a positive direction...that sort of thing.

Here, we seem to have "player-moderators"( to warp a sports term).

It strikes me as odd for Moderators to be so openly active on a Board....but the outward hostility to users (and apparently sometimes even to each other) strikes me as being really quite unprofessional, poor netiquette and simply bad form.

That being said, I answer Ms Skye's challenge and stack my last 200 posts up against Risia's anytime for manners, insults and boredom....fill your boots, let me know what you think....because without even looking, I know our ModSquad has a collective sharp tongue when they are Moderating.....

Hmmmm....Maybe that's the problem after all.

Perhaps the Board might benefit from Anonymous Moderators.

Just a thought;

Both Risia and cym have been tremendously helpful guides to many of us here, and I welcome their posting wholeheartedly.
You, on the other hand, have done little besides patronize, insult and try to create bad feelings.
There are hundreds of BDSM message boards on the internet, if you don't like how this one is managed, why not find another one?
I'm feeling cym's absence from posting already, even though I know she's still moderating.

I for one want interactive not invisible mods.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: reeeeeeeeeee

CarolineOh said:

I knew exactly what your post was intended to do.
It was condescending. Who are you to tell anyone here that they need to chill out, lighten up, or do anything else at your behest? The last time I checked no one here had agreed to be your submissive.

Typical of exactly what I've been pointing out...the elitest, unwelcoming attitude of the cloistered few.

There was no suggestion of behest...or dominance...on my part.

However, you and a few others want the place to be the way you want it...the "only" way...or you want everyone else to leave.

Your smug, superior attitude is wot causes unrest.

Help, help...I'm being repressed! See the injustice inherent in the System!
Re: Re: Moderators.

CarolineOh said:

Both Risia and cym have been tremendously helpful guides to many of us here, and I welcome their posting wholeheartedly.
You, on the other hand, have done little besides patronize, insult and try to create bad feelings.
There are hundreds of BDSM message boards on the internet, if you don't like how this one is managed, why not find another one?

I was merely pointing out how this Board differs from others.

I have no beef with the Mods as Mods....though, how could I know, if threads are disappeared......until you are disappeared yourself, could You know?

Are you having trouble with my points? Your hostility is unwarranted.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: reeeeeeeeeee

Lancecastor said:

Typical of exactly what I've been pointing out...the elitest, unwelcoming attitude of the cloistered few.

There was no suggestion of behest...or dominance...on my part.

However, you and a few others want the place to be the way you want it...the "only" way...or you want everyone else to leave.

Your smug, superior attitude is wot causes unrest.

Help, help...I'm being repressed! See the injustice inherent in the System!

That's nonsense, and you know it is nonsense. I have done all I can to be welcoming here. No one can honestly accuse me of being elitist or unfriendly. Nor do i feel i have caused any unrest. Such a charge is ludicrous. I don't care for your snide attitude, and I am tired of sitting back and saying nothing as you insult and deride good people.
I won't argue with you further. I try to maintain a positive attitude, and contribute to the board in a constructive manner. So I will leave the last word on this to you. I am sure you will find something particularly smug and obnoxious to say.
Re: Speculator, speculatorum, speculatorus...

Lancecastor said:

Hey mzchrista;

In asking out loud to the entire Board in the form of a Question in a Thread if the recent bad vibes on the Board were perhaps rooted in the recent full moon, needy subs, or unpunished masochists, I named nobody in particular, specifically or by name.

This is a totally different scenario than that illustrated by the latter half of your question, and what actually transpired therein.

Further, I wasn't speculating...I was having a bit of what I thought was fun at our collective expense...pointing out that all the name-calling and general harshness of late was/is really quite uneccessary, overblown and downright silly.

Lastly, and sorry to disappoint you, but my nuts weren't/aren't in a knot....though yours perhaps could benfit from looser undergarments, I suggest....but I'm just speculating.

Thanks for your curiousity; hope this helps demuddy the mysto.


Well why didnt you tell people you were trying to be funny? Then we could of just felt sorry for you.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: reeeeeeeeeee

Lancecastor said:

Typical of exactly what I've been pointing out...the elitest, unwelcoming attitude of the cloistered few.

There was no suggestion of behest...or dominance...on my part.

However, you and a few others want the place to be the way you want it...the "only" way...or you want everyone else to leave.

Your smug, superior attitude is wot causes unrest.

Help, help...I'm being repressed! See the injustice inherent in the System!

Thats right! Its that mean nasty caroline causing all the trouble.
Hahahaha. OK I take it back that I didnt think you were funny.
Re: Re: Re: Moderators.

