Snivel-Fest Final Weekend!

Am I the only one who thought that piranha was actually a REALLY good film?
My comments were meant to be directed towards the general tenor of the thread, and I apologize to Artful, and anyone else who took then as a personal affront.
I believe there is no good purpose to attack individuals, and meant to adress the mood I saw on this thread and objected to.

MotorCitySam said:
My comments were meant to be directed towards the general tenor of the thread, and I apologize to Artful, and anyone else who took then as a personal affront.
I believe there is no good purpose to attack individuals, and meant to adress the mood I saw on this thread and objected to.

No problem,...I was confused by your post, thanks for taking the time to explain. :)
I thought.....

MotorCitySam said:
My comments were meant to be directed towards the general tenor of the thread, and I apologize to Artful, and anyone else who took then as a personal affront.
I believe there is no good purpose to attack individuals, and meant to adress the mood I saw on this thread and objected to. was cute, watching the two of you sticking up for each other.

Damn....I'm having "feelings"!

Ick! I'll bet you two kiss on the lips and everything!

Trying to forget those, feelings of luuuuuvvv....
Re: I thought.....

Lancecastor said: was cute, watching the two of you sticking up for each other.

Damn....I'm having "feelings"!

Ick! I'll bet you two kiss on the lips and everything!

Trying to forget those, feelings of luuuuuvvv....

That "everything" covers a lot of territory, I am happy to say.;)
MotorCitySam said:
My comments were meant to be directed towards the general tenor of the thread, and I apologize to Artful, and anyone else who took then as a personal affront.
I believe there is no good purpose to attack individuals, and meant to adress the mood I saw on this thread and objected to.

Well, Sam, I can be moody, I admit it. But I have a good excuse!

The change! The change!

MotorCitySam said:
I will say two things on this thread.

Caroline has done nothing but give on this board,and does not deserve the derision aimed toward her. If you believe her to be a piranha you only display your own foolishness.

And the day Risia and cym are silenced on this board is the day I will sign off for good.

Uh, where were you when I got my share of derision, Sam? I survived it, and so shall they.

morninggirl5 said:

If we're so elitist and unwelcoming, i'm sure you'll find someplace else much more to your liking.

I can only agree with Caroline, you have been condescending, sarcastic, and your posts have done absolutely nothing to further the understanding of anyone who might come here seeking answers.

Risia and cym have done a wonderful job here as moderators. They are also highly valued members of this community. Their voices have been glaringly absent during this past week. In this forum where thoughtful discussion has been valued, theirs have often been the most thoughtful, clear, and knowledgeable posts.

This isn't the place for everyone, it's not about fun and games, it's not about who can be the most sarcastic. Frankly, i haven't seen a single post from you that has ever sought to be helpful to another.

The most effective method of repression here is to simply ignore those who refuse to adjust their attitudes at the door. Perhaps it's time we all practiced a bit of that repression.

But he does have a point.

Why is it that some folks around here are holy and others are the great unwashed. LC's reception is not unlike mine was when I first posted here.

NO ONE came to my defense at that time.. I fought to stay around here.

Stop being so damned holier than thou folks.

No one has the right to tell anyone to leave here just because you do not like them. There has been no flaming here. I am good at recognizing it cause I have felt it plenty in this very forum.

I am about sick of all this passive-aggressive whining.

Ebonyfire said:
I survived it, and so shall they.
Oh no not I! I will survive!
Oh as long as I know how to love I know I'll stay alive,
I've got all my life to live,
And I've got all my love to give,

I'll survive, I will survive!

Go on now go, walk out the door.
Just turn around now, cause you're not welcome anymore.
Weren't you the one who tried to break me with goodbye?
You think I'd crumble? You think I'd lay down and die?

Oh no not I! I will survive!
Oh as long as I know how to love I know I'll stay alive,
I've got all my life to live,
And I've got all my love to give,

I'll survive, I will survive!
I'll survive.....
cymbidia said:
Oh no not I! I will survive!
Oh as long as I know how to love I know I'll stay alive,
I've got all my life to live,
And I've got all my love to give,

I'll survive, I will survive!

