Social Distance Distraction - A Little Lit Gathering Thread

Pasta! The sauce is store bought, but I loaded it up with good things.:)

I like Paul Newman's snookarooni plus more stuff I add. Yum!

I’m making chicken scarpiello. The whole house smells great.

I had to look that up. Double yum!

In and out, keeping the lights on. I work at a power plant. I can do some stuff from home (I'm managing seven other engineers), but there are things I need to be there for.

Chili Cheese Fries. Comfort food / Pub food without the pub.

Pub food sounds just right.

Night pervs
In and out, keeping the lights on. I work at a power plant. I can do some stuff from home (I'm managing seven other engineers), but there are things I need to be there for.

Chili Cheese Fries. Comfort food / Pub food without the pub.

Oh, great. Now I NEED Frito chili pie.:(
Like others, I arrived looking for better quality erotica, and found it. Being the deviant perv that I am I then had a go at writing some stories based on a mixture of RL and fantasy, with a modicum of success (none of it stank at least, even if it wasn't hugely literary). Along the way I found the forums and of course gravitated towards the BDSM crew, which it seems was a good decision (like there was even a choice).

I don't comment on threads much, in fact I haven't even earned the right to stick an avatar up after 4 years, but occasionally I find a thread that resonates and hit the reply button. That's not to say I don't appreciate the more regular posters, I really do because it confirms there is a human face to BDSM that is often missed in the more commercial aspects of what we do.

And to pick up the sub-thread going on, I am locked down too, but it hasn't affected me greatly as I tend to work from home 80% of the time anyway. Speaking of which, has anyone else thought about the juxtaposition of the current global situation with a certain aspect of BDSM? Maybe there's a story in there somewhere, "Locked-up in distancing causes chastity hell" :rolleyes:
Evening folks... was deciding where to post this, and I think this is where I'm going to do.
I've run across a pretty interesting and useful event that is going to take place via Zoom meeting on Monday evenings Central time. If you are finding a hard time finding your zen, or could use some help with that right now (and let's be real, who couldn't given things)... it's a Meditation class that is kinkster friendly.
It will NOT be recorded and it is not a place that will be used for chasing skirt.

A bit about the practitioner/teacher:
"Roger is a modern-day mystic with 30 years of training under traditional teachers and methods of self-develop-ment from East to West. He is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Art Center College of Design, professionally a designer, technologist, businessman, blacksmith, and furniture maker.
In his off time: urban shaman, freemason, teacher, warrior-monk, and sometimes martial arts teacher and/or stu-dent. His charismatic storytelling and humorous insights about the nature of the mind make it a pleasure to sit in class and, even better, master the art and discipline of effectively building your own home meditation practice."

About the class:
Learn the basics—Every Monday night, over the next 3 weeks. 7-9pm CST. Connect via video conference. Each class we’ll review and discuss, then learn new technique. And do group practice.
▪ Goals—Develop skills with which to use the techniques for a few minutes each day at home.
▪ Benefits—The method is very effective when practiced regularly. It will enhance any other mindfulness, relaxation, or spiritual activities you already do. You will feel centered and greatly boost your sense of vitality and immunity. You’ll be able to share the breathing exer-cise we’ll learn with friends and family to give them an edge against disease.
▪ Cost—I have three answers to this one. A) Free if you need it: no one will be judged or turned away for monetary reasons; so, please attend for free and help spread the word if that is what you can do. B) If you can afford it, please contribute $10 or $20 for the 2 hour class—or whatever amount seems right.

If you would like the specifics and the method to RSVP please drop me a message and I will send it your way. Feel free to share wherever you feel appropriate.

~Angie :rose:
Just to get the conversation started - how did you discover Lit?

I dont remember how i found Lit, but i joined for the forums, not the stories. I was lonely.

So who's home? Who's still out in the world?

I'm home during the day until the schools reopen, out at night for now.

So you guys, what's for dinner???

My oldest-at-home has been cooking since I'm gone 4-8. I don't know what dinner is but i can smell brownies for dessert.
What's going on? There's an eerie quiet where I work. So different than the chaos I see on tv. It's strange to wonder if we're next?

What are you guys doing today? Thus weekend?
What's going on? There's an eerie quiet where I work. So different than the chaos I see on tv. It's strange to wonder if we're next?

What are you guys doing today? Thus weekend?

Things have been eerily quiet around here too. I think most folks really are trying to stay home, despite us not having tons of cases in the county.

The plus side of "work-from-home" is that I've gotten plenty of time on here!
What's going on? There's an eerie quiet where I work. So different than the chaos I see on tv. It's strange to wonder if we're next?