Lancecastor said:

I was merely pointing out how this Board differs from others.

I have no beef with the Mods as Mods....though, how could I know, if threads are disappeared......until you are disappeared yourself, could You know?

Are you having trouble with my points? Your hostility is unwarranted.


Risiaskye made crop circles out in my corn field and cymbidia came over in a black helicopter and mutilated my cow. So disappeared posts dont scare me so much.
Lancecastor said:

Typical of exactly what I've been pointing out...the elitest, unwelcoming attitude of the cloistered few.

There was no suggestion of behest...or dominance...on my part.

However, you and a few others want the place to be the way you want it...the "only" way...or you want everyone else to leave.

Your smug, superior attitude is wot causes unrest.

Help, help...I'm being repressed! See the injustice inherent in the System!

If we're so elitist and unwelcoming, i'm sure you'll find someplace else much more to your liking.

I can only agree with Caroline, you have been condescending, sarcastic, and your posts have done absolutely nothing to further the understanding of anyone who might come here seeking answers.

Risia and cym have done a wonderful job here as moderators. They are also highly valued members of this community. Their voices have been glaringly absent during this past week. In this forum where thoughtful discussion has been valued, theirs have often been the most thoughtful, clear, and knowledgeable posts.

This isn't the place for everyone, it's not about fun and games, it's not about who can be the most sarcastic. Frankly, i haven't seen a single post from you that has ever sought to be helpful to another.

The most effective method of repression here is to simply ignore those who refuse to adjust their attitudes at the door. Perhaps it's time we all practiced a bit of that repression.
I find Lancecastor rather refreshing. He'd make a great monitor.
The Weekend is Over...

...and mine was fab.

Text is an imperfect medium, so nuance is lost at times.

And critical thinking...versus just being a critical knob, is also easily missed.

MG, you are simply wrong in saying I've never said anything helpful.

Caroline is in a snit with me; yet I've said nothing mean to her or anyone else in my posts. She & Sam rock, imho.

And the Mods are very wise....yet perhaps it is time for them to moderate from the side and let other voices grow.....great leaders do that, by the way. It's a feather, not a slight to say so.

Mx Christa has a fabulous, rapier wit...and methinks a helluva brain. A bit saucy, but a wealth of experience,and a great av.

The only thing about any of this that has ever upset me is how quickly this place can get "small" and too pedantic....look at SD412 and "first post"...pure silliness, yet so many got seriously upset.

My original line of reasoning remains...chill, have fun; this is a unique place...let it just happen.

Nobody...nobody....can steal your love or fire for This....but they can add to it.

If you will be open to the odd view that isn't completely within your envelope.

Your call.

I can identify

When I first came to Lit, I used to get the same type of reception that LC got. People would misinterpret what I would say and twist it to their own ends.

Get a grip folks, as I have said 100 times by now, this is a fricking porn site, not the New England Journal of Medicine.

WriterDom said:
I find Lancecastor rather refreshing. He'd make a great monitor.

Ditto, WD. At least about LC being refreshing. I like his wit. But then again most of the people in this Forum do not "get" me either. I'll live.

Btw WD, you and I have had our differences of opinion too, but ain't that life? Glad to see you are still here.

I disagree

morninggirl5 said:
This isn't the place for everyone, it's not about fun and games, it's not about who can be the most sarcastic. Frankly, i haven't seen a single post from you that has ever sought to be helpful to another.

YMMV, but as far as I am concerned, this is about fun and games. Who said D/s and BDSM doesn't have to be fun? This is not brain surgery.

Just like most things in life, nothing is all fun and games, and so there should be place here for ALL points of view.

And remember, sarcasm is in the eye of the beholder. LC is not the enemy.

Eb <who is quickly tiring of all this>
The Enemy

Ebonyfire said:

LC is not the enemy.

Eb <who is quickly tiring of all this>

Geez....and I was just starting to get used to this whole "badass insensitive , sarcastic, condescending bag of puss" reputation....makes me feel all tough and virile, Mr. Hat.....

Mr. Garrison
Re: I can identify

Ebonyfire said:
When I first came to Lit, I used to get the same type of reception that LC got. People would misinterpret what I would say and twist it to their own ends.

EB,...I think you have hit the nail on the head with the above comment. Like you, many others have gone through the same FIRE!

It's kinda like a "school" of Piranha swimming around in here. When the first NIP draws BLOOD,
the water begins to boil as the ravenous appetites are *whipped* into a feeding frenzy.