Go on now go, walk out the door.
Just turn around now, cause you're not welcome anymore.
Weren't you the one who tried to break me with goodbye?
You think I'd crumble? You think I'd lay down and die?

Oh no not I! I will survive!
Oh as long as I know how to love I know I'll stay alive,
I've got all my life to live,
And I've got all my love to give,

I'll survive, I will survive!
I'll survive.....

You tell it, cym!
Ebonyfire said:

But he does have a point.

Why is it that some folks around here are holy and others are the great unwashed. LC's reception is not unlike mine was when I first posted here.

NO ONE came to my defense at that time.. I fought to stay around here.

Stop being so damned holier than thou folks.

No one has the right to tell anyone to leave here just because you do not like them. There has been no flaming here. I am good at recognizing it cause I have felt it plenty in this very forum.

I am about sick of all this passive-aggressive whining.


I am about sick myself, of being told I am snivelling, whining, and being passive aggressive and holier than thou because I objected to what I perceived to be deliberate attempts to start fights and undermine the moderators.

Oh, and Ebony, Sam didn't even post here until late in May, so I don't know how he is to be chided for not defending you previous to that.

CarolineOh said:

I am about sick myself, of being told I am snivelling, whining, and being passive aggressive and holier than thou because I objected to what I perceived to be deliberate attempts to start fights and undermine the moderators.

Oh, and Ebony, Sam didn't even post here until late in May, so I don't know how he is to be chided for not defending you previous to that.

You? Snivelling? Whining? Passive Aggressive? Holier Than Thou?

For the record, I think you sometimes have a narrow, simplistic view of things, and you seem to have had a pickle up your bum about me of late, judging by your tone and foul remarks.....

But not a snivelling whining passive aggressive hypocritical toady sticking her nose where it doesn't belong.

In fact, you have been so overtly aggressive and outwardly mean towards my thoughts and views that none of those appelations would be even close to accurate from my vantage point.

Thankfully, it's water off a duck's back here.....and despite what you think, them's not fighting words....I just think you have a pickle up your bum....a sour one.

But this too will pass. :) At least, I hope so, as a pickle up one's bum cannot be healthy in the long run.

As I've said, I think the Mods are suggestion that anonymous Mods might be beter for all concerned (Cym & RS included as individuals here, not just as Mods) is an academic one....not a personal one.

And I'll keep explaining that every time you snarl your innacuracies at what I have to say.

I regret that you have come to hold such a poor opinion of me, Lance, but it is something I can easily live with.

CarolineOh said:
I regret that you have come to hold such a poor opinion of me, Lance, but it is something I can easily live with.

...that sounded condesending.

For the record:
I wanted to publicly apologize to Lance for my snarky post to him the other day. (Lance, we've already done the kiss-and-make-up bit by PM, but I hope you'll understand why I need to do this in the thread as well, to take responsibility for my lapse of civility.)

Here's my understanding of where we are in relationship to each other at this point: You picked at a sore spot, I barked, you backed up a step, and I realized I was being a bitch and apologized. We're at peace now. *chuckle* Does that about sum it up, from your side?

Be well, everyone. :rose:

RisiaSkye said:
For the record:
I wanted to publicly apologize to Lance for my snarky post to him the other day. (Lance, we've already done the kiss-and-make-up bit by PM, but I hope you'll understand why I need to do this in the thread as well, to take responsibility for my lapse of civility.)

Here's my understanding of where we are in relationship to each other at this point: You picked at a sore spot, I barked, you backed up a step, and I realized I was being a bitch and apologized. We're at peace now. *chuckle* Does that about sum it up, from your side?

Be well, everyone. :rose:

Thanks for your note here and there,'re a classy broad, as a guy would have gotten away with saying up until the middle of the last century.

I was never upset or angry at you or anyone else. Still ain't.

This thread and the sharply worded reactions I had that started it elsewhere were intended to cast light on three Points of View I hold about the conduct of the board:

1. the board can seem unwelcoming to the new and the anonymous.