What are you guys doing today? Thus weekend?

Things have been eerily quiet around here too. I think most folks really are trying to stay home, despite us not having tons of cases in the county.

The plus side of "work-from-home" is that I've gotten plenty of time on here!

I've also had lots of Lit time, which is good. I wrote a story related to the current state of affairs. Link is in my sig line and since I learned that people have them on ignore:

Social Distancing

Have a read, send me a comment and please vote. (End of shameless self-promotion).

Where I live the rate is so low that our local Medical Officer of Health is recommending no travel outside the three counties he covers. I bought a new desk chair, which I will be putting together tomorrow.
What's going on? There's an eerie quiet where I work. So different than the chaos I see on tv. It's strange to wonder if we're next?

What are you guys doing today? Thus weekend?

The thing that has really struck locally me is the lack of pedestrian traffic.

Today I'm trying to track down a used washer for sale. Unrelated to the quarantine, but will be especially helpful if we actually run out of t.p. and start using 'family cloth' full time.
No cases in my county, yet. Of course, no one has been tested. Everybody staying home and watching Fox "news". God help us. Speaking of which, we're having a statewide day of prayer. Goody.

The question that burns in my mind: Could Macgyver make a ventilator out of assorted stuff in my barn?
What's going on? There's an eerie quiet where I work. So different than the chaos I see on tv. It's strange to wonder if we're next?

What are you guys doing today? Thus weekend?

We are still schooling, but taking it slow. We school all year round, anyway. The big difference is not hearing the neighbors going to work and hearing car radios as they blast past during my school hours. These are pluses in my book!!!

Another plus is being in BFE with all this desert around. I can always get out for a nice walk when the wind isn't blowing.
What's going on? There's an eerie quiet where I work. So different than the chaos I see on tv. It's strange to wonder if we're next?

What are you guys doing today? Thus weekend?

Weekend is here for me.

I will be trying to pack up my old malfunctioning treadmill and to get the new hopefully-more-reliable one up the stairs and set up. This would be a good time to be able to have strong friends over, but it'll probably just be me and my partner.

A friend has organised a Shakespeare-reading party via Zoom for tomorrow night. We'll be doing Twelfth Night.

Other than that, nothing exciting planned.
Weekend is here for me.

I will be trying to pack up my old malfunctioning treadmill and to get the new hopefully-more-reliable one up the stairs and set up. This would be a good time to be able to have strong friends over, but it'll probably just be me and my partner.

A friend has organised a Shakespeare-reading party via Zoom for tomorrow night. We'll be doing Twelfth Night.

Other than that, nothing exciting planned.

Those things are heavy! Don't hurt yourselves.
What's going on? There's an eerie quiet where I work. So different than the chaos I see on tv. It's strange to wonder if we're next?

What are you guys doing today? Thus weekend?

The weekend has landed. Not that it's different from any other day of the week now or that it ever was for shift workers like yours truly. The local council in their infinite wisdom have decided that the local election will go ahead. Voting is mandatory. Good to see they've got their priorities in order. On the same token if they had have declared that they'll not have an election and will keep their posts until this thing has passed I'd be bitching about that as well.
Unexpected long weekend as I was told to stay home. Computer issues makes for no work. No work, no pay since I have zero benefits as a part-timer.
Don't know how much longer the job will last before I enter the unemployed rank and file. I just have to take it day by day.

Don't get me wrong. I'm grateful to have the job when so many others have been laid off but the uncertainty just triggers all kinds of issues for me. I Keep telling myself that "this too shall pass" and I can get back to normal pervy tasks and thoughts again.

Stay well pervs!
Sixty Minutes is airing a segment on Brene Brown

She is a research professor at the U of Houston and delves in to issues like shame, courage, vulnerability.

The segment is mostly about her but it's wrapped up in the context of what's happening now with social distancing. How people deal with uncertainty, anxiety, isolation.

I was going to bump a thread in Talk elle started back in 2016 about vulnerability - but thought I'd link it here.

It's a really interesting conversation about feeling anxious, opening up, thinking that opening up can be dangerous.

Here's the thread:

The thread is a good read. Lots of great Litsters who aren't here anymore. Lots of unique perspectives.

I've seen how opening up can be dangerous: friends outed because of online activity, hearts broken because of lies.

But I feel a need to share. Be open. Sometimes Lit is the only place I can talk about certain issues.

How open is too open? Do any of you feel like you want to be here more because of what's going on or not really?

** Here is the Ted Talk about vulnerability.
I feel more of a need to check in somewhere on a regular basis, but not more of a need to open up.