Not being *chained*,I have jumped out of the water a couple of times myself. :D
Re: The Enemy

Lancecastor said:

Geez....and I was just starting to get used to this whole "badass insensitive , sarcastic, condescending bag of puss" reputation....makes me feel all tough and virile, Mr. Hat.....

Mr. Garrison

Shush! Or I am gonna have to let the cat out of the bag, that I am carrying your baby!

I will say two things on this thread.

Caroline has done nothing but give on this board,and does not deserve the derision aimed toward her. If you believe her to be a piranha you only display your own foolishness.

And the day Risia and cym are silenced on this board is the day I will sign off for good.

MotorCitySam said:
I will say two things on this thread.

Caroline has done nothing but give on this board,and does not deserve the derision aimed toward her. If you believe her to be a piranha you only display your own foolishness.

And the day Risia and cym are silenced on this board is the day I will sign off for good.

I have not said anything about Caroline in my posts, and I have NEVER wanted to silence ANYONE in the BDSM Forum. May I ask WHY you think I did ?
ummm, Artful, I didn't see Sam's posts as singling you out.
In fact, it didn't seem (IMHO) to single anyone out.

I have thought long and hard before posting anything much these last few days.
I hate confrontation and normally run a mile rather than get involved in anything that might even become angry.

However (and I sure hope I don't regret this) I feel I would like to add a little.

Before I say another word, I MUST make clear that this post is not directed at any one specific person. It is just my thought on various things.

In every group I have been a member of, the moderators have taken a fairly active part.
I, personally, cannot see how a moderator cannot take part in something that they obviously have an interest in. I say obviously because why would they agree to moderate something that they do not find interesting.

In one group that I moderated, I was actually chastised for not posting frequently enough!

To my mind, a moderator's task is almost impossible. You are in a no-win situation. Whatever you do, somebody will find fault with it.

Over this past couple of weeks there seems to have been a lot of fairly personal attacks. Many of them were caused by misunderstandings. This is possibly inevitable given the number of poster who use this forum and the diverse backgrounds we all have.

I would have thought that many of these could have been easily avoided with a quick PM asking for clarification. However, that's just me ... that's what I would do, and it doesn't make it the right thing for everyone to do. As I said above, I would run a mile rather than have a confrontation with somebody.

(That wasn't meant to be condasending - hope it didn't come scross as such)

Possibly one way of making it clear when the moderators are posting as individuals and when they were acting in their official capacity, would be for the 'BDSM Forum Mod' handle to be used.

This would surely make it clear to even the most obtuse of us that something was posted in an official capacity.

It might also remove the pressure a little from individual moderators.

I apologise for a long winded post.
As I said at the beginning ... this is just my opinion.
Nobody need agree with it :)

WillowPuss said:
ummm, Artful, I didn't see Sam's posts as singling you out.

I am not UP in the air about it Willow,...but he did single me out by his usage of Piranha in his sentence. QUOTE:

"If you believe her to be a piranha you only display your own foolishness."

ARTFUL was the only one who had used Piranha as a descriptive term, in his earlier post directed toward Ebonyfire, analogy.

I did not, and DO NOT, suggest any ONE individual as a Piranha,(It was only an analogy), but the shoe fits many.

I am curious as to why Sam THOUGHT, I did infer Caroline was a Piranha,...and why he THINKS I want to silence anyone.

Like I said,...I am not UP in the air about it,...just curious. :rose:
Artful, Sam clearly stated that he was commenting "on this thread", and he did not mean to attack you as an individual. He just doesn't do that.
Re: Willow

artful said:

I am not UP in the air about it Willow,...but he did single me out by his usage of Piranha in his sentence. QUOTE:

"If you believe her to be a piranha you only display your own foolishness."

ARTFUL was the only one who had used Piranha as a descriptive term, in his earlier post directed toward Ebonyfire, analogy.

I did not, and DO NOT, suggest any ONE individual as a Piranha,(It was only an analogy), but the shoe fits many.

I am curious as to why Sam THOUGHT, I did infer Caroline was a Piranha,...and why he THINKS I want to silence anyone.

Like I said,...I am not UP in the air about it,...just curious. :rose:

OK, so you werent calling anyone a piranha, you were just saying they are....piranhas.
Personally I think piranhas are tres cool. Somebody dumped some in a lake in Michigan a couple of weeks ago and freaked everybody out.
I have an alibi if you are wondering.






Doug & Dinsdale Piranha
Question of the Day:

Will Piranha ever become a PRIMARY word in a popular "Catch Phrase"? :D