2. being mannerly, open, polite...only when you like what the other is saying... is generally considered the height of hypocrisy and ignorance. Telling people to go away, fuck off, etc when someone criticizes a View one holds is far beneath the level of discourse I seek. Note:I reserve the right to one day textually eviscerate those who show me repeated poor form in this regard.

3. the Mods are fab, but the current methodology has 2 inherent risks: 3.1 People will see the human inconsistencies...the characters.... of the Mods, resulting in playing on and/or being hurt by them; 3.2 The Mods right now have to blend their personal and Mod characters in every post....which needn't have to happen, and must be difficult to do in a consistently fair way while being true to thyself. The same people using separate anon Mod handles would result in less hurt than I've seen here, I believe....for the Mods and some Users.


PS Caroline Oh has a pickle up her bum...pass it on.
Re: SnarkCity

Lancecastor said:
PS Caroline Oh has a pickle up her bum...pass it on.

You are being a bad boy, LC

Leave my Caroline alone or I will be forced to tell everyone the perverted things you made me do last weekend!

CarolineOh said:

I am about sick myself, of being told I am snivelling, whining, and being passive aggressive and holier than thou because I objected to what I perceived to be deliberate attempts to start fights and undermine the moderators.

Oh, and Ebony, Sam didn't even post here until late in May, so I don't know how he is to be chided for not defending you previous to that.

Caroline, this is what I meant. You missed my point.

I know Sam was not here. I was pointing out the fact, that this is a recent occurrence. All of a sudden, we have a forum of helpless people, as if we are not all adults here.

I have to ask myself why? I did not chide Sam. If you took it that way, you are DEAD WRONG. But did you ask for clarification? No. You just went into defense mode and assumed I was chiding Sam.

And, what makes you so sure I was talking about you? Did I say your name? I do not pick on people on the sly. So not react to something has nothing to do with you. Unless the shoe fits.

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Pickles, Canoes, Trout and Beavers

Ebonyfire said:

You are being a bad boy, LC

Leave my Caroline alone or I will be forced to tell everyone the perverted things you made me do last weekend!


'Round these parts IRL, accusing someone of having a pickle up their bum mean's they're in a bit of a foul mood, and is said to try and ellicit a smile from the alleged pickleee by the pickleor.

Lance "Vlassic" Castor

PS you *promised* the thing with the canoe, the trout and the beaver lodge would stay under wraps.

Ben Dover
Re: Pickles, Canoes, Trout and Beavers

Lancecastor said:

'Round these parts IRL, accusing someone of having a pickle up their bum mean's they're in a bit of a foul mood, and is said to try and ellicit a smile from the alleged pickleee by the pickleor.

Lance "Vlassic" Castor

PS you *promised* the thing with the canoe, the trout and the beaver lodge would stay under wraps.

Ben Dover

hehehe, he said bum! lol

Ebonyfire said:

Caroline, this is what I meant. You missed my point.

I know Sam was not here. I was pointing out the fact, that this is a recent occurrence. All of a sudden, we have a forum of helpless people, as if we are not all adults here.

I have to ask myself why? I did not chide Sam. If you took it that way, you are DEAD WRONG. But did you ask for clarification? No. You just went into defense mode and assumed I was chiding Sam.

And, what makes you so sure I was talking about you? Did I say your name? I do not pick on people on the sly. So not react to something has nothing to do with you. Unless the shoe fits.


Ebony, I will say publically what I said to you privately, that I hold you in the highest respect and I deeply regret any negativity that I directed towards you. You have been a good friend and a wise counselor to Sam and I, and I apologize for my hasty and snappish remarks towards you.
I'm lost. Anyone else newbie enough to be lost?

I think you sense a slide in the quality of postings here because they don't pertain to you and some old crusades that I don't have a clue about and I've been here a year.

Salient, intelligent flame war indeed.
LOL, have to go with Netzach here in part, and ask the question just who is doing the snivelling? Is it you LC, or the mysterious person you keep mentioning who can't bump threads themselves but have to ask you to do it for them? Now that is someone I am going to want to listen to with complete confidence. LOL, I think my Lancecastor 101 lessons in sarcastic response just might be working..thanks!!:rolleyes:

Catalina :rose: